The Wait For It Podcast

The Game Room Where It Happens - Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order/Survivor

July 03, 2023
The Game Room Where It Happens - Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order/Survivor
The Wait For It Podcast
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The Wait For It Podcast
The Game Room Where It Happens - Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order/Survivor
Jul 03, 2023

Welcome back to our series, The Game Room Where It Happens! Since we've been gaming practically our entire lives, we occasionally discuss different gaming franchises on the podcast. This month, @PhilTheFilipino & @MrEricAlmighty talk about our experience with Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and Survivor. 

Want to hear more about how we got into gaming? Listen to the interview we did with Your Friendly Neighborhood Gamers! Also, check out their short video review or full audio review on Jedi Survivor as well.

🔻You can find all important links for the podcast over at (which includes our brand new Patreon site!)🔺

Prod. Riddiman: optimistic

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Show Notes Transcript

Welcome back to our series, The Game Room Where It Happens! Since we've been gaming practically our entire lives, we occasionally discuss different gaming franchises on the podcast. This month, @PhilTheFilipino & @MrEricAlmighty talk about our experience with Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and Survivor. 

Want to hear more about how we got into gaming? Listen to the interview we did with Your Friendly Neighborhood Gamers! Also, check out their short video review or full audio review on Jedi Survivor as well.

🔻You can find all important links for the podcast over at (which includes our brand new Patreon site!)🔺

Prod. Riddiman: optimistic

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to your go-to source for entertainment. Wait for it.

Speaker 2:

Gaming. Wait for it. Anime Plus Ultra.

Speaker 1:

Mr Eric Almighty and Phil the Filipino.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they've got you covered And all you gotta do is Wait for it. Hey everybody, welcome back to the Wait for it podcast. I am your co-host, phil Smith, aka Phil the Filipino, and joining me for these episodes, as always, is your other co-host, mr Eric Almighty. And Eric, we are here with a delayed episode, admittedly. You know, sometimes as an older adult, you just get tired, man, and we have a lot to do. If you're coming from Bold Matt Surrey and you're listening to us for the first time, not only did Eric and I have Bold Matt Surrey to work through, we also had a couple of friends come into town that we hadn't seen in a very long time. So in a week leading up to Bold Matt Surrey, where normally we'd be like, hey, let's just relax, no, you gotta, no, no, you gotta entertain those friends coming into town. And Eric, you know what? Maybe we overestimated or underestimated the amount of time we'd need, but, lo and behold, that episode is here. So, of course, as always, eric, we appreciate the patience of our listener base.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i know, i mean, after just months and months and months of consistency, we ran into a couple you know little things. In June that became a problem. So I definitely am excited to talk about this, but this is probably our least prepared. We are to talk about one of these games And that's why this episode is going to be specifically focusing on Jedi Fallen Order and Jedi Survivor from the Star Wars franchise. So I'm excited to get into it. But a little transparency to start the episode, because we have not beaten the second game.

Speaker 2:

Right. So this will be just a really loose, fun conversation, as these episodes usually are, and, eric, you know, if you would be so kind to, in the show notes of this episode, we will actually give a shout out to our friends over, friendly neighborhood gamers who did a full episode on Jedi Survivor, full spoilers as well when it comes to beating the game, because they were able to do so. Suffice to say, they're a little bit better at video gaming than we are.

Speaker 1:

So I don't know how they do it. I really don't We like to reminisce a lot on this series. So I feel like we got a little bit too excited with the last couple episodes that we've done Like we did Dead Island 2. We did Hogwarts. Legacy this year, yeah, so yeah, i think we just got a little bit too excited and we're like, yeah, we could keep up with this gaming schedule.

Speaker 2:

That did not happen which I think is also a testament to Jedi Survivor, showing that there was more to do and more depth than those other two games, because when it comes to, you know, game of the year awards at the end of the year, that's something that we're going to think about, you know, as far as everything that we play, but, yeah, we are going to plug. Friendly neighborhood gamers, of course, as always, shout out to Andrew and Dylan. They did a full episode on this that goes much more in depth than we are going to do here today, but nonetheless, it's going to be a really exciting episode and a lot of fun to talk about because, you know, with Eric being the very much hardcore Star Wars fan and Eric you know with me Star Wars every time I try to leave this fandom they pull me back in with some sort of project, whether it be, a couple of years ago, the Mandalorian, now it's this. The Star Wars Outlaws game looks fantastic And I'm like all right, i'm back in here. Here I am. So we're going to talk a little bit about our history with Star Wars video games here, as I'm sure that's going to bleed into this conversation.

Speaker 2:

But before we get started, want to welcome in any brand new listeners. Perhaps you met us at Bold Mat Surrey this past couple of weekends ago in Jacksonville, florida. Man, what an awesome time we had with all of you that attended, the vendors that we got to meet both old and new that we got to meet up with, and voice actors in general. It was just a really, really special weekend. So thank you so much for checking us out and for all you returning listeners, those of you that have been here for a while, those of you again and we saw Bold Mat Surrey, thank you so much for all the support. But, eric, without further ado, if you want to give just a very brief description of what the game room where it happens is, and then let's start talking about this game because, yeah, we got two games worth of content to discuss.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so the game room where it happened the guys is one of our recurring episodes on the podcast where we hold a fun conversation about some of our favorite gaming franchises and consoles. So in many previous episodes we sometimes bring on a guest with similar interest to our own. This time it's just going to be me and Phil holding a discussion for your entertainment, very casually, about these two Star Wars games.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and we'll start with the first one came out in 2019, which was a Star Wars Jedi fall in order. Now, eric, you actually as a little bit of a change of pace here. Back in 2019 I don't know if you played in 2019 or 2020 You were the one to actually jump into this game and you know, of course, with you being the big-time Star Wars fan, you have a big history when it comes to the force unleashed and the force unleashed too. So naturally, you know, with this game was getting a lot of really positive reviews, a lot of positive feedback, and remember, this was a time where EA had not been releasing any Star Wars games, despite the fact that they had had the license for so long, and a Little studio or developer that we have a lot of fondness for called respawn entertainment go listen to our episode about Titanfall 2 They came up to the plate and they developed this game. So, eric, i want to bring it back to you because you were the first one to jump into this game back when it first came out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and with this, with this game I believe I picked it up either tail end of 2019 or beginning of 2020, so I know this game came out around the holiday time, so I'm leaning more towards beginning of 2020 and I was skeptical. I mean, i I'm a big force unleashed fan. I love that series. I wish we had a third game, but this, this game was definitely interesting. It had a lot of hype around it, but I also think that it did a lot of clever things. You mentioned respawn. I mean, phil, this game gave us wall running. We're so happy to have that in our gaming. And There were also other elements like Assassin's Creed, uncharted, a lot of different games that this game pulled from that you didn't normally see in a Star Wars game, and I think that's what made it stand out initially.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the wall running aspect of it was really, really cool And I just so you know, i didn't start playing this game until literally a couple months ago because I'd seen Jedi survivor reviews and I was like man, this looks really good. So I went through fall in order and luckily it had been one of those free games We got over the past year or so, so it was easy to pick up and jump into. I do want to get your opinion here, eric, on the main character, because this is canon. You know There's a lot here for Star Wars fans and I think that's really really great. You know, i know you and I and you specifically, have been pounding the table for non Skywalker stories and I really like Cal Cestis. I'm I definitely like him more so, at least what I've experienced in the in Jedi survivor. But what do you think about Cameron Monahan as Cal Cestis? and keep in mind You know we're gonna be meeting him in a couple months, so he might listen to this- Yeah.

Speaker 1:

So Cameron Monahan sucked He was. He was great. I think this is what's gonna, and he's had a lot of prominent roles like. He played a, a character in Gotham I don't really think it's a spoiler basically a version of the Joker, if you're ever gonna watch the Fox show Gotham, sorry, years later. He's had that role in a couple other live action roles that he has really hit it big with. So not as much as Sam Whitworth from the Force Unleashed, but I think because he's already kind of like an established actor in that realm. But this is like gonna do the same thing that it did for Sam in the Force Unleashed. Cal Cestis, i think, is an iconic Star Wars video game character, so he's gonna be within this lore and I mean the way that they're doing everything with Disney now Bring him live action, baby. I'd love to see that.

Speaker 2:

He's so cool. I was just gonna ask you that I would love to see him in a live action. Put him in Disney Plus. There's a million Star Wars shows. He can just show up in something, right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and you know we're gonna talk about the game. We're gonna talk about the game and some of its pros and its cons. I actually think it would do much better. So it's already pretty popular. I think it would even be more popular and more well received as a show. I think it has a lot to offer in that space, with the things that they kind of juggle between both games. So that's my two cents and I'll definitely dive into that a little bit later.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, cal Cestis, really really great character as far as his, his team that we'll talk about here. I think that it is a very entertaining, like rag tag group of Characters that he runs into. Obviously there is seer grease, the, the pilot I think is really great. And then later on in the game there are they also add in The character from Darth Maheron, who I really really enjoy as well. They do something in Jedi survivor that I wish they had implemented in Fallen order. That we'll talk about here in just a moment. But also, eric, you know again, what do you think about those characters? It is very you didn't play this game, but it is very reminds me kind of like a little bit of a mass effect kind of deal where they have, you know, your crew that you interact with throughout the entire time and in between missions. They don't join you on missions, which is a little bit of a spoiler for Jedi survivor, but what do you think about that crew?

Speaker 1:

Alright. So I don't know if this is like a hot take or not, but I really like the characters individually, individually. I really like the characters together, not as much, not as much. I don't know, phil, if you felt that way, and it should be noted, phil is actually beaten. Fall in order. I have not actually physically completed fall in order. I do know what happens. I am caught up in that sense. But I just remember dropping this game because I wasn't interested in A lot of the story and that included some of the, some of the characters. Here and again, each character Individually had something interesting to bring, but I think it's really carried by Cal in this story and in this game. Phil, did you feel that way at all? again, great characters individually. I just something was missing for me as far as the crew.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know and it maybe it is because When they're thrown together, you don't really get to spend a whole lot of time with them. Because I think one of the best things about the mass effect series is you get to bring two crew members with you on all missions and Each one of them has their own little quips and personality traits and everything like that. And we don't really know too much about seer. I think the one that's most fleshed out is grease I, and maybe that's just because he is the funniest character. But yeah, you don't really know too much. You know we just we know that seer used to be a Jedi, we know that Marin sisters are dead or something like that. We don't get to spend a whole lot of time with them.

Speaker 2:

And one thing that really makes you know one of the cool things with Marin is you get to team up with her And then you don't ever get to do it again, like that was a cool part about Marin, and then they just take that away. So No, i definitely see what is. I mean, do you think it probably would have benefited if maybe not Seer so much, while Greese definitely wouldn't have been able to help very much in combat. But I guess maybe Seer and Marin, they could have thrown them out there and done more with them. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Potentially, and then we're going to look back and be like, oh, they did that in Survivor and feel dumb Yeah, yeah, probably. But what I will say is that this is exactly what I was mentioning a little bit ago when I mentioned this would probably even do better as a show, because I feel like that's where those character relationships would really be fleshed out and could make them stronger. I think the strongest thing about this game is the gameplay And, again, if a game has good gameplay, that's probably all you could really ask in the stories, kind of a cherry on top. So at least it's got that going for it And that's why I think it's so popular.

Speaker 2:

I will say this, though as far as story beats, i do remember it more. Now this is a totally different game, but we just when we're talking about gameplay versus story, it is a much better story than anything we've gotten out of Dead Island Like I remember plot points from Star, from Fallen Order, whereas I don't. I couldn't tell you a thing about what happened in Dead Island, and that's probably by design as well. I mean, we're talking about the Star Wars universe. So one thing, eric, at least, i have a gripe with, and a lot of people had a gripe with Fallen Order has probably the worst in-game map of any video game that I've ever played.

Speaker 2:

The amount of times that I had to go to YouTube to figure out how to get the fuck out of a cave, i was so frustrated And I almost put it down, but again, i was having a good time with the combat, which is really, again, the main reason you're here. But did you have that many frustrations with just the backtracking? and thank God and this is jumping ahead a little bit, but thank Christ, thank Jedi, whatever you want to say that they added fast travel in Jedi Survivor, because the backtracking in Fallen Order was infuriating.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So again, one of many reasons why I dropped Fallen Order, like it's really. You know we talked about this this episode being late. I mean, survivor has improved in some areas, but if I'm dying to play a game, i lose sleep to play that game And I really lost sleep just trying to catch up to this game and force my time into it. And it's not that it's a bad game or bad series, but this whole franchise here missing something that makes it like bingeable as far as playing, you know whatever the equivalent of binges for the gaming community I just I'm not feeling it.

Speaker 1:

And in that first game I felt like that a lot. I felt like I did have to look up, like, well, where do I go? And then I felt dumb, oh, there's a wall running thing here in this dark corner that I would have never noticed. Also, you know, love Beaty One completely useless, doesn't help out at all as far as what do I do here? That maybe would have been nice. I don't know It, just it didn't. Maybe I needed it really laid out for me because I'm not a gamer, apparently. But that's how I felt going through the first one And I'm kind of feeling it in Survivor. Just get ahead a little bit on that comment.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you make a really good point because, you know, even though I had my my qualms with Ragnarok, you know we are consistently playing God of War, Ragnarok, to a point where it is a little bit of competitive, like what part are you on, What part am I? on Miles Morales? We did that with Miles Morales, Spider-Man, you know, with these major, even Hogwarts legacy even though we got frustrated with it at the end consistently playing it. And I am on a level right now on Jedi Survivor where I almost I'm borderline, ready to put it down because it's just so such a frustrating level. And I'm bad at platforming I think we've talked about this before. There's a lot more platforming in Jedi Survivor than there is in the first one. But yeah, listen, you're definitely onto something that I didn't even think about, that I think this would do really really well as a show.

Speaker 2:

But we need more Star Wars games. Honestly, we just need them that aren't Star Wars Battlefront Although, like you said, you know it's a bummer that we don't really know what's really playing that game anymore, because they did really really fix it up. But we're not going to go play Star Wars Battlefront. We're just, we're just not going to do it. It's not realistic, But we do need more games in this space And hopefully the Star Wars Outlaws game will be really, really solid. I believe that's the name of it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Yeah, you know, Eric. Is there anything else you want to mention about Fallen Order? I guess the one thing that we have to talk about before we get to Jedi Survivor is what was your reaction to the big reveal at the end? Again, full spoilers. This game's been out for four years. What is the big? you know your reaction to the big reveal of Darth Vader being at the end of the game.

Speaker 1:

Honestly, I'm glad I didn't keep playing it just to get to that, because this franchise has a very and I'm talking about Star Wars in general has a very bad habit of leaning on Darth Vader when they don't have something else tangible to really lean on. And I think that in itself the fact that he was in the game was cool. But we've seen Darth Vader a lot Like this. This game had a lot of opportunities leading up to that moment to be a little bit more interesting story wise. So when I saw it I was like, oh, that's cool, Cal gets to fight Vader. Yeah, that's kind of cool.

Speaker 1:

I guess Seer there one of the inquisitors that nobody cares about. That they could have made much more menacing or cool, I don't know. It felt flat for me. I also didn't get to that point in the game where, like it shocked me in that way I got to see it just through a video. Like I heard Vader showed up, So maybe that impacted my reception to it. But I mean, that's how I felt. I was like, oh, I guess I'll go check this out. Yeah, Vader's in another Star Wars game. Of course he is.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i think maybe in the moment like if you had gone back and played in 2020, maybe you would have reacted a little bit differently. Remember, we have now three years between that time for you to take in Star Wars stories, and some of them have been good. Some of them have been bad, according to you. So I wonder if that's playing into it as well. I already knew he was in the game because, again, it's been out for four years and I just played it two months ago. So you know it was cool. But I do like the fact that he is at least a menacing force, as opposed to in Force Unleashed, where Starkiller is just murdering him. It's like absolutely destroying him at some points. So I do like they at least kept in universe, where he's like this final boss that really cannot be beaten. We know he's not going to be beaten by the characters that are that we're playing, as in the game. But yeah, you know, bringing that back, order 66. Cool, you know, let's bring that up again. But overall, i really enjoyed the game plan. Now I ran through it on easy mode just to get through the story So I could play Jedi survivor, which I think we can now transition to Eric And you know, i know you initially because, like you said, you had put down fallen order.

Speaker 2:

Are you glad that you have picked up Jedi survivor? You know, honestly, we, i'm sure, at least I plan on playing through it Once we're done with this episode. I do hear that they probably have set it up for a third game. So I think it is a series that I do want to invest time into. But how are you feeling now? You know you've gotten a couple hours into Jedi survivor. What do you think about the improvements? Do you think some things are better, worse, or about the same?

Speaker 1:

So it's an interesting question, right? So where I'm at in the game and I think I'm not too far off from where you are. Last time we kind of briefly talked about it. I want to finish it because we're going to go to Ocalacomicon and you never know, when we go to these conventions we could be pulled up into an interview situation on the drop of a dive. So I do want to make sure I've played Jedi survivor in case we get to interview Cameron, who, of course, is listening to the podcast, and we'll have him on the podcast.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely The major, totally guaranteed. So for that reason alone I will play it, but I'm going to take my time with it Again. We extended this episode to try to give us more time to dive into it. There's a lot more left to be explored And I don't know. I'm just not in a rush. If another game makes its way to my door before I finished survivor, there is a chance I don't finish it, and I think that's what happened with Fallen Order. I just went through it. I was having a good time, but not a great time. Survivor does have its problems. It is fun. Again, gameplay using the Force lightsaber real cool. But this game, even on the PS5, has some frame rate issues, has several technical things going on that are distracting.

Speaker 2:

My save crashes probably every third or fourth time. Does that happen to you?

Speaker 1:

No, but I guess there's not a thing called autosave in this game.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you got to go to the meditation points You have to go to the meditation points, which is quite irritating.

Speaker 1:

A manual save would have been nice. I thought I was going crazy. No, I haven't had it crash, but I have had that where I'm like, oh, here's 15 minutes of you know, whatever I was doing, that I have to do again.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you got to go to the meditation spots. So you, at least you get in that checkpoint.

Speaker 1:

There's just sometimes they're there, sometimes they take a while. It is inconsistent.

Speaker 2:

And listen. I know this is in. Once Andrew hears this episode, he's going to be irritated because I know there are souls like elements in both of these games. I'm really bad at parrying. I know you are pretty good at it. Yeah, I'm awful at it, And I hate the fact that when you rest, all these fucking enemies respond. I hate it so much. I already beat them. I should not be punished for having to get more stimpaks or heal myself. It's so frustrating. I don't know how you feel about it. Yeah, that's funny.

Speaker 1:

No, I don't mind it, I'm also. I love the parrying. I mean again, I bring this up all the time Assassin's Creed three. There was a solid three hours that I spent. They felt like just parrying. It was like an unlimited amount of enemies.

Speaker 2:

I still have the pictures.

Speaker 1:

I still have the picture. I still have the image, i don't know what spot disturbing have prompting enemies, but I just kept parrying bodies surrounding me. It doesn't get old for me. That's why I think I'd really enjoy maybe jumping into a souls game, but it's frustrating when you don't get it. There's nothing more frustrating when you miss a parry and you just get completely fucked. It's nothing is worse than that, and this game does that from time to time to.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, again, i'm just not very good at that. Goes back to God of War As well, i just that's why I think I use the. Have you gotten to the cross? the cross guard? yeah, i saber, okay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i'm not too far from that point, okay.

Speaker 2:

I definitely use that one a lot more because it helps me as far as parrying and defense. It gives me more defensive statistics. because I'm just not good at it, which two stances did you find yourself using the most?

Speaker 1:

So, and again, i haven't finished the game, so I'm assuming there might be more. I hope there's more, there's five.

Speaker 2:

Do you have five? What the fuck.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's sing, there's single.

Speaker 2:

There's, there's the dual wield, there's the two of them. You guys listening, can't, can't see it. But I'm putting my fist inside of our picture. Out You can see there's cross guard and then there's the one where you have the blaster. Might be a spoiler.

Speaker 1:

That's no I have all five.

Speaker 2:

That's eight, that's five. Yeah, there's five.

Speaker 1:

Well, there's only two in the first game. Yeah, but I thought I get like a bunch more. Okay, maybe I'm being ungrateful. No, then I already know my two favorite of the cross guard and the double sided lightsaber are definitely my favorite. I do like having two but I don't like it. I don't like it when you press triangle, you just have to sit there and wait for someone to hit you. I hate that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Um, i hate, absolutely despise Maybe a hot take because I heard this was a cool thing. I hate the blaster in one hand, absolutely despise it. I hate it so much. From the moment I started using it I was like this is bad, i hate it.

Speaker 2:

I kind of use it. I use it a little bit, but I just use the double sided and the cross guard, so the blasters probably getting tossed to the side.

Speaker 1:

So I like that they expanded.

Speaker 2:

You know there's a lot more skill trees, which I think was a really, really great thing. I do like that. They expanded the stances. I think that's great. Um, but again, i just have so much frustration when I go. I have to make a decision because I know like this character kicked the shit out of me. Do I go back and get more stumps or do I hope that another meditation point is coming up so I can get past that character? Um, I think is um, that's just a me problem. On the same, it's not very good at it. One thing that I have enjoyed and this goes back to the first game as well, and even though I don't really like this mechanic in other games, i think the puzzles are actually relatively fun. They're not too hard and they they don't pop up enough where I'm just like I'm so frustrated and I I don't want to do these. I think those have been pretty solid. Did you, did you find yourself getting frustrated with any of the puzzles, or do you like those? How do you feel?

Speaker 1:

No, I definitely don't mind the puzzles. I think this game has a lot to offer and I think that's why people like it. I just think Maybe is it just a straight up gamer. It has a lot to offer. From a Star Wars perspective, I don't think it offers very much, honestly. That's why I'm excited for a game. You mentioned it Star Wars Outlaws. Everything about that game looks like what I want to see out of a Star Wars game. You have the space element, you have that bounty system Like that all sounds really cool to me. This game has a lot of gaming elements in a Star Wars game, but on the Star Wars side of things, I don't think it has very much to offer that we couldn't get elsewhere.

Speaker 2:

So also what I'm hearing you say is that you'll take the axolotl over BD1. I think is also what you're saying 100 percent.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, 10 times out of 10. BD1's cool. I do like, when you meditate, that he also like we also sit down. Points we have to. He sits down. That's pretty cute, that was pretty cool, pretty, pretty cute. But then when I'm stuck on something and he doesn't do shit, pisses me off.

Speaker 2:

And then you're just like how are you doing BD? You just like talking to him, like hey.

Speaker 1:

I stopped pressing. I stopped pressing for prompts, because that's all it happens 90 percent of the time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So I mean, ultimately I will finish this game, like you said. You know, we do have a few months before Spider-Man comes out. Like if I were pressed for time I wouldn't rush through this, like if it were September. You know what I mean Like before Spider-Man came out. But since we have a few months before that date, you know I can definitely see myself getting through this. I am definitely enjoying it.

Speaker 2:

I want to get better at the game, but there are just some of those platforming sections where I just struggle And again, that isn't me problem. But overall, between both games, eric, i mean, if you, if you're listening to this and you're a Star Wars fan and you haven't made the jump, you know, eric, what would you say to Star Wars fans that are hesitant? Because I definitely think it's worth their time for both games? I mean, a fallen order is available right now. You can play through it if you have, i think, the EA pass or if you downloaded it in the past And I think it's on game pass as well. Actually, you can play on game pass. So what do you think for those Star Wars fans like yourself that are hesitant to jump into it? Do you think it is worth their time?

Speaker 1:

I think it's worth your time if you have the time. If you don't have the time, this is not a game that you're going to go out of your way and just say God, i can't wait to get home from a long eight hour shift at my day job that you know. I got to do again tomorrow, same hours, and I've got this one hour window. I'm going to stay up all night. I'm going to stay up five hours instead of the one And I'm going to play this game. No, you're going to play 30 minutes of this game or not touch it at all, and then you're just going to get frustrated, i think. So this is to everybody over 30, basically, probably not, probably, not play this game. If you're under 30, you probably live in a good life right now. Everything's simple. Yeah, go, go give it a shot. Game pass That was a.

Speaker 2:

That was a long winded away to say no don't.

Speaker 1:

Also one thing we did get out of this episode, which I do love. Phil, you're not good at parrying. You're not good at platforming. I don't think you're a gamer.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, i'm a gamer. I'm just not a very good one. I'm just not a good gamer.

Speaker 1:

Okay, but I'm not a gamer.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no. If anything, what I have also wanted out of this is give me a CalCast, a skin at fortnight.

Speaker 1:

It all comes back Just we made it 20, 25 minutes in till fortnight came up. That's um, that's a damn shame.

Speaker 2:

I'm just pushing the podcast to the end so we can get this fortnight episode out of the way and we don't have to do the same That'll be it, that'll be a wrap.

Speaker 2:

So well overall. You know, again, glad we got to this episode. I wish we had had a little bit more time to finish it, because lots to talk about And, like we said, if you want a more in depth dive, definitely check out our friends over at friendly neighborhood gamers because they did a great episode on it And, uh, you know, excited to talk about this one in the future.

Speaker 2:

Eric, you know you did mention before we started you do want to do a force unleashed episode eventually, so it might be nice to come back, you know, retroactively, once you have beaten Jedi survivor and, you know, compared both sequels. And again, as I've I've heard, you know maybe this is a little bit of a spoiler, but it shouldn't be, cause trilogies are the thing on there Probably will be another game in this franchise, and deservedly so, because there is so much to build upon in this universe And I think what they the core of what they have here does work. Um, i just hope that they um expand upon it in the correct ways and don't focus on the wrong thing. So, eric, is there anything else you want to mention before you wrap this episode up and, uh, head on to the next one?

Speaker 1:

No, i think we got a lot to look forward to beyond this episode. You guys will see our new post for July as far as the episode list on social media, which Phil's about to get into. but we got a lot to look forward to And you know this was a good time. I'm glad that we jumped into it and I hope to finish it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, me as well. Maybe, once we do get it all said and done, we'll throw up like some extra content over on our Tik Tok page, um, so you guys should definitely follow us over there, um, as well as clicking that link tree link to find all the rest of our social media. We're very active over on Instagram and the aforementioned Tik Tok, so make sure you find us there. Also, if you find yourself listening on Spotify or Apple podcast, leave us a five star review. That is one of the best ways you can support the show, and if you find yourself wanting to support the show a little bit extra, eric will let you know how you can do that.

Speaker 1:

Whether that's directly through our buzzsprout page or if you subscribe to our Patreon, where patrons like Briar are supporting the show, you can get additional exclusive bonuses, such as unedited video content, early access and much, much more. We really do appreciate it, so, if you are able to, we'd love to have you on board, but at the very least, like share. All of that helps the podcast out tremendously, and we know so many of you guys that have been listening coming up to our booths at cons like bull mat story. You guys keep us going each and every month, so definitely thank you for your patience on this one. With all that being said, my name is Mr Eric almighty. That is my co-host, phil the Filipino, and, please don't forget, we release new episodes every Monday and Wednesday on the podcast, with bonus content on YouTube, tiktok and other platforms as well.

Speaker 2:

All you have to do is wait for it, so I heard you're looking for a go to source for entertainment. Wait for it Gaming. Wait for it Anime Plus, ultra. Mr Eric almighty and Phil the Filipino Yeah, they've got you covered and all you got to do is wait for it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah.

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