The Wait For It Podcast

What Did I Miss? (November 2023 Bonus Episode)

Ready to reignite your pop culture knowledge? Phil, Eric, Philline, and Jordan are at your service in our latest podcast episode, where we breathe new life into our beloved 'What Did I Miss?' segment. This time, we've gone all out, sprinkling in a good dose of entertainment with games, lively banter, and our insightful takes on various trending topics.

From the Oppenheimer Blu-ray release to Disney's pursuit of sequels and spin-offs, we've got all bases covered. The world of 'Florida Man' is on our radar, too, alongside the very intriguing concept of a reality TV show based on the "Squid Game." We even take a detour into the unchartered realm of chatbots with an entertaining game of "Florida Man or Chat GPT."

As we journey further into pop culture, we engage in a fascinating discussion on the top 25 video game characters of all time, all thanks to a Gaming Gorilla article. We tread along memory lane revisiting iconic characters like Mario, Master Chief, Link, and Pikachu. And just when you think we're done, we take things to a different level with a debate on our favorite beans and green bean casserole, and the recent Sonic the Hedgehog movie. So, buckle up and join us for this fun-filled episode replete with pop culture gossip, gaming nostalgia, and spirited conversation.

🔻You can find all important links for the podcast over at (which includes our brand new Patreon site!)🔺

Music track: Everyday by Eric Lund
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Speaker 1:

Welcome to your go-to source for entertainment. Wait for it Gaming, wait for it Anime Plus, ultra. Mr Eric Almighty and Phil the Filipino yeah, they've got you covered.

Speaker 3:

And all you gotta do is Wait for it.

Speaker 4:

Hey everyone, welcome back to the Wait for it podcast. I am your co-host, phil Smith, aka Phil the Filipino, and joining me, as always, is your other co-host, mr Eric Almighty, and Eric Surprise, surprise For those of you that are not members of our Patreon. First off, how dare you? Second off, you may have not heard the tease of this wonderful, wonderful return of what Did I Miss, and it is back in a brand new format that we're gonna tell you all about here in just a moment. But, eric, I'm excited to be doing this, not only with bringing this back for the sake of us, but also this will be another series in which we get to spend some time with our guests and our friends and just have a good time. There's chances this is gonna be extremely messy and a complete disaster, and I think maybe that's probably one of the more. I think that might be one of the reasons I'm excited for it to return.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, totally. We have a lot of structured episodes, episodes we've been doing for a while. So it just kind of felt right for this series to make a comeback and honestly, I mean, this series has had a couple different iterations since we started the podcast. So I'm excited to see how this is gonna turn out and what's gonna happen and just kind of see where it goes from there. As far as you know the mistakes and all of that, oh, we're gonna just deal with it. It is what it is.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it is what it is, guys. I think, again, it's gonna create for a whole lot of fun. And you know, you said, like you said, there's been a lot of iterations of this show, of this episode, and I think at its core you know, what did I miss is at the core of the Wave 4 podcast. You know, obviously it got to a point where we weren't really enjoying it and it needed retooling, and that is what we are doing here today. So it's gonna be a little bit different. If you've been listening to the podcast for a while, there's not gonna be any. You know we're used to talk about, like, what songs are on the playlist, Don't be a dick stories, multiple stories like that. It's a little bit different. So it's still going to be pop culture based, of course.

Speaker 4:

So each of us have picked one story. So me, Eric and our two guests will pick a story each and every single month and we will discuss it and then, at the very end of the episode, we will play some games, which has been a huge hit over on the creator spotlights, Eric. We have absolutely loved doing that, so it was just natural to bring it over here. So if that's confusing, I don't know, read the show notes. I guess I don't know. It's pretty straightforward. I don't think it should be confusing. So we are going to get into all of that here. In just a moment we're going to welcome in all of the brand new listeners that are checking out the show for the very first time.

Speaker 3:

Wild choice to pick Filters basically told you to fuck right off if you don't know how to read, so welcome.

Speaker 4:

If you don't know how to read, learn to read, and then come back to the episode, I guess. So I apologize, but this is a bonus episode.

Speaker 3:

We don't really have to try. Yeah, also fuck you. It's just getting more and more. Not to point any fingers, but Well, you know, without further ado, we have some guests that we'd love to meet you.

Speaker 4:

We have two returning guests that we have that we've had on the podcast in just different like iterations of the show. Like you mentioned, eric, we've all the way back to kind of the beginning. And then you know Jordan, who of course we started hanging out with a little bit later, the, you know the wonderful creator of our logo and you know this is honestly, guys. This is if you're wondering what we're doing at nights. Is these four people getting absolutely annihilated in Fortnight? So we just brought that over here and we're going to get absolutely annihilated in the podcast forum instead. So that'll be a really, really good time. And first Flynn, my sister, who again you guys have heard on various episodes over the course of the show. Flynn, thanks so much for coming on to what is sure to be just an absolute dumpster fire of an episode. How are you doing this evening?

Speaker 2:

Thank you for having me. I'm happy to be back. I don't I don't know how I'm going to feel about this, but we'll see how it goes.

Speaker 4:

Like you said, it's going to be great. We have Flynn, a shiny microphone, as well. Very so, thank you.

Speaker 3:

She is prepared.

Speaker 4:

We got her upgraded. Next we're going to upgrade Jordan as she joins us via Turtle Beach headset. We thank you so much for hanging out in your purple room, but no, jordan, thanks for being part of this again experimental stage of the podcast. And how are you doing tonight and how are you feeling about the return of what I missed?

Speaker 1:

I'm feeling pretty great about it. I'm excited to get annihilated tonight, as we've mentioned, annihilated in all ends.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, jordan will finally listen to an episode because she's on it, so that'll be great. You know, it'll be fantastic for Jordan to catch up on the podcast.

Speaker 1:

And I'm very prepared for this episode.

Speaker 3:

Yes, with your one story. Thank you for the hours of prep.

Speaker 4:

I'm sure it took. We appreciate all of you Again. Hopefully there's no overlap. We haven't shared any of the stories. Eric says he has a backup, I don't, so we'll see how it goes.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that was a good idea. We definitely have not shared Right, jordan, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Oh, okay, nevermind. Then you said wink, I don't know if you meant to do that.

Speaker 2:

No, we definitely did not share.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because of the implication.

Speaker 4:

Okay, nevermind, okay, but by the time this again evolves more and more, this soundboard is going to be full of clips. I cannot wait. To add on to this, eric has given me control of the soundboard, which means anything could happen, so it's going to be pretty exciting as we, as we evolve here in the what did I miss? I would say 3.0, eric, I think I'm going to give this a what did I miss 3.0, version 3.0, as as it's being resurrected. So let's get into what the bulk of this episode is going to be, which is we're going to discuss some public culture stories and then we're going to play some games. At the end of this, and for the sake of this episode and who gets to go first, we will be spinning the wheel, which is my absolute favorite thing to do, as we have all of our nail. Look at that. I've been looking up some panda dunks to buy and thanks for listening, google, I appreciate it Absolutely. No privacy whatsoever. All right, should we spin that wheel? Should we do like a spin? Should we do that?

Speaker 3:

Is everybody down yeah?

Speaker 4:

let's go for it. All right, jordan, you're on mute.

Speaker 1:

Oh well, what were we supposed to be doing?

Speaker 3:

You have one job, One job Jordan.

Speaker 2:

I'm testing my mic. I'm testing my mic.

Speaker 3:

God Completely unhinged.

Speaker 1:

This is what you wanted, Phil.

Speaker 3:

This is what you've invited.

Speaker 4:

All right On the count of three, we're going to say Jordan doesn't know what you're saying.

Speaker 1:

Oh, he's about to tell us right now.

Speaker 4:

We're going to say spin that wheel and then, as we invite, obviously, audience members to watch us, they're going to be saying it with us, naturally, eric, to the thousands of people that are eventually going to be watching. All right, this will be interesting to see who's on like a lag, so we'll see how it goes. All right, ready One, two, three.

Speaker 1:

Spin that wheel.

Speaker 4:

That was pretty good. That was pretty good, all right. Oh, and just there we go. All right, eric is going first. Let me stop sharing my screen. Okay, and there we go. All right, eric, you are going to kick off the first story for the brand new what did I miss 3.0?.

Speaker 3:

Interesting, interesting, okay. So I actually picked one that I thought was kind of insightful, that we can kind of all talk about, because I don't know where everyone sits on this. So this is actually related to the Oppenheimer Blu-ray release. Christopher Nolan is talking a little bit about some of the concerns about DVDs, blu-rays and things like that going away. So he said quote some of our industry's biggest filmmakers and most important movie stars went to bed the night before thinking they were working for the greatest movie studio and woke up to find out they were working for the worst streaming service. And this was in reference to a lot of issues that happened with HBO Max. He then goes on to say, in relation to that if you buy a 4K, you buy a Blu-ray, it's on your shelf, it's yours. No company's going to break into your house, take it from you, repossess it, it's yours, you own it. They never really. That's never really the case with any form of digital distribution.

Speaker 3:

So this story and my question to you guys is with streaming services completely taking over, how do you guys feel about the lack of DVDs, the lack of Blu-rays? You guys already know where I stand game-wise I have to buy everything digitally, like the $70 Call of Duty that I bought and I hope we're all going to play. That's really the reason I brought up this story. Please buy it. How do you guys feel about Phil Phil? How do you guys feel about physical media versus the digital world that we are in? So I'm going to shoot this one over to Phil Lynn first, then Jordan and then Phil.

Speaker 2:

Personally, I think that I love just purchasing the physical copy just for the aesthetics of it and the case. I like purchasing like I still have a whole bunch of them and I like displaying them throughout the house. But I personally I never watch them, I don't ever. Sometimes most of mine are not even open, so I get in the sense of it's probably not, it's not marketable anymore. People don't purchase them anymore. But personally for me I like purchasing them just because I like looking at them and I like having the physical copy and having it displayed throughout the house. I mean I still purchase VHSs to do that so and stuff like that. So I mean I guess for me it's just more of just looking at them. Is what I like.

Speaker 1:

Alright, Jordan, I agree with Phil Lynn on that sense too.

Speaker 1:

It's just like the aesthetic of having like and this is coming from someone who's a designer it's just like the visuals of like what's presented in Blu-rays and DVDs. Like there's an example like you see, like our video games have, like those cool steel books that people like to collect, even like the knives out DVD I don't know if anyone's like familiar with it. It has like a really cool design, a really cool sleeve, lots of cool aspects about it. So I think that's like where it's like interesting to buy it. But I think, like, unless you are creative about like your Blu-rays, your DVDs and how you're marketing it, it might not be as purchased as like, say, those like collector's editions that you're seeing, that are coming out, and we've seen this happen a lot, even with like CDs and like vinyl records are coming back as like a collector but like people are still using Spotify to like listen to music digitally, you know. So I think it's just like, as we keep moving forward, we're going to keep seeing media change and media shifts.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, very important to keep the vinyls alive, although, if you're on Spotify, we have the WayForit playlist. Shameless plug, phil.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you know me, eric. I have so many movies that you know, specifically the steel books, that, just like Phil had said, I don't ever really watch them because they are available to stream. But if I ever did want to watch them, you know they are there and you know a lot of them come with really cool collector's cases. I mean, eric, you have the your name one. That's really really cool. I have a few from movies that are just really really near and dear to my heart that I want to add to my collection and it is kind of a bummer that's going away. Remember, earlier in the year, best Buy said they're no longer going to be selling physical DVDs and Blu-rays and that's really sucks because that's where you get the steel book. So I wonder if that could. They're just going to make it an online only thing, but just physical media in general.

Speaker 4:

Like you know, I love to purchase physical copies of games because I still trade them in. I might be the last person that still goes to GameStop, at least while it's around, but I really like to do that. I mean, I have, I have. I have manga of shows that we've watched. I already know what happens, but I just like having them because I'm a fan of the shows. So having that kind of stuff like art books also, I get a lot of art books for video games and even movies. I mean, I have an art book for Dear Evan Hansen. I've never really looked at it, but like I have, I like that. I have it because I'm a fan of that musical. So it is a bummer that that stuff is kind of going away. But yeah, that's just kind of the product of the times and it kind of sucks because like I'm not going to bring people over and be like hey, look at my digital library, look at all these movies and video games that I have. It's not the same. It bums me out.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, I mean, that's completely fair. Everybody brings up a pretty valid point. I think the thing I take away from it is that it feels like it's becoming more of a collectors arena for those type of things. Like I just don't think in five, 10 years we're going to be like actively buying regular DVDs anymore. I think that's the way it's going. But like collectors items that'll be interesting, but those come in limited quantities. So I'm just kind of really curious what that physical media is going to look like. And yeah, that's our first. What Did I Miss back from the break is talking about that.

Speaker 4:

You don't. You don't even get a physical copy of the game for some collectors editions video games. I have a. I have a steel book for the last of us and Horizon. They didn't come with a disc copy, they just gave me the steel book. There's no game in it, but they give you the steel book copy. It's. It's strange, I don't get it. I also feel this way about tickets and I get and I you know I work in the ticketing space so I hear this a lot I miss being able to display your ticket, like I like having that as a keepsake. I don't know if you guys feel the same way, like I like remember we used to have like our tickets to wrestling and and movies and all that stuff and I missed that Like. But you know I get it saved, the turtles and all that shit, I guess, whatever.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, tickets are like holiday cards, I mean, they're cool for like the first minute, and then you just know you?

Speaker 4:

you throw away holiday cards for those of you that didn't listen to Eric on last year's Christmas special. Eric gets your card I think this applies to birthday cards too and just throws them out immediately.

Speaker 3:

Any type of card and if there's no money in it, then I have to pretend like I wasn't looking for the money and then I just immediately throw it in the trash the first chance I get.

Speaker 2:

Well, because Eric card. So that's you yes that's you.

Speaker 3:

That's an issue.

Speaker 1:

That does make it difficult, doesn't it?

Speaker 4:

It's not being able to read. Yeah, it does pose an issue. So, all right, good, good, first story. Let's go back to the wheel, hold on a second and we're gonna. All right, we're gonna do it again. This is gonna be the the highlight of this whole thing. I think all right, ready I'm, we're gonna count to three again. Ready One, two, three. All right, that one was wasn't as good as the first time. Okay, that's okay, we're gonna figure it out.

Speaker 4:

All right, let's see who is going next. Oh, okay, Eric, the exact opposite of what you wanted to happen.

Speaker 3:

I literally recommended let's let our new guests come on first. No, you had to do this fucking wheel In the wheel.

Speaker 4:

I just spilled my water, so that's how that's going. I'm just gonna leave that alone. We are fine, all right. I picked this story especially for Flynn and Eric, as this is their favorite franchise.

Speaker 4:

As Bob Iger has announced that Frozen four is in the works at Disney, you might be confused, because aren't there only two frozen? Yep, they haven't even released Frozen three and Bob Iger has already talked about how frozen four is going to be back. This is an article from Variety. Disney is heading back to Arundale. Bob Iger revealed the studio was working on a fourth Frozen movie in addition to the previously announced Frozen three, which hasn't been released yet. Frozen three is in the works and there might be a frozen four in the works to Disney CEO said Thursday on Good Morning America, but they don't have much to say about those films right now. Frozen songwriters Kristin Anderson Lopez and Robert Lopez will be back to pen new tunes for the two follow up films. Iger made the announcement from Disney's theme park in Hong Kong, where he's in town for the opening ceremony of World of Frozen. And yeah, obviously you know Frozen 2019 and then our Frozen.

Speaker 4:

The original film took the world by storm and then the sequel came on 2019. It was okay, you know it's, it's fine, but Eric's not not Eric's favorite film. Flynn hates the character that I think everybody loves, which is Olaf and Jordan. I don't think we've ever talked about Frozen, because really there's no need to talk about Frozen. But I brought this up for a couple reasons. One obviously frozen three isn't even out yet. But I also brought it up because, are you guys kind of worried about this? Is just really what we're going to get from Disney now is more sequels and then the live actions and then they're just going to completely stray away from original IPs.

Speaker 4:

Now we're we're all about to go see Wish here. The next week will fill in. Well, you fill in. You'll probably see it this week too, if you have time. We're all about to go see Wish. It's not getting great reviews, but we have, you know, high hopes for it. But are you worried that? Because if Wish bombs, you know there was obviously the movie that came out earlier or the end of last year, what was a strange world didn't do too well. Elemental, I know Eric absolutely loves, but as far as like box office numbers, it did like okay, but it beat out in Kanto.

Speaker 3:

Excuse me, that is fake news.

Speaker 4:

Fake news. Yeah, okay, well, in Kanto also released during the pandemic. So that's not, that's not relevant, and Kanto is also a superior film. Elemental is mid. But anyway, are you guys a little worried that this is the direction that we're going to see from pretty much all studios? I mean, we've already seen it for the most part, but how do you feel not only about Frozen 3 and Frozen 4, but also just the direction of, you know, ips and give them going away from original ideas? So we will start what we'll pass it to Jordan first, then we'll go to Eric and then we'll go to Phyllis.

Speaker 1:

I think it's definitely something we've seen and coming from Disney for like a few years now. Because even like when you think of like back in the day, say back in the day, like it was long time ago, but like there's like eight Aladdin's that are out like four little mermaids, there's like sequels and sequels like on everything, and then we're just like remaking them by action. And then now they're like releasing more Frozen's, frozen's becoming this like Ice Age thing, and I like Fast and Furious is like a 10 series thing. There's just like everything. It is like a series, like every movie you think of. And then there's like spin-offs of shows coming out. Harry Potter is being remade on HBO. It's like I don't know if we're running out of like creative ideas, but it seems that like anything that is new that's coming out, they're not successful, but then they're like. So everyone's kind of just like thinking on the safe side, like what worked before.

Speaker 4:

Let's just do that and spend our money on that, you know yeah, like people are complaining that there's nothing new, but then they're not supporting the things that are new, which is upsetting. Eric, what do you think?

Speaker 3:

yeah, so I don't give a shit about Frozen. I actually was looking at some information about Elemental, so I'm just gonna go on a quick rant about that. So Disney announced that Elemental had 26.4 million views in the first five days following its release on Disney plus the largest, by the way, on the platform. In addition to that yeah, because people didn't want to go pay to see it in addition to that, by August 20th, elemental had surpassed across the spider versus international box office. So suck it how about that?

Speaker 4:

that's fine, that's fine. Of the four people here, there's a pretty good sample size of people in this, in this party right now. Who is seeing Elemental?

Speaker 3:

okay, well, that's not fair all right, so 50% of us.

Speaker 4:

So yeah, anyway, continue.

Speaker 3:

Frozen's fine, it's nobody. I don't want to see another Frozen.

Speaker 4:

I was I don't either. I'm going to, I'm gonna see it.

Speaker 3:

I'm not. Actually I don't want to do it anymore. I gave the second one a fair shot. To be completely honest, I did, yeah, and it was not any better and it's in any way shape or form. The story was still pretty dull. The music was just as bad. So I mean, it just is what it is we don't slam the music in Frozen 2 yeah, what's wrong yeah, the music is very good. Let it go into the the unknown, is it?

Speaker 4:

frozen into the unknown is an overrated song. It's all about show yourself show yourself as the is the superior Frozen song, as as displayed by the fantastic, a fantastic show in the Hollywood studios. Anyway, fill in. What are your thoughts on this?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I, I don't know. I think it's just. I don't know if it's just like a cash grab or if it's, I don't really know what they're thinking. It's, like Jordan said like back in the day they had multiple re re, like wow, yeah, multiple sequels of a whole bunch of different movies back in the day and and a lot of straight to DVD movies that happen back. But it just and then it goes back to like movies, like, like you know, everybody knows my love is tangled and that movie never got any sort of sequel, like it got a series that was, personally, I really enjoyed the series very good, but I I don't quite understand why they would make sequels for this movie. Frozen 2 was, I believe, was a great ending to the story. I think that Anna has the rightful throne and it ended perfectly. And maybe in Frozen 3 you will say hashtag kill Olaf. Thank you okay.

Speaker 4:

Well, that's probably. Shouldn't we expect that? Yeah, there's a lot of finality in Frozen 2, so, like we don't need any follow-up. Like, if you want to do series like a show, I think that would be fine, but we don't need 3 and 4. And this also reminds me of like how we don't need an inside out 2. Like inside 2, I think, is one of those perfect Disney Pixar films and its original iterations, so there's really not any way for them to do better, I don't think. And then they're just going to add more emotions, which makes sense as you're getting older. But again, we don't need inside out 2. So we'll see how that goes. Again, I think it will probably still make a ton of money and it will be like, well, we should do an inside out 3, and then that one will just be for adults and it will be really, really sad. So maybe we do need more inside outs.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, I'd watch it, I guess yeah, I mean like look at Toy Story it. They got four more movies.

Speaker 3:

So Disney can kind of up the ante, make like a horny emotion maybe someone else will make that that's like a partnership with like FX and Disney and yeah, yeah, that'd be excellent.

Speaker 1:

So I think it's definitely a cash grab though, because, like when you think of Disney, they they can sell as many Olaf's as possible. They're gonna keep making money because kids are gonna keep eating it up yeah, I mean, but then at the same time they're barely marketing.

Speaker 4:

Wish you know like right, I don't, I don't understand.

Speaker 4:

I hope that movie is good, but you know, in the marketing hasn't done it really a whole lot of favors, but I mean, we see that in video games too. Like, do they need to remaster the last of us part two, the last of us part one, by any matter? Do they need to remaster that? No, so it is a vicious. There you were buying it. Oh, I'm still gonna get it. Yeah, yeah, no, I'm part of the problem. I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna change. You guys need to do something. I am not going to do it. I have admitted I'm part of the problem. So, all right, ready to go back to the wheel? Let's get back. We have two people left and all right, here you go. You guys ready? All right, jordan's on mute. One, I'm here.

Speaker 3:

Two, three spin it's getting worse as we go it's getting worse as we go.

Speaker 4:

Also, this is the episode that I'm gonna edit the least. There's gonna be very little editing in this, so I it is what it is, so let's go to the wheel. I don't know how we did it so well the first time around, all right, and oh, I think it's gonna be. It's Jordan, all right. All right, jordan, what you got whoo, whoo well.

Speaker 1:

I think this is a good transition, because we talked about series that are like getting spin-offs and then having sequels. So one thing I wanted to bring up because it's premiering in a couple of days. I don't know when this episode specifically is airing, but the squid game the challenge, the reality tv show, is coming out on Netflix on November 22nd. So just to read a little bit of the synopsis 456 real players will enter a competition show in pursuit of a life-changing reward of 4.56 million dollars and as they compete through a series of games inspired by the original South Korean show, plus surprising new additions, their strategies, alliances and characters will put to the test, while competitors are eliminated around them. Of course, not lethally like it is in the show. That would be a different spin. Of course I would love to see someone do something like that, but I know they had made headlines previously this year as well, like in January, I think some of the players who were involved in the game kind of spoke out anonymously about how the squid game reality tv show gave them like unsafe conditions.

Speaker 1:

I mean, it's squid game, it's gonna be unsafe, I feel. But what are your thoughts on, like how, of course, we talked about like sequels, and how no one's thinking creatively, like people are getting these like reality tv shows. I think that's what's coming out of lies, like we have so many like love islands, like spin-offs of love islands, so many spin-offs of like different reality tv shows. Like love is blind is constantly coming out of Netflix, and then Netflix, I feel like, is constantly just pushing out like random reality tv shows as well, because they're just updating their policies like consistently, especially with the squid game. We haven't even gotten a season two for squid game, which we're left on a cliffhanger. But starting with you, phil, what are your thoughts on that?

Speaker 4:

yeah, I was just about to say that Netflix will give us everything but season two of squid game and arcane. They just refuse to do it. But they'll do everything else, including a squid game reality, a real reality show the two best.

Speaker 3:

The two best non-stranger things content that they have and they don't want to give it to us absolutely insane.

Speaker 4:

But yeah, I mean, I did remember seeing those, those headlines earlier. It's. It's so strange. It reminds me of Eric I don't know if you remember this back in the day, there was a rumor that they were going to make a snakes on the plane, a reality tv show with active, with, with real snakes, and it was going to have, like they were going to have like people try to survive a game show on a plane with snakes, and it never came to fruition, thank god. But that's what this reminds me of. Like obviously it's going to be unsafe conditions. And it's so funny because so many people were pointing out like Netflix completely missed the point of the show, which is about greed and, you know, not buying into this corporate mindset and everything. And now here they are making this actual, this reality tv show. Am I gonna watch it again? Yes, I'm part of the problem. I'm probably gonna check it out, but you know me, like you guys know, that I'm not a big reality tv show fan. I don't know how you feel about it.

Speaker 3:

Eric, you're gonna watch this no, um, I mean it looks like a carbon copy of the squid game. Like I can't imagine it's gonna just be lame, or like it's just gonna be right and like I don't really care too much. I get my reality kick. Uh, watching like hell's kitchen, that's what I'm watching right now and.

Speaker 3:

I do that like annually, and then once I've watched it, I'm like, yeah, that's like, that's good enough for me. There's like some skill that actually has to happen, but it follows the same formula. They all follow a very similar, similar formula and I don't think this is gonna be any different. Uh, flynn, is this your cup of tea? Like, is this something that you're gonna dive into?

Speaker 2:

uh, so we all know I am a reality tv junkie. I watch all of the reality tv on Netflix, um, but I think Netflix really needs to kind of step back and kind of look into the reality TV, because I don't know if anybody's heard, but there's a big. There's a lawsuit currently going on with Love Is Blind. There has been a couple cast members that have come out about not being able to like they don't get fed, they don't, they don't get enough sleep. There was a sexual misconduct that just got reported last season of Love Is Blind. So there's just a lot of stuff that there's a lot of cast members that have started coming out about, like just how unsafe they feel and just Love Is Blind, like that's just a regular show, like a love show. You know, I can't imagine what would happen in a show like Squid.

Speaker 4:

Game. The thing is this Love Is Blind, is unsafe. How can Squid Game be safe?

Speaker 1:

This is 456 contestants too, which, like you, found 456 people in the US who want to participate, but, like I'm sure there are way more that signed up for it too. Yeah, for sure. And I feel like with that many people in the reality TV show, because obviously there's probably not repeat people in all these reality TV shows and if there are, it's very minimal, but there's definitely going to be a controversy and like a scandal coming out of it. Like it's a high, you're like raising your chances at this point.

Speaker 2:

And then I can't imagine, like with Netflix too, like there's a lot of stories coming out, like they I think this is with any reality TV like they go and search for people, like they go on Instagram and they'll search hashtags and they'll reach out to them and say like oh, I think you'll be good for this show and you could be trying out for what you think is Love Is Blind, but then they throw you in Squid Games is what I've heard. Like you'll like, like you're just trying out for, just in general, a reality show with Netflix, but then you're thrown into morally it's wrong, but I think that's hilarious Surprise.

Speaker 4:

Can you imagine like you think you're about to go like on a date, like a blind date, and then this giant arena opens up and you're in Hunger Games?

Speaker 1:

They hand you the jumpsuit and they're like here, zip this up, and you're like uh excuse me, he has a number on it and shit I'm supposed to be behind a screen right.

Speaker 4:

Listen and I get that. Like there's definitely a lot of money in reality TV. That's totally fine, but like and I mentioned this earlier in the year, Eric, when I talked about Nomona what Netflix needs to be focusing on is animation. They are killing it when it comes to animation. We talked about Arcane. Nomona is one of my favorite movies of the year. If you're going to plug Elemental, I'm going to plug Nomona. I absolutely love that film. Flynn really loved it as well. So that's where they need to focus. Pinocchio just want to fucking Oscar. Like. That's where they need to be putting their money into his animation, because they're doing great. They've got, obviously, a lot of anime on there now too, so that's what they need to be focusing on. Man is the animation.

Speaker 3:

So yeah, but I mean we could continue to focus on the stuff that works, or we could do Squid Game, the reality show, and we could do Matt Reif, the comedy special. So that's what you're getting roasted right now.

Speaker 4:

I would watch a Squid Game anime. I mean, it would just be the show in anime, but I'd watch it.

Speaker 4:

They'd be even more violent than they already are. So why not? All right, should we spin the wheel? Yes, yes, we have to Hell. Yeah, all right again, since this is the whole basis of this show. Wait until Eric gets the real wheel set up. This is going to get even better. All right, this is the last chance. I don't know that we've figured out exactly how, because I don't know what we did differently on the very first one, but that was our best one, and it's progressively gotten worse. So okay, there we go. Jordan is on mute again, I'm on mute.

Speaker 4:

One, two, three.

Speaker 1:

That was better.

Speaker 4:

That was better. Who's it going to be?

Speaker 3:

We just want to check.

Speaker 4:

Oh oh oh. This is going to be close. I can add images. It's Eric again.

Speaker 3:

Flynn, that's Flynn. What is?

Speaker 4:

this. Whoa, I can add a center image. You guys, I'm going to have a lot of fun with this wheel, all right? Okay, flynn, wrap it up here before we get into the game. So what did you find? Pop culture wise? What's going on in November that people may have missed?

Speaker 2:

Okay, so I didn't really go pop culture wise, but it is like funny and like relatable to where we all are, which is Florida, which people may know. So I am wondering if anybody would like to join for the February 24, 2024 Florida man games. The very first Florida man games is coming out next year. There will be games such as, let's see, evading arrest, beer bellies and catalytic converters. In this article I see here the guy who is organizing the games is says there's going to be a part in one of our obstacle courses where you have to throw an alligator through a drive through window.

Speaker 2:

I know, I know you've heard that Florida man story. Pete says during the podcast referencing when a Florida man threw an alligator through a Wendy's drive through. It's just really trying to compile these in the most legal way possible and turn them into an athletic competition. So, going on the website, let's see there's weaponized pool noodle mud duel. There's evading arrest, obstacle course. Category five cash grab, a catalytic converter, two bikes and a handful of copper pipes, race against time, beer belly, florida Sumo and those are all. The games occur next year.

Speaker 4:

Beer belly, Florida Sumo. That's so funny. I did actually see that this was happening. My question is can you bet on it?

Speaker 1:

Maybe I can throw some money feels just trying to find a way to gamble Right. Exactly Gamble.

Speaker 2:

Where's the state We'll be in St Augustine so?

Speaker 4:

we can get a UFO taco and go watch the while we're watching the game We'll get a UFO taco and this podcast is not sponsored by a. 1a. Burrito works. Oh man, now I want, now I can't wait. But, it could be, but it could be. Hit us up. Hit us up. Burrito works.

Speaker 1:

I just imagine us getting UFO tacos and getting a beating arrest at the same time? Absolutely.

Speaker 4:

I feel, doing like, then I collapse because I have like an asthma attack.

Speaker 3:

Right yeah.

Speaker 4:

No, no, please let me eat my UFO taco. The same thing about prizes. Let's see what would you win. What do you think Florida man would win? Maybe like meth?

Speaker 3:

I would just think of a plaque would do oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, it's possible.

Speaker 1:

Two months of immunity from jail.

Speaker 4:

It's pretty good, there you go, it's pretty good A year's worth of public subs. It's a good one. Pub subs that's a good. I compete, I compete for that. Yeah, let me solid. Well, flynn really captured the essence of what this series is going to be, so we definitely appreciate that story, and you also set us up pretty oh did we lose her?

Speaker 3:

Did we?

Speaker 4:

lose the win oh oh okay, you're also very staticky.

Speaker 1:

No editing.

Speaker 3:

No, we're not going to Nope. All right.

Speaker 4:

We lost your video. Hit your camera. Uh oh, what is that?

Speaker 3:

live video will return when your internet improves.

Speaker 4:

Okay, maybe, maybe try disconnecting some stuff. Do you have like the PlayStation on or anything? Oh, there you go, hello.

Speaker 2:

My back.

Speaker 3:

All right, yes, yeah, very good.

Speaker 4:

All right, well, that was fun.

Speaker 3:

Curiosity, so nobody else did backup stories.

Speaker 1:

I actually had a bit. I had a backup Did you.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I was going to say like an honor I wish you probably do like honorable mentions.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, sure.

Speaker 3:

Just for it or just for you know, shits and giggles the only other two I had and I'll just throw them out here and again we can or cannot talk about them. I was going to bring up, if the I did, the Christopher Nolan story, but my backup technically was about the fact that they scrapped coyote versus acne. Oh yeah yeah, and the fact that that's like going through Congress and like after Batgirl, like all these movies just getting ridden off as a tax write off. I also had Dr Doom potentially as a topic, but I knew everyone's in a different state of MCU right now with their with their viewing.

Speaker 3:

And then my last plan C was Josh Oliver interfering in the election for Bird of the Year and the Putekiteki winning it all. Did you guys hear about that?

Speaker 4:

Josh Oliver, the football player. Josh Oliver, the comedian John.

Speaker 3:

Oliver, john Oliver, not Josh Oliver, josh Oliver greatest tight end.

Speaker 2:

You know what that?

Speaker 1:

explains why none of my?

Speaker 3:

searches were pulling up.

Speaker 1:

The air is like. I have no research about this, I knew it happened.

Speaker 4:

Josh, oliver, josh, tight end in Jacksonville, jacksonville.

Speaker 3:

That's probably why I kept thinking Josh, oliver, because you just told me about Josh. Oliver. Yeah, john Oliver interfering in the Bird of the Year election.

Speaker 4:

I did not hear about that. No, the Putekiteki is the. What the fuck is a Putekiteki?

Speaker 1:

What are you talking? Yeah, what the hell is that?

Speaker 3:

party in your mouth, the Putekiteki.

Speaker 1:

I don't like that. It's a real bird, okay.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and it's the bird of the century.

Speaker 1:

What, yeah, how is that a party in my mouth? I'm going to eat that bird.

Speaker 3:

If you just type in Putekiteki, you'll also see John Oliver as the Putekiteki.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my God Share screen.

Speaker 3:

Here we go, what the hell?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, can I zoom? This is the Putekiteki. What? This is a real bird. Yeah, it's kind of terrifying. It's pretty good.

Speaker 1:

Now you got to Photoshop, josh Oliver. Yeah, you're not going to put football player Josh Oliver.

Speaker 4:

That feels like a lot of work for those of you that are not watching on on YouTube or our Patreon, you're missing out on the Putekiteki. So, yeah, I mean, I definitely heard. I've also heard that, like the the ACME movie, the what's the coyote verse ACME was actually pretty good too. So from people that have seen it like it's weird, yeah, they can't keep doing that shit and then getting just like a set attack, like you said, attacks right off. I'm glad somebody like is stepping in, because a lot of people work really hard on those movies and Batgirl may have been terrible, but like it at least deserved a shot, you know they release the flash Right we yeah, the flash is out, Then the Eternals exists.

Speaker 4:

So like why the Bat, like the Batgirl, can exist on some sort of plane.

Speaker 3:

But yeah, jordan what was your backup? Yeah, what was yours.

Speaker 1:

I was just going to talk about how Timothy Chalamet featured in SNL and Wonka comes out next month and Hugh Grant is the Oompa Loompa, as revealed in the trailer number two that just came out. I have no desire to see Wonka whatsoever, so you don't want to see Hugh Grant sing as a new Oompa Loompa.

Speaker 4:

Not really. The only thing I want to see Hugh Grant in is padding for three. That's right as we, as we, as we await the greatest film franchise in all time, the greatest cinematic universe.

Speaker 1:

He's the greatest showman, isn't he?

Speaker 4:

That's Hugh.

Speaker 1:

Jackman. Well, I'm glad I didn't pick that story, because I was going to talk about. I was going to talk about greatest show.

Speaker 4:

I'd like to see that. I'd probably see it more if it were Hugh Jackman, so are more likely to see it yeah.

Speaker 2:

Hey Bob, what's Okay?

Speaker 4:

anyway, Hugh.

Speaker 2:

Jackman and Donald Glover as Wonka. That'd be good.

Speaker 4:

There you go. They haven't released a trailer yet, but pictures came out from the Donald Glover, mr and Mrs Smith show, so that'll be that'll be interesting, here we go.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there you go.

Speaker 4:

All right, let's get into some games here and we're going to do a couple of top 10 lists and then the game that I created and we're going to do the game that I created. First because Flynn kind of spoiled it, because the game that I have created in the game that we will be playing today, is chat GPT or Florida man.

Speaker 4:

So, I typed into a chat GPT to generate fake Florida man stories and I picked out some of my favorites and you guys are going to try and decipher if these are real Florida man headlines or chat GPT. And I'll tell you chat GPT came up with some really good ones, so I think this would be a whole lot of fun. I don't know how I got this idea, but I just wanted to incorporate chat GPT somehow. So it was really funny that Flynn picked that Florida man story for her. What did I miss? So let's go, I got five here and you guys can work together to decide if these are real or chat GPT. First, one Florida man charged for throwing hot dog at St Pete police officer Real or chat GPT.

Speaker 3:

Feel like that's pretty tame. I'm going to say chat.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I say chat yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'll say yeah, chat.

Speaker 4:

That is real. I should have bought. I should have linked these actual stories. I totally forgot to do that, but that one is real. I will actually know. I got it. I got it. I have it right here. This was from Pinellas County in July 2022. A Newport Richie man was arrested on a family charge Saturday after authorities said he threw a hot dog at an officer who was warning him of violating a city ordinance. Jason stole 47, ignored the warnings that continue to sell hot dogs and then, after his street closure permit ended and he was asked to put the hot dog down. But it's already said he continued to try and sell it before intentionally throwing it at the officer. So, yep, that one is real.

Speaker 2:

So over one times are hard, man.

Speaker 4:

You just got to yeah, he's trying to sell his hot dogs. Yeah, he really was trying to get that out.

Speaker 1:

Get your wheel at that cop.

Speaker 4:

All right. Next one here. Man claims to have discovered Florida. Man discovers fucking Christ. Florida man claims to have discovered fountain of youth in neighbors pool. Offers eternal youth passes for ten dollars, real or chat GPT.

Speaker 1:

That seems real.

Speaker 3:

I'm going chat.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

We got. Oh God, kind of seems real.

Speaker 4:

All right. Is that your final answer?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, let's go with.

Speaker 4:

That is chat GPT. So that one was a fake headline, but again believable. I'm surprised it has not happened quite yet. All right, Next one Florida man arrested for teaching parents to shout insults at pedestrians Real or chat GPT?

Speaker 1:

That's real.

Speaker 3:

I'm going back to chat.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of parents down here.

Speaker 4:

There's a parent that hangs out at Jack's Beach. That guy that walks around with a parent Sure, it's never swore at me, though.

Speaker 2:

Let me go real again.

Speaker 4:

That is chat GPT. I wouldn't be surprised if this has happened somewhere, but it is a.

Speaker 3:

I just couldn't, I just couldn't imagine what the parent would have said that would have resulted in an arrest Slurs.

Speaker 4:

Well, ok, all right. Florida man arrested for pooping on dead possum on street during rush hour. Real or chat GPT.

Speaker 1:

That's real, it's real, real.

Speaker 4:

Real back. This happened in. Let's see. No, oh my God, this was reported yesterday. That was what I say. No, cox was picked up by Clearwater Police on Wednesday after he was seen dropping dropping Trowell in the middle of Belcher Road and Wiltrity Trail intersection and laying a log on a doubly unfortunate possum in full view of the motoring public.

Speaker 2:

Wow, my God.

Speaker 4:

The possum was already dead, so at least it wasn't a live possum. I think that makes it a little bit better. I don't know. You guys tell me.

Speaker 1:

I think it's disrespectful.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, sorry, we're out there disrespecting the possum, the possum afterlife.

Speaker 1:

I apologize, I don't know, hey, that's a what a died miss, that happened. Yeah, that's true.

Speaker 4:

There you. That was a. That was a bonus story. There you go. That was a honorable mention, all right. Last one here Naked Florida man arrested for trying to open a theme park called Jurassic Swamp with alligators as dinosaur attractions. Real or chat GPT.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to say real it is chat GPT Again not not not bad.

Speaker 1:

I typed this a couple, some other ones that they came up with here, let's see.

Speaker 4:

Florida man dressed in a hat. I'm going to say real. I'm going to say real. Some other ones that they came up with here. Let's see Florida man dressed as pirate, arrested for attempting to commandeer a yacht to search for buried treasure in local marina. Believeable, I would believe. I believe that man in Florida declares backyard and no gravity zone. Attempts to sell anti gravity socks to neighbors. That's chat GPT. Florida man attempts to break world record for most selfies taken with wild ostriches at local zoo. I also thought that was pretty solid. Yeah, pretty solid as well. So I think we're going to rely a lot on chat GPT for some of these games. But thanks, guys, for participating in the very first episode of Florida man or chat GPT. Oh, there goes.

Speaker 4:

I gotta have somebody come up with like an actual instrumental for this. I can have like a voice over. I might just do it myself. That'll be fun. I'll take it All right. There you go. Okay, let's do these two. Top 10 list here. We got one for food and then one that is a nerdy list here. So, since we are all millennials and fans of the original Pokemon, I have this up here, and this was based on a Reddit fan vote and they asked a question who is your favorite Pokemon from the original 151? This one's relatively easy. There are some surprises on here, though, that I did not expect, so we're going to do all 10 and because I think we can probably get this one, get through this one pretty quickly. So what do you guys think? You can work together as a team no timeline or anything and what do you guys think the top 10 favorite Pokemon based on this, based on a Reddit poll?

Speaker 4:

smash 52,000 replies actually. So Charmander said Charmander is not on the list. Pikachu is not on the list.

Speaker 1:

Are you?

Speaker 4:

very no. No, start you. Pikachu is a very mainstream Pokemon. A lot of people are kind of sick of Pikachu.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Charizard is number one. I'm surprised it took us that long. Charizard is number one.

Speaker 2:

Um Eevee.

Speaker 4:

Eevee is number five, so Eevee is number five. Venusaur, venusaur, no no, venusaur, mewtwo.

Speaker 3:

No, mewtwo Mew, squirtle Mew.

Speaker 1:

Squirtle is number seven. No Mew.

Speaker 4:

Gengar. Gengar is number two.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, people love the ghost.

Speaker 4:

Pokemon. I mean Haunter is better, but it's okay.

Speaker 3:

Is Haunter there? No, no, haunter, no, so it's not better Arbok?

Speaker 4:

It is no Arbok, psyduck, no Psyduck. Good guess, though Ditto, nope, jigglypuff.

Speaker 2:

No Jigglypuff.

Speaker 4:

We're just going to go through all of it. Yeah, you guys should have just started it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah you guys should have just started at number one.

Speaker 4:

Number three is really surprising. Honestly, I was very surprised to see Caterpie here.

Speaker 2:

No, Volpex People love Volpex.

Speaker 4:

No, nine Tails. Nine Tails is number eight.

Speaker 1:

I like Cadabra because of the spoon.

Speaker 4:

No Cadabra Machamp.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

No, machamp, no, none of the Machamps. Manky, no no.

Speaker 2:

Okay, are they like final evolution?

Speaker 4:

Two, three, three of them are yes.

Speaker 1:

Weep and bill.

Speaker 4:

No, very odd guesses that you guys are throwing out here.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

No, surprisingly. I thought Gyarados would be on here too.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Just Number three. Yeah, I mean really cool design. I was just surprised that it was at number three. I love Arcanine. I was just surprised that it was that high Cubones, no Cubone. You guys are missing one, two final evolutions and a first evolution and a just one that doesn't evolve.

Speaker 3:

It's got to be Zubat.

Speaker 4:

Not again. I'm not going to lick a tongue. No, lick a tongue Coffee.

Speaker 1:

Carpetsch. Okay, mine.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Chancey nope.

Speaker 3:

I forgot what it's called, but it's like that erudactyl. Is that the one?

Speaker 1:

No erudactyl. Oh, alakazam.

Speaker 3:

No, hit mom Lee no there's almost a gear dose.

Speaker 4:

Yeah yeah. Do you want the type what? We'll start with number four. Do you want what do you? What kind of clue do you guys want? Type? Yeah, let's go type grass, that's bug.

Speaker 2:

Oddish no.

Speaker 3:

The way you said it's bug, it's a bug.

Speaker 4:

It's a fight.

Speaker 2:

Gloom. Is that a final evolution?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

So it's a regular Do we?

Speaker 3:

do we go through all the Bulbasaur Evils?

Speaker 4:

It's Bulbasaur.

Speaker 3:

Bulbasaur's before.

Speaker 4:

A lot of love for the, for Bulby. Let's see. Number six is Okay. I can't tell you what type it is because I don't give it away. It is a final evolution.

Speaker 1:

Executor. What is that one?

Speaker 4:

very, very strong final evolution.

Speaker 2:

Oh um dragonite dragonite.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, dragonite number six. No, alakazam, eric, I'm gonna set Alakazam damn.

Speaker 3:

Oh, we got the spoodle.

Speaker 4:

We got nine, I think all we have left. Oh, we have nine and ten. Number nine normal type.

Speaker 2:

Big data. Oh no, we said that Kangas car.

Speaker 3:

No, my Kangas on is that even one of the 151 Kangas on?

Speaker 4:

yeah, yes, big Snorlax, snorlax. Oh, number nine and then number ten is a final evolution.

Speaker 3:

What type Doug tree water?

Speaker 4:

Blast toys is blast toys number ten everyone likes the squirt to take you way longer than Then I thought it would. So blast toys ten, snorlax nine, nine tails eight, squirtle seven, dragonite six. Five EV for Bulbasaur, three, arcanine two, gengar one, charizard Smash. There you go. I don't know what to do with the information that Jordan just gave you, but okay, let's do.

Speaker 3:

Let's see, okay, well.

Speaker 4:

If I like this one, okay, well, we might do both of these lists, okay, let's, let's. Let's transition to food here as we get a little bit closer. So somebody on Buzzfeed Did a ranking of Thanksgiving dishes. So they ranked the top ten Thanksgiving dishes based on their list. So there wasn't any survey or anything going on here. This is just. This is just a community contributor post that has a lot of interaction and that's the one that I went with, because it was kind of hard to find, just like a definitive list. So we're gonna go with Buzzfeed here, so ranking them from ten to one for Thanksgiving Dishes. Let's see if we can get all ten. I Don't know if to qualifies as a dish, but we'll see Turkey. They listed a number five.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Stuffing is number four.

Speaker 1:

Macaroni and cheese.

Speaker 4:

Not on here. Let me know what type of list this is green bean.

Speaker 3:

Oh, just kidding already number three.

Speaker 4:

It's number three. Okay, I remember it's number three.

Speaker 3:

They put it number three this will let me know what type of list it is. Tell me where green bean casserole is. 10, oh no, nine, nine, nine, nine. Okay, good, it shouldn't be on there, but pretty low is good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I agree with that.

Speaker 4:

I I like green bean casserole mashed potato. Mashed potatoes is number one. I'm just gonna give you number two, because they put gravy. Shouldn't that be paired with mashed potatoes?

Speaker 2:

Well, no, because they put some people put gravy on their turkey?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I guess you don't usually have like a thing of gravy that you pass around.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah you do. There's like a little, or it you put it in like it's the bow.

Speaker 3:

That's what I said.

Speaker 4:

You put it, you know I thought you said there's usually not a thing. I was like what are you doing? Just like dumping gravy from the Great, I'm drinking gravy like out of pager's drinking blood. All right, we're missing six, seven, eight and ten.

Speaker 2:

Maybe dessert pumpkin pie.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

I don't think there's on there.

Speaker 4:

I Guess it depends on how you classify number ten. Yeah, sweet potatoes. Number ten, where's?

Speaker 3:

cranberry on there like cranberries.

Speaker 4:

Number six, so we're missing number seven.

Speaker 2:

Oh seven eight.

Speaker 4:

Oh, did somebody say a pie? Yeah, there is a dessert on here.

Speaker 2:

What'd you say apple? I said pumpkin pumpkin eight.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, pumpkin number eight. Okay, and the number seven.

Speaker 1:

I Turkey.

Speaker 4:

Turkey was number five. That was the first thing.

Speaker 1:

I wasn't listening Ham no, no ham.

Speaker 3:

Beans, what kind?

Speaker 4:

of beans, beans, beans, no, no, beans, beans. Thank you.

Speaker 3:

Jesus, what did we already do? Green bean casserole.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's separate, it's not the same.

Speaker 1:

Twice, I eat green beans, the casserole.

Speaker 4:

Jordan got really offended by that. Yeah, you know. All right, that's the list of. This was more of so, of just a against someone's personal Personal preference, but that's why we're gonna do this last one here. So, because this one is more based on Surveys. So this is wool close out the episode of what has been a very, very fun return for for what did I miss? This is a Gaming gorilla article from a couple months ago, from August the top 25 most popular video game characters of all time. We're only gonna do, let's only do the top five here, since we're running a little long, so we'll do the five. And this was based off of a list created by researching, a rounding up information for the most reputable Web sources. So let's do number five, or the top five for most popular video game characters.

Speaker 1:

Mario, mario.

Speaker 4:

Mario is number one. I think that was the easiest one. Yeah, mario is definitely number one, which is wrong if you listen to the very last episode of what was that series? We did up high, down low. So yeah, that's wrong as far as putting him in number one. But, yeah, number one, master, chief, master chief, number six, so right on the outside of the top five link Zelda, yeah, link link is number four.

Speaker 3:

How many more Nintendo characters are there?

Speaker 4:

I'm not gonna tell you.

Speaker 1:

No who, tom, no, oh, no oh no, no we can't even play as Tom.

Speaker 4:

No, no, how would Luigi be on here?

Speaker 2:

Ash ketchup.

Speaker 4:

Nope red. No, you're missing like a really big one.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Kirby is on here, but I think they are. No, nope, never mind, they're not out here.

Speaker 2:

Which ones are you missing? Two, three and four?

Speaker 1:

Two, three and five two, three and five.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, five is strange man. I was surprised.

Speaker 3:

Star Fox no.

Speaker 4:

Snake number ten, this solid snake, good guess.

Speaker 2:

As you can see, I'm not the video game person here, the one that's in the droid.

Speaker 4:

Talking about the Metroid? Yeah, no, she's not on here.

Speaker 1:

Okay, Donkey Kong.

Speaker 4:

Don't kill is number eight.

Speaker 3:

What about ratchet?

Speaker 4:

No, no, ratchet and clay. You guys are missing like a big, like main franchise.

Speaker 1:

Nathan Drake oh.

Speaker 4:

No Drake, no Spyro.

Speaker 1:

Feels we mentioned big. Yeah, no, it's like those are big right you are, but Marcus Phoenix no. Seo no.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Think we're gonna need some hints.

Speaker 4:

All right, let's go to number two. It's a franchise. You guys have already said you just take picking the wrong character.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Bowser, bowser, no Wario toad.

Speaker 4:

No peach. Yoshi no, you're the wrong franchise.

Speaker 3:

That would have been helpful, like 20 guess, I know.

Speaker 1:

Remember what we guessed? Link Zelda.

Speaker 4:

Have a link link is number four. You already said link. Zelda not Zelda, not wrong franchise. Oh, it's a character you mentioned, but it was not on the list because you picked the wrong character.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, obviously, because.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, but it was a, it was a universe that you had mentioned, but it's not the right character.

Speaker 2:

Ash ketchup okay.

Speaker 4:

Pikachu. There you go. Pikachu is number two.

Speaker 1:

That's not a playable character.

Speaker 4:

There's detective Pikachu. The eye roll was so loud. All right, number three. How can I do this? And this character has a movie.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

No, nathan Drake does not have a movie, despite what people think.

Speaker 1:

Like a recent movie.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, you're gonna be so mad.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

No, but Scorpion, I think, is on here number 22.

Speaker 3:

It's a movie, not a show.

Speaker 1:

Free bazzar and Ninja Turtles movie.

Speaker 3:

No, the movie came out this year.

Speaker 4:

No last year's, though last few years, both of them so Frustrating frustrating for us. Yeah, yeah, they have a sidekick.

Speaker 2:

Batman nope angry birds no.

Speaker 1:

Burn. We mentioned it, though that's what Phil said.

Speaker 4:

No, that was number two. That was for number two Minions. No, there are many in a video game, not minion rush, let us not count.

Speaker 3:

No, who's the minion sidekick? So we grew, grew.

Speaker 4:

Oh right, also not a video game.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Rayman's number 25. So, wow, I wouldn't put that over ratchet, but okay, trying to think of some other. Spider-man that wouldn't give it away. No, okay, has a movie, has a sidekick, what else can I? I think, dark night.

Speaker 1:

Is it an animated movie?

Speaker 4:

Oh, no no.

Speaker 1:

It's not there no. The last of us man.

Speaker 4:

Joel is on here, he's number 18.

Speaker 3:

I know, but it wasn't a movie and it's not. He's the name is not the last of us, man.

Speaker 4:

All right, it's. It's an animal.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that had a movie recently.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, with two within the last five years, I would say, yeah, sonic the hedgehog. Yeah, 2020 and 2022. Yeah, I was like I cannot believe that you guys are gonna do this. Five is strange, so I'll say this five is a group, so it's. It's three people in a very, very popular game.

Speaker 1:

Resident Evil.

Speaker 4:

No, but it is a main, like a main franchise. When you people think of gaming, they they think of this game. Is it the cast of GTA? It is, yeah. Michael Franklin and Trevor at number five. Six. Master Chief seven. Laura Croft eight. Donkey Kong nine. Crash Bandicoot 10. Solid snake 11. Pac-man 12. Kratos 13. Agent 47 14. Joe Valentine 15. Commander Shepherd, sam Fisher on this list getting some love. Duke Nukem 17. Joel 18, geralt of Rivia shout out to Andrew. Number 19. John Marston 20. Cloud Strife 21, scorpion sub zero. Max Payne and Rayman round out the top 25. So there you go. Cannot believe it took that long to get Sonic. That was wild.

Speaker 1:

He's just not on our top list.

Speaker 4:

I agree. I mean they're fun. I mean I wouldn't mind playing that like noose. No Sonic game, it's like multiplayer.

Speaker 3:

Where did Luigi rank in the top 25?

Speaker 4:

All right. Well, guys, that has been. What did I miss? 3.0 and Eric, I think it was as as I think we thought it was going to be, but also a lot of fun. So it'll be. It'd be interesting to see how this evolves over time. Again, thanks for to Jordan Flynn for joining us for this absolute mess. But, yeah, I think this was a really, really good time and I'm excited to kind of see what happens next. We already have people expressing interest, you know, coming back, coming on in, you know, in 2024 too. So we're just gonna, you know, mix and match guests and continue to have a good time.

Speaker 3:

But I had a lot of fun doing this and if you stuck around at the end of the episode, let us know what you think we should incorporate. We are definitely open to feedback for this, because this is gonna be a monthly kind of bonus episode, with us changing our episode count weekly. This allows us the flexibility to do these times types of things. So if you also want to come on, let us know. That's also something we're kind of looking into For some of our audience members, some of our former guests, to join and maybe have some type of audience element. We're gonna play around with that feature. You may have seen the share screen feature if you're on the video portion, so we're just kind of messing around with it, trying to see what works, what doesn't, and we appreciate Flynn and Jordan for putting up with us while we figure this all out.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, thanks so much for coming on y'all. Anything else you want to tell our audience before we get out of here? This episode will probably come out after Thanksgiving, so hopefully well, I don't know, we haven't decided. But anything else you want to mention to our audience before we wrap it up?

Speaker 1:

Thanks for listening, thanks for watching if you watched us on patreon and be sure to stay tuned. On February 2024, all of us are going to be Participating in the Florida man games. I will be evading.

Speaker 4:

Okay, I thought this is gonna be a brick city. I thought she was gonna promote brick city.

Speaker 3:

You know, that's really nice, that's also.

Speaker 1:

We will also be doing that.

Speaker 4:

I thought Jordan was gonna plug the convention and I was like man, that's really nice of her to do God yeah, check us out in the Florida man games. We'll be running, running around with our, our UFO tacos. It'll be a good time with that money that we stole from that waitress.

Speaker 2:

And Then you can also find us at the squid games.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and then I'll be on. Love is blind, cuz Philan keeps trying to sign me up. So, yes, you can find us everywhere, but again, if you submitting your application now.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for giving me yeah.

Speaker 4:

For, for those of you that again stuck around through this, this mess, thank you so much, and we promise we do have more structured content here in the podcast, and you can find all that in the link tree link of our show notes. You'll find all of our archive episodes. You also find all of our social media links that you need and Also, if you want to interact with us even more one-on-one, you can also join our discord page, which has been a whole lot of fun. Philan and Jordan are active in there. We we thank you guys for for keeping it fun and, yeah, it's been a whole whole. It's been a blast.

Speaker 4:

As we now Transition into 2024, eric and we just have a lot more content planned for everybody, including this with what did I miss? And then, of course, the end of the year awards coming up. Just a whole bunch of really, really fun things planned, and you know, I just can't wait to see and can't wait to share it with our audience. But if you find yourself wanting to support the show, you can do a couple of things. One, you can share this episode, share it with your friends, social media, head on over to Apple podcast or Spotify. Leave us five star reviews. That is a great way to do that, but if you find yourself wanting to support the show, maybe a little bit extra, eric will let you know how you can do that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so you can go directly to the Buzzsprout page our website and support us there, or you can take those monetary Fonds over to patreon, where patrons like Stefan and Briar are supporting the show, and it'll get you exclusive access, like behind the scenes, to episodes like this, early access to episodes like this and a lot, lot more. Once again, thanks to Phil in to Jordan for joining us. Phil, this was a lot of fun. Can't wait to do it again and again, we appreciate each and every one of you guys for listening, for watching, for liking, commenting all the above. My name is mr Eric almighty. That is my co-host, phil the Filipino and our wonderful guests for this evening. And please don't forget that we release new episodes in the podcast every Wednesday, with some bonus episodes like this one and bonus content on tiktok. All you got to do is wait. Ready guys. One.

Speaker 1:

Two, three.

Speaker 3:

Hold on. Can I put everybody back in?

Speaker 4:

So, I heard you're looking for a go-to source for entertainment.

Speaker 1:

Wait for it gaming. Wait for it. Anime Plus ultra.

Speaker 3:

Mr Eric almighty and Phil the Filipino yeah, they've got you covered, and all you got to do is Wait for it.

Speaker 2:

This is the wait for it podcast.

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