The Wait For It Podcast

Creator Spotlight: Urban Weirdo

Ready for a wild ride of art, anime, and audacious insights? Buckle up, folks! We spent an unforgettable time with Jay, the creator of the Urban Weirdo clothing brand. We journeyed through his life, from hiding his passions at a young age to boldly expressing them today through his unique artistic creations. Prepare for a first-hand account of his journey, his influences, and his sage advice for all aspiring creatives out there.

Never say we don't keep things interesting! Just as we finished delving into Jay's artistic process, we took a hard turn into fast-food condiments-land. Yes, you read that right. Get ready for a hearty debate on which fast-food chain has the best sauces. You'll never look at your fries the same way again! But that's not all. We also took a deep dive into Jay's favorite anime, and trust us, you don't want to miss his recommendations.

Just when you thought we couldn't cover more ground, we switched things up with Jay's hot takes on the state of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and a thrilling movie quiz  for all you movie buffs out there to join in our guessing game. So, are you ready to jump into this rollercoaster of a podcast episode? Then let's get started!

Find out more info about Urban Weirdo Apparel on their website!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to your go-to source for entertainment. Wait for it.

Speaker 2:

Gaming. Wait for it. Anime Plus Ultra.

Speaker 1:

Mr Eric Almighty and Phil the Filipino.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they've got you covered and all you gotta do is Wait for it. Hey, everybody, welcome back to the Wait for it podcast. I am your co-host, phil Smith, aka Phil the Filipino, and joining me, as always, is your other co-host, mr Eric Almighty. And Eric, we are returning here for what is quickly becoming one of our favorite series here in the podcast, something that's really unique and has allowed us to highlight some really really awesome content creators, and this month is absolutely no different from any other, because we have an old friend who has managed to create a brand. That's just really exciting. We love the opportunity to work with people, of course, that are local here in Jacksonville and highlight what they're doing. And, eric, I cannot wait to have this conversation with our guest today.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's gonna be amazing. I mean, we've had a lot of great interviews. Obviously, this episode being released in the month of August, that means you've listened to the Bulmat Suri interview episode and we had so much fun interviewing people and that's really what inspired this series, but more in a local or smaller way, where we just talked to small businesses, creators, voice actors or actors out there, people out there that are just trying to make a living out there, show off their art, their talent, whatever it may be, and this is why it's really exciting that we've got Jay here from Urban Weirdo and we've known each other. I've got your shirt on, so we're big fans. We like you, jay, how you doing and thanks for coming on.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, of course. Of course I'm doing great. It's a hot, hot, hot Saturday, but yeah, no, I'm good man, I'm good, it's good to be here with you all.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But you know it's good. Yeah, I got to see Eric in person the other day. Phil, he was probably below my eyes.

Speaker 1:

Just missed him. It was like three minutes.

Speaker 3:

Three minutes before short joke. So you know what, forget it. You know what we're not doing this, eric, never mind, we're done.

Speaker 2:

Let me just take a roll.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, no, jay actually delivered my order. I put it in order. I put it in order right before. You know we planned to do this episode, so this is one of the shirts that you guys are seeing here. We're going to be doing the link in the bio for everything Urban Weirdo. You see it on Jay and honestly, jay, that's kind of where I want to start with you. You know we're going to be talking about a lot of stuff, but I want to focus on Urban Weirdo, the apparel and everything that you've got going on. Tell us a little bit about what inspired you to do this, and you know how long have you been doing it for? Because you know, once it's got on my radar, I really started checking you out and checking out what you've been up to and it's been pretty amazing.

Speaker 2:

Thank you. Thank you, no for sure. I just started the actual business aspect of it, I'd say, like September of last year, still very new. So just trying to find my spot, you know, figure out what works, what doesn't. I mean as far as, like, what got me into it?

Speaker 2:

As you can see, I am a collector of things, you know I there's much more on the other side too but I feel like I've always been a that's a weird guy, you know, and it when I was younger, it was definitely more apparent and it was something that I always felt like I needed to hide. You know, when we were younger, the things we like now and the things that are mainstream were not mainstream. It was not out there for everyone and it was very much so a kind of a stigma, I want to say. That just made me personally feel like I couldn't express it. I couldn't express what I truly, truly like. I just wanted to fit in with the cool kids. I just wanted to, you know, just go with the flow and as I've gotten older, I definitely just realized that if it makes me happy, I'm happy. So I created Urban Weirdo.

Speaker 2:

Before this, I was, I was getting into painting, so you know, I was getting more into my artistic side, I guess you'd say. And I just brought it into this because I always felt like I could never find shirts that I really liked. There was always some kind of compromise that I had to give with a shirt Either it didn't feel that great or it might have a great design. Didn't feel good or feels great design sucks. You know, it wasn't really my style, so I started throwing some things together and I came up with Urban Weirdo. And you know, that's where I'm at. I'm just trying to trying to be trying to be a big kid and do some big kid things.

Speaker 3:

No, it's been awesome to see you, man, and I kind of want to ask you you know, like you said, it's been since September and you know, I'm hoping that a lot of people will listen to this episode and hear your story and certainly be inspired to create a brand like you're doing. You know, and that's what's so great about this is, whether it be a small business, whether it be t-shirts, like for you, or whether we do podcasting or voice acting or whatever, what's something, what is a piece of advice you would deliver to somebody that is, for whatever reason, they're just hesitant to get into again, whatever it may be that they are looking to pursue as far as their small business, what kind of advice would you give them?

Speaker 2:

Literally just do it. I mean it's. It seems like a very daunting task, it's. I will say I've run into a lot of speed bumps and there's been a lot of things that I didn't know I needed. That I just found out as I was getting into it. Don't be intimidated by all the paperwork you got to fill out. This is a shit ton and it things still pop up Like I went down.

Speaker 2:

I got a letter the other day from St John's. I'm in St John's County. I got a letter the other day saying hey, we just found out that you have a business here in St John's County. You haven't registered with us. You have X amount of days to do it. And I was like I didn't know I needed to do that Like. You know what I mean. Like and it's just there's a lot of ins and outs and there's a lot of things that will, if you let it, it'll scare you away from just starting.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean and the hardest part and the easiest part is just taking that very first step, whatever it may be. Like you said, if it's a clothing brand, find out what's in your area, find out what you need to do, just do it If it's, I mean there's. There's so many groups that can help you get started, can answer all the questions you have. You know, I've joined like I don't know, like 15 Facebook groups for just random different aspects of business or of branding or marketing or whatever you know. So I mean there's a lot of resources out there. If you look for them, just get out there and start.

Speaker 3:

That's a theme that you know we hear. For pretty much everyone we've talked to through this series is find a community. Find a community that's going to support you but also Tell you what you're doing wrong doing right now. Give me that advice. So that seems. That seems like a constant Eric.

Speaker 1:

Yeah and embrace your weird, I think, is just a really great motto to live by a brand like. I absolutely love it. So, jay, tell me a little bit about what is inspired you, or what is a source of inspiration from both, like a hip-hop anime and fashion Sense for a lot of the designs that you're doing and maybe future designs that are coming up.

Speaker 2:

Well, I've always been the silly goose, so you'll see, some of the things are like the goose banana shirt. I I try to just reach into the different aspects of what I personally like, my personal, my personality Within also, like you said, just influences. So definitely, like with the ice cream shirt you're wearing. I love graffiti and some of the some of the things that I've done. Like I have these monkey sculptures that I just found I'm somewhere and then I I just took them home, I had some paint pens and I just started painting all of just graffiti. You know, so I'll definitely pull in some graffiti into it.

Speaker 2:

I'm definitely wanting to try to Tackle or into like an anime style of some, some future projects. I'd say the biggest difficulty with that is just licensing. So it's like how do I Portray anime without doing a particular character or a brand or a license? That's gonna come inviting the ass down the road, you know. So I'd say that's definitely one of the biggest hurdles With that aspect. As far as like wanting to pull into my the anime that I love, the, you know, just stuff like that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah but graffiti definitely is. It's heavy for me. I've always just loved this tile, just all the different nuances of graffiti, because I mean there's just endless styles and different variations. So it's, there's a lot to pull from.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I love that. And, jay, you know, I know when you came to deliver my order, you came in this just small Car. I think you were on the opposite side of where I was expecting you to be driving and then you've also been like showing up at like pop-ups. So like, how has that been getting to interact with the community and Going mobile?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I was pulled up in tiny van. It's a Japanese import, so it is. It is a right, right hand or a right side drive. So that's the weirdest part. I love just pulling up next to people at the red light and they're like and I'm like, yeah, yeah, I'm here. So you know, it's always fun and it's the tiniest little thing.

Speaker 2:

But I did get it for pop-ups because you know the Daily drivers of two door, I'm not getting anything in there. So the pop-ups have been great, a lot of these events. You know, even if there's not that much turnout, you know I just get to network with other vendors and other. You know other small businesses and you know that's another great, great, great resource, great inspiration, because I'll see, they'll tell me things that work for them, don't work for them, even if we're not in the same field. It's just great to have other Small businesses that are out there grinding with you to just, you know, help build you up.

Speaker 2:

You know, so I've built a great network with a bunch of people, friendships. You know I have some vendors over like, hey, are you doing this one? And I'm like, nah, probably not. But our cool, when you sign back up, let me know, because I'm gonna sign up, what you do, because I just want to be by you so we can just, you know, type situation and it's definitely great meeting, meeting people. And when they come up and they're asking questions, you know, even if they don't buy anything, I don't care, I just like to talk, I just like to shoot the ship. And so we're just sitting there talking about what I like, what they like.

Speaker 2:

You know what weird is for me, what their weird thing is, you know, and it's just it's cool, you know, it's cool getting someone to come up and be like yo. I love this design of like. Thank you, I made it. You know what I mean. It's weird. It's. It's weird because I'm definitely I'm an outspoken person, but I'm also I'm not out. It's hard for me to speak up on myself. Does that make sense? Like I can talk to you about anything, but when it comes like time for me to like tell you why I'm great, I'm just like I don't know. Why do you think I'm great?

Speaker 3:

I'm so good at being humble, I am the best, I am the best at being humble.

Speaker 1:

Yes, phil was. Phil was the most reserved out of our high school group.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yeah, yeah, I am great at subtlety.

Speaker 1:

Oh my god, I, I definitely, I definitely can relate to that, jay, and you know I think you're doing such a great job with the Brand. You know you mentioned a lot of the things that you do have. You know that you're selling what is the like premium item, like what is the thing that you are the most proud of out of your current inventory. So you mentioned a little bit about what you want to do. Is there an item out there that is your like favorite design or it has some type of Significance or importance to you more than the others?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean definitely say there's two. So the first thing is what I just love this design so much? Because, like I said, I am I'm always with the jokes, no matter what it is. If it'll make me laugh or make somebody else laugh, I'm with it. So I got the goose banana shirt, right, and if I mean obviously if you don't know yet. But so I got it in a pin too. So because I love pins, you know, stick up any kids low and they'll put them on their backpacks. They just are obsessed.

Speaker 2:

So I, when I got these, these enamel pins in, I Laughed for like five minutes, just because it is the silliest thing to me. And it is one thing that when people walk up at the events and they just see it, they're like is that a? And I'm like, yes, it's a goose banana. So like on this shirt it says I just want to peel this moment. I mean he's got like little glasses, do so, so. And it's just like so many layers involved to it because one is a, it's a banana at first. You just see the banana here, so that's awesome. What's like wait, is that a? Like a duck or a goose, what is that? And it's like, oh, yes, a goose banana. And then like, oh my god, I see I'm glassy, yeah, he's got glasses. And they're like what? And they're like looking at the shirt, just like, I just want to, I just want to feel this moment. And it's just layer after layer and it's just the joke just keeps coming. So I love the pins just so much. I think they're great.

Speaker 2:

And then the embrace, your weird shirt. This is definitely my favorite one, one because it has the slogan, that has the motto. It has what this is all about for me. This is all about me embracing what makes me weird. And what makes me weird makes me mean. You know what I mean. And on the front it says weird. In a Japanese I was thinking about doing that too. Just getting the shirt and putting whatever else on the bag and then just putting something stupid on the front and they're like what does that say? Anybody like, tell them what it says. The stupid things like why? Like I don't know. Just because you know what I mean, I just, but yeah, any, who? That shirt? Definitely, my hands down. My favorite one. I love the goose banana design too. So those two things are just Top of the top of the charts for me.

Speaker 3:

Nice little pins are good, yeah, but, like you said, pins are a great idea. People love pins. I can. Yeah, though those are always especially at conventions, eric those things fly off the shelves, so that's a really great, great idea. What about a piece of merchandise that's like you haven't done yet but that you would like to do, like whether it be design related, or is there something you want to do on something else that you haven't gotten to do yet?

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm ready for the, for the cold season that we'll have for like a week here in Florida in February. I love hoodies, I love burning passion. I just oh. So I'm really excited to have a hoodie and I have a design that I'm like 98% sure I'm gonna put on it. I haven't done the design yet, I just like sketch it out and done some stuff with it. I don't know how in depth I want to go about that as far as the design itself, but I'm just, I'm really looking forward to some hoodies. Man, like I almost want to just move, just so I can have hoodies longer throughout the year.

Speaker 3:

I feel like people will buy hoodies, even if it's, even if it's hot outside, like people will buy a jacket. They'll buy a long sleeve. I was at the yellow it's actually in the background of this of this video. I bought that yellow card long sleeve, knowing I'm not gonna be able to wear it until December. But I got it because I, because I, because it's cool.

Speaker 2:

So I'm ready.

Speaker 3:

I can't wait for that week. It's gonna be a great week, so I'm gonna wear every single day. It's kind of like when I bought that chainsaw man cardigan yeah at the, at the convention, because it was cold that day I haven't touched it since. Inside it was cold. It wasn't cold. Outside, yeah, inside yeah.

Speaker 1:

No, it's, it's collecting dust until the one day in December that I might be able to wear it so no, I totally feel you, maybe the whole day maybe.

Speaker 1:

But no, jay, I mean this has been really cool, getting to kind of talk about. You know what you do and, like I said, the second I saw it, you know you started following and liking our stuff on tiktok. I went to your videos, I started checking it out and I was like, well, hold on, let me go to the site. And I just fell in love with a lot of the designs, a lot of the things, and I can definitely say as a customer you know, not just because you're on here the shirts, super comfortable again, eye-catching designs, super cool things that you've got going on. So we're gonna be big fans of yours for quite a bit and I can't wait to partner with you. You know, again, in the future, whenever we can, we try to support local creators.

Speaker 1:

Phil, you know we talk about Nakama like non-stop. I'm pretty sure we're gonna be talking about urban, weirdo apparel, the same in the same breath. But I do want to ask you, jay, as we kind of wrap up the conversation on this and we move into some more maybe Casual or fun stuff in the episode that we got planned, I want to ask you if someone hasn't, hasn't made the jump or tried or seeing your product. You know what's the one thing that you think that they need to know before making a purchase.

Speaker 2:

Please, right, right, yeah, please, thank you. You know helps my kids. I got kids. You know I got feet. No, and all honesty, like my ears, my thing. I've never been one to force things on people. Check it out, look at the products if you like it, if you have questions, I am a very responsive person. I will answer whatever questions you have. Like I take pride in Making sure that you get quality and I take pride in knowing that when I get something for you or if I'm presenting something, I am gonna make sure it's the best that it can be and if it's not, I'm gonna fix it. You know what I mean and so I've. I'm always trying to upgrade everything I do, with the packaging, with the. You know just the, the Materials I use, the. Anything I can source in. I am going To research the hell out of it because I am OCD is shit and I hyper focus on things. Just know, whatever you're gonna get, you're gonna love it because I love it, and if I love it, that means it's awesome.

Speaker 1:

So I think that's great.

Speaker 3:

And also, if you like, you're anything like us. You know you talked about just not being able to find a shirt, whether it be comfortable or not, liking the design, like when you're all you're so in tune with that. So that you know that just goes to show that you're gonna put that much effort into Presenting a product that you're gonna wear, you're not gonna put out something like that, you're not, that you're not gonna back. And then, like I think there's a lot of stock in, I couldn't find the product that I wanted, so I made it. You know that that's like that's huge. You know, so I, that that's definitely something to keep in mind as well.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and the link will be.

Speaker 2:

What he said. Take my answer out and.

Speaker 1:

No, that's J. No, I think this is. This has been fantastic again. Super excited to have you on to be able to show it off. The link in the show notes, guys. Definitely make sure to check that out. We'll have a couple visuals added to the episode as well, and it's not just shirts, as you probably caught on in the video, as we've added those things post-production. They got hats, shoulder packs, the whole nine yards. Of course, I had to get some accessories with my shirt so and pins you heard it here. So really great stuff.

Speaker 1:

Jay, we can't wait to continue to talk about Urban Weirdo for the you know rest of the year, see what's coming up in the future and probably make more purchases. But what we're gonna do now is we're gonna transition and just again, very casually. We all know each other, so we're gonna just play a couple games here at the end and also ask a couple casual questions on a personal level. So first off, phil, has it started before you jumped on talking about fast food condiments. So so if you are a fan of fast food condiments, we're going to get into a quick conversation here and we'd love for you to join, because he's very passionate about it, Listen okay.

Speaker 3:

I'm glad that. See, very rarely is there an opportunity where you're like man, I wish I could talk to people about this. Oh, I'm going to be talking to two other people later today. I had some.

Speaker 3:

I had some Wendy's for lunch yesterday and I got some Nuggets really good, solid, a solid nugget and I got their sweet and sour sauce and I thought to myself I think Wendy's has the best sweet and sour sauce out of fast food. Now I think we're going to get a lot of pushback from the McDonald's crowd I know there's some Polynesian fans out there, as well as from Chick-fil-A, but I think the Wendy's sweet and sour sauce just has that little bit of like extra sweetness to it that makes it really, really good. What we're going to have to do is get some McDonald's Nuggets and dip them in Wendy's sauce and maybe do some science here, guys, I think so I want to get your thoughts, not only that's the best, not only who has the best sweet and sour sauce, but who do you think has the best condiments in general when it comes to fast food, because I've been thinking about this for way too long.

Speaker 2:

Well, listen, chick-fil-a, they just go that extra step. Man, it's their pleasure to top off your meal with the best sauces that they have, but in all honesty, though, pdq, pdq sauces hit so hard, whatever that, like garlicky ranchy, whatever that is.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the ranch is good. The thing about PDQ is they do everything good but chicken man. Yeah, it's not the best.

Speaker 2:

They have great cheeks.

Speaker 3:

I think their fries are pretty good, don't they have like truffle?

Speaker 1:

fries oh, they're fries of arm yeah.

Speaker 3:

The only thing is they don't make good chicken, and that's why I don't ever go. So yeah, no.

Speaker 1:

I mean, condiments are fine. I'm like the weird guy that will order a hot dog and eat it plain. So that's where I am. I wish I had more to add. So, jay, I'm glad you were able to chime in because, like I just recently got introduced to Spicy Ketchup like a year and a half ago from Water Burger God, I didn't know, that was a thing I didn't know.

Speaker 2:

It's good, though it's good, it's really good, it's so good.

Speaker 1:

It's what a burger.

Speaker 3:

fries are hit or miss, so you need that. Spicy Ketchup, so you need that. Yeah, you know, actually saying just to distract you, I'm going to put this out there when you talk about ranch and I think it's really a bummer because their fries are terrible. But Burger King has elite ranch. Burger King fries are so bad.

Speaker 2:

It has fries hands down to me.

Speaker 3:

They're solid.

Speaker 2:

I distinctly remember Burger King fries were at the top of the top levels and then I don't know what happened. Either I just grew up and realized that they sucked, or they just changed the recipe and they started sucking. But either way, I used to love their fries so much and I do like, like, why, like I don't know what they do now If it wasn't for the Whopper, whopper commercial.

Speaker 3:

I think Burger King would be out of business. I honestly don't know what they do well now, like their breakfast is OK, but now that we have Wawa and Whataburger, even Wendy's breakfast is pretty good. It's not the best, but it's decent it's not bad.

Speaker 3:

So to go back to Polynesian, polynesian is good, but it's like it's so thick, it's a really big sauce and if you like I don't know sometimes again something about that that Wendy's sweet and sour. Yeah, really, I guess Eric I guess just eats dry chicken nuggets, so he doesn't have anything to.

Speaker 2:

I mean chicken nuggets, like whatever. What kind of sauce do you want?

Speaker 1:

in your wings.

Speaker 3:

He's just like no, no, no, OK, well, wings are a different story.

Speaker 1:

Wings require a sauce. I'm not a dry rub chicken guy or a plain guy no, not for you, apparently. No. But like I mean yeah, no for things that would normally go with condiments, like I'll get chicken nuggets and I'll get like barbecue sauce, but I won't like use the barbecue sauce a lot of times.

Speaker 3:

He won't use it.

Speaker 2:

He just doesn't use the sauce. So do you put anything on your hamburgers?

Speaker 1:

Oh, no, no no, no, no, I eat, you know, hamburgers Dry I don't eat everything dry.

Speaker 3:

Dry sandwiches no mayo, I get a big. It goes to public to just get the dry some.

Speaker 1:

No, it's just the things that you would normally associate with condiments. It just doesn't. It just doesn't happen like that for me a lot of times. Again, I'm sorry, more like handheld items, that's the way I would describe it Handheld items. I just don't use the condiments. A lot of times it makes it.

Speaker 3:

We did just go to, we did just go to smack down Orlando and you got a pretzel with no cheese and a hot dog with no condiments.

Speaker 1:

So that's what I'm saying. That's again I and Phil will tell you I have a hard. I have a hard enough time holding all that together without it falling on the ground. It's tough, it's tough.

Speaker 2:

All right?

Speaker 1:

Well, you're the one who wanted to talk about condiments, so did that give you? Did that give you the pleasure you were looking for? Phil?

Speaker 3:

I feel like we need to do a bracket, so we'll revisit this later.

Speaker 2:

Right After we, after we do this, I really like the taste test idea though.

Speaker 3:

No, super, yeah, we did Just get. We got to do the taste test. Yeah, for sure, yeah, Chicken, mcdonald's Nuggets.

Speaker 2:

You get sweet and sour from which call it Wendy's place. You said, yeah, how does that Good, sweet and sour, the good, the only sweet and sour that matters McDonald's. And who else makes some? Probably Burger King, just for like a.

Speaker 3:

I can't imagine Burger King's.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, all right. Well, transitioning the conversation from fast food condiments, that took a left turn very much. But listen, phil was in the mood to talk about it, we went with it.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for thanks for hearing me. Yeah, of course, of course. So, jay, you know we talked a little bit about. You know some of your, some of your interest and some of the things you're passionate about, and one of those things you know you mentioned being anime. Curious. Every anime fans a little bit different. You've got your classic anime fans, You've got your new gen and then you've got a mix of the two. Where do you fall, are you? Are you like sticking with the classics, those that's really like your fandom? Do you watch anything now? Like, what does it kind of look like for you?

Speaker 2:

I'm more of a mix, but I lean more towards newer, newer gen stuff. There's still a bunch of old classes that I've never seen, that I get shit for all the time that I just started rewatching and I'm kind of like, oh yeah, this is, this is great, like. But again, if I would have watched it when it first came out, I probably would have loved it more. But you know, I've been spoiled by all this beautiful, you know, cinematography or whatever you would call it. Yeah, but yeah, I mean, I definitely, I definitely get down with the new stuff.

Speaker 1:

What is? What are some of the shows that you're watching Like? What are some of the big hitter ones that we'll say in the last like two, three years, have been just like heavy hitters, top of your list, like what's up there for you?

Speaker 2:

Like new stuff.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, new stuff.

Speaker 2:

I mean 100% Demon Slayer chainsaw. That was God. I just love that show so much.

Speaker 3:

There we go.

Speaker 2:

What else, what else? I love Goblin Slayer.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I've heard good things about Goblin Slayer outside of the first episode Love that.

Speaker 2:

The first episode, I was like what is this? It was, it was, it was, it was rough, but the show is just great. Yeah, I just love that show. I'm so single minded and I'm just like I'm with you on this one. I'm going to have a lot of watching, man, it's because you asked me, I'm just going to blank out Eric.

Speaker 3:

Eric asked my hero for sure. Yeah, eric asked a question about old anime because he wanted to know if you watch one piece or not. I can see it in his eyes. He wasn't going to outright say it, but he just wants to talk to people about one piece and I'm not watching it. I'm watching.

Speaker 1:

I'm still so far away.

Speaker 2:

I've never in my life watched it Not a single bit. It just I'm really weird about like the way some some styles are like some, you know, animation style, animation styles yeah, exactly. Yeah, I'm very, and some of I just can't it. Just it just gets me on. I don't want to watch it because how it looks, and then that bites me in the ass sometimes and I like go back and watch. I'm like, oh, I should watch this Long time ago. This is great.

Speaker 1:

So we're not. We're not recommending Mob Psycho right now.

Speaker 3:

I just started watching that. It's so good. It's so good.

Speaker 2:

I just started watching it the other day. I love it, it's just the funniest shit to me. Yeah, what else, what else, what else?

Speaker 3:

One piece for sure One piece came out in like 1974. One punch man yeah, that's why it looks like that, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, no, the one piece. Characters are like purposely oddly drawn, like that's just the the character design and all that. Yeah, no, I get it and getting into the older anime is hard Like that. That's been a difficulty for me, like I'm never going to watch Naruto. I was a Dragon Ball Z kid, that was. That was that. I was a Dragon Ball Z kid, I didn't. I never went into Naruto. I'm not going back. I'm not going to go watch Bleach Okay, but listen but listen, but listen, but listen.

Speaker 2:

Watch Naruto, but watch it without all the filler episodes. Save yourself like a year's worth of time and you'll enjoy it. I promise you will, because Naruto is.

Speaker 1:

I mean I'm sure I would, but I have like 900 episodes left of one piece to watch. I can't, I can't, I can't go off the train. Then don't stop.

Speaker 3:

You could just stop.

Speaker 2:

Make the better choice.

Speaker 3:

Make the better choice.

Speaker 2:

You could just stop watching it, I've been watching Cowboy Bebop. Recently too, I've been, I've been trying to not trying to power through, but I've been, you know, trying to finish that one up. I enjoyed that. Yeah, it was definitely one of those older, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I finished it and it was a little bit of a chore. I mean, I enjoyed it. I understand why people like it, but I probably would have liked it during the time it came out to your point Exactly.

Speaker 2:

That makes a ton of sense.

Speaker 1:

And you know, phil has like just started his anime journey. So you know, chainsaw man, he's just getting a deal, just started is kind of.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I've been watching since 2017, when you forced me to watch Attack on Titan.

Speaker 1:

You watched like three episodes and I was like what is this? Huh?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, please tell me you love it.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, that's fantastic. You can't say, you know yes yes, fantastic, I have my autograph my autograph Mikasa right here.

Speaker 1:

You know it's a peaks in the month.

Speaker 3:

Eric is mad because I've now started my own anime journey, separate from him, and I'm watching stuff that he hasn't recommended because I find stuff on my own now.

Speaker 2:

So what are you watching?

Speaker 3:

I. I just started Heavenly Delusion, which is really really good, fucked up. Everyone's really horny in that, by the way, if you guys watch that, okay. And then I just Zom 100, which I think, eric, you're gonna start here soon as well, really really good. And I just finally started my demons layer journey. So I just now finally started watching that, really really enjoying it. I've gotten through the first season relatively quickly.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, up until now he believed that they were a band because he thought Nezuko was playing the flute and it was getting on my.

Speaker 3:

Fucking nerves they're not a band. I've seen them play the drum. They're not. They're a band Demon Slayer.

Speaker 2:

Finger care to a demon slayer so far.

Speaker 3:

I like the guy with the what's the guy with the pig mask? That guy is insane. I like him.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, I love Tanjiro also I've got Rengoku, for how much we got him was great.

Speaker 3:

I love and then. So yes, I've also been watching Blue Exorcist, which is really good.

Speaker 2:

I feel like I love that show.

Speaker 3:

I feel like Blue Exorcist is like Bleach, light, light like it's. It's like a couple things are like removed from what bleach was. It's not as good Because I've watched a couple episodes of bleach and obviously each ago is, you know, each ago. But I feel like it's like if you don't want to watch bleach and you want to watch something less, you know important Good show and that's not the best like ad for it. But yeah, I've watched like maybe 10 episodes, allegedly because I didn't know where to find it. So you know I streamed it online. I had to start from the beginning and to be honest, I don't even know if I started say, okay, perfect, we'll talk about that off air.

Speaker 3:

We do not here at the Wayfork podcast. We do not support the, the illegal pirating.

Speaker 2:

Anytime About my store website.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm gonna stick. I have a crunch roll account.

Speaker 3:

To. To transition here, eric, unless you had any other anime questions, I did want to ask something To Jay, because we used to run into Jay all the time, all throughout the infinity saga for the Marvel films. We would just be at a theater and you would just be there, because we would always be on the same schedule. And I want to ask you what you think about the current state of the MCU is because Post-infinity war, an endgame, it's been a mixed bag. Yeah, okay, well you said it.

Speaker 3:

I have no plans on watching. What is it? Secret wars? What's out?

Speaker 1:

right now.

Speaker 2:

I didn't know the name of the show Balls. It is getting just.

Speaker 3:

They've over saturated. Yeah, they've over saturated the market. There's too much now. What do you think? Again you've already touched on a little bit here what do you think about the current state of the MCU and also what can they do to fix it, if they can?

Speaker 2:

I feel like they and I get you know different, different crowd. Now you know a whole different world. I feel like they definitely Childed or dumbied it down, like they made it more about kids and stuff like that's it's. I Get what they're trying to do, but like what's his name? Love and thunder.

Speaker 1:

So are you so bad?

Speaker 2:

It felt way too can't be for me. Like you know what I mean. It was just too too much about jokes and that's just not what it's like for me. That's not what it was supposed to be. I don't know, man, I don't know how they can fix it. I feel like you, like you said, it is over several there's way too much. They just been cranking things out with Disney and I just told I Don't know, I still haven't seen she Hulk. I don't know what that's about she looks not bad things about it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was fine.

Speaker 1:

They do this thing where they like, make fun of the MCU formula, and then secret invasion. Secret invasion turns around and just does this, does the CGI fight at the end, and then that's what, how a lot of these things in like it's kind of interesting story, let's drop it all. Big CGI fight and it's like we don't fight, yeah, you can't be self aware and then keep doing it. That's not how that works.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, cuz she Hulk, he gives us daredevil, which is nice you know, and I think, what's the name? Tatiana, the name of the actress that place you know, look at my money.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think she's very good, I think she's a good addition, but again it rushes to the end again, like Eric said it as the whole thing where it's self aware and then, you know, disregards it going forward. But you know the Marvel shows have been hit or miss. I know there's been a lot of Moon Knight hate online recently, which bumps me out because I really love Moon Knight. Moon, that was great. I mean I got it. I got a tattoo, a moon night after seeing the show once Really committed to that bit.

Speaker 3:

Yeah no, it's a great tattoo.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's okay, I thought I was. Uh, I like that, that's nice.

Speaker 3:

So you know they've been hit or miss. Eric and I are not excited for Loki season 2. We really did not like the first season. There's just so much coming down the line, they wouldn't you know, they want to do Young Avengers, and then they want to do this and they want to do that and, like you said, it's a mess.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I feel like they. They spent so much time and energy and and starting from the beginning and just telling that long, one big story you know what I mean. And now I feel like it's just so many different little pieces just over here and over there and over here and over there. I just don't feel the connection like that used to and maybe that's just me, but it really felt like when you were seeing this, when you went to the movies to go see Civil War, when you went to them, it was like I am pumped for this, like this is going to be great.

Speaker 3:

There's no buzz around them anymore like there used to be no way home was the last one they were able to do that for no way home. So I can't imagine how they're gonna pull that off again. It's really, I mean, they pulled off something that's never gonna happen again in film history. So I don't, I don't think we could ever buy into a villain like we did Thanos, like I don't think it's not gonna be Kang, and maybe the only one Could be what is it? Galactus? Is that the one that? Maybe that's the only villain left? Yeah, that's it. And I don't know. You know they're clearly not going that route now, so I don't know. Yeah, you know, eric, I want to talk to Jay about that because, again, like I said, we always used to run into him at these when it was, when MC, it was peak MCU cinema, yeah, it was a yeah it was an event to go out, so, and it bums me out that it's not that way anymore.

Speaker 1:

No, I agree with that. I think, uh, I Think it's bad, I think it's it's just not going in the right direction. Dc. This is the chance if they're gonna ever do it, if they're gonna ever take over. This is the chance no.

Speaker 2:

I don't think they can. Their animated movies were always it for me. They I love yeah they still, they still are. Yeah, they're still, I mean, okay, have you seen the new Superman?

Speaker 3:

That's all no, the anime one. Oh yeah, I need to watch it yeah it's.

Speaker 2:

I don't know how to feel about it. I just started it today. I'm one like the second or third episode. I don't know how to feel about it. He has a sailor moon outfit scene.

Speaker 3:

What do you mean? I want to watch it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah it's. I don't know, man, I don't know how to feel about it, I just don't what on, jane?

Speaker 1:

What do you give?

Speaker 2:

it the benefit of the doubt, though.

Speaker 1:

What are you you thinking about this new James Gunn DC direction? Like you know they announced a few things. You know they've already cast another Superman, like, is there anything at all that you're looking forward to? And I only ask that because, like I Kind of get the vibe, you know, talking about the animated side, like they're kind of going in the direction of the animated series which I used to love, the Justice League. That was my DC experience man the animated.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, baby, in the animated series anything at all that you're like looking forward to, or have they just been so bad for so long that it's just not gonna happen? Oh god, what happened nice.

Speaker 3:

Yes, so good.

Speaker 2:

Honestly, man, I don't know DC has hurt me so much. They just let me down so much. It's one of those things where I'm just gonna wait and see what happens.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I don't know, man, I never really could, and I'm a big, almost Stupid huge Henry Cavill fan. So him not being in, you know, I just can't, it hurts my heart.

Speaker 3:

When you have a nerd involved in your projects, keep the nerd, keep the nerve.

Speaker 2:

Keep him like not being girls anymore. I'm like, bro, I'm not watching it. I'm not watching Witcher anymore. Sorry, I know that's not what we're talking about, but anyway, yeah, no, I.

Speaker 3:

It's cavill.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

DC adjacent because it's cavill. It's okay. So yeah, I'm very big.

Speaker 2:

We're keeping the same people in roles if they're doing good at it. Jackman has been Wolverine for 23 years. Yeah come on, man. If somebody is fit for the role, let them ride, especially if they want to do it.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

I don't know with, with the, the direction DC is going. I'm just an await and see what happens, because it's it hasn't? They've always underperformed for me, so I have no.

Speaker 3:

Aquaman expectations.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Is black Adam too.

Speaker 1:

God all right, okay, if you just didn't want to keep that conversation going, you could have just said it respectfully, so you didn't have to completely Shit on it, all right? Well, listen, exactly as we wrap up what we're gonna do here. We're gonna play one word, one game, and we did this with our buddies over at your friendly neighborhood gamers. I don't think, phil. We're gonna probably play it the exact same way, and I think they took it from like a podcast they listen to.

Speaker 3:

So we're just stealing it too, so yeah.

Speaker 1:

And we're gonna give it a try. I think it'd be a lot of fun. So I picked five movies on IMDB and the only description I'm gonna give you guys you're gonna have to guess what the movie is and we'll see which one of you Guys get it first. So we'll do a best out of five.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to.

Speaker 3:

Yeah it's bad Hard. I'm on the spot. I don't like tick tock. You're putting me out there. I.

Speaker 1:

Am going to go over five movies with you guys and I'm only going to go off of the parents guide on IMDB. So I'm gonna only provide details from the parents guide. I'm gonna avoid spoilers and we're gonna go hard, medium, easy. So we'll go three rounds for each of these films, whichever one of you guys guess it first. There's really no no cap on guesses.

Speaker 3:

We get one. Oh. So okay, we're not gonna do like one guess per Per a hint like they do over there. No.

Speaker 1:

And then, and then, if we regret that Jay has been the the guinea pig, all right, so this first film, these will all be films. Yeah, so these will all be movies. This first film is rated PG-13 for intense sequences of sci-fi action, violence, brief sexual humor and language. So I'm gonna go ahead and give you a couple of hints on each category and if you want to shout them out, like if you think you got it, go for it. But I'll go through the full list and then we'll see if we need to go to medium. So sex and nudity is mild. Um, throughout the entire movie one of the characters is seen in shorts and a tank top. Ooh, violent, go on. The violence and gore is moderate and the enemy infiltrates Air Force one and, while attempting to upload a virus into the military database, is attacked by CIA agents. Profanity is moderate one.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna one Profanity is moderate. One use of hoes.

Speaker 3:

They're not transformers it is transformers, that's so good. What the first one? Okay, you said, yeah, the first one.

Speaker 2:

Make a fuss because you said the tank top in the shores, and then you were like. Into the plane and uploads the thing. You can stop the CIA, the little little robot dude.

Speaker 1:

That's so funny.

Speaker 2:

All right, I remember that. He's got one. I'm a movie ball.

Speaker 1:

This is gonna be a sweep. I'm excited. All right, next film, next film. This film is rated. Let's see what we've got. Why is it not telling me? I'm pretty sure this movie's rated G, yeah. This movie's rated G, uh no. This movie's rated PG Uh. Sex and nudity there is none. So we're gonna move to violence and gore. Violence and gore is mild and One of our characters fights off the enemy in the final battle. However, this was done more for a comedic effect. Profanity there is none. I hint, there is a use of the word. Idiots. Alcohol, drugs and smoking there is none. Frightening and intense scenes is moderate. One of the characters is thrown off the edge of a cliff but grabs onto the edge like a that is very good.

Speaker 3:

I don't know. Oh, I think scar. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, all right.

Speaker 1:

Good, so we're one one. This might be competitive. I'm excited. All right, all right. Third film Batman. No, that would be pretty funny. So third film that we're gonna do here. Rated PG 13 for in 10 sequences of sci-fi, violence and action throughout, and mild drug references, sweet Sex and nudity none. There is a scene where a character appears naked but nothing explicit is shown. Violence and gore is moderate Throughout the movie. Multiple villains are killed by the heroes. There's occasional brief spurts of purple blood.

Speaker 3:

Power Ranger. No, that's not PG 13.

Speaker 1:

Oh, good guess though profanity mild, pissed off is said, alcohol, drugs and smoking is mild. One of our characters offers another character a drink and says if it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now. Avengers, the first one. Very good All right, the Chitauri.

Speaker 2:

That was what I was gonna suck on.

Speaker 3:

I was like purple blood. I was thinking of Ivan who's.

Speaker 1:

All right, phil, two, one, let's go ahead and go to the next one. And this film is Rated PG 13 for in 10 sequences of violence and some menace Sex and nudity Sex and nudity is none. During an evening meal, a woman a woman wears a very low dress. Violence and gore is moderate. There are extremely persuasive and frightening moments of menace and threats, primarily by the main antagonist of the film Never heard menace.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Profanity, a few uses of the word hell, alcohol, drugs and smoking. We see a drug dealer. No on-screen drugs, though. Someone is smoking a cigar and some people drink, but they're not focused on it. All frightening and intense scenes is severe. A dead man is seen hanging briefly. Oh, and that is our first round for this film, the either of you guys have a guess before. I make it a little easier with the medium examples that I've got here.

Speaker 3:

Wizard of Oz. No, not the Wizard of Oz. It's more of a. It's more of an urban.

Speaker 1:

Let's go again. Sex and nudity none on a sailboat. Several women in the background are wearing bikinis. Violence agor again moderate. One of the characters hits a girl when deciding not to kill her. Profanity still mild. A few uses of the word son of a bitch. Alcohol, drugs and smoking still mild. A man quickly drinks two shots of whiskey, and then frightening and intense scenes. One of the characters tells several upsetting stories about his scars.

Speaker 2:

Uh, batman, uh, no, already said that, didn't uh?

Speaker 1:

what Batman?

Speaker 2:

is a joker. The dark night, dark night.

Speaker 1:

There we go. Good job, yeah, the dark night, yes, uh, so the dark night, batman did come up on this list.

Speaker 2:

All right, yeah, the fake Batman it threw out of the window.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that was a hell of a jump scare when I was what wouldn't that movie come out All?

Speaker 1:

right, here's our last one and this will be the tiebreaker here. Very interesting tiebreaker. This is gonna be funny oh god this this film is rated PG for mild language in some crude humor. Uh, sex annuity is mild. There are several dirty jokes in the film, but young viewers shouldn't really understand them. Violence and gore is mild. At least twice in the film one of our protagonist falls from a high height. Profanity is mild. One of the characters is called a stubborn jackass Shrek. Is it shrek? Good job, jay. That was shrek, shrek, oh.

Speaker 3:

We both had the realization at the same time when you said it like a second.

Speaker 2:

That is too good. Very good job, very good job.

Speaker 1:

But, yeah, that that is our episode here, guys. Uh, I hope you guys had a lot of fun listening again urban weirdo, you got to make sure to check it out again. Links will be in the bio. J Thank you so much for taking the time To talk with us and really, uh, again, it was really an excuse to get to reminisce, get to talk a little bit. It's been a hot minute since we've had like a full-on conversation. You know adulthood family. All those things getting in the way.

Speaker 1:

But j we really appreciate it and, uh, we cannot wait to do more with you in the future. Uh, if you would just kind of, here at the end of the episode, for our listeners, let us know where we can find you, social Media or any other plugs that you want to make, whether it's future products that you're working on. I think we kind of touched a little bit about that already. So, any future plugs that you want to make or where you are on social media.

Speaker 2:

For sure. Uh, first of all, thank you all both for having me on here. You know, like you said, it was good to just catch up, but also I appreciate the exposure definitely as far as like where you can find me. Uh, find me in these streets. Now let me talk.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Instagram, facebook, tiktok, all of it. It's urban weirdo apparel, uh spell, just like it sounds. Uh, nothing special, nothing crazy. But yeah, I'm one at all my TikTok. I just do silly stuff with the kids. For the most part, this is on what I'm doing. Take talk. Instagram is more like you know posts about the actual brand, upcoming shirts, you know upcoming designs, any new changes or anything I'm doing um, and then Facebook is just there.

Speaker 1:

It really is.

Speaker 2:

It really is Jesus. But honestly again, thank you all, so both very much. I really do appreciate it. You know it was fun, uh, making fun of phil and Sweet and sour sauce anytime anytime yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, that that's felt racist. The sweet and sour sauce comment felt racist, just a little. All right you heard it here uh the next shirt from urban weirdo. Sweet if you make a sweet and sour sauce, we'll let you use phil's likeness. Okay, hold on, hold on a second I don't even have my notebook.

Speaker 2:

Hold on. All right, let's sit down. I'll make a sweet and sour Saturday.

Speaker 3:

Well, no, jay, like uh Eric said this has been a blast to to catch up with you, man. Um, it's uh like I. Honestly, I can sit here and say I am uh proud of the three of us for making out of some of the habits we used to have when we were a little bit younger to become the people we are today, to become the nerds that we are today and the entrepreneurs that's right that we are today. So everything for Jay and urban weirdo will be in the show notes of this episode, along with our link tree. If you want to find our social media as well, keep up with this on twitter and tick tock. That is where we are most active, as well as instagram. And if you want to support the show a little bit more, you can leave us a five star review over on apple podcast or spotify. That is a great way to shoot us up the charts and help us get Noticed. But if you want to support us a little bit extra, eric will let you know how to do that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah and uh. That is for patrons like bryer who are supporting the show on patreon. You can get early access to select episodes, video versions of some of our audio only episodes and a lot more Over on that platform. You can also support us directly through our buzz sprout page. If you go to the site directly, at the very least your likes, your comments, your shares all of it is so much help, especially on platforms like instagram and tick tock, so please continue to do that. We truly appreciate the support. My name is mr Eric almighty. That is my co-host, filip filipino and our guest jay. We release new audio episodes on the podcast every monday and wednesday, with bonus content on platforms like tick tock, and all you got to do Is wait for it.

Speaker 3:

So I heard you're looking for a go-to source for entertainment. Wait for it Gaming wait for it anime plus ultra.

Speaker 1:

Mr Eric almighty and fill the filipino. Yeah, they've got you covered and all you got to do is Wait for it.

Speaker 3:

This is the wait for it podcast.

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