The Wait For It Podcast

Intro To Anime XIII (ft. Caleb Van Nice)

@MrEricAlmighty joins forces with Caleb Van Nice to discuss where our individual journeys into watching anime started, how that has evolved over the years, and we give you several of our favorite anime series that you should be adding to your watch-list (and some you may want to avoid)!

Level Playing Field are a group of good friends that discuss the world of video games! Some members are also working on a new project called Your Friendly Neighborhood Gamers. Consider checking out both of these podcasts, the episode we both did a guest spot for over at SuperBracketBros (Spike Spiegel v El Mariachi) and Caleb's Letterboxd!

🔻Depending on your streaming app, links may be distorted in text. If so, you can find this episode on our main site at > <🔺

🔺If you are close to the Kingsland area in Georgia, join us at Beta Quest 2022, which is a convention put together to help raise money for the Junior Beta Club to go to national competition this summer. 🔺

Amelia by Amine Maxwell > <
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: > <
Music promoted by Audio Library > <🔺

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