The Wait For It Podcast

Late To The Party - Indiana Jones

June 26, 2023
Late To The Party - Indiana Jones
The Wait For It Podcast
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The Wait For It Podcast
Late To The Party - Indiana Jones
Jun 26, 2023

Late To The Party was inspired by our desire to catch up on some of the biggest films and other media in Pop Culture that we've missed over the years. For this episode, get ready to be transported back to the thrilling world of Indiana Jones as we explore the differences between the first three films, the brilliant casting of Harrison Ford, and the unforgettable chemistry between Indiana and his supporting cast. If you're a fan of this iconic character or just curious about the franchise, grab your fedora and whip, and listen to us dive into the timeless legacy of Indiana Jones!

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Late To The Party was inspired by our desire to catch up on some of the biggest films and other media in Pop Culture that we've missed over the years. For this episode, get ready to be transported back to the thrilling world of Indiana Jones as we explore the differences between the first three films, the brilliant casting of Harrison Ford, and the unforgettable chemistry between Indiana and his supporting cast. If you're a fan of this iconic character or just curious about the franchise, grab your fedora and whip, and listen to us dive into the timeless legacy of Indiana Jones!

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"Extenz - Gravity" is under a Creative Commons license
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Speaker 1:

Welcome to your go-to source for entertainment.

Speaker 2:

Wait for it Gaming. Wait for it Anime Plus Ultra. Mr Eric Almighty and Phil the Filipino. Yeah, they've got you covered And all you gotta do is Wait for it. Hey, everybody, welcome to the Wait for it podcast and welcome to the June edition of Late to the Party. I am your co-host, phil Smith, aka Phil the Filipino, and joining me for these episodes, as always, is your other co-host, mr Eric Almighty And Eric.

Speaker 2:

For this edition of Late to the Party, we are taking on what may be our greatest adventure yet, because we sat down and not only watched one, not two, but three films in a franchise, because we felt if we were really truly going to do a deep dive into one of film's most iconic characters, right paired with an iconic producer and director duo, we couldn't just watch one movie, we had to watch all three.

Speaker 2:

Out of respect for these three men And man, i'm excited about this episode, eric. You know we, because of what happened with The Shining, we have a predisposed hesitation to not watch some older films And I was a little nervous because I know this is on a different level than The Shining. Like there's no Shining ride at Universal Studios, thank God, thank God, what would that even look like I don't know The unisex bathroom, something like that. I don't know Something terrible. I could take a nap, oh my God. So I came in like when we said, okay, let's do Indiana Jones, i was like, all right, this opens us up to the opportunity of us being hated by even you know, the corners of the internet that have no idea what this podcast is about, because you're going to post a clip about this And if, lo and behold, if it's a bad clip, someone is going to be like these idiots hate Indiana Jones. So here we are. But, eric, i mean, i'm excited to talk about this because there's a lot to discuss again across three films.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i'm definitely excited about this. It is a historic franchise. It's always eluded me. I, for some reason, was brought by my family to see the fourth one way back in 2008 in theaters. So, yeah, and I didn't. it wasn't enough for me to be like, yeah, let me revisit the first three that I missed. So obviously some time has passed. We got to go into it and feel I'm also excited to see where we landed. We talked a little bit about it beforehand, like last night, talking about just the straight violence in these movies. We will, we will dive into the specifics, but we're going to talk freely about the Indiana Jones movies. So if you are going to still watch them decades later spoiler alert we're going to talk freely about all three, but I'm excited to jump into the details.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we have plenty to discuss here this episode And for those of you that might be a little worried about what we have to say, i think it'd be pleasantly surprised. I will just say that. But want to welcome in any brand new listeners. Maybe you met us this past weekend at Bulld Matz Sury here in Jacksonville, florida. If you're looking for anime content, please don't leave. There is anime content here on the podcast.

Speaker 2:

If you don't feel like listening up to an episode about Indiana Jones, that is perfectly fine. Make sure you browse the rest of our library and I'll let you know at the very end. Well, you know, i'll just tell you now. in the link tree link you can find the rest of our episode, the rest of our content. If you feel like listening to something else, that's totally fine. But I promise you will have a good time if you choose to stick around and want to welcome in any returning listeners to the podcast. Thank you guys so much. And Eric, i'm sure, even though I'm speaking in the past, i'm sure Bulld Matz Sury was yet again another huge success and we can't wait for next year. So, with that being said, eric, let everybody know what late to the party is all about. And then let's get into this because, man, again we have a lot to break down and a lot to discuss. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

So, with late to the party, obviously we have consumed a lot of content, but there's so much that we missed out on Or just never ended up on our radar, and that's what inspired this series late to the party. So for this episode, as you've heard at nauseam, we're going to talk about the first three Indiana Jones films And, who knows, maybe it jumps into a little bit of a small conversation at the end about the fourth one and the new one coming out in theaters here by the time this episode releases. So, phil, let's jump into it. Raiders of the Lost Ark. I feel like that's where we're starting, right. So obvious point. I'm going to let you take it away, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Starting off with this one and you know it's iconic opening scene I had no idea that the whole scene with like the boulder and the traps and everything, was like the very first scene of Indiana Jones. I figured like that happened later on in the film, but nope, they throw your right into it. There's Alfred Molina, there's some other people And then there's a lot of dead bodies, just like. Like you said, eric, you know was not expecting the amount of violence throughout all three of these movies. The first one especially is, i think, really obviously sets the tone for the remainder. I'm interested to know if the fourth film is also this violent. I don't know, i'll have to defer to you for that one. But yeah, directed by Steven Spielberg, as we alluded to, as far as you know, the iconic producer George Lucas probably heard of him and starring Harrison Ford.

Speaker 2:

Now, this one, as far as you know, indy's female sidekick in this one is Karen Allen, who is Marion, and you know, obviously we have a host of other characters in this film as well. But yeah, eric, you know it's going to be interesting talking about this one And I feel like maybe we're going to fall somewhere, similarly when it comes to Raiders, because there is this style of filmmaking from like the early 80s and prior to that Where the acting is like strange, like people don't talk like that. You know what I mean And I understand again, like a lot of people, raiders is like probably a lot of people's favorite because it's the first, but it's like, oh yes, there is a and people don't talk like this in real life. I'm like I had trouble getting into it. Now, the stunt work is incredible.

Speaker 2:

I mean Harrison Ford in this one will talk more about in Temple, about his lack of or his inability to do his own stunts, but in this one, you know, he's doing all his own stunts. The stunt work is great. All of like the bugs and the animals and stuff are real, which is crazy to think about in 2023. So I understand why this film is such a is on like the totem pole of action movies, but it is, out of all three. This was the most difficult to get through because of the stylistic choices from that time period, not necessarily because of the movie itself.

Speaker 1:

I can see where you're coming from And, as two idiots who have never seen Indiana Jones for some reason, you know, take it with a grain of salt. I love the style of the movie because it obviously gave us, it was obviously going to be an impact to movies like the mummy, which we're big fans of. You know, those those very actiony, like cool, badass characters that are also like the womanizer, like Harrison Ford kills it in that role. Outside of that, though, it is a little bit jarring and it's drawing for several reasons. The dialogue is one, and then the violence. This movie is not PG. I somebody can explain that's more qualified to why back in those times that was considered PG. It was. It was rough.

Speaker 2:

I'll explain it. I'll explain it when we get to temple.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, good because because I kept looking at my son, like you, good, you're gonna that man's face just melted off of it. It's cool, are you all right? And he's like, yeah, i'm good, i got it. It's not real, you know, but this movie is. Is is interesting. Phil, i don't want to skip ahead too too much, but I do want to say this Raiders felt kind of like an experiment a little bit, and then temple feels like what they really wanted to do, and then the last crusade was like for the masses, like that was clearly, which is funny enough. That one's actually my favorite. Skipping ahead to that, we'll talk about it. It's, it's cool.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i don't want to get there, i want to get ahead.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but Raiders is. Raiders is interesting. It plays with a lot of themes that don't exactly land, so there's a lot of things going on in this movie And I feel like there's a little bit too much at times. So did you feel that same way? in addition to the dialogue being a little off, was like there's a lot going on.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, definitely.

Speaker 2:

You know, it kind of like and temple does this too. It just kind of throws you right into the story Again. There's just, like you said, a lot, a lot going on, not that it's like difficult to follow, it's just the structure. It's as if, like story structure was just kind of thrown to the wayside, which is weird considering Steven Spielberg and George Lucas are involved in this And also to kind of you know, when you talk about Eric, this being an experiment, steven Spielberg wanted to direct a James Bond movie and they actually came up with this original character, indiana Jones, for him to do instead. So, yeah, definitely, experimental is a really good word for this.

Speaker 2:

It's got some really funny parts to you know the iconic part where, like, indy is about to square up with the guy with the sword and he just shoots him, like that's a pretty iconic scene. That was really, really funny. I also was confused because I thought short round was in this one and he is not. He shows up in temple. So I'm just waiting for the little Asian kid to show up and he never does. So that was also on me. So that's never reappears.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the never as a lot of these characters never reappear ever again.

Speaker 2:

So that's a interesting choice. But yeah, overall, again I don't think between the three. Between the three, i probably won't go back and rewatch Raiders, whereas I can certainly see myself going back and watching temple of doom and the last crusade because I very much enjoyed those more than this. Which is strange because I was looking through like ranking lists for the Indiana Jones movies and this is number one on pretty much all of them. I think maybe I saw one that ranked the last crusade is number one, but this is number one on every Indiana Jones fans list And, sorry, eric, the one with the fourth one is always ranked last.

Speaker 1:

It always is, and I just don't remember It wasn't good enough to get me into the franchise, but it wasn't bad enough for me to like. Be like I'm never going to watch this franchise again. So again, i definitely need to see it one more time. I wanted to see it before we recorded this, didn't get a chance to, but I am going to watch it. So I'll let you know in the post production world of the podcast.

Speaker 1:

You know what I thought of it on a second watch, because I vaguely remember details. I know a pretty big plot detail that I know people were upset about. But these movies go kind of off the walls with the plot. Like they're just like hey, here's this mysterious item and here's some backstory and we're off. So I mean, these movies are built a certain type of way And you know you mentioned James Bond. That was also what I wanted to mention in addition to the like the mummy as a personal example, because we're huge fans of Brendan Fraser and the mummy series. But James Bond is the better comparison. Like this is definitely James Bond-esque and the jungle bond jungle bond, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So I mean I enjoyed it. I didn't love it And it was a little bit of a rocky start because of just how much they were juggling. But you know, they definitely also, i think, improved in the other two films, although I'm curious where people like sit with Temple of Doom. I could see that being a backwards step for some people.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i will say Karen Allen. Marion is probably my favorite out of the three female sidekicks, and this one, when you look at between her, willie and then in the third one, is Elsa. Yeah, i will say she's the most capable. You know she's the one that's portrayed as the you know, the most badass of the three, for sure. And then it just, you know, in Temple they go a complete 180 with the female character. So you know it's interesting choice there.

Speaker 1:

They're very I'm pretty sure. I'm looking up IMDB just to make sure I'm right, But I'm, yeah, I'm sure Marion shows back up in the fourth one.

Speaker 2:

Oh, ok, gotcha, Gotcha And Kate Capshaw, who is Willie in the second one. She is Steven Spielberg's wife, i believe. So getting ahead of ourselves. But, eric, anything else you want to mention? when it comes to Raiders, this is pretty straight to the point. I think we really want to talk about Temple and Last Crusade.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, i think those are the ones we're ready to kind of talk about. Again. I definitely feel like just to wrap that up, it's very experimental, it's very like kind of out there, and I feel like the tone of the movie starts to form as the next ones continue. So again, this is a good one. I understand why it can mean a lot to a lot to many people, but you know, looking back on it, it was just OK.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it is a 8.4 IMDB rating as far as what people think about it And, like you said, eric, as a precursor to talking about Temple, yeah, it was considered a little bit of a step backwards by the fan base. Still made a lot of money in terms of, you know, box office gross, but people weren't super, super thrilled about Temple of Doom. So let's talk about that one And I'll be honest, you know, i was a little surprised to hear that people didn't respond to it very well. This isn't the one where my ears started to perk up. I was like, oh OK, you can kind of see, like you know, indiana as a character. He gets fleshed out a little bit more Obviously, everything Ki-Hee Kwan does Eric and this is spectacular.

Speaker 2:

He's so good in this. I saw a clip from Harrison Ford and the red carpet for the new Indiana Jones and Ki-Kwan is seeking up on him And someone commented like Harrison Ford doesn't care about anything in his life other than Indiana Jones and this man. You can see the you know the roots of this friendship and this bond in this movie. It's so good. Short round is like really the only thing he cares about other than his hat throughout the whole of the movies, i swear to God, but really, really good. I will say again as a stylistic choice, when it comes to Willie, as again Kate Kapshaw, just constantly screaming From the beginning of the movie until the very end. But I will say again, as I mentioned, you know, very beginning your ears perk up. I love that opening scene in the restaurant, wherever it is, in the club. That was fantastic.

Speaker 2:

This one is really like Consistently just one action sequence to another. They there's like very brief moments where they're sitting down and Gathering their thoughts, like the dinner scene which we have to talk about, which is gross, but for the most part it's just straight-up action. And again, every time I see Andy in short-round Interacting on screen, i was just like enthralled by it. But I really enjoyed this one. Between this and the last crusade, i think I enjoyed last crusade more because it's funnier and also I mean, come on Casting Sean Connery. Oh my god. So good, but it's close man. I enjoyed the hell out of both of these. And Temple of Doom was when I was like, okay, now, now we're cooking.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i definitely see why you would feel that way. But, like I mentioned earlier, like I could see where people Felt like this was a step in the wrong direction. This movie is definitely the darkest of the three. So that's You know. It's not as I would argue, it's not as violent as the first one, but somehow darker. I mean, a man literally gets his heart pulled out and then sent to the depths of hell, very interesting. But what both of these movies do? they really go off the rails in the third act They really go off the rails, especially with the story rails in this one, actual rails in this one.

Speaker 1:

But everything you just said is spot-on. Like again, i like the characters a little bit better, even Willie. I like Willie and Indiana's Chemistry in this one, like that whole five-minute scene. I just really like that where they're just like egging each other on and then Indiana's like fighting for his life In the middle of that whole thing. So really, really good, skip ahead. Much better than Indiana walking into Elsa's room in the third one and not Being like you didn't see, this was, this room was trashed, fucking idiot. But we'll get there. I just like their chemistry a little bit better.

Speaker 1:

She was very, very screechy throughout the film but I mean, listen, shit was scary. She was getting put through some tough, tough situations. I would scream, i would scream. So I could totally relate and I do think this movie. I'm trying to think if I would say it was necessarily funnier. I guess I would say it was funnier Really. The only thing I couldn't get down with was kind of towards the end when it got off the rails like Indiana being like brainwashed. From that point on it was kind of meh. But the movie was good and I would say, if you put a gun to my head, i definitely enjoyed it a sliver more than the first one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i enjoyed this one much more than the first one From my point of view. Again, i just think a lot more works. I think, like I said, as far as just the action sequences, just consistently keeping the movie going, it is The most racist of the three. This is the one that has aged the most poorly. I will say, yeah, all three of them. I don't know if you know this, eric, but You know the guy in Raiders that he fights, the one we actually is crazy. I didn't even know, like because we hadn't seen Indiana Jones, but we just went to Disney about a month ago and the scenes they do at, you know, at the Disney World show, those are the scenes from the movie. The guy that he fights, you know that eventually gets shredded by the plane, that the plane propeller, he is in temple and he is the big dude that he fights. Again, you don't really recognize him because he's basically in blackface.

Speaker 1:

It's not not great.

Speaker 2:

Now what you want to hear? a lot of things again. This is the one that has aged the worst out of all three, but it has another, like a lot more moments that I really loved. I love the like. I think him Cutting the white, like the rope to the bridge is fucking insane, it's absolutely nuts And it's it's one of those moments where I was like, oh, this is you know. Now I definitely see, like where you know where Nathan Drake has been molded. You know from this character And you know why he does the insane shit that he does so. But again, really, just, this one is just carried on the backs of and I'll include willy, between indy, willy and short round Love author, and we also see a little bit of character development here with him as far as like giving the Village, like the you know the rock at the end or whatever it was. So get to see him fleshed out a little bit more.

Speaker 2:

This one is a prequel, i believe, if I, if I recall correctly also. Oh, this is what I wanted to mention. So you know, we were wondering how was this? you know Raiders, specifically a PG movie. Well, because of this, because the temple of doom And gremlins that came out around the same time. This is where the PG 13 Rating was born, because of these films. So that's what happened.

Speaker 1:

I was gonna say so. Pg 13 didn't exist prior to this point.

Speaker 2:

Right, that's good to know?

Speaker 1:

Did it? did it go from PG to R? What was the? I guess, so it must have yeah that must have been it Feel like we could do the research, but I'm, i'm not gonna, i'm just gonna live with that information now. I know the tagline for this episode, so that's, uh, the birth of PG 13, because this movie again really pushed it, really pushed it. This is not for children. No not let your child. Do not watch this with your child unless you're really comfortable with it.

Speaker 2:

No, definitely not. Um, another cool thing I saw and a lot of these facts I got from watching the daily planet video. They actually just did all three of the Indiana Jones movies, so I got some good information from them. So shout out to them. But yeah, also I saw that, uh, what's her name? Uh, kate Capshaw. Willie had to to get through the scene with all the bugs. She actually had to be like sedated, so she didn't really know 100% what was going on. I wouldn't have been able to do it whatsoever, so kudos to her. Yeah, really a lot of, um, really interesting stuff here and again another movie I get. Let's just like It's nuts between what I've been through a lot between watching extraction two and then watching all three of these movies and like, oh, two weeks span. There's a lot going on, man and I'm and, and then I want to go see the flash soon. I don't know if I can. I can handle it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, or just watch elemental instead, but anyway yeah, that might be good even out, like even.

Speaker 1:

It would definitely take it down a notch. But you know, phil, this is exactly why we do this series like this is exactly why we started late to the party was to just kind of get Just exposure to some of these things. And I'm so glad that we watched these, because by the time I get to the last one, i was kind of excited To see the last one. The first one, i was hesitant, the second one, i was still intrigued. But by the time we get to the third one and my favorite one out of the three, i really enjoyed indiana jones and the last crusade. I was excited to watch it. You mentioned shon connery. Did you have that same kind of feeling going into it And what were your thoughts walking out of this? because again, i feel like this was the mass appeal, indiana jones, like if you were gonna, if you're only gonna, pick one of these three movies to show A random moviegoer, standard moviegoer I would say it's this one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i think this is the one. It's the funniest. Easily and honestly, like I never knew That I needed a movie with harrison ford and shon connery in it until I had seen this and it and it's had been available for 30, 40, 30 something years. You know like His casting is so good and also goes back again. You know, as far as, like stevens billburton wanting to do a james bond film, he gets james bond. You know I didn't really seen any of the shon connery bond films, but I just really like the idea of indiana jones father Not being impressed with anything that he does, like he's doing all this crazy shit and henry's just like, well, come on, let's go. Like, let's go, hurry the fuck up, we got some hurting somewhere to be. So, yeah, this is definitely the one that I would show people because it doesn't really Require a whole lot of predisposed knowledge of indiana jones. Um, it's just a lot of fun.

Speaker 2:

The action sequences are great. Oh, to talk. To bring it back a little bit to temple, harrison ford or he was back to doing his stunts again in the last crusade as far as temple, he actually had a herniated disc in his back So he had to have surgery. So a lot of the scenes where you like don't see his face Or only partially see his face, that's his stunt double. But in this one he does a lot again, a lot, most of his own stunts, which are again pretty insane. So yeah, this is definitely the one that I think people would Enjoy and if I had to rank them, this is probably my favorite. But man, i'm just saying I think I enjoy temple a lot more than a lot of people do, but this one I think is would definitely be number one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i think I'd put this at number one and I would. I would put temple of doom and Raiders of the lost ark like almost 2a, 2b. I definitely would give the slight edge to temple of doom, but you know, i can understand if the first one's like the classic for you. I don't think these movies in general aged very well, but to your point fill again. I think This definitely restored our confidence in movies not aging well, like if they're still Iconic and they're still they still have some type of substance to it, they can still be watchable. So I definitely think that's a huge part of this and I don't know, i'm just I'm really glad we got to see them. The real question is Are you ever going to see the fourth one? I think we kind of briefly talked about it. It sounds like that's a no, which then leads to the final question Would you see dial of?

Speaker 2:

destiny. I mean, if I'm not going to watch the fourth one, i don't feel like I'm going to watch the fifth one, which is also not getting very good reviews. And Shia LaBeouf is his son, right, he is the son of him and Marian. Is that what happens?

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm going to say. Yes, that sounds right, am I 100? sure, no, but that that would. That would track, that would make sense.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was, somebody pointed out. Or also in that video I watched, they pointed out that, like in Temple of Doom, like Harrison Ford Let's key equine or let's short round like wears hat, he doesn't even let Shia LaBeouf wears hat. So he's like he loves short round even more than his own kids. Also, didn't expect the Hitler cameo in last year's series.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he just gave him his autograph. yeah, that was He had like terrible handwriting too.

Speaker 2:

Again, this is a hilarious movie. It is really really funny.

Speaker 1:

It's really funny. And Nazis I mean, you can never go wrong with Nazis.

Speaker 2:

You just keep bringing them back. Man, They're obviously the ultimate bad guys. So, Yeah, but I think the whole The four of them were really It was a really good combination between Donovan, Sala, Henry and Indiana. Like I think those four were a great combo. I probably like them. It's tough because I love short round. I thought probably like them a little bit more than the trio of Indy, Willie and Short Round, But again, really really great comedic timing. But yeah, I don't think I'm going to watch that fourth one. Can we also talk about the guy guarding the Holy Grail? really quick, Can we back up a little bit? He was just he'd just been waiting hundreds of years for someone to show up and they just completely fuck up his shit within five minutes. He's just like bye.

Speaker 1:

Bye, Oh God. Also, maybe I missed it because I didn't take it that seriously, but, like I guess because they left the Holy Grail. Like effects don't work anymore, Is that why Harrison Ford aged after all these years?

Speaker 2:

I think, because she wasn't supposed to bring the Grail outside of the temple or whatever, and she did that, and then I think it negated all the effects, something to that, something of that nature.

Speaker 1:

These movies don't explain very much for how much exposition.

Speaker 2:

there is, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I just wanted to make that clear. It was also something I noticed was there's a lot of exposition about what they're going to do and then when they get in it, it's like, oh OK, well, we're not going to really explain very much about how these work, why this happens. That's something I definitely noticed. That is probably a director thing, slash time of film thing, but we're also seeing it in present day, so who knows what it is?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, nor do we really need it too much. I mean, at the end of the day, like I think these films are iconic for other reasons, you know, for reasons where, going back to the experimental thing that you're talking about, you know, between 19, Indiana Jones kind of ruled the 80s, it seems, 81, 84, 89. And then you know the prolonged absence until, like what, 2008, something like that.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, I think between this and Star Wars, Harrison Ford was Eden.

Speaker 2:

Right. And then you can make the argument that you know when the 93 Jurassic Park came out, so there are a lot of like in this era. you know just so many iconic films and you know Steven Spielberg and George Lucas being right in the middle of you know that's why they are regarded as who they are today and what they've done. So again, like, i'm very glad that we watched these. I won't say that I'll never watch the fourth film, but Harrison young Harrison Ford band had a swagger about him. Now, listen, i love Harrison Ford in shrinking, but he's not Indiana Jones. I'll just say that That would be odd. It would be interesting. I would still watch it.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, i think that I just don't want to see like an older Indiana Jones. to be completely honest with you, i want to. I want to like keep him in this bubble. But I mean, who knows, maybe I'll watch it just for the simple fact of just seeing what people were so upset about. And I would like to see an Indiana Jones film in theaters, but not the fifth one. Like, if they re-release Temple or Last Crusade in theaters, i'd absolutely go watch it. But I don't know. I just think like seeing that character like remember seeing Han Solo in in 2013,. whatever it was, it's like it's not the same.

Speaker 1:

No, it's not. I've already experienced it once.

Speaker 1:

So I think that's more than enough for me, but not really because I'm going to probably see it in theaters on like a random Sunday, because I will say my son for how disinterested he seemed he doesn't typically want to sit down and watch a movie. But when we tell him we're going to watch the next Indiana Jones he's like, all right, let's watch it. So we're going to probably see it in theaters. So we'll probably probably see the fourth one again and kind of get freshened up on that and then just jump right into another Nazi story with the diala destiny.

Speaker 1:

So, phil, i do want to ask you this kind of as we wind down the score for Indiana Jones always intrigued me And I really enjoyed the score here. Where does it kind of rank for your all time movies? Because I'll be honest, just the Indiana Jones theme is already quite up there just off of hearing it. but getting to like hear it in the movie and getting to experience it like it's definitely climbed up, climbed up a lot for me. How do you feel about the score and where it ranks for you?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i mean, well, we're talking about John Williams, right, so we knew that it was going to hit, So I would put the score right up there with, you know, the Jurassic Park's Jaws, star Wars, i think it's right up there And it kind of like makes me pine for like this kind of like golden age quote unquote of Hollywood and the golden age specifically, of Hollywood scores when you talk about John Williams, and yeah, i think it's definitely right up there with all of those is where I'd rank them. Yeah, fantastic.

Speaker 1:

And again a lot, a lot of really good stuff coming from these films. I think we can both walk away pretty happy, restored our confidence in watching older films for this series, and who knows what the future will hold. I don't think we've decided on our July late to the party. We've got a lot to figure out between now, bold, and the end of June. So, with that being said, fellas or anything else you want to jump into, otherwise, i think we have reached the end of this journey, which was a fun one.

Speaker 2:

No, just want to say that I'm just pleasantly surprised, as I mentioned, a little nervous going into this and just because of how much people love Indiana Jones And it just gives me a bigger appreciation for the characters that we love now, you know the Rick O'Connell's, the Nathan Drake's, the, you know people's like that And it kind of just shows you like, especially you know, with the last crusade, where you see, like Indies, his very short origin story. It just works, you know, and it makes me miss for when they would just like get straight to it, like they pointed this out again on the on the daily planet. Like if last crusade was released today, his origin story would have been a whole movie of him getting his hat, then he gets his whip, then he does this And then he, and like it would have just been a huge waste of time. It made me glad that they just got right to it. We didn't waste a lot of time getting to.

Speaker 2:

You know who he is, why he is the way he is And, yeah, it was just again. I really, really enjoyed it And I'm glad that we took this trip and, you know, gives me hope for watching some more of these older films that you know what we can. There's less shinings in the in our future and more Indiana Jones experiences in our future, as opposed to the shinings.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, and if you guys want to see something, let us know on social media. As Phil mentioned earlier, everything that you need, that you need to find the podcast is located in the show notes, and let us know what you think we might need to check out. Next, phil, are there any ideas about and this? this is up to you If you want it to be Patreon exclusive or not, which will plug here in a minute. Is there anything you want to possibly look at for late to the party, for next month? anything on the horizon?

Speaker 2:

I mean, we still got to watch Godfather. That is one that is. like the whole precipice of this series existing is that we've never seen the Godfather and we probably have to watch all three, just like we did with this, and I've heard the third one is really bad.

Speaker 2:

So OK, I know the first two are, like, regarded as two of the best movies ever made And the third one is not good. So that's still looming out there, trying to think of like some other, like classic franchises. I mean, there's some James Bond films that we haven't seen, you know, if we wanted to go like that route. But yeah, there's plenty, plenty to choose from. So, like Eric said, if you know, if you guys have a suggestion, definitely let us know, because we are, yeah, we're open to it. After this, again, indiana Jones has reopened my mind to some of these older films. I'm like, ok, you know what? let's give these a shot again after being hurt prior.

Speaker 1:

All right. Well, with that, all being said, guys, i think we're ready to wrap up here. Just keep in mind you heard me mention You may have heard me mention Patreon before, and on this episode, i want to tell you, guys, of course, about all the amazing tiers that we have for supporters like Briar, that's on Patreon already supporting the podcast. You can get unedited video episodes like this one. Here on our Patreon, you can also get early access to episodes and eventually merch as well, so please check us out there. You can also support us directly through our bus route page as well. With all of that being said, if you've come from Bulb-Matsuri, thank you so much for checking out the podcast. It means a lot. We hope the weekend went well and with everything out of the way. My name is Mr Eric Almighty. That is my co-host, phil the Filipino, and, please don't forget, we release new episodes every Monday and Wednesday on the podcast, with bonus content on TikTok, and all you got to do is wait for it.

Speaker 2:

So I heard you're looking for a go-to source for entertainment. Wait for it Gaming. Wait for it Anime Plus, ultra. Mr Eric Almighty and Phil the Filipino Yeah, they've got you covered.

Speaker 1:

And all you got to do is wait for it.

Speaker 2:

This is the Wait For It podcast.

Raiders of The Lost Ark
Temple of Doom
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