The Wait For It Podcast

Late To The Party - The Bear

Ever felt torn about your favorite TV show? Late To The Party was inspired by our desire to catch up on some of the biggest films and other media in Pop Culture that we've missed over the years, and for this episode, we talk about the critically acclaimed series, The Bear. We'll be examining how the first two seasons managed to keep one of us hooked, while the other could not overcome their initial reservations. This includes a deep dive into the depth of character development and the complexity of specific characters .

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to your go-to source for entertainment. Wait for it.

Speaker 2:

Gaming. Wait for it, anime.

Speaker 1:

Plus Ultra Mr Eric Almighty and Phil Vafilippino.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they've got you covered, and all you gotta do is Wait for it.

Speaker 2:

Hey everyone, welcome back to the Wait for it podcast. I am your co-host, phil Smith, aka Phil Vafilippino, and joining me, as always, is your other co-host, mr Eric Almighty. And Eric, we are here with a very special episode, the September edition of Late to the Party, and in rare fashion, you know. Typically with this series we do movies, but for this month we went out of our way to actually watch a television series that has taken everybody by storm, you know, not only critics and people of that nature, but also audiences all over the place, and we simply could not ignore it any longer, eric, which is why this month we have decided to watch the Bear, and this show is getting tons of Emmy hype and we'll get into that and all of our thoughts here in just a moment. So, eric, in Late to the Party fashion, we haven't really discussed any of our thoughts leading up to this episode, so I am excited to see how this one goes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this episode, this series that we've created, was so we can catch up on stuff that we missed out on, and the Bear was a huge show in 2022. And Season 2 coming out this year. We had to check it out. So you guys are in for a really good episode, whether or not you've watched the Bear, which I think is really good, but we are going to talk pretty freely about the show. So if you don't really care too much about spoilers, this is kind of your warning, because I'm excited to talk about not only several characters, but the journeys that they go on in two seasons. So this is going to be a really good episode. I also barely have a voice, so apologies in advance for my voice being a little more intolerable than usual.

Speaker 2:

Yes, Phil, we got it so barely B-A-R. Never mind, I'll put a PowerPoint together and explain it to you guys.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if you could put that in writing, I'd do better with visual cues.

Speaker 2:

Yes, as I mentioned, we have not discussed any of this show with each other leading into this episode, so all of that is going to happen right here for your listening and viewing pleasure, depending on where you are checking us out for this episode, we want to welcome in any of you brand new listeners that are listening to the podcast for the first time. Perhaps we met you at Ocala Comic-Con. Thank you so much for giving the podcast a shot. If you're not necessarily interested in hearing about this particular show, make sure you stick around to the very end of the episode. I'll let you know where you can find all the rest of our content. Regardless, you're going to have a great time we can promise you that, and, of course, all of our returning listeners.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, guys. So much for the continued support. We hope you're enjoying the new format and the new content, or the new forms of content I guess I'll say that we have been putting together for you. So, again, if you don't know where any of that is, we'll let you know where you can find all that at the end of the episode. Or, if you want to skip ahead, you can just check the show notes and it'll all be in there as well. So, eric, for any brand new listeners or for those of them that need a little bit of a refresher, let everybody know what Late to the Party is all about, and let's dive into this highly, highly acclaimed series.

Speaker 1:

Yep, so Late to the Party is where we are. We were inspired by our desire to catch up on some of the biggest films and other media and pop culture that we've missed over the years. And for this episode, we talk about the Bear, which is a series on FX, again came out in 2022, heavily an Emmy favorite. Like every year it's been out and it's been the talk of the town, especially in the town of Chicago, which is where the series is based. So, phil, let's jump into it and let's talk about the Bear. What was your experience with it? I saw a lot of clips and a lot of talks from movie influencers that I follow, and that's how I became aware of it. I was surprised that you knew about it, so let us know a little bit about how you found out about the series.

Speaker 2:

The main way that I knew about the Bear is because I'm always keeping up with Emmy season to kind of see where my shows are going to place.

Speaker 2:

You know, the big one obviously being Ted Lasso, and I remember last year this show popping up called the Bear and that I didn't really know anything about but I knew everybody was buzzing about it.

Speaker 2:

You know you saw a lot of it on social media and then when the Emmy nominations came out, you know a lot of people talking about that and then seeing on like Twitter a lot of celebrities asking to be on the show in like season two, which I was like what is this show? This is a genre of when I'll say like when it comes to cooking and restaurants, it's not really something that I usually watch, whether it be reality television or dramatized television, which is what the Bear is. So I knew I was somewhat interested in checking it out, but I can't sit here and tell you that I certainly would have dedicated the time to it if not for this series. So again, this and other series that we do is about getting a little bit out of our comfort zone. You know that's what I did here today with this or this time around, with this journey, for sure.

Speaker 1:

Well, I know what type of episode we're in for, because that is a bad take. This show is really really good that.

Speaker 2:

I didn't want to watch it Now. That's a bad take.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's a really bad take. This show is really great. I would recommend it to so many people, not just if you're in the service industry, but especially if you've been in the service industry. So I know your fingers are, just like you know, uncallused. You know you fold the clothes a lot. In your younger days you don't really know what it's like for the grind of the service industry.

Speaker 2:

Don't talk to me like I didn't work in retail for 10 years.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I'm sorry you had to talk to customers. How difficult was that.

Speaker 2:

Oh, sorry, then you had to get your food sent back and have your feelings. I apologize, Listen well.

Speaker 1:

It makes a lot of sense, though, that we are going to have different reactions to this show, because I definitely related with it on several fronts outside of the service industry, but specifically because, again, it does deal with a lot of that, specifically an episode that we'll talk about in season one pretty pretty openly.

Speaker 1:

Again, you've been warned that we're going to speak freely on the show, Plus an episode specifically in season one that I would say is one of the best episodes I've seen in television, you know, not like a top 10 or anything, but it's one that's gonna stick with me, Like I'm gonna always remember that. So I'm excited to get into the nitty gritty here. Again, it's okay that you like the show, I guess. I just I think it's a, I think it's a phenomenal series and I can't wait for the next season. Sounds like you might not be watching the next season, which is, again, crazy to me. But with that being said, Phil, what were some of the things that you liked about the series? And we'll kind of start there before we get into your bad taste tics.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, this is gonna be fun. Well, here's what I'll say. I 100% understand while watching through this series why it is so popular, even not again, like you said not even just amongst only service workers. There are incredible performances in this. Obviously, everyone knows about Jeremy Allen White and Ayo Edi Biri, I believe, is how you pronounce her name. But some of my favorites Eric in this show, even Moss Bachroch, I believe, is how you pronounce his name is as Richie, and then Liza Cologne Zias as Tina, probably my two favorite characters as far as growth and watching them kind of evolve throughout the show.

Speaker 2:

There are definitely some characters that annoy the hell out of me, but the performances in this are top tier. I mean it's interesting because FX puts together a lot of solid television. I mean not even obviously talking about Atlanta, which we both really, really love, but remember Nip Tuck. Like back in the day, nip Tuck was an all like an excellent show. Another genre when it comes to like surgery and stuff like that's not something I'm really interested in, but a show, at least in the beginning. Towards the end it kind of tailed off a little bit, but FX puts together some incredible you know dramatization as far as television goes, so the fact that they are behind this doesn't really surprise me at all. Fx, I think, is a network that we probably don't pay enough attention to, honestly.

Speaker 1:

I mean that's a fair take. I and again, we're going to probably get into this pretty early. The one thing I liked about this show is it grabs your attention in a very short amount of time. You know me and Phil have arguments all the time back and forth about the quality of TV beyond 30 minutes and yes, my anime Simple Minded Brain can absolutely be at play here. But I think this show is a great example in favor of my argument, which is a 45 minute to hour episode is called for when it's called for and appropriate, but doing it every episode. That's not necessary for like engaging TV. Like I still felt at the end of each episode that there was a lot more for me to take in, where sometimes with longer shows, I don't feel that way at the end of an episode. That's what makes it kind of bingeable in my opinion and I think that's to the bare strength.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't really overstay its welcome in either of the seasons in my opinion and I really like the developments that you mentioned about the characters. You know Richie and Tina were fantastic, but all of these characters really have an important role to play and I really enjoyed that. I also like that our main character, carmi, is not perfect. Like he is, if anything, the most fucked up character out of all of them and he has his own problems and his own shit to deal with. I have a feeling that's the character you don't like you can just say he sucks.

Speaker 1:

I have a feeling that's the character you don't like, so why don't we go there?

Speaker 2:

You can just say he's a trash person. That's. You can just do that. That kind of covers everything. Again, the performance by Jeremy Allen White is outstanding and, once again, not surprised whatsoever that he is receiving the acclaim that he is receiving for this performance.

Speaker 2:

But, yeah, no Carmi, honestly, carmi, in my opinion, is one of the characters that I cared least about. To be honest, I mean I'm going to jump ahead a little bit Like we're what's the word I'm looking for we're mourning for this character in Mikey that we don't even really meet until later on in the first season. I actually had to go to our friend Jordan and be like hey, did we know that this character was played by this specific actor earlier on, or was I not paying attention? So we know that he's come from, he comes from this background of working at this incredibly well known restaurant and then you know he comes into the, then he comes into ownership of the beef and and all of that. But I don't know, man, here, here's what I will say. I disagree.

Speaker 2:

I think the first six episodes of this were incredibly difficult for me to get through. I was having a rough go at it. I don't also. I also am not really a big fan of Sydney, to be honest with you, and again, there are characters in this that I that I really enjoyed outside of, even just Richie and Tina Marcus also a great character Sugar, who is the sister I actually knew from a very small, small role she played and how I met your mother, so that's how I knew her.

Speaker 2:

But the first six episodes of this were difficult for me to get through and I you say that you could recommend this for anybody. I found that I was probably having difficulty getting through it because I didn't work in the service industry and it is the reason why I probably won't watch season three. Not because it's a bad show, not because there aren't interesting characters and storylines, but I just don't resonate with this story the way that I knew that you would, and I know that our friend Jordan does, and a lot of people in the service industry and I. I want to be clear, because people are just going to say that I have shit taste. If this is a good show, this is really in an even a great show, at times top tier for certain episodes, but it's it's overall. It's not for me and again, I'm not going to continue watching it whenever the next season comes out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and again, having bad takes is a part of humanity, and the humanity that we have to accept in people and that's really what this show does is that the shades, the ugly, terrible shades of people, you know, sometimes you got to work on that Okay.

Speaker 1:

No, I thought it was a good transition to that talking point. These characters, these characters are very flawed, like my cohost, and I think honestly, you know, we should give people a chance, even when, in their darkest of days, they seem like they don't deserve it, like my cohost. So I just I really think that this show does a great job at looking at these characters and I just I get what you're saying. I don't like walking away. I don't agree with a blanket statement that, like you, have to be in the service industry, because what the show does with its characters is really interesting and especially like Karmie too, those flaws are like under a microscope and those flaws in these characters and the way they have to grow is just on display. And I don't know, there's just a humanity about this show, a realness to this show that I resonated with. There definitely is the service industry aspect of it, but I felt like there was a lot of humanity in the show and I feel like that was brought on by not only the direction and the acting but also the cinematography and the music of the of the show, like the soundtrack for Season One and Two.

Speaker 1:

I don't listen to a lot of these artists or bands, but they always felt properly placed. I was vibing to this soundtrack. There's going to be a lot of that music on this week's playlist on Spotify, our weekly playlist that we update every Monday. So I personally adore this series. I think the cinematography is great. I can understand, though, that you you have to acknowledge like it's well shot, it's well, you know, the production is done very well and it is a great show. But I do, all seriousness, I can understand why you didn't resonate. That was a fear going into this, which, again to my earlier point, I was even shocked that this show was on your radar at all.

Speaker 2:

To be completely honest, I will say it is. Yeah, I'm trying, I was. I was looking up to see what it had been nominated for. I know Jeremy Allen White won best actor for the Golden Globes. I think that was 2020. Oh, that was, that was this year. Yeah, 2023.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, but like you said, music is fantastic. Cinematography is great. I mean, chicago itself is just kind of a it's a picturesque town for movies. I mean, obviously I got to get a lot of Gotham nights or you know dark night vibes from it, obviously because it's in Chicago.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, I definitely beautifully shot, really, really outstanding sound design and but yeah, it just it didn't hit me like I wanted it to and you know that I watch, you know, a lot of these, a lot of dramas when it comes to to TV shows and I don't know, man, I really really wanted to love this. I knew, coming in, this was going to be a difficult conversation, but it was. It just something was was missing for me. As much as I love those characters that I mentioned, I don't find myself wanting to can like see what happens to them. I'm not a big fan of turning the mom and pop shop into this shit Fancy restaurant either. You know, I think maybe that's a personal thing, because one of them I'm going to be able to afford to eat, at the other one I'm not. So maybe that was the other reason to Karmie doesn't want me to come into his restaurant. I guess I'm not good enough. I guess so.

Speaker 1:

I, you know, I definitely want to stick on season one a little bit and then move to season two, which is fresh on my mind. I actually, as we're recording, finished up the final episodes literally all day today so I could, I could be on time and on pace for this discussion of the bear season one. You know you kind of mentioned the slow burn and I won't argue that for season one. You know you're getting to know this world, you're getting to know these characters. I really liked everybody pretty much from the get go and anyone I didn't like I eventually grew to love. Like Tina was pissing me off early on in season one but then I grew to love her. You know Richie, especially in season two. But there are other characters, like Neil, for example, and then I can't wait to talk about Pete here at the end of season two as another character that deserves some shine.

Speaker 1:

But season one ultimately kind of just leads up to episode seven, which is a titled review, and this is the episode that I was kind of calling out where, honestly, one of the better episodes of television because of that slow burn that we built up to it. So episode seven everything shit hits the fan. And this is funny because I recently experienced something like this outside of the service industry. So I related with Karmie a lot there because, like when, when stuff is going down, sometimes your only reaction is to reactively explode, and like, especially when it's been pent up, and there's been a lot of things leading up to that and I don't know. I just related. I related to that experience from a personal level and then the service industry part enhanced it for me, because that really does happen, like not to that degree of like Richie getting stabbed, for example, but the dramatization is stabbed anybody at Chili's?

Speaker 1:

not on accident and the dramatization of it was not that far off, honestly, and I think that's what made that episode feel so special to me. But just as an episode in general, I think the first season does a really good job of the payoff of that kind of explosion and what it does to our characters, and then we kind of resolve it in the in the finale leading into season two, which of course is the big decision of changing the restaurant, right. So I was just kind of curious, phil, you mentioned the first six episodes were a little bit difficult for you. How'd you feel going into the last two of season one?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's when I was starting to think to myself all right, here we go. Now we have finally gotten to this place where, you know, I think I'm really going to finally buy in. So it was weird. I mean, if you look at it as like a graph, you know the graph was pretty low for the first six episodes and then you see, you know it starts to peak, like with the final two episodes.

Speaker 2:

There's again a little bit of a lull in season two and that's way out, at least as far as me. And that's when I was like, okay, now I'm fairly certain that this is not going to be for me all the way through. There are singular moments that stand out and singular character developments that really, really made me smile, really really made me happy. But episode to episode, it wasn't keeping me enthralled and focused like I wanted to be. You're not focused. I guess I wasn't buying in as much as I was hoping to by that point. But again, the last two episodes finished really, really solid.

Speaker 2:

Season two is easily the one that I prefer over the between the two. For sure, that's where a lot of that development comes from, you know, as they're making that transition into from the beef to the bear. So yeah, but episode seven definitely is the moment where things take that turn and I think in that moment is when I really really understood where all of this praise was coming from. Because, again, in that first six episodes, and nothing that I've watched, nothing that I saw in the bear was bad television. I want to be clear Nothing of it was bad, it just did not captivate me the way that I wanted. But episode seven I was like, OK, here we go. This is where a lot of this is a lot of this praise is coming from. I get it now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and again I just it's just so interesting to see you say that because again, especially like when it comes to like pacing and some of that slow burn, like if this was a traditional 40 minute hour long show, I mean you only watched a season worth of like nine, maybe 10 episodes max. So like in 10 episodes, everything that happens in a regular, like traditional TV season. I don't know. I feel like I feel like we got quite a bit. I feel like we got quite a bit of pay off, especially as we get into the second season.

Speaker 1:

Again, I do agree that with the way it's broken up in the smaller scale of it, you know you go right to season one kind of ending, ending, that, that climax, and now you're going, you're going up the ladder again with season two and obviously season two deals with them needing to launch the restaurant in a certain amount of time. But I think again we get to see those character growths that you're talking about and we need the time to do them. I think you're focused so much on how many episodes it took to do that, where I'm focused on how little time we took to actually do that compared to like a traditional TV show, and then this show specifically, we get to that major episode with all of the cameos which I'm sure you're at least excited to talk about because it one of, first of all, crazy episode, long episode stress me the fuck out dude, but the cameos galore.

Speaker 1:

I did not know any of those people were in this show.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, between what was John Mulaney and Jamie Lee Curtis? Jamie Lee Curtis and Bob Odin Kirk. I mean it was, yeah, it was wild, one after another after another. My favorite part of that episode you just mentioned the character of Pete bringing the. The two cast was was everyone. The fuck. You know it's really. Yeah, do you like Pete or do you hate Pete when? Because Pete somebody that would approach you to open up conversation and you would just agree with everything that he says. So I'm kind of confused.

Speaker 1:

I like Pete.

Speaker 1:

I did not like Pete until the finale of season two, he has a very big character moment with Jamie Lee Curtis's character, which is the mom Donna and really crazy. Again, it's something that this show does so well. It takes a character that you're not supposed to like or really care about and it just completely humanizes them. Like I understood, pete is a character in that interaction outside of the restaurant at the family and friends dinner. Like I understood why he's like that and honestly it's kind of funny. He kind of reminds me of Wade and Elemental, which of course, you didn't like that either, so you're, your offer to it makes a lot of sense.

Speaker 2:

I gave Elemental a three out of five on the letter box. That's not. That does not mean I didn't like it. Wade was also annoying. That's what I'm saying. So for Pete I like someone you would hate to spend time with, by the way, which is weird, that you would like.

Speaker 1:

I understand him and I don't know, I don't know why I like Wade and Elemental, love him. And then Pete, again I really like the more you spend time with him, even the tuna casserole, like he was trying so hard to just be like I couldn't show up with nothing. Even though he was told don't bring anything, he still tried to do it, like he's just such a nice guy. And again, it's the humanization of that character and many other characters that stood out to me. So yeah, did I like Pete? Yes, but it did take two seasons, literally full two seasons, to get there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, pete's really funny. But also again that the family member that comes in from the outside that you just don't want to spend time with. You know that his intentions are in the right place, but also he is just so incredibly frustrating. I really also want to give a shout out to Oliver Platt as Uncle Jimmy. I thought he was a really, really solid character as well. You know just a guy who kind of gave me like like good fellows vibes. He was a guy on the outside of the family but also considered part of the family. Obviously he's fronting this whole thing when it comes to comes to the cash, but I thought he was really good. You had a lot of relief. Solid comedic moments as well he's been in. I couldn't even tell you like what other things he's been in, I just know I see him a lot.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's a fantastic actor. Yeah, Oliver Platt we probably should have mentioned him way earlier than now. My favorite part is when Richie accidentally drugs all the kids and then he's reacting to that. Yeah, it's okay, it's all good. They're going to be hard, they're going to wake up, right Okay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was pretty funny and, yeah, the way that they also in that episode just avoid Pete the whole time Again, just trying so hard to do that. One pleasant surprise that I didn't also again more people that we didn't know were in the show was Molly Gordon as Claire. She is in one of my favorite movies ever, which is, I say it's one of my favorite movies, and now I can't remember the name of the film. Yeah, not a great start, but she was really, really solid at a. Booksmart is the name of the movie, but she was a pleasant surprise to see and she was a character that brought in to kind of an even car me out. Still didn't make them likable in my opinion. So there's that.

Speaker 1:

What did you not like about car me Cause I feel like you did just, you did kind of only briefly talked about it.

Speaker 2:

I just someone I would absolutely hate to be around. I think he did hit. Everything about him Just frustrated me the way he, the way he treated people, the way he refused to just accept help and accept love in his life. I don't know a lot of that. The way that he treated Sydney, even though I myself didn't find Sydney terribly interesting either.

Speaker 1:

The other character I do want to point out hold on really quick, really quick. Let's just rewind to the sea, to the, to the big scene in season one, where everything stabs him.

Speaker 2:

Every where she stabs her.

Speaker 1:

Are you blaming car me for how that went, or Sydney?

Speaker 2:

Sydney fucked up the tickets.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then she fucking left them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, okay, I just wanted to make sure I just want to make sure we weren't going down the route that.

Speaker 2:

I thought you were, which is like Sydney didn't do anything wrong because she pissed me off that episode honestly is probably Pete's fault, but that's the other character that I really really loved was Marcus really really sweet, kind of a fell victim to a guy that got a little bit Over sales. He got comfortable right. I think he got comfortable with who we thought Karmie really was and really he's kind of. You know, he, karmie, I think, is a incredibly determined, talented and I don't know he's really passionate.

Speaker 2:

There we go passionate, but he's also an incredibly huge asshole and I think where he is is somewhere in the middle. You know, I think, who we see him with when he's with Claire, I think that's, that's portions of it but also who the person that we see encouraging city, encouraging Tina, encouraging Marcus is also part of him as well, and I think Marcus bought in too much of the the. The encouraging Karmie. You know they have that, that moment outside when they are, when Marcus is just kind of like broken down. He's sitting out by the dumpster or whatever. They have that moment. You know so. But Marcus's storyline. And then that other cameo that we didn't even get to, with the chef he was working with in Copenhagen. What's his name? He's Adam Warlock. Why don't we just talk about him, you?

Speaker 1:

know, pull, pull, pull, pull, pull, pull pull pull, pull, pull.

Speaker 2:

Excellent cameo as well. So yeah, that Marcus also deserves some love to really really sweet and Just a guy but got a little, got a little away from you, got away from him for a little bit there, but I'm glad to see that he he had rebounded by the when it was all said and done.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and some of my favorite episodes of season 2 were those singular character moments, to your point, actually the episode that didn't have Karmie and then, which was kind of funny I know I'm gonna call it out when I when I'm gonna call it out, but you know the Marcus episode where he's in, I think, denmark, you know and he's.

Speaker 1:

Copenhagen, right, copenhagen, yeah. So that episode was great, I gotta say I think, other than the finale, which I loved a lot, I love the finale quite a bit. I think the episode with Richie Was my favorite episode of season 2.

Speaker 2:

That that comes my favorite episode, I yeah.

Speaker 1:

I would also probably put it up there. I think I think it's right under Episode 7 in season 1, but it's right above the finale in season 2, like those are probably that if I had to rank my top 3, richie would probably fall right there but also could be swapped at any moment. I love that episode. I again. There's just something Charming about this series and the way it handles its character specifically, but I'm personally down for the ride and it sounds like a lot of people are filled. Do you happen to have any of the rod and tomatoes or some of the kind of a you know success of this show as far as Critics and audiences are concerned?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I did want to bring up the IMDB ratings, because forks is the highest rated episode at a 9.7, fishes, which is the family dinner, is a 9.6 and review is a 9.5. So those are the three highest also for.

Speaker 1:

so the forks is the one with Richie Yep, forks oh cool.

Speaker 2:

He has the highest rated episode. It is obviously, like I said, an overwhelming hit and it's a 99% on the tomato meter, a 92% audience score. So you know pretty pretty even when it comes to both critics and audiences, and I understand why people have really, really resonated with this show. I'm just gonna find myself leaving it at the two seasons that I've watched and I'm gonna leave it there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and you know, we all make mistakes and we can eventually be forgiven for those mistakes. And no, I think I think in time in time we will forgive you for what is a terrible take and also a bad decision.

Speaker 2:

Sure, sure, what's not great if you are, you doing this cuz. I said fine.

Speaker 1:

Are you doing this cuz I said Nios, let me love you, was better than Mario's. Are you still upset about that?

Speaker 2:

I don't know because I had already finished the bear before you made that terrible take last night, so I had already made the decision that I do not want to watch this anymore, which I thoroughly talked to Jordan about, and I was like I'm not enjoying. It's the way that I thought I would and I knew I had to save this conversation For here tonight. So you know this is. You know this is what you get for making me watch all those sad fucking international movies. This is what I'm just gonna not enjoy anything Fucking way I can't wait for October. How do you make me watch when you make me watch the devil's butthole?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, whatever the fuck we're watching, I'm letting you know now we're probably gonna watch it and you are in for a time. You are in for a time, but then I will make a commitment to try to make the movies in November. Oh wait, I think we still have to do past lives in December. Yeah, I'll make it really like joyous. Maybe there's like an international Christmas movie, like an international Santa Santa's international right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we're, we're gonna watch fucking Krampus or something. Yeah, that's, we're gonna watch Santa sleigh. Is that in like German?

Speaker 1:

We should do a Santa sleigh episode.

Speaker 2:

That's what we should do a Santa sleigh like a watch party. We do have a discord now and it does have a watch party voice channel.

Speaker 1:

Okay, guys Santa sleigh I'm actually doing that coming to you in December, let's do it.

Speaker 2:

I think that'd be fun.

Speaker 1:

But, yeah, let's wrap this up, phil. Again. I do think, though, it is nice that we can both acknowledge Some of the real strong points of the show and the fact that, again, it's no surprise that this is something you know we were late to. It's not really in either of our wheelhouses to really go to like a show we would initially be interested in, but we both had enough of an interest to put it on here. I'm personally glad that we did. I'm gonna continue on the show and I'm excited for what's coming next, but for late to the party, I think we still have to decide in the after credits of this episode, what we're gonna do, so that'll be a decision.

Speaker 2:

Have you seen the?

Speaker 1:

devil's worst product. I.

Speaker 2:

I've only seen clips of that today and it's amazing.

Speaker 1:

You gave it a four and a half on letterbox.

Speaker 2:

I was shocked fantastic movie, it is a masterpiece. I mean listen. I love it.

Speaker 1:

I'm Meryl Streep man and Anne Hathaway if you want Emily Blunt, if you want me to watch it, I'll watch it.

Speaker 2:

I've only seen like actually no, because because if you don't enjoy it I think you might. It might it be bad for the entire group because everybody in our group chat loves that movie and if you don't it's gonna cause issues.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean, I've never, I've never worn Prada, so like I can't really relate to the movie we need, maybe we?

Speaker 2:

need to. Maybe we need to, like we should dress up for the concert tomorrow, hmm, and we'll buy VIP and then we'll go. We'll go shopping.

Speaker 1:

It's probably better that we don't have two episodes with the word devil in it, so that for that reason, probably we should wait and and uh, is there not a spooky movie that we can watch for late to the party next month that we haven't seen?

Speaker 2:

There are a few movies I mean I've obviously I've seen so many horror films like a good compact 20 to 30 minute.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, no, yeah, we'll just, we'll just do. How many? How many YouTube videos can we watch on this, on this?

Speaker 2:

film great. Even I've seen them all. So it's like this, the same thing, as you guys all know.

Speaker 1:

So all right, well what?

Speaker 2:

shout out to dead me James, and the kill counts for helping me get through many, many horror films.

Speaker 1:

Really a shame. I think we spend a lot of time talking about the bear, more than I thought we would, but we had passionate discussion Back and forth and again your, your image and your reputation has taken a hit, but not a nosedive. I think you'll recover. I think it's probably best that we end it around here. So if you want to let everyone know where they can find future and past episodes of the way for a podcast, I think we will wrap this up and try to save whatever dignity you have left.

Speaker 2:

Well, if you want to ever listen, if you ever want to watch a show, that's even better than the bear. Find past episodes of Netflix and Phil right here on the way for a podcast. You can find our entire library on Spotify out of podcast, anywhere you listen to your favorite shows. You can also keep up with us on social media on a Twitter hey, I'm sorry.

Speaker 2:

Instagram and tiktok is where we are the most active and, as I mentioned, we also do have a discord channel that we I we keep updated pretty much throughout the entire week, and it's a great chance. It's an opportunity to to chat with us in real time, and we really appreciate those of you that have been very active in there. Shout out to Vanessa and Josh and our friends Jordan, joanne Phelan everybody like that, so it's been a lot of fun. So that's a great place to interact with us directly, along with, like I said, tiktok and Instagram. And if you find yourself wanting to support our show, head on over again to Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Leave those five star reviews. It's a great way to to help us out, drives us up those podcast charts, but if you find yourself in a position possibly to Maybe support us a little bit more. Eric will let you know how you can do that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you can go directly to our Buzzsprout website page and support us there directly, or you can also subscribe to our patreon, where patrons like Briar and Stefan we now have to pretty cool that gets shoutouts Are supporting the show, and we really appreciate that.

Speaker 1:

Over on patreon, for example, I will give you early access to the episodes like this one you're listening to now, unedited Versions of the podcast and a lot, lot more. We also are really excited for the lineup in October that is coming up, so we're really looking forward to being enough to announce that soon. The next episode that we're doing, phil, I think creator spotlight people will really look forward to, and we do episodes every week now. So if you haven't heard that announcement, this is just a friendly reminder. We have moved to every Wednesday on the podcast, which is great. With all that being said, my name is mr Eric almighty. That is my co-host, philip Filipino, and, again, we do release new podcast episodes every Wednesday and we also do bonus content on platforms like tiktok, and all you have to do is wait for it.

Speaker 2:

So I heard you're looking for a go-to source for entertainment wait for it. Gaming, wait for it anime.

Speaker 1:

Mr Eric almighty and Phil the Filipino. Yeah, they've got you covered and all you got to do is wait for it. This is the wait for it podcast.

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