The Wait For It Podcast

Creator Spotlight: DJ Awesomus Prime

October 18, 2023
Creator Spotlight: DJ Awesomus Prime
The Wait For It Podcast
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The Wait For It Podcast
Creator Spotlight: DJ Awesomus Prime
Oct 18, 2023

Ever heard of a DJ who remixes music with comic books, video games, and anime? For this episode, we are welcoming DJ Awesomus Prime, a whiz in the nerdy music scene who's transforming conventions, karaoke nights, and beyond with his sound. Prime's passion for all things geeky doesn't just stop at music, because we also chat about his love for Scott Pilgrim, the best pizza in North Florida, and how karaoke cultivates community.

This episode provides a comprehensive look into the world of nerd culture, from comic books to anime and music, through the lens of Prime's unique experiences. It celebrates the inclusivity and diversity of nerd culture, highlighting how it provides a platform for creative expression and community building. Whether you're a fan of Scott Pilgrim, an anime enthusiast, or a lover of nerdy music, this episode had something for everyone.

Here is where you can follow DJ Awesomus Prime on all his social media platforms -

Here is where you can get your tickets to NAKAMACON 2023 -

🔻You can find all important links for the podcast over at (which includes our brand new Patreon site!)🔺

Song : Daystar - SOSO /    â€¢ ✨샛별 - SOSO✨(Royal...
Instagram: @starryattic
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Ever heard of a DJ who remixes music with comic books, video games, and anime? For this episode, we are welcoming DJ Awesomus Prime, a whiz in the nerdy music scene who's transforming conventions, karaoke nights, and beyond with his sound. Prime's passion for all things geeky doesn't just stop at music, because we also chat about his love for Scott Pilgrim, the best pizza in North Florida, and how karaoke cultivates community.

This episode provides a comprehensive look into the world of nerd culture, from comic books to anime and music, through the lens of Prime's unique experiences. It celebrates the inclusivity and diversity of nerd culture, highlighting how it provides a platform for creative expression and community building. Whether you're a fan of Scott Pilgrim, an anime enthusiast, or a lover of nerdy music, this episode had something for everyone.

Here is where you can follow DJ Awesomus Prime on all his social media platforms -

Here is where you can get your tickets to NAKAMACON 2023 -

🔻You can find all important links for the podcast over at (which includes our brand new Patreon site!)🔺

Song : Daystar - SOSO /    â€¢ ✨샛별 - SOSO✨(Royal...
Instagram: @starryattic
Support me for better music: (Paypal)

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to your go-to source for entertainment. Wait for it.

Speaker 2:

Gaming. Wait for it. Anime Plus Ultra.

Speaker 1:

Mr Eric Almighty and Phil the Filipino.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they've got you covered and all you gotta do is Wait for it. Hey everyone, welcome back to the Wait for it podcast. I am your co-host, phil Smith, aka Phil the Filipino, and joining me, as always, is your other co-host, mr Eric Almighty, and Eric. We have continued to keep this series going strong. We have just talked to so many awesome people that we've gotten to meet through pretty much all conventions, and, you know, being part of this scene has just led us to so many cool people, so many neat relationships, and today will be no exception. So I am very, very excited to speak to our guest today.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's gonna be really, really great. I mean, obviously another excuse for us to just plug the great work being done at Nakama Anime Bar and Catwalk. You know, we met a lot of great people and one of the people that we really admired and we started to watch and as he gracefully sung peaches to the wonderful melody that was going on, we just had to get DJ Awesomest Prime on board and DJ Prime Awesomest himself. Prime, how you doing tonight? And welcome on.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. Thank you, I'm doing all right. The Nakama thing definitely has kind of been a big driving force for me since I actually moved out to Jacksonville, so it's great to meet other like-minded people. So this is awesome.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's been really great. I love the new kind of community that's building from that. It's been really awesome and you know we've been seeing you there. We started seeing you there regularly obviously promotions, getting ready for the event so it's been really nice to kind of see what you do on a daily basis. From our audience's standpoint this is their first time meeting you. Let us know a little bit about what you do on a day to day basis, because this series we talk about people that create things and you create an atmosphere like no other. So we'd love to hear in our audience, would love to hear a little bit about what you do and why DJ Awesomest Prime is someone they should be paying attention to.

Speaker 1:

Well, my name is Awesomest Prime. I am a nerdy music producer. In DJ. I now hail from Jacksonville, florida, and moved down here a little over a year ago from New Jersey. I always get asked the question why did you move here from New Jersey? And I'm kind of like it's like lesser of two evils, I guess. In my opinion, right, miss Jersey, though the pizza's better.

Speaker 1:

Anyhow, I produce nerdy music and remixes of things that are popular, like on TikTok and stuff like that, and so I guess as far as my day to day base, like what I'm doing, is mostly that if I'm not doing that, I'm streaming on Twitch, gaming on Twitch, and then most of my weekends are filled with DJing, running karaoke at like Nakama, being a part of different conventions. You know I actually frequently perform at conventions anime conventions, comic-con's, video game conventions it's kind of what I do. I kind of have my own special brand of what I do, that most DJs that I've seen at conventions, especially running like the raves and everything, they're not doing it quite the way that I'm doing it, which is good, because then that sets me apart from everybody else.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that is great, and that's what stood out to us was that this is a different vibe, this is a different environment. Phil, what was your kind of first introduction to Prime?

Speaker 2:

and you know that first impression, because I definitely had a lasting one- yeah, you know again, when we first started going to Nakama and you know kind of feeling it out and you know it is out of the way for us. You know we're on different sides of town. It's a good 30 to 45 minute drive. So going anywhere and spending your time, spending your money, and you know you want to go and hang out in an atmosphere that is welcoming and also a whole lot of fun and Prime. That's definitely the atmosphere that you create every time. You know we get to see it at Nakama and it just adds to the already. You know we already talked about the community that has already been built up there. So to have you being a part of that is great and you do an awesome job.

Speaker 2:

Whenever we get out there I know my daughters has loved doing karaoke out at Nakama. She's always like can I stay longer? Can I stay longer? It's like, well, listen, we're going to kick you out at 10 o'clock. Ok, we got to go, but you know everybody that we bring there just has an absolute blast and you've been a big part of that. I do have a question. So, since you did come from up north, you know and I will also, even though I've never lived in the New York or New Jersey area. I can say that the pizza is much better up there. What is for our locals? What's the closest thing? Who are your plug in for your pizza here in North Florida?

Speaker 1:

for those of us that are local, the only place that I have actually found that I really like so far is what is the name of it? Brewer's Pizza. I think it's in Orange Park Brewer's OK, I believe that's what it's called. Yeah, so they have a full brewery as well as the pizza, the personal pan pizza that you can get. That's the one I recommend. It's a deep dish pizza, plethora of toppings, plus you can get their home brews, which I'm a big beer drinker. So having the option to be able to pick something fun off of the drink menu, as well as getting you know my own little personal nine inch pan pizza, so far that's been the best place.

Speaker 2:

Well, if you for those of you playing, wait for it Bingo. If you thought the first question was going to be about pizza jackpot, you won, so congratulations.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 3:

Listen, I did not have that on there, but that's what that's what makes podcasting so great and, you know, one of the things I definitely want us to jump into is your experience going through DJing, going to these events. Obviously, there's so many different experiences. What kind of got you to the convention scene? I was very curious about that. I mean, I again saw you fan Expo, obviously, nakama Khan and so many other things. In fact, you know, by the time this episode airs with Sabi Khan, we'll have happened. So, hearing Jacksonville, you know what kind of brought you to that scene specifically. Was that like a dream, an opportunity that fell out of the sky? What did that look like?

Speaker 1:

It was definitely a dream. I had started DJing back, probably around the end of 2012. And it's something I've always wanted to do and I just never picked it up. I went to school for theater, so I'm a performer at heart. I've always loved music. I grew up playing clarinet, taught myself guitar and bass drums. I sing, you know, the whole nine.

Speaker 1:

So once I became a DJ, I was trying to grab things that were just different from what people were listening to, just in the mainstream, and I stumbled across that people were actually making remixes of, like, my favorite cartoons, like Teenage Mutant, ninja, turtles or like Voltron or stuff like that. So I was like, oh man, I didn't know, this was a kind of a thing. Now, I've always been a very, very nerdy person. You know. I have never grown up like I think a lot of us have, you know. So I wanted to integrate my passion and love for comic books and video games and anime and all that stuff into what I do, and I was like I wonder if, like, being a convention DJ is a thing, and pretty much what wound up happening was in my search, I found a person by the name of DJ Cut man. So shout out to Cut man, one of the greatest, I think, in my opinion, music producers and DJs. That was kind of doing what I was doing, obviously with the Mega man reference, but he comes out on stage with this full like shoulder pad, like cosplay, set up with the Cut man helmet. It was the coolest thing. And I kind of just looked up to the guy and I was like you know what I want to do, I want to do that and a convention kind of fell into my lap. So it was kind of, I guess, kind of both you know scenarios where it's something I always wanted to do and what kind of sparked the interest is.

Speaker 1:

I did my very first like cosplay rave when I was living in Ohio, so I did that and then I was like, let me figure this out. So I wound up doing this convention actually called Nertino Expo. I was my very, very first one. It's in Philadelphia and I was still living in Jersey at the time. It actually was a convention dedicated to Hispanic and Latine creators, which I thought was really, really cool. It opened everybody.

Speaker 1:

So it wasn't like you know, if you're not this complexion, you can't come in. It wasn't anything like that. You know, very much was listen. We just want to showcase and bring awareness to creators like this, which you know it's funny. At that time I was really really heavy in the comic books and I learned that I feel like Hispanics kind of like held the market for comic creation. You know, like George Perez, I mean frickin reinvented Wonder Woman and just as this legend that we all know, but like there's so many other artists and and pencilers and the line work and the colors that just with these very, very Hispanic last names and I'm like, wait a second, I feel like there's a lot of us in the comic book market. So it was really cool to be a part of that show and to be able to do things like that and showcase, you know, part of my heritage, so I thought that was really really cool. So that was the first one that kind of kicked it off and from there was just skyrocketed.

Speaker 3:

I think that's fantastic and I mean honestly, that's the thing about what you're doing too, is that you're bringing that kind of sense of community to the events which I really like there are. You know, we've had some experiences, phil. We're not going to, you know, call anybody out, but you know, convention DJs don't always go the right direction to feel like. You know where I'm going with that, and we just really appreciate the vibe that you bring to the table in that sense of community. But yeah, phil, I think I think I'll leave it there before I start spilling tea.

Speaker 1:

Yeah well that's good. That's my goal, so I'm glad that you guys picked up on it now. Now see, you have to tell me the story. I guess, after all this yeah we'll make it a Patreon thing.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'll see it. I'll be my notes.

Speaker 2:

All that are listening, that aren't patrons, and you want to hear the story.

Speaker 1:

You can sign up.

Speaker 2:

It is a, it is a wild one. I want to ask you about the karaoke because you know I'm me being Filipino, huge part of our culture, obviously so that's why, every chance we get, we're like hell, yeah, prime, is that knock.

Speaker 2:

I know what we're doing tonight. What do you think it is about? Karaoke that gets even like the quietest people up out of their scene, like I want to sing a song that I love, like. What do you think it is that just like calls to that to somebody in their body. That's like I'm going to go up there and sing the song.

Speaker 1:

I, you know I okay so. So I guess one obvious answer could be the alcohol, because sometimes that does break the inhibitions down.

Speaker 2:

All of it, yeah, right.

Speaker 1:

Um, I guess I think seeing other people have fun. I think that tends to be what brings people who want to. You know, come on up. And a lot of times one of the things I've noticed, actually in a comma when I'm running the karaoke, is somebody who's very shy, who came with a group of friends, typically will perform with their friend.

Speaker 1:

Um, actually, I had this, this one group of friends. They had one one friend who was very, very shy, didn't want to get up to sing. Also, just so happened that they were probably the best singer out of the group, not that anybody was a bad singer, but they, they had this voice that I was not ready for, um, and they went up with their friends about two, three times and then they finally came up to me at the end and I said I want to do something by myself, but I don't want to tell my friends, I want to surprise them. I said, okay, so we put it together.

Speaker 1:

Um, I don't even remember what song it was now which stinks, because it just I was just standing there behind my DJ gear Like, oh my God, this is so good, um, and yeah, they, they blew the place apart and everybody started, you know clapping and screaming. So I think, um, a part of it could be just that reciprocation from the audience, which I completely understand. You know, my my better performances always work when I'm able to feed off the positive energy from everybody else. So, um, I understand that feeling. So I think that's probably the major part of getting somebody shy to kind of come out of the shell a little bit.

Speaker 2:

It is always crazy, Like again, you see that, that quiet person, and then they built Mariah Carey and you're like what the hell? Why are you? Why are you hiding this? Well, if you've ever wanted to see me, Eric and my brother-in-law perform, Mr Mom, you guys missed out. So I remember that.

Speaker 3:

We'll have an encore performance.

Speaker 2:

So again, Eric, they need to come check out, check us out at Nakamana karaoke.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, I was just about to bring that up. It's so hilarious because that is, uh, that is one of those moments that you made us feel like rock stars too. So that's always. I always love that aspect of what you do, too, because it's not just about you know, getting the vibe right, but also making everyone feel included. So I love that story about that person that felt comfortable enough to come up to you and say, hey, I want to surprise my friends, I want to sing a song. It's out of my comfort zone, Really speaks to you as a person, and that's uh, that's fantastic. One of the things that we do know about you is from our comment section, which kind of started this whole thing was you had a love of Scott Pilgrim and we, we had some opinions on that film and, uh, you said you would love to talk about it. So I'd love to throw in some Scott Pilgrim talk. I know the anime is coming as well, which is super exciting. I know we are actually excited for it.

Speaker 3:

Tell us a little bit about your passion behind that and what you thought of Scott Pilgrim. What are some of the things people should know if they haven't seen the movie?

Speaker 1:

So I guess we'll start with spoilers, just in case it's been out for quite some time now and if you haven't had a chance to see it, I apologize If you haven't read the book. I might be spoiling some of that too, I'm sorry. The way I found out about Scott Pilgrim as a whole actually is because of the film. I was at home searching on YouTube one day and I got that trailer that everybody was seeing, that was on YouTube for the longest time, and I was like this looks like the crazy. What is this? What is this? I have no idea. So, like immediately I became obsessed with this trailer, more so than the trailer, though this is kind of just funny. For me as a DJ, the song they used in that trailer was the song Invaders Must Die by the Prodigy, which is probably one of the groups that got me into EDM. In general, I still love this song, but it was like the perfect vibe for what they were trying to cultivate with the trailer and kind of bringing all that stuff. So in my research if me, trying to find out what the hell has Scott Pilgrim, what is this whole thing, I found out that it is a comic, graphic novel, manga. However you want to consider it drawn by Brian Leo Malley, who I actually got to meet at NYCC back in the day Super, super nice. I know some people have had kind of hit or miss interactions with him, but I kind of think around that time he was going through a lot because he was still finishing the final book. The movie was in production, there was a lot of stuff going on in his world, but he was very, very nice. He took a picture with me, he actually autographed and drew a quick little Ramona flowers in my Volume 6, which is the final book in the whole series, and that's kind of where my obsession started. And then we got the game for PS3 and 360 and all that which side-scrolling, beat-em-up games like Streets of Rage is probably one of my favorite game series of all time. So the fact that they made the game in that style was just the chef's kiss for me. As far as the movie, I thought that the movie was perfect for what the movie was going to be. There was definitely instances where I feel that we could have gone a different direction or we could have done a little more, but I also understand why we excluded a lot of things, like my favorite character in the entire series is such a side-throwing character. She's not in the movie, so I'm hoping we put her in the anime because she's kind of crucial to Scott's development. So we'll go from there.

Speaker 1:

I was really hopeful that the fight between Scott and Todd Ingram Evil X3, was going to be more like the way it is in the book. For those of you who've never had a chance to read the book, or if you play the game, the game kind of follows the same thing. They don't just fight Todd, it's the whole band versus almost the whole band. So it becomes this crazy fight between Envy, todd and I forget the drummer's name, holy smokes, anywho. So the Clash of Demonhead versus Scott and Ramona Knives, I think, gets involved at one point because she's trying to fight Ramona. It becomes just this crazy epic fight in general. And the one thing that I love is the drummer from Clash of Demonhead has a bionic arm. It's like the one thing about her and she's out there just wrecking house with this crazy arm that she can extend and stuff, and I was really hoping that we were going to get that in the movie and we didn't. We kind of just glossed over her as a character. She doesn't talk in the book, but she looked exactly the way she was supposed to in the live action. That's one scene that I really would have liked to see.

Speaker 1:

I thought the soundtrack was perfect, but they always had the soundtrack. So the one thing I was kind of sad about the music in the movie is perfect, but they didn't technically do the songs from the book, because if you read the book, brian Leo Malley actually has written the songs for Sexpa Bomb, even gives you the chords and everything. And the first song that they opened the movie with it's called Launchpad McQuack, which, if you know the reference, congratulations, you're old like us. So I was very sad that that technically wasn't the song they did, but it was at the same time. But yet, freaking, crashing the boys, we could do their songs, jerks.

Speaker 3:

You know what. The one thing I'll say is that with live action adaptations, you win some, you lose some, right? I definitely feel like that is a give and take. A couple things you said too. Wasn't expecting to hear you talk about the prodigy. I'm not going to pretend to be the biggest prodigy fan, but the song I always remember is Firestarter. It's a good one. It's a good one. It's a good one. It's a song. It feels like who the fuck are you?

Speaker 2:

He's never heard me talk about the prodigy no never.

Speaker 3:

This is not one of those moments where I'm making shit up. I actually am actually genuinely talking about Firestarter by the prodigy. But you know it's interesting that you mentioned like how, the, how you remember the trailer and how that kind of plays into it as well. And then you know you dive into those other areas, like with us. We just watched it for the first time literally this year and it never been involved at all in that world with those characters. But we definitely knew something was special and we could understand why it was kind of like a cult classic, but we also understand, on the flip side, why it could potentially work as an anime. So you mentioned a couple of things that you're excited for with the anime. Is that something that you think is going to be a good medium for it? Like, instead of it just being like live action TV show, do you think anime gives it that extra flexibility it needs?

Speaker 1:

I think anime is probably the perfect avenue for the story. The story already is over the top. There are people that are ninjas or half ninjas. There's people that have superpowers. There's the whole portal that they can travel through, everything, that whole dimensional space that Ramona is able to travel.

Speaker 1:

Gideon the fight between our final Evil X in the movie is beautiful. It's beautifully choreographed. It has some amazing moments. It has moments where you just grit your teeth at how much you despise this Evil X. Like that it just so beautiful. But in the book, in the book, it is so much worse.

Speaker 1:

The only thing that I can tell you and this is the best way to kind of give you an idea is that Gideon at the end of the book series is Sephiroth from Final Fantasy 7. It is absolutely insane and I understand why we didn't go that route. Two reasons one, because he was literally finishing the book while they were making the movie. But then, on the other aspect, it just I think it would have completely thrown people off to go that direction. But it makes sense in the book, Cause once they get to that point they explain a lot of stuff and that kind of like wrap up doesn't really happen in the movie, which is okay. I feel that there there's a couple things that are going to read extremely well as far as the anime goes, and making it episodic also allows them to expand upon the story like big time, Cause there's so much that happens in the books that we don't really get to see. There's more that we get with Kim Pine, who happens to be one of my all time favorite characters that you know she was just the drummer that you know also used to date Scott, but we don't get why they dated or how they dated.

Speaker 1:

Now Adult Swim did make a quick little like prequel anime that kind of explained that, but there's, there's more that kind of happens into the story as well. So I'm hoping that the anime, the action sequences are, I think are going to be there. I think they're going to be on point, I think they know exactly what the hell they're doing, but I'm hoping that we expand upon the actual story. I think that's the reason I'm the most excited, cause I read the books before I saw the movie, so it's one of the few book series that I actually like. I read the whole thing almost the night before I saw the movie opening day, actually in New York City so kind of obsessed with series. I'm sorry, so so much so shameless plug, If I may, the weekend before the anime comes out, I'm actually dropping a Scott Pilgrim themed album.

Speaker 3:

Yes, there we go. We love the shameless plugs. You're on here, yeah, shameless plug away, and everything we plug to will make sure we'll also be in the show notes so you guys can make sure to follow along. You know you always got a bunch of stuff going on prime, so the fact that we had got to schedule this in the first place was awesome, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So I mean one of the things, and Eric and I expressed this in our review you know in that series that we watched Scott Pilgrim. It's called late to the party because we've watched. You know, we're watching a bunch of films that we missed out on for whatever reason, you know, and and I came away just really not liking Scott as a person, and I think that's where a lot of the disconnect was for me. Is that that's? Does that change in the book or is it going to be the same in the anime, like so?

Speaker 1:

I'm not meant to like him. Here's the problem. The funny thing is is in the movie he's a lot more likeable you want to know you look. Yeah, you want to like Scott, but Scott is not a good person.

Speaker 2:

Okay, one of those. Okay got it.

Speaker 1:

And but the I think the reason it's endearing is because he doesn't realize that he's not a good person Like this. This whole because, if we're being honest about it, I love Scott and Armona. They're great main characters, you know, because you want that love story, but Scott and Ramona are toxic people.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Like very, very much. And the funny thing is that I actually have had this conversation with a lot of people where they're like Scott Scott's a really toxic person. You're like, oh yeah, no, he's, he's the main character but he's not meant to be liked. You know, I think you're you're you're meant to identify with these characters and everybody kind of has somebody that they identify with, but you're, you're not really entirely meant to like him. I think we're kind of forced to like him because he is the main character, because when you watch a series, you know you want to root for the main character. I guess, like if you guys watch a lot of anime Helsing, we want to like this character and we do because he's the OP main character. But he's not a good person, you know it's kind of right, those are the best anime characters, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And any, yeah, any, character time you have a. You know, when you write a layered character like that, that is what you want, you know, as anybody can write a goody two shoes, you know that's not difficult to do, you know. So I think that's probably why and again, Eric Deku is probably one of our least favorite characters in my hero because he's kind of lame, but all the other characters that have daddy issues and anger issues and everybody else. Those are way more interesting characters to like.

Speaker 1:

You're like Deku? No forget that guy, batman. Yes.

Speaker 2:

Joker Sure.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

We'll hear him out. Like I think we don't live in Gotham City. We'd be way too easily persuaded.

Speaker 1:

You're like Black's your ass. That's a good guy.

Speaker 2:

This riddle is pretty good, though, so let's hear what he has to say.

Speaker 3:

Oh man, yeah, no, I definitely think. I think the anime is going to be good. There's so much in anime that that is just special out there, and I can't wait to see the addition of it. You know, prime, let's let's talk a little bit about some of those other areas of pop culture as well, and then we'll kind of talk a little bit about what we've got going on together in November.

Speaker 3:

And I want to kind of focus on like for anime, specifically like. Obviously that's a good part of your. You know your DJ experience, especially in Nakama. You know you play the classics, you play ones people don't quite know. You do a nice mixture there. What are some of like, the real like? If we were to talk about your intro to anime, what did that kind of look like? And what are some of those passion projects that you watch still or that you've been watching now that are, like, really integral to your anime experience?

Speaker 1:

So I so follow up question A good jump off point for people that don't watch anime, is that kind of what you're?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, really, really, just in general, of like your experience and like if people were to jump on, yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

For me, the ones that kind of brought me in. I always say Dragon Ball Z, but the funny thing is is Dragon Ball Z is not even the first anime I ever watched. In technicality, voltron, which is actually based off Go Lion, is the actual name of the anime. And then my neighbor Totoro was my very first movie that I ever watched. And then Dragon Ball Z kind of started this whole idea of, I guess, this genre, this medium that I just was kind of been taking, and then from there I saw Ghost in the Shell, akira and what was the other one. There's always, there's like one more that I always forget to mention. That kind of like. Those are the ones I kind of solidified. This is what I like, you know this is, this is exactly what I'm into. But Tsunami really is kind of what cultivated, I think, my full like obsession with anime, because Robotech was the very first one that I ever started watching on there. Then they brought us Gundam Wing and Dragon Ball Z was on there, which was cool, because that's when we finally got the dynamic saga, because up until that point we only had to say in saga that they were airing on TV since, like what? 1996 or something like over and over and over. It was a lot. I was like I swore as anyway, yeah, but yeah. So for me I kind of feel like the big ones that really solidified my passion for it were probably Robotech, gundam Wing, dragon Ball Z, sailor Moon, tenchimuyo Trigun. A lot of those kind of kept me going.

Speaker 1:

My all time favorite, my dude right here, lupon the third. I am obsessed with Lupon the third. I didn't realize that Lupon was probably my favorite anime until recently. Just this year I sat down and thought about it Because one of the ones I've always told people my favorite anime of all time is this really old anime that nobody's probably ever heard of. It's called Devil Hunter Yoko. It's really really good. If you go to watch it now, fair warning, it is cringe as hell, but I really really like it. I guess Think Sailor Moon meets Demon Slayer and kind of just this fusion of that. Yeah, it's good, but right now, if you've never watched an anime, some of the ones that are coming out right now I think are really really good. I really enjoy Demon Slayer, but then again, I really like Shonen style anime, so I didn't think that I was not going to like it. It already looked visibly beautiful, so I was like.

Speaker 1:

Demon Slayer is going to be the one. So I love Demon Slayer. I'm actually finally caught up. It's so good. I don't know where we're going from here, but I'm ready for it. I really like Spy Family yeah.

Speaker 2:

Spy Family is good.

Speaker 1:

I actually got a canvas on my wall for my buddy, kawaii Satori, actually staring at me with the family.

Speaker 3:

Hey, chris, over at Kawaii Store.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean actually pull it down real quick there you go.

Speaker 2:

So Chris knows it happened.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love that one, that one's so good With the peanuts, because you know she can totally eat peanuts.

Speaker 3:

I guess this will just chill here. Now I was going to say you're probably pulling me down without thinking about that.

Speaker 1:

No, I mean, I can see the hook. I just getting it back up there's gonna be a lot, so those are some really good ones.

Speaker 1:

I like Chain Saw man and one that I just got into. Actually, my wife is the one that kind of was like hey, you got to watch this and it was kind of like on my radar. But after she was like, no, you need to watch, this is Zom 100. Yes, so good. Zom 100 is very, very good. I love zombie stuff. It's probably my favorite like horror genre. But George Rameiro, specifically because he didn't write stories for the sake of just zombies being zombies. It was the human connection or disconnection that we as as a species go through when dealing with this type of crisis. And the crazy thing is is I almost feel that COVID-19 kind of proved it right and it's. It's a little insane to kind of kind of analyze those things like that sometimes. But yes, enemies that I'm obsessed with right now Gundam, it's always Gundam. I got my Gundam models on my desk right now. See if you can hang this back up.

Speaker 3:

Maybe that's right Build those Gundam Sundays. I believe it is.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So the last one, I last one I did was was my dude heavy arms from from Gundam, gundam Wing that's. This is my favorite Gundam of all time. Close, I would say close first place, because I don't know who I like more, but from the new series, which Mercury aerial is, just a go. I love Ariel so much.

Speaker 2:

This is not going to help our patron Stefan to, who said specifically at our last convention don't let me buy any Gundams because he's, because he's like very slowly getting into that as a new hobby and I'm like you should do it, Stefan. Funny, you do whatever. You do whatever you like. You do whatever you like.

Speaker 3:

Live, live, live, live. Yeah, no, the which for Mercury is actually my first Gundam show that I've ever actually watched. I've always, I've always seen the old, you know old Gundam, but I never really got into anime. Like Dragon Ball Z was my thing, but I didn't really know what that meant back then. So, like Gundam, I always saw it. But yeah, which for Mercury was great. My brother, actually that we're talking about, is going to build me a Gundam in Ariel. So, oh nice, because I am too lazy, I will not do it. So I've drawn the line of the sand, but I really want one. So we made a deal.

Speaker 1:

I will say Ariel was probably one of the more profanity inducing models that I put together.

Speaker 3:

So I'm glad you're not the one. Yeah, that makes me feel great about it there's.

Speaker 1:

There's some pieces on on her, yeah, and that's just the high grade, so that's like the base model. So if they're building you like like a master grade or something bigger, I I'm so sorry If you're listening and watching- this.

Speaker 2:

I'm so sorry. You made a good point though, prime, because you know and Eric, I've been saying this for like as long as I guessed on like I'm a pretty casual anime fan, but I feel like I've moved up to like the intermediate level. Okay, because you know, I find a lot of shows that I watch on my own. Now I used to just heavily rely on Eric, but now I've gone out of my way to find shows that I really enjoy, and I think, if you guys agree with that, I think this is the best time to be an anime fan ever. Everything is accessible, everything is easy to get to and there's something for everybody. I mean, you talk about spy family, like my daughter swore. You know I don't like anime. There's nothing like she loves spy family. Actually, at last year's Musabicon she got your forgers autograph on a print.

Speaker 1:

So she has that up in her room.

Speaker 2:

So like there's something for everybody in its genre that I mean, it used to be very niche, but it's so mainstream now, in a good way, and I think this is one of those few ways where you can see something become mainstream and it's. It's good because people are now finding themselves opening them up to stories and characters that they previously did not know existed and can really relate to. So I think you're making a good point because, again, it's more accessible than ever and a really great time to be a fan.

Speaker 1:

It's not us, you know, going to these like comic book shops that existed in a mall that was dying, going through like the box is man. I have animes that I've watched, that I only have seen maybe like the middle three episodes of a series because that's all I could get my hands on, like Burnup Warrior, not an anime everybody knows or is even ever heard of. That's okay, it was a fun series. But, like I'm pretty sure I watched episode four, five and six because that's all that existed on this one VHS that I owned back in the day. But yeah, it's, I'm very happy. I'm also happy that it's so mainstream that we're kind of past the stigma for the most part of it being childish, or you know why are you watching Cartoon G should just grow up. I'm sitting here with a Yu Yu Haku shirt on.

Speaker 2:

Well, like how can? It's always interesting because, like how can anime be childish? But also the same crowd goes to a Disney film and balls their eyes out, like they can both exist and they can justify it, I guess because it's Disney yeah right, it's all about that mouse man.

Speaker 3:

The mouse runs a lot of it's a lot of shit. So, yeah, and like I said, I think it is one of those things like you mentioned, phil, that get everybody in it. Fun, fun story here, because me, I've started my one piece journey, which is God, it is a track.

Speaker 2:

It's just the fifth episode in a row where I think every single creator spotlight. You've talked about one piece. I just think it's worth bringing up.

Speaker 3:

I don't think it is a very early on into it, no, but I do bring it up for this reason. So now my wife and my son have expressed interest very minimally and just kind of set it. So now we're watching it and we get to get to this episode where spoilers for one piece from the 1990s, like early on there's this dog called Chuchu and basically long story short goes to commercial break. But you think the dog died. My son almost broke out in his ears and he doesn't get moved by stuff like that.

Speaker 3:

But he's really made a connection with Luffy specifically as a character and kind of getting those connections, and then now seeing this dog getting introduced, like it, is one of those things I think people are so passionate about anime in general and that's one of the things to tie it back to Nakama. And really, what we're going to be doing in November is the first con for Nakama Nakama Con in November, november 4th and 5th of, I'm Not Mistaken and I kind of want to talk a little bit about, like, what we're going to be doing there, what to expect. You are the host as well, so do you have a little bit of an idea like, what do you have up your sleeve that you can tell us about to get people excited?

Speaker 1:

Well, I know that we're definitely going to have some music brought to you by myself and possibly one of the other DJs actually from the barb of what a DJ germ because I know that we wanted him to be involved and I would love for him to be there and be a part of this. We also have the limit breakers, who are a Jacksonville based video game rock band. If you've never seen these guys live, they are phenomenal. I actually just did a show with them on October 4th and they blew the roof off the place and I get to hype listening to them, so I did my DJ set. First was like cool. There was another band called limo scene that went on. They were freaking amazing. They were like a synth wave, like very much 80s vibe type group. Loved their whole thing. And then the limit breakers took the stage and everybody that was there stopped sitting down. They all ran up to the stage and I was just like All right. First of all, this makes me feel good that people like you guys this much and that they came here for you. And second, I'm so glad they're up here because now I'm not alone or I'm dancing around like an idiot, so they're going to be rocking out with us.

Speaker 1:

I know that we are doing a giveaway for Nintendo switch at the convention. I know that we have tons of vendors that are going to be amazing. One of the cool things I know that we're doing that is advertised is that the Pokemon League that is hosted at Nakama on Wednesdays, I believe it is. They're actually going to be doing a league four tournament or like free play type thing. So if you play TCG, please come on out and challenge these guys. I believe they're supposed to be having their own badges to give you guys something that me and Sean had talked about. So now that I'm saying it out loud, I'm going to make sure that's actually a thing. So there's, there's a lot kind of going on. That is going to be a lot of fun. It's first time it's a two day, you know show. I'm really excited to see everybody.

Speaker 1:

There was talks of having a Gundam building like station, so that was kind of my suggestion because I thought that would be kind of cool. We have a table for everybody if they want to bring their own gunpla or you know, we'll have some there. I was trying to see if we can get a hold of some of the beginner kits because they make Bandai actually makes beginner kits that are like a level below, just a regular one. So this is good old classic Gundam RX-782. One of my all time favorites, but it is the, the plastics already colored. I didn't paint that and he probably went together in about 25, 30 minutes. It's not bad, like the six hours it took me to do aerial. I should know eight, eight hours.

Speaker 3:

God, it sounds like an absolute pain, but wild. You know, it is pretty cool that they do those, those things at Nakama and kind of some of the things there. And it's going to be Nakama Khan is going to be right across the road from the anime bar and the cafe. So even if you're not going to the convention, there's a lot to be able to do. But just to kind of plug it, you know, for Sean, friend of the show, who's been really great to us every time that we've been there this is going to be taking place again November 4th and 5th. It's going to be at the Holiday Inn in Suites on 620 Wells Road in Orange Park, so definitely make sure to be there.

Speaker 3:

Hosted by Awesomest Prime performances by the Limit Breakers, and you heard a little bit about it just now. So many things, 30 plus vendors, speaking panels. There will also be a guest as well that will be appearing. So come support a local Khan starting up for the first time and we know a little bit about that, right, phil? We started off at the first year Bull Mat Sury in Jacksonville and the first year Brick City Anime Festival in February. So we're excited to be a part and beta quest.

Speaker 2:

Can't leave them out. Yep, beta quest, but we really like being a part of these, so yeah, speaking of the mouse, I'm going to be at frickin Disney World for my daughter's birthday. I mean sure, if you would have told me that I was going to Disney World two times in one year, I would have been like you're full of shit. I don't believe you. I'm not looking forward to it. But oh well, I'll get drunk at Epcot.

Speaker 3:

But yeah, we'll have that, we'll play that graphic and we'll go ahead and again have that link in the show notes as well. If you'd like to purchase your tickets by the time this episode comes out, there'll be a few more weeks left before the event. With that being said, prime, we're going to jump into a little bit of fun to kind of wrap up the episode here, and we've got a couple of things to do. So Phil's got a Would you Rather? And then I've got a game that we've played once on the show. Shout out to your friendly neighborhood gamers who gave us the idea, played it with us once. I think they stole it from another podcast. So we're just doing the same thing.

Speaker 3:

We're going to jump into a game where we take the IMDB Parents Guide and we go off of those descriptions for you to figure out the movie and or show. Oh God, all right, super exciting stuff. Now I've picked a couple of films, shows and or animes that, even if you haven't watched them, you should still be able to at some point be able to make the determination. And really, here, guys, we're just going to play it for fun and see for Bragg and writes who walks out with the most. So the first thing that we're going to do here, I'm going to give you the clue of if it's a film or a show. It is a film, ok, and we're going to start off with sex and nudity. For the parents guide, there's none. A girl wears a short, revealing shirt, violence and gore is mild and if you happen to know what it is, feel free to throw out any guesses. During the massive fight between the characters and the clones, one of the characters and clones are shown taking turns slapping each other Pokemon, the movie.

Speaker 3:

That's crazy. That is crazy. It is Pokemon, the first movie, the first movie that is exactly what that is.

Speaker 1:

That is, I was like hold up, it's not a soca.

Speaker 3:

Remember a slap fight? That was really good. Prefantasy, non-mild language in the Japanese version only. No alcohol, drugs or smoking, and then frightening, intense scenes. If you're curious, is mild and that's where I was going to save.

Speaker 2:

Where Mewtwo wakes up in slaughters, all the scientists who created the killings are all off screen, which I think I think in the Japanese version is a lot more graphic than what we got here in the states. At least that's what I've heard, but yeah, I haven't seen it myself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've never seen it either.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and then if you guys still couldn't figure it out, I always had Ash turning to stone to you know, give that to me All right so good first one here, let's go ahead and jump into another one, and for this one, this is also going to be a film, and it is a rated PG for action and mild violence, sex and nudity none. Violence and gore is mild. There are depictions of characters being punched, kicked, scratched and attacked using supernatural abilities. Hmm, profanity there's none. Nothing really, just mild name calling Alcohol, drugs and smoking is none. It is a movie, it is. And then frightening and intense scenes is mild. There are many scenes in which the main characters are in peril, including chases, mild scares and thrill, but not over the top, do you do?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I do Scooby-Doo movie Not.

Speaker 3:

Scooby-Doo? No, not Scooby-Doo, you're, you're not exactly in the wrong direction though In chases.

Speaker 2:

You said they're involved in chases. They're involved in chases A movie.

Speaker 3:

A couple of additional hints. I will go back to violence and gore, which again is mild. A dog is trying to attack our main two characters and they managed to stop him by trapping him in the shower.

Speaker 2:

Trapping him in the shower, mm hmm.

Speaker 1:

Trapping him in the shower. Ghostbusters, no, um, that does not happen and it's not Scooby-Doo.

Speaker 2:

Are you sure it's not Scooby-Doo? It's not, oh man.

Speaker 3:

Here's another another hint from fight, frightening and intense scenes. This movie is a bit edgier than the games when it comes to cartoon, violence, scares, name calling and bullying. It's also surprising that the movie used to be bright, colorful and funny or lighthearted.

Speaker 2:

Is it Resident Evil?

Speaker 3:

No, now you're going in the wrong direction. We were close to. Scooby-doo Close to Scooby-Doo, what let's try another one here in violence and gore. For this one I will go ahead and use that. The main character does a training obstacle course and fails miserably.

Speaker 2:

Fails miserably. What the hell is this?

Speaker 3:

It is a as another hint here and this will be a hint to help out. It is a newer film.

Speaker 2:

Does an obstacle course fails miserably. Okay, here's a dog in the shower. Yeah, that's why I'm stuck.

Speaker 3:

You're going to get mad, probably when you know it, especially if you've seen the film. So here's another hint this one may give it. There is a scene where one of our main characters is captured by the villain and tortured with pulling hair out of his mustache, then getting locked in a cage with a fire.

Speaker 2:

Mario, it is, oh my God.

Speaker 3:

What happened?

Speaker 1:

Oh, the dog in the beginning. The dick dog, yes, oh my.

Speaker 2:

God, oh my gosh.

Speaker 1:

That's description is so vague.

Speaker 3:

Oh my God, yeah, yeah, these parents not really helping us out there.

Speaker 1:

Nope, they're like that was everyone. Nope.

Speaker 3:

All right. So we are one, one a piece. This is good. This is good, it's going exactly. We have one really easy one and then one super difficult one. That was bad.

Speaker 1:

That was bad.

Speaker 3:

All right, we're going to go ahead and jump into our next film here. This is a movie, said film, so yeah, that would just wait. Fuck off. Sex and nudity is none. Violence and gore is mild. There is the villain punching one of our heroes in the face multiple times and the hero gets some scars, which is very upsetting. Profanity is mild, for uses of hell and eight uses of damn one shout out loud and frustration. Okay, alcohol, drugs and smoking is mild. There are two scenes that show teen drinking, smoking, gambling and fighting. A man tells two kids that whatever they want to do, they can do it. They then ask for cigarettes. The scene is very reminiscent of Pleasure Island from Pinocchio. Frightening, frightening and intense scenes. A fire starts in an apartment.

Speaker 2:

Starts in apartment.

Speaker 3:

There are a couple of hints so far.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

The Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse. No, not Spider-Man.

Speaker 2:

No, okay.

Speaker 3:

Nope. Going back to violence and gore, a man beats up a teenager, but the boy lives.

Speaker 2:

Again, you're sure it's not Spider-Man, I'm sure.

Speaker 3:

Frightening and Scooby-Doo?

Speaker 1:

No, it's not Scooby-Doo, scooby-doo.

Speaker 3:

That would be pretty fucked up. Frightening and intense scenes. The villain is very intimidating and their death is unsettling. Tarzan.

Speaker 1:

No, funny, because I was going to go Beauty and the Beast with that. That's same death Right there. It's not bad.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's pretty pretty so.

Speaker 3:

I will tell you guys, this one is an older film. Okay, and another hint will go back up to violence and gore. One of our main characters is jumped and beaten up on the rooftop of another character's apartment, leading to being tossed through a skylight and being put in a coma for a portion of the film. He wakes up okay later, but the fight itself is very intense and the uncertainty of his recovery could be scary. Guardians of the Galaxy Pretty young viewers.

Speaker 2:

Volume three no, no, okay. Who that just chucked through with yeah, thrown through a window and put in a coma.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and I'll tell you this prime.

Speaker 2:

I picked this one specifically after scoping through your Instagram so oh no, this one, oh, thrown through a window and put in a coma.

Speaker 1:

They're allowed to do whatever they want. Oh man, now I'm like what? What movies have I posted about? What have I? What have I seen older? So another hint that may give it away.

Speaker 3:

Frightening and intense scenes. The villain dies in the end and falls to his death crushed by a garage, a garbage scoop, ninja Turtles no Teenage.

Speaker 1:

Mutant Ninja Turtles 1990 film.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, it is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles that's terrible.

Speaker 1:

That's how I had to get it. Yeah, that's secret of the ooze. No, the first one. Yeah, because that's how he goes out and then he comes back super shredder. Blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 3:

Yep, damn that. If that hint didn't give it, I was going to just tell you guys they were turtles.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, no, they do chuck him through through a window.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and then he's in a coma. Yeah, the the teens. It is very reminiscent of Pleasure Island from Pinocchio. It's kind of From Pinocchio's similarities.

Speaker 2:

Which? Which which parent wrote out similar to Pleasure Island from Pinocchio? I don't know.

Speaker 1:

It is questionable Very good, just say it Damn, all right. All right, that's a hell of a description. That is All right.

Speaker 3:

We've got another one here. This one is going to be an anime, so whether or not you've watched it, you should at some point be able to know what this anime is. So for this anime, sex and nudity is mild. Many male characters are shown shirtless. Jojas was our adventure. That's a great I had a feeling that was going to come.

Speaker 2:

All of every anime ever.

Speaker 3:

Violet and Gore is severe Hell yeah, Severe. And disfigured bodies are shown.

Speaker 2:

Severe and disfigured. Ok Again, not trimming it down very much.

Speaker 3:

Profanity. It says mild, but I got to be honest. Every cuss word I can think of is on here, so I'm going to change that to severe, because that's it's not mild, it's not so just You're right, it is not OK, but not a bad guess. Alcohol, drugs and smoking there is none. Some people occasionally drink and then frightening and intense scenes is severe. One of our characters gets bullied multiple times. It's very heartbreaking and intense.

Speaker 2:

It's not Zod 100. Is it? It is not.

Speaker 3:

OK, all right, let's go ahead and jump into a couple of more hints here and we'll go back up to sex and nudity. Ok, I just find this one kind of funny. I don't know that it's going to give it away, but a character calls another character's mom a slutty concubine. I don't think that's going to give it away. I just wanted to say slutty concubine. Using it, violent and gore is severe. The main character headbutts one of the villains multiple times to bloody pulp and then roundhouse kicks his face Roundhouse kick anime.

Speaker 2:

It is an anime Headbutts to a bloody pulp.

Speaker 3:

Frightening and intense scenes, again severe. One of the villains that controls heat sets a bunch of people on fire in a restaurant. One of the waitresses try to run away but ultimately dies from combustion.

Speaker 1:

This might be something I haven't seen. I will tell you it's a very well known anime controls not just bleach.

Speaker 3:

No, I'll tell you this Definitely the closest guess you're going to get to it, not being it, that's another hit.

Speaker 2:

Blue exorcist no, what the fuck it's not my hero, I just love blue exorcist.

Speaker 3:

No, but it is a modern shonen. Okay is demon slayer fire force back to sex and back to sex and unity. Overall, the anime is pretty clean. Some male characters lose their clothes in a fight due to transformations. It is implied that they're fully naked, but their torso is shown back to alcohol, drugs and smoking Some people occasionally smoke and then frightening and intense scenes. There are demons and creatures throughout the show that could be scary and visually unsettling to some viewers. Did you guys in?

Speaker 3:

the juju to guys in that it is juju to guys in again, the closest thing you're going to get to bleach.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, all right. Yeah, there you go. God, that was solid. Okay, we're at to to.

Speaker 3:

This is going to be the tiebreaker for our game. So this is going to be a TV series and we are going to jump into let me pull up that parents guide. All right Sex and nudity for this show. No nudity, nothing whatsoever, Not even a kiss, just sexual tension. Oh good friends. Oh wait, there's lots of kissing in friends. There's a lot of kissing Violet's Ed Gore is moderate. We see a man get cut in half. The action happens off screen, but his legs are briefly seen after it occurs. Sweet, Is this the?

Speaker 1:

profanity games.

Speaker 3:

No, not squid games. No, I think that would be pretty severe. Profanity is none. There's a couple of curse words like damn and hell, used throughout the series, asses used a couple of times, jackass is used once and nothing too crazy. Alcohol, drugs and smoking there is none. Frightening and intense scenes is moderate, and a monster vomits pretty much continuously for two minutes. Oh pretty, two minutes, two minutes. Coming back up to the top here, violence and Gore. There is the main character has a rifle and shoots another man. The man is instantly disintegrated.

Speaker 2:

It's like agents of shield.

Speaker 1:

Is it the Mandalorian?

Speaker 3:

It is the Mandalorian, and for the win, prime you got the bragging rights.

Speaker 1:

You know the.

Speaker 3:

IMD parents guide.

Speaker 1:

But like no, because I was like wait, disintegrate. I was like there's only one thing that I've watched recently.

Speaker 2:

What does that possibly mean?

Speaker 1:

The rifle that's that's the whole reason. That thing was outlawed Like the. The Jedi didn't allow that to be used. I wanted to do something.

Speaker 3:

Star Wars Phil hasn't seen a soka, so I went for the Mandalorian here. So very, very good, love playing that game. It's always a lot of fun and appreciate you entertaining us, letting us get entertained there, Brian I was good I know Right. Once you realize it, it is frustrating.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like every time, come on. That would take a lot longer.

Speaker 3:

I'll be halfway through. I was like I did not anticipate the challenges that presented themselves. I was for sure when I brought up the fact that it was off of a game, that somebody was going to get it.

Speaker 1:

See, and I was going through all the games in my head, I'm like it's not Halo, that doesn't make sense.

Speaker 2:

That's why I thought of Resident Evil is like because of the dogs. I was like, yeah, once you brought up Resident Evil, I was like I think we've made a wrong turn somewhere. Yeah, we made a wrong turn.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but to kind of wrap things up here as we, as we wrap up the episode. You have a? Would you rather a couple? Would you rather scenarios? Yeah, let's jump into it. Get to know Prime a little bit more. Some of these can be easy, some of these can be very thought provoking. So let's jump into it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I got to. I'll start off with I only have one nerdy one, because, honestly, the ones that are not nerdy are a lot more fun because they're weirder. So let's go with that one. Actually, we'll just piggyback off of Star Wars. Would you guys rather have a lightsaber or a Harry Potter wand in real life? Lightsaber hands down.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, lightsaber, 100 percent, here's the thing.

Speaker 2:

Ok, I'm very clumsy and I feel like I would like drop it and like slice off my leg on accident. At least if I I could, if I mess up a spell like it just doesn't work.

Speaker 3:

You would like the on for the lightsaber, because you would turn it on accidentally. Oh, no, absolutely and just like just just my self.

Speaker 1:

I'm just not.

Speaker 2:

I'm just too clumsy for a lightsaber. I think I would have to go with one.

Speaker 1:

There are settings on it, though, that turn down the intensity of how much it can cut and settle, just burn really bad, that doesn't make me feel better.

Speaker 2:

Would you rather lose the limb or just burn it?

Speaker 1:

I'd rather have the wand.

Speaker 3:

I think. I feel like I do feel like you'd lose the wand, though. Oh yeah, absolutely, We've called like the wrong hands.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely Put it on your head Sit on it.

Speaker 1:

You know it's not as simple as.

Speaker 3:

Hogwarts legacy. You actually have to say it, right.

Speaker 2:

You'd be like someone just gives me the wrong change and I just personally. Oh man Holy shit.

Speaker 3:

Probably not be a great.

Speaker 2:

No, neither one. Honestly, I shouldn't have either. Actually, is what what I have come to the conclusion to? All right, let's go to one. So a little bit deeper here, would you rather be able to tell your past self one thing, or ask your future self one thing, or ask your future self one question? I should say so tell your past self one thing, ask your future self one question.

Speaker 1:

I feel like they're almost the same question. Would you rather young self ask you present self question or you ask future self question? So it's the same thing. Yeah, just where in the timeline.

Speaker 2:

I guess if you asked your past self or you tell your past self that one thing, you get to take advantage of it sooner.

Speaker 3:

I guess the way I look at it, this is a little too deep. But if you, if you do tell your past self something you want to change something about your life now, if you tell your future self something you want to change something, obviously you start yourself in the future. Yeah, so I guess it would depend. Is there something you want to change now or in the future, I would say, because one little thing could change everything, and I don't have my son Hot tub time machine.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to go future and not mess up the timeline. What's done is done. I'm going to just ask the winner of the next, like 10 Super Bowls and just make it big. I'm going to do it. You can't do Phil, I'm going to bet and I'm going to win.

Speaker 2:

OK, well, that you didn't have to throw in my gambling addiction, that's. That's kind of it. It is fairly new.

Speaker 1:

No, I I kind of went deep in thought as well. I think I would rather ask my future self a question, because if I go back until past self something that's obviously going to set off a different stream of future that when I return, I could potentially return to a different present. But if I find out information from the future, whatever present I live, regardless of it being the same path or the ultimate path, it's still my present that I'm living. So I would know the difference. Yeah, I'm doing that one.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think that's all in flash.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we're winning it.

Speaker 3:

I'd rather not set off a strand and end up in a shitty TV show like Loki Season One.

Speaker 2:

So that's now that's you or just end up in a really bad CGI, fight over and over again like over and over, and then fight yourself like some sort of demon, monster or whatever it is.

Speaker 1:

Oh God, every season.

Speaker 2:

Which one of these would you? For a hundred, for a prize of one hundred million dollars? Let's say the two of you are teaming up. Ok, the two of you are teaming up. You must win a fight to the death. Which of these opponents would you like? Would you like eight unarmed clones of yourself? So either one of you, prime Dwayne, the Rock Johnson, to angry Filipino men with machetes, or a 20 foot long saltwater crocodile who you fighting?

Speaker 3:

I know about you, prime, but I limited that to the crocodile and the eight versions of me.

Speaker 1:

I well, I was going for the crocodile. I think I could handle the croc.

Speaker 3:

I watched. I watched a lot of crocodile hunter. Ok, Steve Irwin taught me a lot.

Speaker 1:

I would not want to fight a clone. If they know everything that I know. I guess that's the. Do they know what I know? If they know what I know, then hell, no, I'm not fighting eight of them. Yeah, I am. I'm not telling you the different.

Speaker 3:

They're going to see that I know the balls coming.

Speaker 1:

There's, there's a lot of, a lot of pain in these hands. No, yeah, no I they're going to.

Speaker 2:

Like your right leg is worse than the left one, all your weaknesses, my myself, would just punch me right in the heart and I'd be done. That's it. That's it for me, like.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think, I think crocodiles the easy answer there. Definitely not prime rock, yeah, no.

Speaker 2:

See, my daughter was like, what about the Filipinos with the machetes? I was like, do you know how fast they are? Like, we are like not me, but like them.

Speaker 3:

They'll slice open an artery real quick It'll be it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think I would probably have to take you don't think we could outsmart the rock? A saltwater, a saltwater crocodile, a 20 foot saltwater crocodile.

Speaker 3:

Prime rock would destroy your confidence and then fuck you yeah yeah, he would cut a promo and then kill. He'd fucking kill you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then he'd be a be a multiple rock bottom.

Speaker 3:

just all of us lined up, just one and back to the heart thing, phil, you cannot survive a people's elbow. That is a that's true, that's true, that's true.

Speaker 2:

Now we got beaten up and our feelings are hurt.

Speaker 1:

And it was on national television.

Speaker 2:

All right, last one here. I'll throw this one out. I actually stole this from Barstool. If you could put any franchise restaurant in your home, what would it be? I got my answer.

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna hear primes first.

Speaker 1:

I got mine, though you already know what it is, phil, do I?

Speaker 2:

any, any franchise, any franchise.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, I am torn. I'm going to go with.

Speaker 2:

Q Thoba oh man, what a great answer. God, I missed this.

Speaker 1:

I am obsessed with. I mean there's a couple that still exists Now. I would want it the Q Thoba, the way they were like 10 years ago, because they took away the like the loaded gumbo, like they don't do it anymore. That was the best thing I used to do, the. They had a craft too many. I'm such a fatty I'm talking about this. They had a thing they called the craft to, where you could pick two different items. So I would get the smaller little like loaded, you know, loaded tortilla soup, and then I would get two of the crunchy tacos, but one taco would be the carnitas and the other one would be the shrimp. Oh, it's not bad. I wanted all of my flavors in one shot. So that's how I, because I put the chicken on top of the soup.

Speaker 2:

I don't know how you feel about you know about Chipotle and Mo's, but the fact that those have stuck around and we lost a lot of Cadovas is pretty disappointing yeah.

Speaker 1:

Mo's isn't bad. I think if you go into Mo's knowing that you're not getting like anywhere close to authentic, like Mexican flavor, then you're good, solid, yeah, and if you're okay with dry chips and shitty salsa, that is free. Like, like I would. I would take panceros over those, but I don't know if we have those out here.

Speaker 2:

I don't think so. I don't think so.

Speaker 1:

Because, panceros, they make the tortilla like fresh right there. They have the dough and then they press it and cook it right there, and then they, oh my god, so they them and they have their own like green salsa, like hot sauce is called green grenade sauce. So worth it.

Speaker 2:

All right, what's your? What's your, let me? Let me throw a mind that I kind of thought about, because I originally had thought like I would go with something like a that was very, very like rich. I was thinking because I'm a slut for olive garden, I don't care that it's not authentic, I just I'm a sucker for Alfredo sauce and pasta and soup and breadsticks in your house.

Speaker 1:

I don't care that it's not authentic.

Speaker 2:

But I kind of went with. I thought about doing something where I could have a lot of variety and I thought about what if I had a wawa in my house, like I think that would be pretty solid, not bad. I don't know if you would just cloud, because I don't think that's just a gas station Right. So I think I think I would go wawa.

Speaker 3:

I was not bad. It feels like cheating.

Speaker 1:

You guys are cute.

Speaker 2:

I come from New Jersey, where the wall was up there.

Speaker 1:

Didn't always have gas stations Everybody else has a gas station.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just a gas station.

Speaker 1:

They originally started out as a steel mill. Back in now there's history yeah, it's true. And then they became a dairy farm, and then the history was made, and now they make sandwiches. And there you go, crazy.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, mine is easy. Mine is if you know it, you know it, it's cook out.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, cook out. Oh, I think a cookout Great.

Speaker 3:

The burgers, the fries, the hot dogs, the milkshakes.

Speaker 2:

You know cookout is so inexpensive. You could probably actually do that now you understand that right, you could probably just do it. They'd be like you could just build your house around one. Can I get a franchise sack and be like $200 and they just feel like Probably Honestly, I'm not going to lie. I'm not going to lie. It has crossed my mind. I didn't crunch the numbers, but it has crossed my mind to open up a cookout.

Speaker 1:

There you go, especially out here. Let me know I'll be your number one customer, jesus man.

Speaker 2:

It doesn't cross into Florida for some reason. I don't know what the reason is but who knows, who knows.

Speaker 3:

Something dark probably, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Something we don't want to know.

Speaker 3:

But yeah, this was a blast, A fun way to end the episode. You know, I know you know Prime, you're going to be on Twitch here shortly, you know, entertaining the masses even further. So I want to ask you, before we kind of wrap it up, what can people expect from you other than just knock them a con and a couple of things that you plug so far, Any final plugs that you want to mention, maybe up till the end of the year, like anything you got going on, and again, we'll have all your links in the show notes. But let our audience know what you're up to. You know for their end of the year, Sure.

Speaker 1:

I guess the most immediate one. Even once this episode airs, we're going to be doing a Castlevania Vampire or Masquerade at Nakama on October 28th. I want everybody to come out. You don't have to come dressed as a vampire or one of the Belmonts, you can just come in your favorite cosplay or even asking like, if you want to like put vampire fangs to like Luffy or something, I'm totally down for that being the cosplay. We're doing a cosplay contest and Smash Brothers tournament and all that stuff. So that's kind of, I guess, the most immediate one. After that, I'm going to be all over the place. Huh, urban Action Showcase, which is a martial arts themed convention, is going to be in New York City. If you're in that area, if anybody's listening in New York City, congratulations. This podcast is even more amazing than they realized. So that is probably my next one in November, and then I will be actually Fan Expo San Francisco.

Speaker 3:

And then awesome.

Speaker 1:

There's stuff I can't say for December, poop January. I think. I'm kicking off the year with another fan Expo, new Orleans, and then Megacon.

Speaker 2:

And then, yeah, megacon's in February next year, isn't?

Speaker 1:

it or they get used to that boy. Yeah, they're trying to figure out the best time of year as well as just, I think, how to maintain comfort for everybody.

Speaker 2:

Because we didn't go last year just because of the crowds and the heat.

Speaker 3:

And the year previous was enough of a hint for us to say like, okay, we're going to wait till they get that all in order and we got an Airbnb and everything and we were pretty close and it was still, I mean remember the year we went, which was the year before this one, it wasn't even near the amount of celebrities that they had.

Speaker 3:

So they kept announcing it which is awesome, by the way, super cool. But, yeah, we started seeing it and we were like, oh, if it was bad and we didn't have the entire cast of Daredevil in the Punisher here, it's probably going to be really bad yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'm curious to see who they're going to push for next year, because they're still kind of riding strong in the Star Wars for this year and I know because of the SAG after strikes a lot of people had to had to do some cancellations and stuff. Yeah, I had the opportunity to actually meet Hayden Christensen for his big one in Denver.

Speaker 2:

Cool Hell yeah.

Speaker 1:

Right before all that stuff kind of kicked off, I've met Emily Swallow, who is the armorer from the Mandalorian. She's super nice people. I held her out with one of her karaoke events and she's super, super nice, so nice actually. In fact, for the Castlevania thing. She actually gave me two autographed pictures, because she is also the voice of Lisa, the bride of Dracula from the Castlevania anime. Let's go. So I'm giving those away as prizes.

Speaker 3:

That's what I love about the convention scene is just all the relationships that you get to build, all the things that come from it, especially if you're just really passionate about what you do, you're good at what you do and you're just nice to people Like. We've learned that very much Really. All it takes and we got one of the good ones here with Prime. So, prime, I want to thank you so much for jumping on and giving us your time. Phil, if you'll let everyone know where they can find more episodes of the Way For A Podcast, we'll go ahead and do a couple of shout outs in the episode and then again, just a friendly reminder, we'll have an after credits. I did not forget. We're going to talk about that DJ story before we let you go. So, phil, take it away.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thank you so much for joining us for the October edition of Creator Spotlight and to Prime again for joining us. Everything that you need as far as his links will be in the show notes of this episode, which is also where you will find our link tree. You'll find everything you need as far as our social media pages. We're most active on TikTok and Instagram. You can also find all the rest of our content that, if you want to catch up on any other episodes and if you want to support us a little bit more, head on over to the Apple Podcast, spotify. Leave us those five star reviews, shoot us up the podcast charts, let's them know that we are doing a good job. But if you want to find yourself maybe supporting the show a little bit more, such as our patrons Briar and Stefan do, eric will let you know how to do that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, just same link in the show notes. You can go straight to our Buzzsprout page and support us there, or you can support us directly on Patreon, where you'll be able to get exclusive access to unedited and early access versions of episodes like this one, and we truly appreciate the support. Guys, we can't wait to see you at Nakamakan and Brick City in February and everything we've got going on. Next, I want to give a big shout out to our guests, dj Awesomest Prime, for jumping on and please don't forget, guys, my name is Mr Eric Almighty. That is my co-host, phil the Filipino, and we release new episodes every Wednesday on the podcast, plus bonus content on platforms like TikTok, and all you have to do is wait for it.

Speaker 2:

So I heard you're looking for a go to source for entertainment. Wait for it. Gaming. Wait for it. Anime Plus Ultra.

Speaker 1:

Mr Eric Almighty and Phil the Filipino yeah, they've got you covered and all you gotta do is wait for it.

Speaker 2:

This is the Wait For it podcast.

DJing, Cosplay, Power of Community
Scott Pilgrim
Discussion on Scott Pilgrim and Anime
The Rise of Anime's Mainstream Popularity
Guessing Movies and Anime by Descriptions
Nerdy and Deep Questions, Franchise Restaurants
Cosplay Conventions and Future Events

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