The Wait For It Podcast

2023 End of Year Awards!

That electrifying moment when the lights dim, and your heart races with anticipation for the show to start—it's what our year-end awards are all about. Your favorite co-hosts, joined by special guests, are here to toast the triumphs and roast the flops of the last 365 days in entertainment. From the Letterbox'd rankings to our Wholesome Award and Don't Be a Dick honors, we're dissecting the best and worst of film, TV, anime, music, and gaming with an honesty only true friends can share.

The finale of our rollercoaster ride through 2023's entertainment landscape spotlights the animated films that charmed and the gaming experiences that stole our hearts. Whether it's the unexpected joy of a surprise GOTY selection or the heated debates on anime's best and most disappointing series, we've got it covered. As we cap off the year, it's not just about the stories that moved us or the creators that inspired—it's about the community and the electricity of shared experience that we, & our many guests cherish deeply. So, as the curtain falls on another year, we're sending out a heartfelt 'thank you' for being part of our story.

This year's categories are:

Best/Worst Film
Best/Worst Animated Film
Best/Worst TV Show
Game of the Year
Anime of the Year
Best/Worst Song of the Year
Artist of the Year
Wholesome Award
Don't Be A Dick!

Shoutout to everyone that submitted clips for this episode:

Urban Weirdo:
Andrew from FN'Gamers:
Jacob from NovaStars AC:
DJ Awesomus Prime:
Jordan Rae & Philline!

🔻You can find all important links for the podcast over at (which includes our brand new Patreon site!)🔺

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to your go-to source for entertainment. Wait for it Gaming. Wait for it Anime.

Speaker 2:

Plus Ultra.

Speaker 1:

Mr Eric Almighty and Phil the Filipino. Yeah, they've got you covered, and all you gotta do is Wait for it.

Speaker 3:

Hey everyone, welcome back to the Wait for it podcast. I am your co-host, phil Smith, aka Phil the Filipino, and joining me, as always, is your other co-host, mr Eric Almighty Eric, it's weird. It feels like we've done this before, like we've been in this exact same situation. We had a little technical difficulty. We wanted to record this a couple days sooner, but here we are on the merriest of days, eric. On Christmas evening, as we are recording, spent some day. I spent the day with our families. I went to the movies which will come up again later on in this episode and ate some good food. So good to be here with you, even though we didn't envision we'd have to do this on Christmas. But as podcasters, the work never stops and you know what? You just gotta roll with the punches and in here we are.

Speaker 4:

Well, hopefully we have the holiday spirits needed to keep you guys thriving throughout the episode, because this is going to be.

Speaker 3:

We need Eli. We need Eli to just be in here and just like tell us we're doing a great job every once in a while. That'd be great.

Speaker 4:

Which is an easy plug for the holiday special. A bonus episode we just dropped. We do it. We've done it now two years in a row with the Super Bracket Bros cinematic universe.

Speaker 3:

That's probably it. That's probably it. They probably will not be inviting us back.

Speaker 4:

So check out that audio only episode on all podcast platforms. For today, you are getting the pleasure of the Wait For it podcast end of year awards, which is, phil, if I remember correctly your words, the most acclaimed award show in history.

Speaker 3:

Of the season.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, just countless number of media requests in our inbox and I apologize, we could not get back to everybody.

Speaker 3:

We'll circle back around in the new year, which I think is a good it was a popular phrase around this time, so, but this is our I think fourth end of the year awards.

Speaker 3:

In every single year, it gets bigger and better and, as always, we have clips from some of our friends and guests that we had over the course of the last 12 months, which Eric and I can just not be more thankful for. Whether you have agreed with what we had to say or not, the fact that you took the time to either listen to an episode, watch a clip on TikTok or Instagram, respond to us, the fact that you gave us any time, is appreciated and it helps the podcast. So we thank you guys so much. This year we have added a new category, which we'll talk about here in just a moment. So, like I said, eric, it just continues to grow. And one of my favorite episodes of the year, because not only do we get to discuss and go in retrospect from the past 12 months, like I said, we also get to hear what our friends had to say as well.

Speaker 4:

I think that's the cool part of it, because at the end of the day, guys like we cannot consume every piece of media. We can't watch every show, every movie, every anime we can't play every game.

Speaker 4:

Fill is well versed in some areas where I'm well versed in others, and that's really what makes this fun to be able to continue to co-host and do this podcast together. But we've had the pleasure of meeting so many cool people and being friends with so many people that have similar interests. So again, phil already mentioned it We'll do it again at the end, but we cannot thank you guys enough for sending in those clips. If you want to send in a clip, keep an eye out on social media at this time next year. You know we'd love to have you on. But, phil, with who? We've got the categories? I'm going to let you explain all of that at the start of this episode and then we're going to dive into it, because we got a lot to cover.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, we're also two days behind on when we started doing this, so we're going to jump right into it. It's very self-exlamatory best and worst categories from a bunch of different mediums and we're going to talk about all of those with a couple of fun ones sprinkled in and, as we have been teasing for kind of a few months now, you guys will hear our full letter box rankings for all the films that we have seen in 2023. What kind of content is that going to create? We will see what kind of conversation that's going to create as well should be fun. I will say, eric, that I did make some changes to save myself from further ridicule on the interwebs, so I hope you guys appreciate the work that I am been doing for you guys. But to give you guys the categories here, this is not an order. We will be mixing up the order as we go on the episode. We have, of course, best and worst film. Best and worst animated film is the new category we are introducing. This year. We felt like we saw enough animated films that it warranted its own award and space.

Speaker 3:

Best and worst TV show. The film of the year. Anime of the year. Best and worst. Song of the year, artist of the year, and then two of our favorites, the Wholesome Award and Don't Be a Dick, which is a throwback to the OG days of what Did I Miss? So, eric, like you said, let's just go ahead and jump into this thing. Our first category of the evening will be best and worst TV show. A couple of days ago. We will start with one of our favorite vendors and a really, really good friend of ours that we have just gotten to know so well over the course of the last couple of years. Now let's see what he picked for his TV show of the year.

Speaker 6:

Oh, best TV show. This is difficult, I feel like all of them have been. I just keep saying are difficult. But I watched a lot of TV this year, especially because I usually paint to it. I can't really paint the music, so I tend to paint the TV shows, but I am a little behind on the TV shows, so a lot of the ones I can't mention because they weren't this year, they were last year but I had to graph it out and list them all out and I think the show that I am really excited about and I always get excited about and I actually try to paint too and I end up not being able to because just narratively they just do a really interesting job Is Fargo on FX, the newest season. I have not been able to not look away Like I keep watching and all the crazy and ridiculous things they do, which I mean it's kind of the point of the narrative and the crime drama stuff Do it. Yeah, I've been hooked ever since I saw the first season years ago and with it being out the new season this year, I just I can't stop watching and the cast is great. Every season they have a new cast and all talented actors like it's a great watch. So I'm going to say Fargo.

Speaker 6:

For sure I would have had some other shows. I would have said, if I saw them on time Like I haven't seen Murder at the end of the world yet and I heard nothing but great things about it I just it probably would maybe top Fargo, but right now Fargo is the one for me. I am going to point out an honorable mention, if I got a chance to see it, because I'm sure I would have loved it. It's a monarch legacy of monsters. I would have loved it if I got a chance to see it before. I had to do is recording. I haven't even watched it yet, but I know I'm going to love it. I love Kaiju's, I love the monster verse, I love Godzilla, so I'm sure I would have loved it. I just didn't get a chance to watch it and I'm actually really behind on all these Apple TV shows. So, yeah, I just had to point that out.

Speaker 3:

So you know, yeah you are way behind on those Apple TV shows. I've been, because you have plenty of anime to discuss with Eric, but leave me hanging. I don't understand why me, Ivan and the rest of the world are leaving Apple TV behind.

Speaker 4:

It's like not that expensive, I don't know. It's easily accessible. I'll just give you the password to I get it. I understand I. This is a flaw that I hope to correct in 2024 myself. Yeah, well, to talk about what he mentioned, legacy of Monsters is very good.

Speaker 3:

It is currently still ongoing, so it did receive some consideration, but I feel like if I haven't seen the full season then I have to kind of leave it for review, but it is very good from what we've seen so far. Eric, I don't think either one of us have seen Fargo, but Fargo is always existing out there in like the zeitgeist, because so many people love it. But I feel like it's not a show where people are just like you know. It's not a show where people are outwardly like really clamoring about it because it's just a really good show, but like it's not out there in the space was like oh, have you seen Fargo? Let's talk about Fargo, you know, if that makes sense it does completely.

Speaker 4:

I don't know, it's not really completely different shows, but they're definitely different shows. Fargo falls in that category for me of like true detective and American horror story, like you're either watching that series and the reiteration every single time it comes out or you just like miss the boat and you don't plan on jumping on. I'm kind of in that boat. I've seen some of the first season and it was good objectively, but I just never had the time and before you know it, each season comes along and it just kind of falls off your radar.

Speaker 3:

Is that like the kind of show you said, true detective? Is it not the kind of show where it's a rotating cast?

Speaker 4:

I'm like 92%, sure, yes, okay.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it is something that is once again. It's kind of circled my queue, but like never really made it on the queue, so it is, but I again for how. I've heard wonderful, wonderful things about it. Eric, let's go to another good friend of the show here and see what their pick for a show of the year was.

Speaker 7:

All right. So the fall of the house of usher, that one was a mind fuck. Love that show. It was. Definitely had some some great little twists and turns, just the way everything kind of hand out and played out how basically they all they didn't really have an out for what was coming to them but they were all given the choice to do the right thing and I feel like the outcome would have been easier on them. But because they chose the way they did, it was as brutal as it was Definitely loved how it ended. You know I don't want to say I kind of saw how it was coming, but you know it was a nice kind of surprise or confirmation I guess you could say for for the ending itself, you know, and yeah, it was hands down, definitely recommended if you haven't seen it.

Speaker 3:

And I wanted to play that clip because leading into this one, Hi way for listeners, it's Felene.

Speaker 8:

I have to say that my vote for the best TV show of 2023, this was a hard choice for me, guys. I was in between two and I finally made my choice and I just want to do a quick shout out to Queen Charlotte, because that was going to be my choice, hands down, but after sitting with it, I've got to choose. The fall of the house of usher. Guys, mike Flanagan has me in a fucking chokehold, guys. This man is an amazing creator and director. This show was phenomenal. The characters, the storyline that chills, the vibes of the show were so, so good, and his series every single year in Halloween are topped here all the time. I have enjoyed even his lowest shows, like I've still enjoyed them from start to finish. I've still wanted to continue with his stories and I this, this one just was amazing. And with his adaptation of Edgar Allen Poe goosebumps from start to finish. This. This is it, my top top show of 2023. So there we go.

Speaker 3:

Shout out first to the urban weirdo, j for coming on longtime friend, and also my sister for Lynn, who has joined us many episodes in the past and they go there to votes for the fall of the house of usher For me. I just was surprised when I learned that that was not about the R&B star. It was actually a horror and I was probably not going to check it out. But what they are saying has been echoed by other people. I've heard it's phenomenal.

Speaker 4:

I've heard it as well. It's just not in that avenue of TV, that of like must watch TV for me. But I'd be lying if I didn't say the hype didn't fall. You know, come across my radar and almost convinced me to put it in my queue. So great, great pick, great pick. I hear a lot of great things.

Speaker 3:

And, just like you said, you know we just cannot watch everything, and also just some things do not fall in line with what we are going to watch. So, again, another great reason this episode is so much fun. But, eric, let's let's transition to the negative here. Nobody sent in clips for their worst TV show of the year, so let's go ahead and start there. You and I, I know we were both kind of having trouble and I wonder you kind of came to this conclusion right before we had recorded last time, and I'm wondering if we went the same route, because my worst TV show is something I actually didn't even watch. Is that where you landed?

Speaker 4:

It's not great. I watched the first episode of this show and I watched. I watched subsequent clips enough to determine I didn't want to revisit it. And honestly, I didn't watch a lot of TV. I didn't like.

Speaker 3:

And that's kind of the thing with me.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's the thing with me with TV and really anime too. It's really hard to find like a bad anime I don't like, because I'm really picky about what I watch. The show that I'm going to pick, which is unfortunately going to be the start of many attacks at Marvel, is Secret Invasion. Oh, secret invasion was bland, boring, idiotic. It felt out of line from everything else around it and not in a good way, not in a way where, like, you're trying to be unique and it like sticks Tonally. It didn't make sense, especially when your lead character is Nick Fury and then he's a little jokester in Back to being a Jokester. And Miss Marvel, miss Marvel, so really weird show.

Speaker 4:

I watched the first episode, immediately turned it off and I not only did I hear that it didn't get better, I really did try to do my due diligence. Was there anything cool from Secret Invasion? Think about it In 2023,. Did you see a secret invasion clip where you're like, oh man, I'm really missing out. That show died, got no internet buzz except for its stupid ending with its CGI fight at the end. You might have seen clips of that. Outside of that, that show completely fell under the radar, and what a concept to screw up.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, all I remember is the, like you said, in the final episode where there was that character that had all of the powers from the different. It was like, hey, remember this character. They can do that. At that point I knew I was never going to watch this, I'm never going to go back to it, and we are at that point now where we are totally comfortable skipping Marvel projects. Echo looks intriguing. It actually does look intriguing, so I'm going to give that a shot, but in no point that I want to try and watch Secret Invasion, for a lot of the things that you mentioned and what a lot of other people were saying Mine was.

Speaker 3:

I just picked this because, from what I saw, it made me a worse person. Like I feel like if I had not seen any clips from this show, I would be a better man today. And that show is the idol which was on HBO. The weekend came through Twitter and just ruined my brain, man, and the show is already been canceled, as I'm sure a lot of you know. And the clips that came out of it, you were like there's no way, this is a real television show and I you know what. I don't care that I didn't watch this. This isn't the worst TV show of the year and I think a lot of top 10 lists have confirmed that. But yeah, again, everything that I saw from from that show just made me very uncomfortable and I'd hope I never see them again.

Speaker 4:

Again a great example of a show that, like, if I watched it, would be on this list, it'd be probably my top pick. But I'm just not going to watch shows that are objectively bad.

Speaker 3:

Well, even is, I'm still not 100% sure what it's about.

Speaker 4:

Apparently the weekend, which is a problem.

Speaker 3:

And his genitalia, which was talked about way too much. Again. Fucking freak, just ran through your Twitter.

Speaker 4:

Love the weekend but my God, I don't know, it's kind of ruined him. Hey, I'm always going to enjoy is I can separate the music in the person. I've now had to separate the music in the person when it comes to the weekend.

Speaker 3:

So, so bad, but well, let's get to the positive side here and go with our best TV shows of the year. I'll go first here, eric, and there were certainly some contenders and one one contender, one honorable mention that I will point out is the season two of Legend of Vox Machina, which is outstanding. Have continued to very, very much enjoy that show. And my other honorable mention, eric, I think you'll be surprised the last of us, I was surprised myself that I didn't go that route and it is a very, very close pick For me.

Speaker 3:

I thought about a show that I thought about for a very long time after it ended and I've gone back and rewatched it since and it's shrinking on Apple TV with Jason Segal, harrison Ford. It is absolutely outstanding. It ends on a big time cliffhanger, so I cannot wait for it to return. Eric, you know Jason Segal is like one of my favorite comedic actors and also just favorite storytellers in general. So when I found out he was going to be on my favorite streaming service, apple TV, and then brought this very complex and important story about like mental health and just taking care of yourself and also finding comfort in like a found family, it was like right up my alley. It was like the perfect storm of Apple TV shows and it is outstanding and it took very, very closely, took the edge over the last of us.

Speaker 4:

For me, Not a surprise. Not the Apple TV plus Apple plus TV show. That I thought that's a little like watch of Apple shows. But it's not surprising that you picked one. It's surprising that it wasn't Severance.

Speaker 3:

I thought that was definitely the end of last year. That would be why Severance was like 2022 show. I think actually.

Speaker 4:

That's actually fair. That's fair, so that makes more sense. I will say, though, the reason I mentioned Severance is because Severance and shrinking are the two TV shows, and Ted Lasso obviously, but I see most of that on TikTok. So those two shows are the ones that I plan on probably watching first whenever I get Apple. So as far as that goes, that makes sense. The last of us also a close contender for me. You will disagree, but I know you won't disagree with the reasoning.

Speaker 4:

My pick for favorite TV show is clearly the bear, and the reason it's the bear season two specifically is because of the back to back amazing episodes leading to my favorite episode, probably that I've ever watched of TV. It's up there. If I really ranked it, it's not only top 10. I would maybe consider top five, and those two episodes are fishes, which was really great, is the Christmas dinner flashback, then leads into forks, which is season two, episode seven, and what they do with Richie in that episode. I just cannot get it out of my brain. I think about it from time to time, from start to finish. That episode captivated me, and it's just hard not to pick the television show that had the episode that I consider to be in that high regard. So the bear season two is my pick. But man, the last of us was going to give it a run. It had some pretty solid episodes in its own right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I will agree with you. As we mentioned on late to the party, the bear was not completely my bag, but I understood why it has secured its spot amongst one of the best TV shows on right now. And forks, like you said, is a standout and I think really it's just like. I just really like Richie as a character and I like that development. But I'm not surprised that you want that route. I am a little surprised neither one of us picked the last of us, but you know that doesn't take away from last. Maybe it's because we just already knew the story, whereas, opposed to the ones the shows that we picked are, you know, they're brand new, they're totally independent IPs.

Speaker 4:

It's also telling that like it was really early in the year. So like I do feel like that sometimes works against it because it's not fully like if you think about the third episode of the Last of Us, I'm talking about the forks episode with Richie. I'm talking about that in the way we were all talking about that episode of the Last of Us. So again, the Last of Us absolutely deserves its flowers. I'm hoping we're getting a lot of award wins from the lesser award shows, you know, like the Emmys and stuff, again hoping they get their flowers.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, absolutely, and yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if, again, the bear is also on top of a lot of people's lists for I just like completely shit on the Emmys and you didn't react.

Speaker 4:

That's crazy. You're not going to Well they didn't.

Speaker 3:

they didn't nominate my boy, phil Dunster, for for best supporting for Ted Lasso. I see we was totally robbed, so I don't acknowledge. Behind us is the Emmys, so it's like way forward of words than the Emmys.

Speaker 3:

So we took care of it for you guys actually. So, between the bear and shrinking, we can just we can just handle that from there, but that's where we fell on TV shows this year. Let's move into some music. If you don't know, we put out the way forward playlist each and every single week to give you guys an idea of it's. Also, it's a really good way to figure out where I can. I meant our mentally depending on what kind of music is on there and you should sometimes you should check on us is what I'm saying so I'm so sorry.

Speaker 3:

So we have first up. We will do best and worst song of the year. And for the second year in a row, one of our good friends and fellow Super Bracket Bros cinematic universe member sent in a clip for their song of the year. So let's go ahead and see what they had to say.

Speaker 1:

Hello, it's Andrew from the friendly neighborhood gamers here and my award for song of the year is Watch the World Burn by falling in reverse. Falling in reverse has been steadily gaining popularity over the last few years with the city They've been releasing. Watch the world burn feels like the culmination of everything they've done up to this point. The blending of genres is at its peak in this song. Say what you will about Ronnie Radke, but the dude has massive talent when it comes to songwriting and performing, and this track feels like him pulling out all the stops and really showing off. Along with that, all the live performances and remixes of the song this year have been fun to see online.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, falling in reverse. You know, like you mentioned, they're an elite singer, turd, but as far as their music very, very popular, I also have listened to quite a bit of their music. I've actually seen them in concert twice, eric. I don't know if you know that I've seen them because they open up for like issues or they were at warp tour.

Speaker 6:

So I never want to see them like.

Speaker 3:

I didn't see them specifically, but they were on tour with issues a couple times, so I've seen them in concert and they put on a really great show. You know, just like you mentioned. You know separating the artist from the person, but not surprised. As far as you know Andrew's pick there, it's very much in line with the style of music that he picked last year, as well as the Christmas special.

Speaker 4:

Very much in line. We've got a diverse list. I'm sure that's going to be on here. It's not a bad pick. My pick. Do we have any other ones? We're playing.

Speaker 3:

That was the only one for song of the year. Yeah, so do we want to go worst first? Are we going to do bad?

Speaker 4:

We could do worse.

Speaker 3:

Okay, let's do.

Speaker 4:

So songs that weren't good, like the one that Andrew was so kind to give us. I don't normally hate music. Really, again, I've got to really hate a song. I feel like the two of us have a pretty strong palette for all genres of music, but I think we can all agree that nobody is actively listening to. We didn't start the fire by fallout boy. Is that also your pick? It is.

Speaker 4:

Listen we could have so bad we're we're try that in a small town by Jason Aldean is bad for other reasons. Yeah, this song is just. Objectively, it's never a song you want to listen to twice. Did we ask for it? Did we need it Listen? If the, if the band fallout boy is happy, they did it and they like it. I think we should all be happy. They made it. Outside of that. Outside of that, they didn't make this for us, that's for sure.

Speaker 3:

You can't tell me, you cannot make a song that mentions Pokemon and 9, 11 is a verse. Can't do it. What were they thinking? Who in their marketing company, or whoever their management, whoever it was was like you know what you guys should do, or maybe they thought of it, I don't know. I am looking forward to hopefully seeing them in concert when they come here in Jacksonville. Eric, they better skip this song, or at least we'll know when to go to the bathroom, or something.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, now I guarantee you it's on the set list and again, when the original, we didn't start the fire like I get it. I get why they did what they did and how they did it. It's just nobody asked for this, nobody wants this. So that's my real gripe they start off with it.

Speaker 3:

It's the first song on their set list. At least they get it out of the way.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you don't want to. You didn't want to know that, phil, you did not want to actually know that. So that, aside a lot of great music this year, so much. There are some really good songs. At the end of this year I'm thinking about doing a TikTok video about it Songs that would have been on my wrapped in the month of December.

Speaker 4:

So I feel really bad for a lot of songs not getting their shine here. The one I'm going to pick, of course, has to be an anime ending song which is called Mephisto, by Queen B, and Queen B does so many good openings and closes in anime. You've probably heard of them. You're going to definitely know the voice if you've heard of them. But this song was fantastic. I listened to it a lot. It was my fourth or fifth highest played song this year and honestly I'm surprised. Had it came out in January it would have been number one. So Mephisto, queen B something really special about how it starts off, the sound, the violins, and then it just gets into this raspy kind of vocalization. A song that I love for an anime that I love, which we'll talk about later. Mephisto Queen B is my pick.

Speaker 3:

You get right up your alley to go with an anime related song. I went a little bit differently as far as just music in general. You know, there were a lot of songs in contention that were just standard songs. But, eric, I also went with a song that is tied to another form of entertainment, which is in a movie, and it is called I'm Just Ken, and I think this song has kind of not only taken the world by storm, but also just kind of all delivered a what's the word that I'm looking for?

Speaker 3:

Just kind of a way to carry yourself, whether you're, no matter what gender, no matter what your pronouns are. I think you can relate to the fact that I'm Just Ken and I'm Kenuff, and I can do whatever I want to do and be successful, and I think it really resonated with a lot of people this year. And I'm not even going to say I know it's on my playlist somewhere because I listen to it a lot, but it's not very high, but it is a song. I think that when I think about 2023, I'll probably go back and say I'm Kenuff and I'm Just Ken.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, can you feel the energy? Because we can feel it, there you go, that's 100%. That is a Oscar-winning song. I'm hoping we get to say that very, very soon.

Speaker 3:

Peaches was also in consideration.

Speaker 4:

Oh, absolutely no, 100%, but I think as time has gone on, I'm Just Ken is just absolutely fantastic.

Speaker 3:

Ryan Goslin is a gem Sublime, sublime. I need to add that to the soundboard, to just have.

Speaker 4:

To just have. That would be great. That'd be great, just really like a short pause.

Speaker 7:

Do you just hold on for one second? Oh, okay.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Right. There's also a Christmas version of I'm Just Ken out right now, which I will say I was a little disappointed because I thought it was going to be like I'm Just Ken Christmas lyrics, but it's just that. I'm just, it's just a new Christmas.

Speaker 4:

No, they're just. It's specifically because they're doing the Oscar push, so I mean that makes sense, but that's a good pick, great pick.

Speaker 3:

No shame in that game. No shame in that game, I totally get it. I recently rewatched Barbie. Holds up very well, excellent, excellent film. So, now that's on HBO, but next up Eric, we have Artist of the Year and once again, our friend Andrew, a second year in a row, has sent an eclip for his pick for Artist of the Year.

Speaker 1:

Hello, it's Andrew from the Friendly Neighborhood Gamers here and this is my award for Artist of the Year. Artist of the Year was tough. I discovered Bad Omens this year and they dominated my Spotify RAPT and Apple Music RAPT, or whatever it's called, but their album didn't release. This year, linkin Park released some tracks from the Meteora album that they had been holding on to for years, and they were incredible, but again, not technically from this year. So for me, I'm giving this award to bring me the horizon. I've been a fan of them since the Chelsea Smile days and they have been consistently growing and reinventing themselves since then. Their current style of poppy rock, alongside returning to their heavy roots across a handful of singles, has been fantastic. This year, I'm really excited about their full album, and they're currently at the top of my list of bands that I want to see live before they or I get too old.

Speaker 3:

Excellent pick, love, bring Me the Horizon and, like you said, it's a good blend. But then they can go into a little bit more of their hardcore stuff and I think people can be prepared for it that aren't really used to that. So that's a really really good pick and a band and I totally agree. I would absolutely love to see them in concert.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, they're really great. Song of theirs that I've listened to a lot unfortunately not because of them is a song they do called Kingslayer, with a group called Baby Metal who I have recently been put on, and man, they are so good I can't. I'm going to play one of their songs randomly for you and you're not going to be ready. It's going to be the best thing you've ever heard. Bring Me the Horizon Great, great pick. I love that. My top artist. I'm going to go simple here. I'm going to go with my number one artist of the year who also had my number one song of the year on my Spotify Wrapped, and that's Emerosa. Emerosa was really great.

Speaker 4:

Their album Sting came out early, early this year and, man, they had so many pangers I literally pulled up the album. They had Preach, they had Woman, they had Rush, they had Stay Attention. All these songs I listened to individually leading up to the album and then, when the album came out, I just had it on repeat and it was no surprise. It was a little bit of a surprise because I forgot that I had listened to the album that much, but I kept listening to the songs throughout the year and that's what got them to the top spot. So, emerosa, and honestly, it wasn't really even close.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was a little surprising for me that you got on this Emerosa kick this year, because they've been around since like the mid 2000s and they used to have a different lead singer and a totally different vibe. So the fact that they've reinvented themselves and you know they're a different members now, like I said, the lead singer is different, but I love that I can go to their new stuff, which is outstanding. Like you said, I think Rush is probably my favorite song of this new era of Emerosa, but I can also go back and listen to the old stuff with their, where again, it's a totally different sound and it's still very, very good. So, excellent pick, and you're not going to be surprised by mine either. I also went very, very simple. For me, although I will say Boys Like Girls was very close, I very much considered Boys Like Girls.

Speaker 4:

I should also say that Boys Like Girls, which which I think we both agree. This will be a quick, a quickie in the middle of this best concert we went to this year, so good, yeah, so freaking good.

Speaker 3:

I hope we get to see them again in 2024. They're still making music, so they had a hell of a comeback and I think it really is a. I think we talked about this when we went to the concert. Eric, I didn't realize how nostalgic seeing Boys Like Girls at Live was going to be so outstanding. But my artist of the year is easily Tori Kelly. Saw her in concert as well, took my daughter to her first concert in Atlanta and she she was gone for a little bit. You know she'd put out like a Christmas album and a gospel album, but she has really returned to her roots with pop, r&b and this song, this EP that she released in 2023, very, very much heavily influenced by R&B. So it was like right up my alley and she's been my favorite artist for a long time. If it were just a favorite artist of the year every year, despite what they've released, it'd probably be Tori Kelly. So the fact that she had such a great 2023 was fantastic. So again, no surprises.

Speaker 4:

If you know, Phil, that choice is not surprising, and any other year I'd give you shit. The EP was really great. I totally get it. That pick makes 110%. That's not just Tori Kelly stand here trying to convince us. That's a legit pick.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, great, great EP, and I can't wait to see what she has has next. So, eric, let's move into the next category here, which is going to be we're going to go back to back, we're going to go wholesome award, and then we're going to go don't be a dick. Let's do don't be a dick first. I like to end on the positive side, so let's go ahead with don't be a dick. And I'll kick us off here, eric, because I think we're going to talk more in depth about this on here in the next couple of days when we record our bonus episode for December, or what did I miss episode. And this is also very recent and I actually combined to don't be a dick.

Speaker 3:

So one is fantastic the developers of the day, the day before, the scam before, whatever you want to call it. And again, we're going to go into much more detail of what has happened with this company. And it has been wild. Eric, I cannot tell you and you know you like give me a lot of shit, because I'll find myself for these crazy YouTube tangents. Usually it's like I'll end up watching somebody build a terrarium or something like that. I've watched so many YouTube videos on the day before.

Speaker 3:

I've been keeping up with this game since it was announced and then, as it got closer and closer, it was like there's no way this is a real game. There's absolutely no way they're going to pull this off. Lo and behold, they did not pull it off, and then I just put it as a tie of the recent insomniac hackers, which is just really, really shitty Again, a topic we're going to talk more about here in the next couple of days. So if you want to come back and hear our thoughts on what's going on there, check out that episode. But I feel like those two coming out right around Christmas is just like hey, we're going to compete for who is the biggest asshole in 2023.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I think that's a nice one to combo. It's a little bit of recency bias at a tad bit, but the the day before that has been a red flag for the entire year and the fact that it turned out the way that it did, I think that's probably the more valid pick, Mine. There was a clear cut answer here and I mean I couldn't not pick this. He'll probably get the podcast shut down, but Elon must dude. What a dick.

Speaker 3:

Wasn't he the, wasn't he? Don't be a dick last year.

Speaker 4:

He might have been run the tape back. I'm not sure Elon must dude, just Wow. I don't even think I have to explain it. It's the easiest. Don't be a dick pic. I would just direct you to John Oliver's video that he did so finale of his show on HBO. Check it out late tonight. Check it out. That's all I'm going to say about that. Elon Musk, clear defined winner.

Speaker 3:

I've never seen a such a well established brand be run into the ground so quickly. I also think it's funny that there are reports out there that people still call it Twitter, which is not going to stop. I'm not going to recall it by its other name. It is Twitter forever. And yeah, the way that that is all like. Just remember the sign he put up on the building that he had taken down eventually, like it was shining into people's apartment so we can spend a whole another 30 minutes to an hour explaining.

Speaker 4:

We don't have time.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry, we don't have time. I apologize. We can just recap You're listening.

Speaker 4:

You know, you know and if you don't know, you know, like even if you want to know you know, yeah, so that's a good pick as well.

Speaker 3:

And again, I'm going to have to go back and I might even edit in a clip where we said in 2022, he was the don't be a Dick Award winner and we'll see how that goes. But, eric, I don't know how you can go with anybody other than Elon Musk in 2022. Just a guy who spent too much money on Twitter and now he's trying to backtrack it and he's getting booed at Dave Chappelle concerts and shit like that, and he's just universally hated. And that's where I would go with with the don't be a Dick. He was the biggest asshole of 2022. And hopefully he doesn't listen to this, because he'll just remove our podcasts from everything.

Speaker 3:

Wholesome award. Though, let's go back again to the positives, and for me, I'd like to see if maybe you landed here as well Ki-Ki Kwan, who had an absolutely outstanding year, from the Oscar win to him being all the videos with him being reunited with Harrison Ford. I think I saw a tweet. It was like Harrison Ford just looks like such an angry curmudgeon wherever he is, except for when he sees Ki-Ki Kwan, he goes, he jumps out of his skin. He's so happy, but to see him, obviously with build off the success of everything everywhere and then move into all the projects we've seen him in this year. I know you didn't like Loki, but he is very, very good and Loki, he's been an American born Chinese. He's been in so many different projects and, yeah, he definitely gets the wholesome award. I just want to meet him and give him a hug.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I mean it's kind of a cop out, because I think we picked Brendan Fraser last year and they both went on to win Oscars. His Oscar win is one of the reasons that speech was a great speech. And yeah, I did not hot take, did not love season two of Loki not because of him, though. Ki-ki Kwan was amazing, fantastic. I loved his character. I want to see that character pop up in the MCU. I just infectious is the word I would use. I loved him, absolutely loved him, and I can't wait to see his career flourish. At this point I hope he gets every role that he dreams of and he's going to knock it out of the park, so really excited to see what the future holds for him. It's a great story. And when we talk about the opposite of our don't be a dick award, I mean you can't get any better than this.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so Ki-Ki Kwan. The award is in the mail. I'm sure we'll see pictures of him on Instagram with the actual physical award.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, he'll be on an episode of Creator Spotlight for sure Any day now.

Speaker 3:

Any day now. So we appreciate that. But, yeah, easy pick for the wholesome award. Let's move into our brand new category, eric Best and Worst Animated Film and we did get a couple of clips here, let's go. Let's start with the worst animated film, and I'm going to throw this out here, just so people get mad at this person and they don't get mad at me.

Speaker 8:

So I realized I didn't watch that many animated films this year and I have to say that the worst animated film of 2023 has to go to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Honestly, it's more so just for default of me liking all of the other animated films I watched this year more. I honestly didn't like the animation too much. I just it wasn't a big hit for me. The jokes were a little corny. I mean, it's a kid's film, so what do you expect? But you know I watch animated films a lot and this one just did not. I didn't leave the film thinking I wanted to ever watch this movie again. So this has to be the worst animated film for me at 2023. Don't come for me. I just I just didn't watch a lot of animated films and this just wasn't. It Not a good excuse.

Speaker 3:

We'll make sure to tag Flynn and everything here.

Speaker 4:

Hold on. Not a good excuse and I need you to explain it to me Is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, your worst animated film of this year.

Speaker 3:

No, no, it is not.

Speaker 4:

Okay, because you made it sound like you were about to agree. That is egregious because I know she saw Wish and that one out of the ones I watched.

Speaker 3:

It was way better than Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Speaker 4:

No, it's not much better. Wish is not better than Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and I'll just get mine out of the way the worst movie I saw. And it's really by default because I will say I believe I gave Wish and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles the same rating, but they are two different ends of the scale of that rating. Like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, for me was an upper two and a half score.

Speaker 4:

And I gave Wish a lower two and a half out of five. It is 2.51 and 2.56. No, no, it definitely is, Phil. When you have multiple ranked movies, you have to organize those in letterbox. And it's not just the app, you know the capability, it's the concept of out of these movies I write the same.

Speaker 3:

Which one do I?

Speaker 4:

like it's the implication, it's the implication. So yeah, wish was mine. Not that it was an awful movie. I just am not going to go see movies that I know again are typically objectively bad, like unless I walk into a movie I really hate or really disappointed me. That's the only time I'm going to really rate a movie low. It's got to surprise me. So Wish is my pick, but it's also not fair to call it the worst animated movie. I'm sure there was worse.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's because, eric, you didn't watch my pick, which is Leo, which was just an absolute dumpster fire of a film. I cannot believe I'm going to look it up right now because it keeps changing and it's going to piss me off. Leo, rotten Tomatoes, let's see 81% Tomato meter score 92% audience score Are you fucking kidding me? Audience Like is it? This movie is so bad. It's also a musical which I normally really, really love.

Speaker 3:

Adam Sandler is this ugly lizard, he's in a iguana and then Bill Burr is a turtle, which I guess is an interesting combination. And listen, I get like it's a kid's movie. So I'm not the target demographic and I understand the message they were going for is pretty solid, okay, but in terms of remember, earlier in the year, after seeing the Mona, I said we have to have a conversation about Netflix putting out amazing animated films. And then they put out Leo and they have completely just discredited my argument for what they are doing in the animation space. It is a horrible film and I think you would have ranked it here instead of wish had you seen the satrosity.

Speaker 4:

That makes a lot of sense. I will be 100% honest. I thought you were going to troll here and pick the boy in the Heron.

Speaker 3:

I was like no, I couldn't.

Speaker 4:

I, my gut, my gut told me that's what you were going to do and I hate, I hate to break it to you. I'm going to probably see the movie a second time.

Speaker 3:

I got to, I got to see it a second time, so you can be enlightened to be like I understand it now.

Speaker 4:

After reading this thesis, I don't see it going like really high, but I do think it sat with me enough to be like I kind of interested to see what I did miss. That made me not like it. But I get why you wouldn't Like I, totally get it. I'm just happy you didn't troll us and pick the boy in the Heron, because you would have been destroyed. I don't think you would have recovered.

Speaker 3:

Well, wait till you, we get to our letterbox rankings. It'll all come back around. Let's get into the best animated film that we saw this year. I mean, let's see if she can redeem herself. Let's go back to Phyllian.

Speaker 8:

Hey, it's Phyllian again. I have to say that my pick for the best animated film of 2023 has to go to Spider-Man across the Spider-Verse. I don't know how anybody could pick anything else, but I'm sure there are going to be some other votes, but this film was absolutely phenomenal. It was honestly, in my opinion, better than the first one. I walked into this movie with such high expectations and they completely exceeded them. I had goosebumps all throughout with the animation and the soundtrack, Like that soundtrack made it in my Spotify wrap this year. I just can't wait to see what is going to happen next, even though we're probably not going to get it until 2020. Six, eight I don't know who knows when we're gonna get the next one, but I will wait patiently for it because it is so, so good and it is my absolute vote for the best animated film.

Speaker 6:

For best animated film. This was the hardest category for me. I just feel like we had a lot of great stuff this year and I really went back and forth. I love Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse, I love Susan May, I loved I actually really did love the Boy in the Heron or the Japanese name how Do I Live? And I actually really loved another anime film called Psycho Pass Providence. I feel like it's an anime that fells all under the radar. When I go back and forth between all these things, I think I'm leaning towards Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse.

Speaker 6:

Artistically it was just brilliant, as much as I loved the other movies, like Susan May. I thought Susan May was a great movie. I actually like it better than a particular movie that some people will shame me for by the same director. But something about Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse just was phenomenal. I mean I feel like everybody knows Artistically, even the story. I loved that it ended at a cliffhanger to make us go watch the next one. The action scenes were great. The I mean it's just. It's bold, it's colorful.

Speaker 6:

I'm an artist. I love seeing how all the worlds were like a different art style or a different type of art principle. They would exaggerate or just kind of emphasize on. I mean it was just brilliant. I mean I do love the Boy and the Heron, I really do. I love Jaime Zaki's work. I really do consider all those movies as art pieces more than film, which I mean film is art regardless, but I do look at them more as like a walking and talking painting. But yeah, I just I keep leaning towards Spider-Man. I really connect with Miles also and the family dynamic very heavily, which I feel like most people can and most people do.

Speaker 6:

Then I also felt kind of upset because, when I think about it, there was so many great animated films that came out that I didn't get to see. Like I know how a lot of people feel about Nimona Nimona, I think it's called. It's on Netflix. I wish, really wish I got to see that, because I feel like that would have played into a part of what I would decide on. But yeah, I think Spider-Man just kind of is the one for me. I wanted to see it more than once. I probably would have saw it three or four times in theaters, in IMAX, but I didn't get a chance. But I did see it the first time in IMAX. So that's definitely worth it and that was another just a great experience to see that way, and I feel like anyone who saw it that way would kind of agree with me or most of us that it was the best animated film of the year, hands down.

Speaker 3:

Well, that was Ivan and Philan, just so you guys know we played those clips back to back. I figured I'd just combine them. Since we are, I think we're going to have a pretty unanimous decision here. Now I will say this, eric, and you're not going to be surprised to hear me say this Nimona got consideration and I love that film.

Speaker 3:

I do go back and watch it. Ivan mentioned it there and I told him he has to absolutely go check it out. I think what Nimona did both of these films I mean the Spider-Verse films are also very, very good as far as inclusion and acceptance and being who you are, and Nimona did that very well. I got very emotional watching that film and it is very, very good, but I don't know that I would a powerhouse like this film releases. I don't know that you can give it to anybody else, but across the Spider-Verse, coming out of it the first time, I said I think this is my favorite of the two films that we've gotten and I think upon a second rewatch, you have also found yourself feeling the same.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

No, oh, ok, I thought you said didn't you tell me that you liked it better than the first one?

Speaker 4:

No, absolutely not. Oh, I still find the first film one of my favorite films of all time. It's definitely top 10, top 10 all-time films. Maybe top no, I think it's in my top five. It's still number three all-time and it's also number two all-time for just animated films. So yeah, I mean I love Into the Spider-Verse.

Speaker 4:

This movie is a four and a half for me on Letterbox and we'll go more into that when we talk about our list, because I did not give a movie a five this year. This movie feels like a second movie of a trilogy and not in the way like Empire Strikes Backs was like so much better than A New Hope. Again, into the Spider-Verse is so good, so like to match up to that was already a tall task. But across the Spider-Verse is definitely the best animated film and it's not even close. So this movie, despite the height and how movies, especially sequels, fail to live up to that height, how this movie delivered, it's a clear cut winner for best animated film in my book and I hope it definitely gets some recognition come the other award seasons. This is the most important award show, but the little ones.

Speaker 3:

This is the award season, and then there is the rest of them.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, so I think that movie is one of the best films that I've seen this year, if not the best.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was fantastic. Obviously Linus Villaneludu too. Who knows when we'll get to see that finale. But hey, just make sure everybody is rested, taken care of and you get us that movie when you are good and ready, or next year, whatever you wanna do, whatever, whatever you guys want to figure it out. But yeah, not surprised that we landed unanimously there for best animated film. Let's move into another big category here Eric, and that is Game of the Year, and we had a couple of clips here sent in One. We will have Andrew return and then also we will have someone who sent in just one clip this year but always has been a very, very big contributor and supporter of the show.

Speaker 1:

Hello, it's Andrew from the Friendly Neighborhood Gamers here, and my award for Game of the Year is Tears of the Kingdom. It may not be the most exciting answer, but as a huge fan of the Zelda series, and Breath of the Wild in particular, tears of the Kingdom was everything I could have hoped for, and more. The way the world was remixed was incredible, and I rarely felt like I was retreading ground from Breath of the Wild. However, I loved meeting up with the characters from the previous game and seeing where they all were in this one. The overall story was great, but I really enjoyed all of the smaller side stories you come across throughout the world Outside of the story.

Speaker 1:

The gameplay was insane this time around. Sure, the basics of travel and combat are the same on the surface, but introducing ultra hand, fuse, ascend and all the other new tools Link has at his disposal in this game added so much depth to the foundation that Breath of the Wild created. On top of all of that, the Ganon-Zelda-Link relationship in this game is one of my absolute favorites, and the final boss fight is a new high for the series. As a longtime Zelda fan, I had high hopes for this game, and not only did it meet those hopes? It exceeded them.

Speaker 9:

Hey everyone, it's Jordan, and here's my pick for Game of the Year. It was a tough choice, as there were so many amazing games that released in 2023, but my personal favorite that I think I'll never stop thinking about is the Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. I've been a huge fan of Zelda games since I was a child, so, of course, I bought this immediately when it released and didn't talk to anyone for two weeks straight. That first step into Hyrule made me feel like I was back at home, and that feeling was worth every penny.

Speaker 9:

This game was challenging, creative and there were so many aspects that made this game beautiful, from the open world design to the storytelling overall. If you're a Zelda fan, like I am, you'll even stumble across some Easter eggs to previous games that will honestly give you a warm feeling inside. This game gave me the biggest dose of nostalgia and exceeded my expectations. So, to wrap up, my Game of the Year choice, tears of the Kingdom is one of the most innovative video games that celebrates the past and gives us a look into the future of gaming.

Speaker 3:

I'm re-surprised that that was not Baldur's Gate.

Speaker 4:

Shocked, shocked, almost appalled with how much she talks about Baldur's Gate, but there was a long period there where she was talking about Zelda non-stop, so I guess I understand that. I honestly was surprised Tears of the Kingdom did not take Game of the Year at the gaming awards.

Speaker 3:

I mean, as big of a phenomenon as Baldur's Gate has been, zelda has always seemed to reign supreme, no matter how much it was, zelda has always seemed to reign supreme, no matter what. And it's Nintendo. Nintendo has always just had this grip on gaming, and I get it to an agree, but I've talked about this before. I'm not the biggest Nintendo gamer, so if it's not Pokemon, I don't really care, but I get. Baldur's Gate was just such a phenomenon that it just couldn't be stopped.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I mean the fact that they had two Nintendo games in the Game of the Year nominees kind of let me know that that Legend of Zelda wasn't a clear cut winner, and not that there's anything wrong with Super Mario Bros Wonder, but that game was out for like a month before it got nominated. It was clearly Baldur's Gate 3. I'm dying to play it Literally dying. I want to play it so bad. I just don't want to play it by myself. I'm waiting for cross play and once that happens I'm going to be knee deep in that game. So my choice I'll get mine out of the way because it's kind of a quick one. Mine really just speaks to it. I want to make this clear. Look at me, look at me in my eyes. I want to make this clear what game did I spend the most time playing and enjoying? That was either a single player experience or a game that was in Fortnite, which is the other game we played. Too much of that game for me. I still had a blast and I still thought it was way better than it needed to be Hogwarts Legacy. I enjoyed that game. I'm sorry, I enjoyed it.

Speaker 4:

I'm not going to be ashamed when I say game of the year. It is my limitations. I did not play Alan Wake 2 because it came out at a bad time. I spent my time playing Spider-Man 2. Yes, I had a little bit more fun playing Hogwarts Legacy than Spider-Man 2. I'll eat that. While I didn't play the Resident Evil remake, I wanted to play the Dead Space remake. I didn't. Had I played these other games, they would be here, baldur's Gate specifically, I have no doubt. So my game of the year isn't really game of the year. It's what game did I have the most fun playing? And, because it was not expected, I'm just putting Hogwarts Legacy here. It's really just a throwaway and I think I'm not a gamer. I think that's what this is Weird. Here's what.

Speaker 3:

I'll say the story of Hogwarts Legacy fumbled towards the end.

Speaker 4:

Oh trash?

Speaker 3:

No, absolutely but once you get the combat down, with the spells and everything, a lot of fun. It's a lot of fun. It reminded me a lot of using the gadgets and using the symbiot abilities and stuff like that in Spider-Man 2. So what I'll say is so what you're telling me is I can't give this award to Fortnite. Is that what you're telling me?

Speaker 4:

I just had a feeling you would.

Speaker 3:

Can I not give it to Fortnite? What the real reason is, I thought, you might.

Speaker 7:

If you say no, I have a pick.

Speaker 4:

No, it's fine, Phil, I was pretty sure you would. It's not a bad pick, but we can't both pick Fortnite and continue to do a gaming and continue to do a gaming episode every month. Here's what I'll say is.

Speaker 3:

Fortnite continues to evolve and make itself better. There's now four games in Fortnite you can play right now, or, yeah, technically, three or four. I mean there's Creative, which is this whole thing. It now has guitar or rock band in it, it has the racing mode and it has the Lego mode. So, yeah, four different things that you can do within Fortnite.

Speaker 3:

And listen, I get there's this stigma but, like a lot of adults play Fortnite, I don't know what to tell you guys. It is an easy gameplay loop. It doesn't take a whole lot of time and effort to just jump in and play with your friends. So for me, it would probably be Fortnite. As far as just what game that I, obviously we played the most way too much. We played that way too much.

Speaker 3:

But if I had to give it to a game again, this is a default, because I mentioned this when we were on friendly neighborhood gamers with Andrew and I really think 2023 was a little disappointing. I really wanted to play Alan Wake, but you know how I am with jump scares and there are constant jump scares in Alan Wake. It's not good for my heart. If you guys know, I can't be playing stuff like that as much as I want to. I'll probably do like a let's play. I'll watch somebody play through it because the story is fantastic. If I had gotten through Cyberpunk and the Phantom Liberty, that would probably be my game of the year. But I have not finished either and I cannot, in good conscious, give it to Cyberpunk, because it's excellent and I'm kind of with you, Eric by default I have to give it to Spider-Man 2 because, as a single player narrative and a single player game, it's what I enjoyed the most. So I'm gonna give it to Spider-Man 2, but I said this on Twitter, like all those people that were upset about Spider-Man 2 not winning. It was not game of the year.

Speaker 3:

Okay, does Baldur's Gate a game I want to play? No, but it was innovative and a lot of people really, really enjoyed it. And when I look at Baldur's Gate gameplay and I compare it to Spider-Man gameplay and they're two totally different types of gaming obviously what went into Baldur's Gate does look interesting. Spider-man was a little disappointing. We both gave it B pluses on FNGamers. So I think the third game will be excellent. I'm excited to see what happens with Wolverine, but the second game fell a little short, but by default, because of the single player games that I played. I got to give it to Spider-Man, so for both of us we're kind of like eh like, here we are.

Speaker 4:

I'll take it because we have people we respect, like your friendly neighborhood gamers, who listen to this and they're not gonna take it seriously after this and it's okay that you don't. We need 2024 to make up for this and we understand we do. I definitely wanted to play more games than I did from a single player standpoint. Some examples of that Starfield I haven't downloaded on my Xbox, just not playing it.

Speaker 3:

I have something for you, eric, because Andrew sent in a bonus clip. We didn't ask for Worst Game of the Year, but he sent us in a clip anyway. Hi, Uh-oh.

Speaker 1:

Hello, it's Andrew from the Friendly Neighborhood Gamers, and here's my award for Worst Game. We had some real pieces of crap released this year. Games like Lord of the Rings, gollum, the Day Before, and those games based on the Walking Dead and King Kong all set new lows for what we can expect from the gaming industry. However, I did not play any of those games. The worst game I played this year was probably Starfield. I wasn't overly excited for Starfield, since it isn't a genre that speaks to me, but it was still the first big RPG from Bethesda since Fallout 4. Fallout 76 doesn't count.

Speaker 1:

As soon as I launched into the game, I felt like something wasn't right. It felt like the same old Bethesda, but somehow worse. It was worse in the way that exploration worked. The game is segmented by so many loading screens and menus that it takes away the magic of exploring that the other Bethesda games nailed so well. Along with that, the core gameplay just wasn't exciting for me. Objectively, Starfield isn't a bad game. It just didn't work for me. I know there are people out there having fun with it and I'm happy for them. I'm hopeful that Elder Scrolls 6 will be more exciting for me when it releases in 2035.

Speaker 3:

2035? He's probably not that far off, which is the sad part.

Speaker 4:

The sad part. Yeah, that'll be when GTA 6 comes out.

Speaker 3:

That's true. We'll be eating good in 2035. Never mind, we won't because we'll have dentures in.

Speaker 3:

That's true. Well, here's also. The thing about Starfield is, like you said, people are enjoying it, but also the Starfield community is kind of scrambling right now because the game just hasn't lived up to Bethesda standards. I mean, their engine is outdated, which I don't know how you feel about when it comes to Elder Scrolls. That has to be a little bit concerning. I don't know if they're going to upgrade it between now and then, but the game is just a whole lot of nothing. I don't know if you saw that story where Bethesda I don't know if it's probably bots that were responding, but we're literally responding to Steam reviews and Steam comments. It's just not a good look and it's an unfortunate fall from Grace for a company that obviously has so much clout.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, no, I agree Again, games that I wanted to play that would likely take the title for real are games like Alan Wake 2, Baldur's Gate 3. I hope I can convince myself to get into Alan Wake 2. I really badly want to play Baldur's Gate 3. I've elaborated why that didn't happen. So maybe you are right Like nothing against Baldur's Gate, but maybe you are right about this this year. Maybe it was disappointing from that aspect and I think that's a valid conversation. I don't necessarily agree, but a valid conversation. And the reason I didn't play Starfield was for clips like that. For every Starfield fan there is a Starfield hater and usually that tells me something is up.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and also I'm a unique gamer in that I like to do a lot of independent gaming, like by myself. So I play a lot of 2K. I unfortunately play Madden, even though it is terrible, but obviously our gaming is going to be a little bit skewed. So, but that's where we landed and we appreciate Andrew for seven, sending in the bonus clip for a worst game of the year. So, eric, we're winding down and getting into our two biggest awards that we talk about every single year. Now, this is also something that we didn't ask for, but we got a clip. So, before I play this, do you have a worst anime of 2023? Because, like you said, I'm the same way, like if I'm not enjoying something right off, right out of the gate, I'm not going to finish watching it.

Speaker 4:

The only anime that that has happened to and it is very I'm very sad to say this is Spy Family. Spy Family season two. I haven't watched season two, so not worst, but end of season one wasn't great and I think we need to start acknowledging that. Spy Family is just OK. It's not a top tier anime.

Speaker 4:

A lot of people really hyped it up for that first half of season one, but the back half of season one again is weak and the beginning of season two I'm only a couple episodes in, nothing to write home about and honestly, if I didn't have a kid watching it with me enjoying it, like if my son wasn't watching this, I might be dropping it all together. That's kind of where I'm at, because there's so much anime to consume. When you have shows like Jujutsu Kaisen killing it, I know you disagree, but when you have shows like that that are compelling and interesting and are a great watch week to week and I have to like tread through Spy Family's episodes, it's tough, so that one's on that, one's close, it's on the, it's on the bubble.

Speaker 3:

Do you think that Buddy Daddies has taken away some of Spy Family's audience, because I've heard it's very good. It was on a few different best anime list of the year. I haven't watched it yet, have you?

Speaker 4:

No, no, and I don't plan to oh no, actually no.

Speaker 3:

I think that I did start it and I didn't finish the first episode. Either I got busy or it just didn't like wrap me in. So yeah, I don't know. But again, it just takes from the it's. Obviously it's building off of the success of a show like Spy Family, so I saw a lot of people talking about it, but our good buddy, Ivan sent in his pick for worst anime of 2023.

Speaker 6:

When it comes to worst anime of the year. That was not hard for me, it was actually the easiest out of all the categories. I watched a ton of anime and I do drop some when I don't like them, but I did not feel as strongly of disliking something as I did this Like. I am going to start with that. I did like the original series of this when it was when it came out years and years ago. But, and when they announced they were making new ones, you know there was excitement for the fandom. But they have kind of been falling flat every time and this one was just the worst out of all of them.

Speaker 6:

It's Fully Coolie and what I'm talking about for this year was Fully Coolie Grunge. It just it wasn't great. And you know, unlike the original one, this one's done in CG and I already don't love CG anime most of the time. But this wasn't like Trigun's Stampede, where Trigun's Stampede they succeeded. And no offense to the artists and animators, because I know they're working hard and we have to respect that for sure. But this one just wasn't great, and you know. Then there's the fact that the story seems barely connected to the original in any meaningful way. So it's just like you know when you're gonna link it to it, but it just doesn't measure up it just I feel like it's gonna be hard for anyone to kind of judge it on its own merits and it was just kind of like it was kind of set to fail. So I don't know, it was just really poor direction and the look of it is just not great. So definitely for me that was the worst of the year so, eric, I don't know what this is.

Speaker 3:

Uh, do you have?

Speaker 4:

anything to add. No, I've. I've heard a lot of great things, I believe from Ivan, about Fooley Cooley. It actually is one of those shows that is on my radar but it's just not up there to come into my queue anytime soon, but it's like it's one I'm aware of. I know I definitely want to watch at some point because I've heard people that like it, really like it. So I'm really sad to hear that. I did not know there was any resurgent in content for that franchise. It sounds like it didn't go well. So that's not not what you want to hear, but I'm I mean I'm glad that it wasn't anything too too crazy and honestly feel there was so much good anime. I have a feeling I know what your anime of the year is, so I'm really excited to see where you landed yeah, we're gonna have Ivan come back in here in just a moment.

Speaker 2:

Let's get to someone we haven't heard from quite yet, a really, really great content creator that we are excited to link up with again here very shortly in the next couple months at brick city anime festival what's going on everybody jacob with nova stars ac here, stopping by the wait for it podcast, and I see a topic listed for anime of the year and, without a doubt, if you ask me, entirely hands down, you got to go with attack on titan.

Speaker 2:

We finally finally, in all caps, finally got the finale and in my opinion, these are just the best characters, some of the best characters in anime, some of the best character arc and development from start to finish. If you never read the manga and like, went ahead to understand the story and get the lore, if you're just watching, you know from season one to season two to three, all the way until the end. I mean going back early on. As a fan who started this from the very first episode without reading the manga first, there was absolutely no way that I could have ever predicted the route that they went, the writing that, how everything transitioned, the characters they've added and how everything was twisted, without giving any spoilers, with both the protagonist and antagonists. It was just the best character development, some of the best animation that we've ever seen and overall, that's just one of the best anime series that you can watch and that is, without a doubt, anime of the year attack on titan, if you ask me.

Speaker 3:

I think we're gonna hear that a lot from quite a few people here, and you know, obviously a big year for attack on titan as far as finally, finally, finally, as jacob mentioned wrapping up, and again shout out to jacob, make sure you check out norvastars ac, everybody that you hear today, for the most part, there you go. If you guys are watching over on our youtube page, I will. Everybody that is a content creator, you will see links to all of their work in the show notes of this episode. But no surprise there, eric. Actually, a matter of fact, we're gonna get to another clip here, because I'm fairly certain this is another similar vote anime of the year for me is a tough one.

Speaker 7:

Jujutsu was definitely a high ranking, but I have to give it to attack on titan, and I guess for me it was just. It took so long to get to the end that when it finally got here I was just like I just needed it. You know what I mean.

Speaker 3:

It was, it was beautiful so again, a lot of aot love, and deservedly so, as a saga that I mean. Eric, again we were kind of like spoiled because when you introduced this to me we hadn't had to wait what x amount of years between one season releasing and then another. So you know, you have obviously this, you have very strong ties to this show because it kind of kicked off your, your anime journey. So for it to come full circle is nice to see yeah, and not a bad pick.

Speaker 4:

I do think for anime of the year it's a little tough to pick only because I still think they should have released at least the last two parts in the movie theaters. I think to get that crowd reaction, to get that in theater experience would have been fantastic and would have really elevated the last two parts, which were good, and the final season, the final part this year, was great. But they also did stretch that out. There was a little bit of negativity around. What hard, hard to to imagine that, and I'm assuming that's why you've been waiting to catch up.

Speaker 3:

Huh yes, that's exactly it, that okay, okay, so finish it please definitely hasn't been other reasons. For sure, eric, I want you to go last because this is your category, this is your specialty. So I want to bring Ivan back in and give his answer, because it is a show that I very heavily considered.

Speaker 6:

So let's get to Ivan's pick for anime, for best anime of the year. Uh, this was the hardest, the hardest category for me. I watched a ton of anime, mainly for art purposes well, also for enjoyment, but I really want to keep up with what's current. This year was tough from getting the Raroni Kenshin reboot, because I grew up on Kenshin. I love the classic. I had super high expectations and ended up being phenomenal. Then there's a bleach the thousand year blood war arc. I think I said that right, with them putting the next part. For that I was hooked. There was just so many things. And would you do two kaisen season two? But I think what really hit hard, what really was the one that just I kept having to watch and I was waiting for a dub when they would release it. I wanted to rewatch it again.

Speaker 6:

I want the manga because the anime was so great. It was a heavenly delusion, or ten Goku Daimaku however people know it because I know Hulu has it weirdly listed. It was so good animation, the story, the characters, the world. It's like maze runner or last of us or something, or even promised neverland. All three of those like had a baby and this is what they created and it was so good. I just I feel like it's being slept on, but regardless, it's my favorite anime of the year. It just it looks beautiful, it it, it flows easily, it's, it's just, it's so, so, damn good.

Speaker 6:

I'm actually trying to tone down my excitement because I probably would sound super ecstatically or too loud on this recording, but I love this series, it I'm I'm focusing really hard on making art for because I love it that much, I just feel like it's a great sci-fi story. It's interesting, it's. I know, phil, you watched it so like, and we talked about it before, so I I feel like you understand to a degree of how I feel about it, so I want more people to watch this. It was definitely the best anime of the year for me.

Speaker 6:

I can't wait for a new season whenever we get it, so if anyone hasn't checked that out, they really should. That doesn't mean there haven't been any other great animates this year, so just just pointing that out. Just this was this was hands down my favorite. I again, I can't stop talking about it, so I'm gonna stop now before I rant. I also do believe Attack on Titan is a strong contender. The those two specials they gave us this year were freaking great, but yeah, I, I, I know where my heart stands.

Speaker 3:

So have no delusion, it is for sure yeah, eric, and you know that I've been talking the show's praises and it, like Ivan said, it is absolutely fantastic. I wrapped it up probably a couple weeks ago. It is outstanding and the way that he explained it I didn't even think about where he said it's like the promised neverland and the last of us, and I didn't even think about that until he had said it. I was like, oh my god, that's exactly what it is and it is a fantastic story. I know it's on, it is in your queue as we speak and it was. It was great.

Speaker 4:

So we want to know when you're gonna start it listen as soon as he watches my anime of the year. So when we get to that, I've been pushing that on his brain repeatedly. So, uh, and I for an eye. Ivan, if you're listening, watch my pick. You know what it is.

Speaker 3:

So well, I had a couple of heavenly delusion. As I start, I said right before Ivan spoke, there was was definitely on my list. There is also a show that I watched very recently and I don't know if this counts as anime, eric, but there is this now, which is great. This a lot of, a lot more adult animation coming out, and I just recently watched blue-eyed samurai, and I don't know if that's an anime or not, but we're in this kind of weird space where, like you know, there's like a laura croft anime coming out like is that really anime? And you know, it's kind of a conversation that is being had. It is one of the best animated shows that I've watched, period all year, and it is outstanding. I don't know if that's come across your radar, eric, but it's.

Speaker 4:

I've almost pressed play on it at least several times. It's, it's. It's actually in my cue to watch. I do want to watch it. I would say more on the animated size than anime if I did my research correctly, but I've heard nothing.

Speaker 4:

These characters, but more yeah, yeah, adult animation yeah, and I've definitely heard very adult, so very adult been very hard to figure out when I was shocked this, not prepared, there's a big old titties. Anyway, I don't know if they're big, I just, I just wanted to say titties, so it's okay, stop, stop, come down anyway if you're gonna watch blue-eyed samurai.

Speaker 3:

I've heard there's a lot of adult themes and nudity, nudity specifically so.

Speaker 4:

I plan on watching it, don't know when very good but I've heard great things from a lot of content creators so it's been on my radar very good.

Speaker 3:

But, as you said, eric, you probably know what my pick is. It is on 100 bucket list of the dead, so much fun from beginning to end and you know, I don't think that it is when it comes to, you know, like storytelling and, obviously, weight of story. It's not the best anime of the year, but it was my favorite that I watched in. And shout out to our guy, to our guys you know who we got to hang out with at bullmet surrey, who did a fantastic job with the dub, but also the sub is outstanding. So I've watched it in both sub and dub and it is very, very good. I was a little. I will say, eric, that I wasn't sure when it had come out, but it did. If it had come out in 2023, because I did watch in 2023, blue lock runs away with the sword for me if it, but it did come out late 2022, so it did not make the cut. But zom 100 bucket list of the dead. So much fun and, yeah, I can't reach it.

Speaker 4:

Wait to dive deeper into the manga no, totally, and I that's also on my watch list. I need to watch it. It's just all the production issues that happen behind the scenes, the delays and episode releases. Once I got I caught wind of that, I was like I'm just gonna wait to binge it. So that that's been the unfortunately poor situation going on with zom 100. For me, blue lock, I would still consider and considerate. I would still consider it for consideration for this award this year, based off of when it released in 2022. And man, it's, it's strong, it is strong. I love that show so much.

Speaker 4:

Jujutsu kaisen, season 2 also strong consideration. But I listen, I'm gonna be the guy. I'm gonna be the guy that says it. The animation's good. Characters are cool, story is good. There's just a lot going on and I read the manga so you don't have to tell me. Okay, I still don't fully understand how everything works. I'm enjoying it, but it's a little confusing and I'm tired of people pretending they know everything there is about jujutsu kaisen. We're all learning as we go and that's all I'll say. Fake about that. That's what. That's all I'll say about that great show. Great show if it's your anime of the year makes 100% sense, but my anime of the year and it's probably not even closed. There were so many considerations.

Speaker 4:

It's oshinoko. Oshinoko is on high dive. A lot of people probably haven't watched it, but if you did, it was during that craze where you heard about that first episode. And it all starts there. The first episode of oshinoko sticks with me forever. I openly weep in that first episode. I won't say when, but if you've seen it you know and I openly weep every time that it's on.

Speaker 4:

It's such a good show. It's very well voice acted on the sub side. I gotta make that clear. I'm so sorry, so sorry. I don't like to shit on dub. I've heard enough. So, oshinoko great story. I love the characters and the rest of the season is really strong after it. The animation is gorgeous. It's everything you are looking for in an anime and it tells a really interesting story with intertwining themes that keep you invested. So, with all that being said, I don't want to really spoil it if you haven't seen it. Phil has not seen it, probably won't. But Ivan, that's what I want you to watch, and kakia, which will. That'll be another argument another day. Watch oshinoko if you haven't seen it.

Speaker 3:

Well worth your time and, uh, my anime of the year yeah, fight one battle at a time, eric, with when it comes to Ivan, I've been asking to watch severance since we met, so you and I were just having this battle with Ivan in terms of what we're gonna get him to watch first. But uh, yeah, not a surprise to hear you go that route, as you have talked the show's praise all year. Like I said, I'm not gonna watch it, but it's on brand four for your selection. And, yeah, again, a lot of nice diverse picks here as far as anime of the year. But, eric, we are getting to that point here where we are coming to the obviously the most esteemed award that we give out each and every wait for it award season. We are gonna do our letterbox rankings. So, because I know a lot of people have been kind of asking us about that, how are we gonna do this? Are we gonna? We're gonna go over every single film, or should we just do our top 10?

Speaker 4:

that's a great question. How many films did you see this year? I?

Speaker 3:

have seen 27 and this is before. You never know, this is before I've seen Aquaman tomorrow night and also anyone but you on Friday.

Speaker 7:

So who knows?

Speaker 3:

crazy. Listen, I need that 25 discount from Cinnabarck. Okay, I need, I need it like I need air in my lungs listen, you got to find a significant other.

Speaker 4:

That's how I did it, so anyway, uh you're a single in there, so why don't we? Um, I think it would be more interesting because this would lead to our best film, right, like, ultimately, what you have. One on letterbox is going to be your answer yes, correct so why don't we, just because it's worst film to best? Why don't we start at 27 for you, okay, and then we'll?

Speaker 4:

get juicy what was your number? 24, okay. So go go 27 to 24. When we get to 24, you'll hear my worst and uh, and then from there we just go up the ladder. I think it's. I think that's a really good way to do it.

Speaker 3:

I cannot wait for the TikTok comments on this. I'm just gonna delete TikTok for like a good probably all of January actually. If you're okay with that, I will go ahead and delete all of my how many clips do we have for this?

Speaker 4:

do we have any?

Speaker 3:

what do you mean?

Speaker 4:

for best or worst. Do we have any worst?

Speaker 3:

oh, we do. Yeah, I just figured, we do our letterbox, our letterbox rankings first and then best, worst. You want to do it like that, or do you want okay?

Speaker 4:

I mean, if we go over our letterbox rankings we're gonna know what the best or worst worst was for us.

Speaker 3:

That's true, okay so why don't we play? Why don't we?

Speaker 4:

play the worst clips now do our clips.

Speaker 3:

Okay, there we go. We're figuring out the fly. Let's go, let's go. We're doing a great, great job.

Speaker 4:

So all right, it's just the biggest award that we have on the show and we're not in unison that's true.

Speaker 3:

That's true. We didn't discuss it really, uh, begin with. So okay, let's go with worst movie. We have a couple of clips here and uh, let's start with.

Speaker 8:

Let's get back to fill in and my vote for the worst film of 2023 has to go to ant-man and the wasp on dominia. This movie fell so short. The fact that we have a character as large as Scott laying as ant-man figuratively and physically he felt so small in this movie. Its surroundings and the land completely ate up his character and it just did not work. Cassie was an utter disappointment her, her acting and just, unfortunately, her character. It did not sell for me and I was not pleased with her performance and I am not. I'm just not excited to see her again moving forward. The only redeeming quality about this movie had to be king the conqueror, and look where we are now. That doesn't ultimately matter anymore. There are no redeeming qualities now for this film for me. I will never watch it again and I am not interested in ever seeing ant-man and the wasp in any adaptation or going forward in the MCU. So we've just got to throw this out.

Speaker 3:

It is not working anymore and that has to be my worst film of 2023 well, listen, eric, the ant-man films for us have always been fringe anyway when it comes to an MCU list or whatever. I know you like quantimania much more than I did. But it was easily devia's little peak. It was easily the. I mean not to say that MCU films were totally great this year, but it was the worst MCU film I saw this year or MCU project just in general. So yeah, but full in really hated it and she makes a good point. This movie doesn't matter anymore as well. So unfortunately we are going to see Cassie again because of the marvels and credit scene sorry spoilers, you probably weren't going to see it anyway if you haven't by now. But we are going to see that character again and probably in a pretty big capacity yeah, not, not great.

Speaker 4:

I also think you might misunderstand how much I like that movie. I don't like it very much, so I think that that will be very quick in the conversation here that will be coming back to that.

Speaker 3:

Not a bad pick, great, great pick actually well, here comes a movie that, unfortunately, we are going to have to talk about a couple of times. As far as another person's pick for a worst film, all right, worst, worst, worst, worst, worst movies, plural.

Speaker 7:

Another tie of 23 is going to be the flash. And uh, what's that crap called the shazam fury of the gods or whatever? Uh, both of them hot garbage. Hot hot garbage.

Speaker 7:

On a hot summer day in Florida, I could not get into the story for shazam. I finished it, I didn't finish it. I got maybe like three quarters of the way through and I've been trying to finish that movie for months, off and on. I'll just try to jump back in, but I cannot get into the story. It's, I don't know, I just couldn't. I couldn't get with the flow of it. And the flash, um, ezra Miller was never, never, a good flash for me. Um, aside from all the controversy, that controversy that he had, I just never liked him as the character. Um, the movie was. I don't, I don't even know man it was. It was horrible, horrible, horrible. I wish I could have better insight, but it just was not for me, man. Um, I shot out of Keaton, though you know I'm glad he made it against the parents, I was really. The only thing that I enjoyed about the movie was that he was in it. Uh, everything else yeah listen, jay Michael Keaton.

Speaker 3:

Actually was was okay in that film.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, listen, jay. You don't have to finish shazam, you don't have. No, you don't have to do that.

Speaker 3:

You don't have to. You try to get into, I'll tell you.

Speaker 4:

You can just text me, I'll tell you what happens, yeah if you're trying to get into a movie two or three times like it's, you could drop it like unless he fights Helen.

Speaker 3:

Mirren fake dies and then is resurrected by Wonder Woman. Is that? Are you happy? Is that what you wanted to hear?

Speaker 4:

listen. All I'm saying is, if it's an objectively good film, a lot of people love it. That makes one decision easier, like, yeah, I'm gonna just power through this so I can make my own opinion. Nobody is saying no, hey, you should.

Speaker 3:

You should finish shazam you're gonna say that to you. No one said it to you and I just told you how it ends and we argued that the first shazam is not very good.

Speaker 4:

It's only as good as it is because the rest of the dceu was really not very same thing with the first Wonder Woman like those, which is painful to look back on.

Speaker 3:

Yes, it is right we look back on those because the rest of them are so bad. So those are the clips that we got for worst film of the year. I believe I'm just going through here making sure I didn't miss anybody. Yeah, those are the clips that we got for worst films, so do we now transition to yeah?

Speaker 4:

let's do the best are. We do the best clips no, no, we'll do the best clips at the end when we get to two, after we do our twos, we'll all do them together. So I think if you could start at 27, we'll meet back up at 24 and then we're just going bar for bar B for beat. So uh what?

Speaker 1:

were the whole flow.

Speaker 4:

What were the? What were the bottom three movies that you had out of the 27 films you saw in 2023? Okay, okay.

Speaker 3:

I don't know if I have the strength to go through this again. Okay, 27 the flash, which is also my worst film of the year. Absolutely terrible, as Jay mentioned, not going to give it any more time. 26 is Leo, which I also mentioned here. So what I've said previously is is holding up. So the flash and Leo. Number 25 is the boy in the heron. Hated that movie, don't want to see it again. Here we go, come for me. Whatever I know I get it.

Speaker 7:

That's where we landed that's what you write these in the heron uh, the flash?

Speaker 3:

I'm pretty sure let's see a flash. I gave a one and a half. Uh, leo, a one and a half, and I think I gave boy in the heron a two out of five which is important to mention. Uh, because tiktok doesn't yeah, not out of ten lines. Yeah one, yeah one and a half, one and a half and then a two.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that, that's, that's. That's a tough draw, tough draw.

Speaker 3:

Okay, yeah, all the Leo fans are gonna come for me as well.

Speaker 4:

All the parents talking about, I mean you have the boy in the Heron right above Leo, so not a great start. Not a great start. We'll see what other films you have. I Will now take over at 24 and then we're gonna go back and forth from here. Phil, my worst film of 2023 was Ant-Man and the Wasquantum ania. Okay, it was a two in my book. It's hard for me to give something less than a two again. We talked about this several times. I think you're a much harsher and more gracious raider at the top and bottom of your list, where I'm like firm in the middle, like I will keep films in the middle that you would like to put lower or higher, and that's just kind of the difference in our scores, which is really interesting, makes for an interesting conversation. But yeah, ant-man and the Wasquantum ania is my 24th and it's the last film on my list Worst film of 2023. What was your 24th film and what was your rating?

Speaker 3:

Ant-Man and the Wasp. Quantum ania was a two out of five and, honestly, you just need to watch Leo. I think is what you Don't get your list to 25 minimum.

Speaker 4:

Phil, this is the difference between us, I would have never watched Leo.

Speaker 3:

Like I got so mad. I keep seeing this stupid lizard on Twitter.

Speaker 4:

What couldn't believe it? Algorithm. Are you on? Get off of it.

Speaker 3:

I don't know, it's so strange my number 24 and man in the Wasquantum ania, like you said, also two out of five number 23. I'll go first shazam, fury of the gods, as Jay just talked about. This is an absolutely an absolute dumpster fire of a film. Do you don't have to finish it? Like I said, I actually just told all of you how it finishes. Wonder Woman is somehow shoehorned in there at the end and it's just terrible.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, again, another movie I would not have seen and will not see. A movie I did see, though, like everyone else, is the flash at 23, my second and a half a sec, my second to last. I disagree I think Ezra Miller, ezra Miller, ezra Miller is a Is a decent flash. I would even argue good I. I prefer Grant Guston on the CW show. That show has gone off the rails in quality, but the first two seasons of the flash on the flash on the CW, top tier despite its limitations, and of TV, great so, but yeah, I thought there was enough. I like Supergirl, I like Michael Keaton is Batman. There was enough elements where this movie is a two and a half for me, again, compared to quanta mania, which is right below it at a two, not that much far off that's.

Speaker 3:

That's way too high. Let's get to your number 22.

Speaker 4:

You go ahead so 22 is my worst animated film of the year. By default, it's wish at a two and a half. Again, an okay movie. That's what a two and a half is to me. It's it. Two and a half is it okay, like I understand if you have some love for it, but I'm not recommending it to people and a two or less is like I skip the movie, don't watch it, don't form an opinion. It's just objectively bad.

Speaker 3:

So again, I don't have a lot of those here and that's where my middle talk about wish is you wouldn't recommend it to people.

Speaker 4:

I mean, I Wouldn't like openly recommend this, but I'm not. Like don't go form your opinion on the movie. That's the difference. I'm not gonna recommend a two and a half, but if you wanted to form your own opinion or you say you like it, like if you gave this movie a three, no arguments here. Like I'm not gonna fight over half a point now any higher and worth our own hands.

Speaker 3:

That's fair. That's fair. Number 22 for me is a rom-com called ghosted. It stars Chris Evans and Anady armist, an Apple TV film, so it broke my heart that this was terrible. And two people that are incredibly attractive and should have some sort of chemistry Just do not. It is a story that is obviously very silly. It's a rom-com, but it just wasn't good. It's not funny, the action is not very good and I just did not enjoy it and I gave it, I believe, a two.

Speaker 4:

That's tough at 21. 2 and a half is five nights at Freddy's. There are elements of this that I liked, but there is a lot of this movie that has problems and I think if you're not a fan of the game, this movie doesn't offer very much for you as a viewer. Honestly, to want to watch this over and over, repeat viewings. It's a two and a half.

Speaker 3:

It's an okay film 21 for me and let's bring the hate train right back around. I put Teenage Mutant, ninja Turtles, mutant mayhem, ended up giving it a two out of five. I, eric, you know what you could tell, as I was probably in the movie because I was texting you, which I don't do unless I'm not enjoying myself. I was just didn't like it. And as for Lynn talked about a lot of it Just didn't work for me. As much as I loved the animation style and pushing boots the last wish I just I don't know what it was about it in this movie for me that did not work. So it ended up at number 21.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, this is a good example of you being a little bit of a harsher on a film that we both didn't love. So I'll get to that in a little bit. Number 20 for me, also added two and a half is the Marvel's. The Marvel's is a forgettable film that is only brought together by its leads, specifically its most charismatic lead. So again, I think some promo would have really helped this film in the box office. We've talked about that at length, phil, you've brought that up in the past. But as far as quality of the film, it is a painfully average MCU project which we have unfortunately started to get used to in these later phases post-end game.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, huge, huge bummer, number 20. God, you're gonna be so mad. I have elemental, which I did not enjoy whatsoever. I don't know how anybody can be taught it could feel emotions for water and fire, but it's not a very good film. It's beautifully animated and I like the love song that's tied to it, but did not enjoy this movie.

Speaker 4:

What was the score? Two and a half. You're a fucking criminal, dude. You are a fucking criminal. I'm reporting you to the nearest authority I get if you don't like this film, but that is. That is the worst opinion that you've had since boy in the heron.

Speaker 3:

Literally no one has talked to me about elemental other than you. It doesn't exist anywhere. No, I get it.

Speaker 4:

No, no, no listen elemental spoiler alert, elementals way too high on my list.

Speaker 6:

Okay, really judge me for it.

Speaker 4:

I'll sit on it. I'll sit on it and we'll do a whole episode on why right we're not gonna do that today, but for you to have it, this low talk to you about is disrespectful.

Speaker 4:

There's no way anything less than a three. You're a fucking jackass. Let's get to a two and a half movie. Shots fired at Ivan. I guess you're wrong. Susan may 19, it's not a good film. It's not good. And I compare it to your name. I'm sorry, but we've talked about this as the same director. He has a style. Weathering with you isn't that great either. Susan may is okay. I don't feel anything to the characters. I don't love the story and there is probably a cultural piece to this that we've talked about in films. We talked about it during our Susan may review. There were some things in this film that it was like kind of referencing as far as like real life events. They was like paralleling. That didn't mean anything to me personally, so, like just looking at it through the lens of a film, I didn't love it and I did try to watch it a second time and I liked it less. So it did go down since my initial viewing, unfortunately.

Speaker 3:

Now what you want to hear. It's also one of the reasons I haven't rewatched weathering with you, because I already am like pretty fringe on that movie and I'm afraid a second watch will be like oh again. Enjoy this beautiful beautiful film it has good elements.

Speaker 4:

Gorgeous and this is where my two and a half's work, because if you like this film, I'm not gonna shit on you for it. It just didn't work for me. So a two and a half. I'm not gonna recommend it to people, but if you do, that makes sense.

Speaker 3:

And I'll say this, my next few films. It's kind of like a cluster of because if they're all two and a half's, my number 19 is no hard feelings with Jennifer Lawrence. This film had a lot more heart than I actually anticipated, but it's also just not that the good of a film. I think it is worth like a watch on, like Netflix, if you really really go through the queue when you don't have anything else to check out. I mean, jennifer Lawrence is funny. I mean we haven't heard a whole lot from her when it comes to like this type of space in a while, but she's still pretty solid in it. And also the male lead I can't remember his name off the top of my head, but it's a two and a half, saw it in theaters and it's, it's fine. That's, it's fine. Two and a half and some of my number 19. I mean, eric, actually do I'll go ahead if you want to add on, if you have anything to say about no.

Speaker 3:

Okay, cuz I was just gonna transition to my number 18, which is Susan May, which is a two and a half Talking chair. Funny, I guess. The guy there, what was it? The guy we like, the I think we like what the aunt and the guy that's in the car with them.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, who's who are not in the movie?

Speaker 3:

enough, yeah, enough.

Speaker 4:

So, but the more interesting couple.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, again, other than that forgettable, don't want to watch it again.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, my number 18 is a movie that surprised me. I think people do like it a little bit too much. But at a three 18 is Dungeon and Dragons. Honor among thieves. I anticipated absolutely nothing from this movie, but I heard people liked it a lot and I went in and I said, yeah, it's kind of funny. I don't know about funniest movie of the year. I don't know about sleeper hit of the year.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, some people are really loving this film. Again, 18 feels right. A three, specifically a low three for me out of the other threes I ranked in the middle of my list makes sense.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I actually started watching it the other day on paramount and I watched it during while I was working, so I'm gonna go back and watch it, hopefully by the end of the year.

Speaker 4:

I mean, look, chris Pine is the best, chris.

Speaker 3:

He is the best, chris. It makes the most sense. So, yeah, I want to go back and watch that one, number 17 for me. This is where wish shows up, also at a two and a half Pretty forgettable story. I like some of the songs a lot more than other people do, but I have found that now, as we have gotten pretty far away from the movie, I have not been listening to them anymore, and that was my number 17.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, wish above elemental. I'm gonna punch you in your fucking face the next time I see you. Dude, I can't explain to you how mad I am and I'm gonna have to.

Speaker 3:

Elemental didn't have a talking goat in it, so yeah, well, that is true, very true.

Speaker 4:

Number 17 for me was the creator, the creator on the budget. We're gonna talk about a movie in our top five, that on the budget it made. Yeah, how does Hollywood get away with the crimes of films like quanta mania and the flash?

Speaker 3:

worth the war and thunder.

Speaker 4:

This is a good example of that. However, it did miss on a lot of marks. I actually had some hype going into this. This movie is a three. It's a little bland. It's a little lifeless with its characters and its story. Not fully, though, and it's enough to make it a watchable film that I would recommend you formulate your own opinion on, unlike a two and a half, where I wouldn't do that, but I understood if you like it a three. I liked it enough for you to say you should watch it and tell me what you think, and that's what this movie sits at For me on my list. It was very visually stunning compared to the budget that it had. Gareth Edwards I like a lot of his visual visualization in his directing, but yeah, it was a painfully average movie for something that I wish was a little bit more.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we're kind of seeing that in what is the? The film that just came out on Netflix, the? Rebel moon, rebel moon.

Speaker 4:

People are shitting on that, and they should, because Zack Snyder, his directing, sucks it just, it just does, it just does. Let's just be honest. And the fact that they are goading us with this director's cut is really disrespectful.

Speaker 3:

It's like they're doing it on purpose. They're doing it on purpose, it's gonna release in April.

Speaker 3:

Fantastic the creator is one that I missed in theaters. I wanted to see of my brother-in-law. It is now on a Hulu. I'll probably check it out eventually probably not dead by the end of the year, but I did miss it number. Let's get to number 16 for me, which is where the Marvel shows up. Three out of five, I think. I initially gave it a three and a half. It's now a lower two or three. You know, I enjoy this movie a lot more than you did, and a lot of it. Honestly, I think all of these stars are to call up Kamala Khan. I do like the dynamic with all three of them, but the Monvalani is such a force and again we talked about this if they just put her and Florence Pugh in charge of all games, whether or not they're in the movie, put them in charge of the marketing for the film, and it will do wonders. So this is where the Marvel shows up for me at 16.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, at 16, and honestly this feels like a big gap from where you had it. But score wise, it's not Teenage Mutant, ninja Turtles, mutant Ahem, mayhem is at 16 for me and it's a three. It's a three star movie. It is okay. Again, what do you think? Do you like it? Great, that's awesome. For me, the animation was not as great as everybody was saying it was gonna be or was like realistically. We've seen better-looking films this year and last year. So again, it had a specific style, a specific humor and I'm not the target audience, right. So again I can admit where it went. Well, I think it did some weird stuff with its characters and its story. It also felt weirdly paced in a way. So there were just a lot of issues I have with the movie. That stops it from being something like a three and a half and higher on my list.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yep, number 15. I cannot believe this is here, eric. Cannot believe I watched this movie I talked about. I talked with you about this just the other day and this is a film that you know that in I think there's like a family guy skit when there's a guy who has like a pictures of his kids and he's just throwing it in the face again Look at my kids, look at my kids. That's what the trailer was for Gran Turismo. For months, we kept seeing this damn trailer with David Harbor and what was it? What's his name for? Pirates of the Caribbean? Or Orlando blue? I was gonna call him by his part of the Caribbean.

Speaker 4:

I know you were and and listen.

Speaker 3:

Here's what I'll say. This is actually a pretty decent sports movie. It is so stupid as far as the dialogue it throws in so much dumb gamer lingo that how like executives think that we talk and it's so stupid. But at its core it's a pretty good sports movie. And you know what? Sports movies don't need to be the most like a Amazing thing ever. They just need to make you feel good and have some good action. This has some in some of the best drone shots I've ever seen in any film and it's really pretty. It's got pretty cars, got some good action, and I cannot believe that I enjoyed this as much as I did. I saw a friend of ours, a friend of mine, tweet her review and she gave it an eight out of ten. I was like that's, there's absolutely no way. So I watched it to spite that review and I couldn't help but like.

Speaker 3:

Enjoy it, so yeah it is three and a half Gran Turismo, not bad.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, no, understandable. I wanted to see this movie after you saw it. I wanted to see it in general, but it's just like I already know your three and a half is a three for me and I just don't sure I don't have the time to sit down and watch a three right now.

Speaker 3:

So I totally get it. How long is it to? It's like it's an hour and a half. So yeah, it's not very long. No, two hours is two hours.

Speaker 4:

Yeah yeah, it's not very long. It's not like two and a half hour film, but even two hours, just not a it's not something I'm gonna watch the boy in the hair and is at 15.

Speaker 4:

For me it is a three. I again do enjoy what I saw and I have an urge to see it again. I kind of mentioned it a little bit earlier. We already know Phil has been destroyed on tiktok. Leave this man alone for having a fucking opinion, for God's sake. It's okay If you say the boy in the hair and was not for you like I totally get it if you thought it was one of the best films of the Year. I also get that. This movie is one of those movies that I think just is gonna hit people differently and for me it's like right in the middle there at 15, at a three out of five.

Speaker 3:

There we go. So there is where Eric has placed the boy in the hair. And number 14 for me and this is where it gets kind of weird, because I think I gave this a lower grade than Gran Turismo. So you know, my list is kind of strange number 14 is where Super Mario Bros pops up Absolutely a great time. I would certainly watch this again. I am excited for them to expand on this universe. I mean, ultimately, what we really want Hollywood is a Super Smash Brothers movie. So if this gets us a little bit closer to that with the Sonic films doing pretty well, I'm down. But it's a. It's a good film. I gave it a three, so it somehow is less than a great Charisma. But here it is at number 14 and we got peaches out of it. So give Jack Black his Bowser musical please totally understandable, my movie here and again.

Speaker 4:

This is why I want to make it clear that some of these movies were based off of a first watch and then there are some that have firmer scores, that I've seen twice and that's very sporadic. On this list, the Little Mermaid is actually at 14, at a three and a half. I like this movie more than I thought I would, and I like this movie enough where I would tell people, even though I know aquafina is in it and you turned it off 15 minutes in. I do actually think you should give this movie a chance, because a Lot of the live-action Disney movies aren't very enjoyable and I just thought this one was. That's really what this came down to.

Speaker 4:

For a Three and a half for me was yeah, go watch it, not just formulate your own opinion and come back to me, but I actually think it would be worth your time and it would be enjoyable. A three and a half is really where the bar is for my films. If it's at a three and a half, then that means like I just had a good time. If it was on here to my left or to my right, I'd probably be looking at the TV a couple different times, and that's ultimately what the Little Mermaid was for me the music's enjoyable, good performances for a Disney live-action film.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think that is one of the reasons I wanted to check it out. Is, you know, like I said, the music and Halle Bailey, who I heard, did an outstanding job. My sister and daughter loved that this film. A couple of my friends sung its praises, but I think I just wasn't in an aqua fina mood and I was like you know what, can't do this right now, shut it off and maybe you got to go back to it. I promise just seeing flounder was like what the hell is this?

Speaker 4:

no, listen, you cannot watch this movie after watching Avatar way of water. It is a huge like this. Visually it is painful and I saw these very close to each other and I wanted to give it less for that reason. But I did have to understand what this movie was and for what this movie is. It's enjoyable. I would definitely recommend giving it a watch again. A movie underneath it that I think will eventually surpass it upon a Re-watch, but not by much. The boy in the hair in. I wouldn't recommend a movie necessarily. I would recommend it to formulate your own opinion, but I wouldn't recommend it as something like yeah, I think you're gonna like this and we've talked about it lengths why that is this movie. There's not, there's nothing very complicated. You know what you're walking into and it exceeds those expectations by just a little bit.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm also not the biggest fan of, like the original little mermaid. Just, I mean, I that's not. I'm not the demographic, obviously, even as a kid that was not so.

Speaker 4:

It should also be noted. Neither am I.

Speaker 3:

I'm actually a big hater of the original, so so yeah, you know. Well, we know we talked about. You talked about the way of water. You know, you talked about the little mermaid. Let's return to the sea, for what is pure cinema? My number 13 film, which is the.

Speaker 2:

Meg 2.

Speaker 3:

Jason Statham make to the trend all credibility just goes outside Listen there's a couple things are about to happen here pretty soon, okay, and I'm just gonna dive in first with the Meg 2, and it's just so much fun, it's so stupid, just like the original one. But Jason Statham, just like, with his B movie coming out pretty soon, yeah, I know, found his niche. Okay, he is found where he belongs and I just enjoy these films. I would like for them to continue to make them, as long as they don't go full sharknado. But you know what I like? The characters. I like Jason Statham big shark eat big squid.

Speaker 4:

You make it so hard to like defend you in any, in any way.

Speaker 3:

My number.

Speaker 4:

It's a fun movie my number 13 film is another Disney live-action film. It's the haunted mansion. At a three and a half, this movie again Good. It's a good movie. Enjoy it for what it is. That's what this ended up being. What got it to a three and a half instead of a three for me was Lekeith Stansfield his performance. There is some heart to the story that he has, which, if you haven't seen the movie, I'm not gonna spoil too much. But he's grieving and the grieving stuff that happens throughout the movie with his character. You know it kind of pulls at the heartstrings. A couple times in the film You've got Dana DeVito in there. He's funny. Oh, and Wilson he's funny. There are fun characters. It's a. It's a fun time. Jared Leto is is the villain, but you don't know it's really Jared Leto, like if nobody told you you probably wouldn't have even known. So that that aside, 13 haunted mansion, good time, solid time.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I want to check that out. That is definitely on my on my watch list as well a number 12 for me. So I had to make some changes here over the last few weeks. One, I rewatched this film and that it was originally in my top 10 and I was like, for the sake of what Eric just mentioned my credibility I had to make some changes. There is One driving force in my number 13 film and it is the villain, and it is somebody who I'm gonna see actually in Mark he franchise tomorrow evening. And this is where fast 10 shows up on my list at number 12. It is Carried by the performance of Jason Momoa's Joker, when he's not the Joker in the film, but that is essentially who he is in the like.

Speaker 3:

Leaving the theater in the moment, I was like this is the best. This is like one of the best fast movies I have ever seen. I rewatched it recently and I was like, boy, this this is struggling. For me to just say that like to rank it really high, at least on my 2023 list, would be would be really tough. But again, jason Momoa's performance and Eric, you Listen, you've never wanted to watch a fast film and you saw enough of Jason Momoa. Where you're like I might want to sit down and watch this two hour 45 minute disaster, just so I can get to the Jason Momoa parts, and so that I think that speaks volumes.

Speaker 3:

This has. This is a three and a half for me because, as far as the the fast films, it is one of the better fast films, I think, in terms of the franchise, but it is also. Vin Diesel man just has to like understand that we are watching these because they're goofy, not because we are serious about what is happening. And he refuses to acknowledge that. And you know, there are also two big reveals at the end of the film, two characters that are returning, one that's supposed to be dead and then another I guess he's made up because his Hollywood image took a little bit of a hit this year.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah yeah, listen, this is what I was talking about earlier, about Phil's bottom and top of his list are weird. And then the middle is like just a clusterfuck of stuff. And then this is what I was talking about with the middle of my films. There's too many in here. They're just like so, like by margins, which is why I have like this, like slew of movies in this weird category like ten and under 12.

Speaker 4:

Is the Super Mario Bros movie for me? Three and a half A good film, good film, fun film. Chris Pratt surprisingly not awful. The rest of the voice acting great, amazing. You know the animation. You knew what you were getting with that illumination vibe and I'm just glad there's a Nintendo film. That was good. It's gonna, like you mentioned, ultimately get us probably to a Super Smash Bros movie, which we absolutely are long overdue for. For that, for that reason alone, it's good. I enjoy it. When it comes on, I'll look at it. That's ultimately what a three and a half is to me. Is it on the TV? Yeah, sure, I'll sit down and watch it. That's what this is.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, fun movie, fun, fun movie. The next year up on my list, number 11, is a Franchise that returned this year and that is the Hunger Games, the ballad of songbirds and snakes. I'm read all the the first three original books and I listened to songbirds snakes right before seeing the film a Really, really well done adaptation. Some of the things I mentioned this in my tick-tock review that they removed I thought were detrimental to the story overall, but you could go into this without reading the book and still enjoy it. Coriola in a snow is, I think, one of the most fascinating characters in fiction and my and I'll say this for book talk my my Library as far as books that I've read, is pretty limited, but I really liked being able to learn more about the origin of this character and it's a good time. I gave it a three and a half and it follows just outside of the top ten at number 11.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, not a bad choice. I've heard good things. My 11 is so shocking and it's my, it's my opportunity here to talk about this movie. The journey to Bethlehem is at number 11. It is a three and a half in my books and that three and a half, phil, don't go anywhere. No, you don't understand. I'm telling you, if the birth of Jesus Christ and a movie about that Made it into my 11th spot this year and you said that to me a year ago or earlier this year, I would have said you're absolutely crazy and there's no way. Hey, here it is. It's a good one hour and a half time. The music is top-notch.

Speaker 4:

The biggest issue is some of the worst choreography I've ever seen which you could probably imagine in this type of film. It's it's just a creative license to do whatever. Not at all the same movie, but just in the way that Prince of Egypt, from that standpoint, was like oh, I'm gonna watch a movie, a animated movie about Moses, and it was like, really good, not the same level, but just a comp. That's how I went into this movie. I'm like, come on, now it's got probably one good song. I keep seeing this Antonio bandera's clip. How good could it be. I've watched it twice now. I watched it the other it was again a three and a half. It's on the TV. Will I watch it and sit down for a period of time? Yes, I watched it while opening presents. Basically, merry Christmas to me. Journey of Bethlehem 11 3.

Speaker 3:

1, 2, 3 the absolute gall to bring up Prince of Egypt. You don't understand, because you you have.

Speaker 4:

I've been to a mega church.

Speaker 3:

Eric has never been to a mega church, that's why he thought it's not the same thing, it's the same thing and I guarantee you Antonio bandera's is probably there. I said it's a vision church and I just didn't notice him. But you know what? Hey, I'm glad that you have found this film and for you to listen to the music or whatever. I recently found spirited, so like we have no, it's no, but it's an in Jesus theme thing.

Speaker 4:

I'll watch a movie like this that's trending on tig talk and it's actually good, and you'll watch fucking Leo like I just don't Understand. We're not the same.

Speaker 3:

Now we're worth saying you get it. Number ten on my list. I don't know if I feel like I am cheating a little bit. This is something that's been around for a long time, but it was just released in theaters in 2023, and that was waitress the musical, which I have circled as far as, like the soundtrack for a long time, but for me, and with musical specifically, I do like to be able to Visualize and see what's happening on the stage before listening to them. So waitress the musical was outstanding. Eric, I don't know if you know this, but it was written and created by well, the music was was written by Sarah Bareilles, who is outstanding. Love her, one of those like very, very much underrated singers, I think, as far as artists. But waitress the musical was outstanding. If it does return, it is one of those what do they call them fandom events, something like that, one of those you know event movies that Cinemark releases, and it's a really, really great story and a fun musical.

Speaker 4:

Not bad. I've heard good things. And my number ten you shouldn't be surprised is also a musical and that is Wonka out of three and a half, sneaks into the top ten. Man, did I not think this movie was gonna come close to the top ten for me? Really enjoyed it. I was pleasantly surprised. I really shouldn't have been. I did a review on it. If you want to check that out on our tiktok page or in general where I've posted it, it's a good film. It's a really heartwarming, nice, just welcoming film, especially around the holidays. So yeah, starting my top ten Wonka three and a half.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I honestly did not think I would be persuaded to go see this film, but it is something I'll probably go go check out. If anything, I'll watch it at home. So, definitely heard solid things. Number nine for me. This is a film, eric, I know you have circled on your watch list and that is extraction to Chris Hemsworth. It is a excellent, excellent action film and it has a an amazing one shot. You know we talk about those a lot as we have gone through this podcast, but it has a really, really great one shot in the film and it builds upon the first film, which is very good, and this one is even better. So this is turning out to be a franchise, essentially, and also it has a little bit of a MCU reunion as well that I think people will really like and it is just a really really good time. Eric, you guys definitely need to go check it out.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, definitely on my, my back burner, but I do plan on watching it, enjoyed the first one much more than I thought I would. So excited to check that out. Number nine for me Barbie. At a three and a half Higher on the three and a half list we're gonna start getting into the forest here shortly, but a high three and a half for me. I've seen this movie twice. I enjoyed it. I'm just Ken in absolute bop. Margot Robbie great. The cast, great. I like it. I like it a lot.

Speaker 4:

Now it is missing something still for me. Maybe I'm not the demographic, I don't know what it is, but it's just three and a half. The highest it could go in my eyes is maybe a four, but I've seen it twice now and I feel like a three and a half is where it sits. Again, a four is where I start to feel like I'm gonna sit down and watch this Like it's on. I'm gonna put it on If Barbie's on. I'm having a grand old time and, yeah, I highly recommend you should watch it and if you like it, more makes sense too.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we'll talk about that again here in a moment. I should mention that these films six through 10 for me, we're all fours here on my letter box. I haven't been mentioning that. So number eight for me yeah, that's where we're at eight is Oppenheimer, and obviously this film took the world by storm, along with Barbie.

Speaker 3:

It was a great time. It was akin to the Pokemon Go period, where everybody came together to talk about Barbenheimer. And I'll say this this movie was, I think, everything that the expectation said it was going to be. It was a fascinating period piece. It had an absolutely stellar cast. Obviously, it asks a lot from you for as far as the runtime, but learning more about this specific event was incredibly interesting. It's also spawned some great memes. It was a great meme year for Oppenheimer. But the thing with Oppenheimer as opposed to my number seven film, which we'll talk about here in a moment, is, like you said, if it's on well, I watch it and I'm not in a rush to go see Oppenheimer again, but I can still understand that it is an absolute victory of a film and lived up to the hype for me.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, definitely an interesting spot. We'll talk about where my spot is for that. Nemona is my number eight at a three and a half On top 10. Ok, I'm happy with that. Yeah, I'll tell you it was outside of the top 10. But upon a rewatch, this is a firm three and a half as well, again, sporadic, I cannot stress it enough. If you have only seen a film once, it's really hard to back up that score.

Speaker 4:

Second, rewatches, I think, are really necessary for a lot of films and for this one I had it at a three and a half. That has not changed, but its placement has changed because I enjoyed a lot. Like I really sat down, it was on and I said, yeah, this is really good, like I'm going to watch the whole thing. And I've seen it about two and a half times really. So the second, the third time it was on, I had stuff going on, I watched, some walked away, but normally I would sit down and watch this film, and at eight. I think it's a testament to how great this movie was, because Nemona is a very good animated film. It's going to be really underlooked a lot because of how many great animated films came out this year, but Nemona at eight for me just felt right.

Speaker 3:

I'm very happy with that. I'm very happy to hear you say all of that. Number seven is where Barbie shows up. For me, another four out of five and this is one I watched or rewatched recently, as I stated earlier when we were talking about I'm just Ken. Really really great time and I think obviously the messaging as far as what happens in this film, characters are great. Not much else to say. Really really enjoyed Barbie. Number seven again a four out of five.

Speaker 4:

Very good. That one is solid. Solid seven for me is my last three and a half rating is Guardians of the Galaxy, volume three, and it is my highest three and a half. I really like this film a lot. Not quite a four for me. I know people really love this movie, but I don't think I'm going to say anything that anyone else hasn't said. If you've seen the film, you know this is a heartfelt closure, especially for someone like me who the first Guardians has held in such high regard. The second one I hate, and the third one was just really nice to see it all close up in a nice little bow, and it had a lot of feelings to it. I didn't expect to be like wanting to weep during the dog. Days are over, so you know that's. That's where we are.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, guardians of the Galaxy and music has always been hand in hand, and that's where Guardians pops up. For me is number six, and here's what I'll say. As far as like people will probably come for me, like I can acknowledge, oppenheimer is a film and as a as far as an actual piece is better than Guardians of the Galaxy, obviously. But what did I enjoy more? I enjoyed Guardians of the Galaxy because I am a mindless consumer who likes to see things blow up and I like Marvel characters to me. So this is where Guardians of the Galaxy fell for me. I gave it a four and four out of five and I think there was missed opportunity with the ending, which we talked about in our review, but still really enjoyed it and I mean, in a year of a lot of L's for Marvel, at least they had one really big win.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, 100 percent. And for me, number six is John Wick, chapter four. My first four rating for my 2023 films, ranked Chapter four, was great. There is an argument that it is the best John Wick film. It is a ride. It is so, so good. I enjoy it. This is a movie that I would actively watch again and have a fantastic time doing so when we get into the fours. This is also a movie I would consider bringing the right friend along for the ride and I think for John Wick, chapter four, there's so much to enjoy here Absolutely a viewing party required or, at the very least, bringing a good friend along for the ride.

Speaker 3:

So that is my number six at a four John Wick chapter four, I wanted to tell you I actually started watching John Wick 2 the other day and Peacock had the audacity to put commercials in it, so I stopped watching it and I will be watching it elsewhere.

Speaker 4:

There. I believe they're on Netflix now, so go watch it, because.

Speaker 3:

I was like are you? It was after the opening sequence in the garage he gets the car and then they go and then they cut to a Peacock commercial. Are you shitting me the? Anyway, that's a conversation for another time. I will be watching and catching up on John Wick in 2024. Let's get to our top five here, eric, and this is where a late to the party film shows up with past lives. This was my first four and a half and it was a film that still has sat with me to this day, one of the favorite, one of my most favorite films that we watched all year, and I know a lot of people think it's a little preachy. I know when it comes to a 24 films, people think that everyone who likes a 24 films are these artsy, fartsy, fancy people or not. We just enjoy good storytelling, and past lives ended up in number five on my list.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, a hundred percent. That makes a lot of sense, because number five for me is also past lives out of four. And past lives, great film. Great film. We covered it on the podcast. We've talked about it so much. You should see it. A 24, obviously project, but Celine songs directorial debut, I believe we talked about.

Speaker 3:

Not that of the park.

Speaker 4:

Absolute home run. She did so good and it's just a wonderful, wonderful film. So if you haven't checked it out, both of us think very highly of it.

Speaker 3:

Very, very good. Number four for me, eric. This is a film that I know is something that's on your watch list, and this is where they clone Tyrone comes in. Also, a four and a half for me man, john Boyega and listen, everybody in this cast is is outstanding, but John Boyega, post Star Wars, you know, has been on a tear, other than, unfortunately, the Pacific Rim sequel, but other than that, he's been putting out bangers and he is so outstanding in this and again, netflix continues to put out really, really solid films. Actually, netflix has popped up quite a few times, I think, on our list here this evening. So they clone Tyrone is a fantastic film and this is going to be what it seems like a little bit of a franchise. So I am excited to see what's next and go watch. They clone Tyrone.

Speaker 4:

I really wanted to sneak that into my watching viewing parties in this like little run of end of 2023. It didn't happen. I'm very disappointed. I do plan on watching it. I know you talk tightly about it, so not a bad pick. I've heard good things elsewhere. For me, number four is Oppenheimer, at a four rating out of five on Letterbox, and I really enjoyed this film, I think a little bit more than you. This is a movie I will actively watch a second time in the future. So mind you, again, a one time viewing this rating could change up or down, but off of that one viewing a four is where I stood and I do want to watch it again to firm that up.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no problem with that whatsoever. Again, outstanding film. Number three this is where Nemona shows up. For me, and as we talked about when we did best animated film, you know, it was really difficult for me not to go with the Mona, because it made me feel things that I did not expect here in this film. Again, to kind of reiterate terms of inclusivity, figuring out who you are, accepting who you are. It's just a beautiful film, it's a beautiful animation, and this is the spark, the convo as to why Netflix needs to be talked about when it comes to animation. And then they put Leo out later on in the year. So not to bring that up again. But Nemona, if you're looking for something that is outstanding, please watch that instead. Number three, and it's a four and a half Great, great pick.

Speaker 4:

You know it's in my top 10. So you know I'm not going to have any arguments. The only argument I'm going to have and again some of you may have been wondering Elemental was a long time ago we were talking about that film. Here we are again returning to it. Elemental is number three at a four out of five. I love this movie and I'm going to stop pretending like I don't. I could have easily put it at six underneath the other fours, but I don't want to do that. I enjoyed Elemental. Sue me, it was a good film, I would argue one of Pixar's best, and maybe that's because in recent memory the quality of Pixar films is starting to take a little bit of a dip as far as the reputation.

Speaker 3:

Bethesda of movie that's actually a fair question.

Speaker 4:

That's actually a fair comparison. I'm talking a lot of you, but it was something about the immigrant story behind Elemental. There was a lot of heart behind this film. It was animated in my eyes Beautifully. I love the animation style for this movie.

Speaker 4:

I get Pixar can be a little bit dull in comparison to other films that are on our list, especially what I believe is in our top two. So I get it. But this movie, I think, had all the elements, pun intended, to deserve a high rating on people's lists. Now I probably have it higher. I definitely have watched this movie about four or five times, so I've seen this movie multiple times. My family loves this movie, which is why I've had the opportunity to have it play, and this is a movie at a four. I would love to bring the right type of person on board and say, hey, come watch this with me. So Elemental four out of five stars love this movie and I can understand. You know Wade and Ember. I understand those characters. You either like them or you don't, and if you don't, I believe it leads to a rating like Phil's. If you love them and I do think they're lovable characters I think it's easy to rate this film high.

Speaker 3:

Eric was waiting all night for that. He waited about two hours to get.

Speaker 4:

Honestly, that's an abbreviated version of what I wanted to do. But I'm going to leave it be because I'm still living at how low, disrespectfully you put that, I feel good about everything that's been, that's happened so far, well you don't know what love is, so that makes it two.

Speaker 3:

One that's. That's fair. I was going to say something really mean about you, but I was going to be like I don't love you and then you won't be able to lose, but I stabbed you first.

Speaker 3:

That's not true. So anyway, my number two is a film we have already talked about and four and a half out of five here which is Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse, and it is. We already talked about it in length a moment ago or earlier in the episode. So yeah, outstanding film. Love the characters, can't wait to see what's next. So you're at number two.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and I think based off of our list, if you've been paying attention, you're going to know what our ones are, but we're going to get ready to play some clips leading up to that big finale. For me, number two at a four out of five is Godzilla minus one, the biggest shock of the year. And when I say a four out of five letter box, please make point two fives. This is a four, point two, five really. And upon a second rewatch I'm pretty sure it's going to go up to four and a half, a four and a half. For me. It's on the cusp. But to be a four I got to bring a viewing party or a person with me. They got to watch it with me.

Speaker 4:

This movie fits that bill. Four and a half is like that must watch. It's one of those legacy movies that I'm going to watch over and over again. I'm going to talk obnoxiously about Godzilla minus one is like right there, it's on the cusp. I want to see it a second time. So I can just make it a four out of five, four and a half out of five. If you haven't seen this movie, what are you doing? It's so good. And if it's your number one out there in the universe listening to this. That makes a ton of sense. So that's my number two pick for the year.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, don't let subtitles scare you away. I saw it again for a second time earlier today and there was a woman in there with her younger I would say elementary school child and they. The first thing I heard her say out of her mouth upon seeing the film was that was awesome. So that's not an excuse you have in 2023, heading into 2024. But, eric, we are getting to number one here, which will subsequently lead to our best film of the year for the Wait for it Awards. We want to thank you for sticking it out with us. Obviously, this is a longer episode than it normally, than we normally put out, but we appreciate you rocking with us, so we're going to get to some clips here. We have a couple of people that wanted to chime in, and let's bring in somebody who, again, we haven't heard from and but we also had earlier this year on creator spotlight. Let's hear what he had to say as far as his favorite movie of the year.

Speaker 5:

What's going on everybody? This is awesome. This prime, your DJ Supreme, just wanted to throw it out there and give you my pick for best film for the year. It's got to go to Godzilla minus one. If you didn't get a chance to see Godzilla minus one, you missed out. I'm telling you, probably by far the best Godzilla film of all time, let alone just best film of the year. In my opinion, it beats out spider verse, even though I love that movie. Godzilla minus one, though I'm going to give it to that. Check it out.

Speaker 3:

Shout out to DJ Awesome is prime, not only for joining us earlier in the year, but also for hanging out, for sending in that clip, and we can't wait to party with you some more in 2020 in the middle, in the middle of a convention scene where he was definitely DJing.

Speaker 4:

So thank you for doing that. That meant a lot, right.

Speaker 3:

Shout out to those of you that that hung out at Hall Matt this past week. Let's get to another clip. Here we have a couple more and let's see who Jay had for his favorite movie of the year.

Speaker 7:

All right, best movies for 2023. I'm going to say it's a tie between the Ninch Turtles and the Spider-Man movie. I'm a stickler for animation and typically I don't like anything that's too out there, but both of these movies I think they did very well. I was very captivating, very entertaining. Spider-man Don't even get me to start on that one. You know the story behind it, the way it ended. I mean, if you haven't seen it by now, it sucks for you. But yeah, I loved it, Loved every second. With Ninja Turtles, I'm always been a huge Ninja Turtle fan.

Speaker 7:

Donnie is my boy. You know everybody loves Leo, mikey Raph, but no, it's all about Team Donnie. I loved how they were. They were actually kids. You know they were actually going into teenagers for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. You know what I mean. It was great though. Kids loved it. I loved it. I've seen it like seven, eight times. Well, that one's on me.

Speaker 3:

I didn't label that one properly. So there's Jay's Picks for best animated film. Here's what I also do is whenever we do get the unless I have to edit them up when we do get the Speakpike clips I like to listen to like just the beginning of them. So I didn't properly label that one and that's on me. So here we are. There's Jay's Picks for animated film of the year.

Speaker 4:

He's probably so disappointed now. They didn't play my clip and they're shitting on it yeah.

Speaker 3:

So sorry about that. We appreciate you. And then we have a couple of more. Let's go to Ivan and then we'll go to Flynn. Hey, guys.

Speaker 6:

So yeah, I've been thinking hard about a lot of these topics and I'm going to start with best film. It's a little hard for me. I thought really, really, really hard on this, argued with myself a lot, then I kind of mad that I argued with myself about it. But you know there's a lot of people who are like. You know there's a lot of great movies this year. I think there's some honorable mentions.

Speaker 6:

Before I say what my favorite one was, so I love John Wick 4. I thought like technically it was just phenomenal. There was so many like technical achievements with it. The way the camera work was, the way the fight choreography was. There were so many great things.

Speaker 6:

I literally saw the movie, I think, twice in theaters. So that's the honorable mention. But then I saw Godzilla minus one, and I just freaking loved it. The only reason why I may not say it's my favorite movie of the year is because I know so much about Godzilla and I kind of like had expectations like what it should do and what they need to do, and the fact that they did all the things I wanted them to do like should make it like amazing. But I also kind of expected like, oh, they should be doing this anyway. Whereas I saw the movie Saltburn and it just kind of surprised me. I was very surprised, didn't know what to expect. So I kind of think that became my favorite movie of the year. And some people might not fully understand why I would choose that movie as my favorite movie of the year, especially when I'm big hardcore geek and movies like Godzilla minus one came out.

Speaker 6:

But the experience alone, just watching that movie, just kind of took everything for me, like it just kind of made it. It just made the movie for me, like I knew a little bit what to expect, but not really anything, and it was super surprising. I felt uncomfortable at moments and they made sure that I was the point of that. Certain scenes I love each of rich stories. So I just I love that aspect, I love how twisted it was.

Speaker 6:

And then the cinematography was just so, so good, like it was. I don't know like the, the scenes, the way they filmed, whether the lighting it was just so intentional. There were things that I was paying attention to around the sides of shots or in the back, like that they were subtly hinting at and just, and that was just a camera, the camera work. That's kind of hinting at it. No one was no characters or anything, or anything in the story was like saying or aiming it that way. It's just the cinematography just kind of made me look everywhere.

Speaker 6:

Then the score was actually really good, considering it was taking place in the early 2000s. Like the soundtrack was just kind of perfect and most of the songs because I can't remember all of them were kind of making the scenes like deliberately making you feel a certain way or think about a certain thing. Like it was just it was just a great movie, perfect casting. I mean I know the end may have been a little expected or predictable, I guess, but just because you kind of know where it's going doesn't mean the ride isn't enjoyable. And I 100% enjoyed the ride, loved the ending scene. Was not expecting it. So yeah, I definitely think it's my favorite movie of the year, hands down.

Speaker 3:

So I'll be honest, eric Saltburn is a film that I looked into and because I kept hearing about it and I kept seeing it on list, and then I looked into you know how Andrew uses the parents guide for a lot of stuff I was like let me look into this and see how. What kind of film it is and I was like, oh, this is not something I'm going to watch.

Speaker 4:

I know I've heard some wild things. Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 3:

Not my bag, but I have heard a lot of great things about it, so for it to pop up here is great and yeah there are cohegans in it, right, I believe with banshees of finish Aaron, we loved him.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, keegan, yeah, so again loved him.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so, but not something that I will be watching. I've been sorry about that, eric. I don't know if you're going to check it out, but I'm like fringe, fringe fringe. Well, I said we were going to play full in back to back, but I wanted to comment on salt burn. First let's see what Flynn had, and then we'll get to our picks.

Speaker 8:

I wait for it. Listeners, it's Flynn. I have to say that the movie that made the most impact on me in 2023 and my vote for best film of 2023 is Saw X. This movie was phenomenal, from the return of Tobin Bell and Shawnee Smith as John Kramer and Amanda. The storyline, the addition of humanizing John Kramer and adding more to his story the traps were wicked. Everything about it was amazing to me. I'm so excited to see what there is left to add to the storyline and what there is to add to the soft franchise. I have high hopes after this film and I cannot sing its praises enough, and the fact that a soft film made me cry is crazy. So this is definitely my vote for best film of 2023.

Speaker 3:

So there you have it. We had some, some curveballs there here at the end and another great reason why this end of the year award show is so great. And Flynn has been a huge fan of the Saw series since the very beginning. I think she'll agree that her favorite is probably spiral. You know, with Chris Rock that's what everyone loves Spiral.

Speaker 4:

So let it stop. Leave her alone. Leave her alone, let her have her time of joy.

Speaker 3:

OK, listen. But again I heard I heard really good things about this return to form for the series that it kind of maybe lost its way a little bit. So I'm happy to hear that here.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, green, I definitely want to see it. It's definitely on my list.

Speaker 3:

I've so far removed from this office you would like a compact 25 minute video in which you will see everything. Stop fill up.

Speaker 4:

OK well.

Speaker 3:

I didn't mention the kill count until two and a half hours in, so that's pretty good.

Speaker 4:

It's fair, it's fair.

Speaker 3:

All right, let's get to our number one on Letterbox and subsequently, as I mentioned, will be our film of the year. And, eric, you already know which way I am going because it had not popped up on my list yet and it is a film I just saw for the second time today and upon second watch I once first off have confidence that it will go to a four and a half for you on Letterbox upon a second viewing, because upon my second viewing it's solidified its its list probably in my top 15 films of all time. It's easily my favorite Godzilla film of all time. As Prime mentioned, it is the perfect Godzilla film, I think, in my opinion. And Godzilla is one out of four and a half. Again, just like you, we didn't have any five out of five this year and we'll see if that changes in 2024.

Speaker 3:

But this film will sit with me for a long time. I want to purchase any of the art that I can find at conventions that is tied to it. I'm going to purchase the Blu-ray, the DVD, whatever it is that they're going to release. As far as the collector's editions, whatever I can find, godzilla minus one is far and away my favorite film of the year and I know a lot of people feel the same as it has continued to get an extension in the US, so you still have an opportunity to go see this by the end of the year. By the time that you were listening to this episode if you have not seen it yet. It's outstanding and again takes away my best film of the year 2023.

Speaker 4:

Absolutely no arguments and we're likely going to finish on the same rate, and I agree with you again, I badly want to see this movie again in theaters. Mind you, I think that's an experience in itself, but the fact that I've seen it once I probably. I definitely will see this a second time and I definitely will see it at home. That being said, I'm pretty definitive in my answer. Even with a second viewing of Godzilla minus one, while they may both end up being ranked four and a half, the only film I have currently ranked at a four and a half, which I mentioned for best animated film, is Spider-Man Across the Spiderverse. Again, although it doesn't hit the highs of Into the Spiderverse, I think this is my showing to you that this movie is still one of the best versions of this film that could have came out. It is so good. It is amazing. It is my favorite film period. I've seen it twice. It's a firm four and a half.

Speaker 4:

I do not think the film is perfect, but if you forget that it's a middle piece of a three part story, I still think it's so strong that it being at number one shouldn't be that surprising. And if it's on your list as number one if you're listening, absolutely. But this movie is a top five film regardless. I think if you have it anywhere outside of that, it's hard, hard to listen to that argument because it was so good. It had all the elements from the first one and did it at a high level. Again, didn't execute it to be a perfect film, like I consider the first one, but that's such a high bar to reach. So, number one for 2023, I still think it's a very high accomplishment.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no arguments there whatsoever. As far as I mean, it was a really good year for a film for 2023. And listen, there are films missing that we did not get to see. We never got a chance to go see Killers of the Flower Moon, right, we never got to. And I don't think I'm going to watch the Emma Stone film that a lot of people have been discussing.

Speaker 4:

I do want to watch Poor Things, yeah, poor.

Speaker 3:

Things. Yeah, I don't know that. I will see that. But here's the list has a lot of surprises, and I watched movies that I just did not think I would watch, and I think that's a good thing. Like I said, 27 new films altogether. But, eric, I also did a list of just films I watched for the first time 51. 51. So I watched 51 new movies for the here in 2023. And you know what? I want to make that list even larger in 2024. So this is what it's all about. You know, that's one of the best things about doing the show, eric, is we get to broaden our horizons, watch stuff that we probably never would have, or create time in our day to expose ourselves to media that maybe we would have missed out on altogether. So, yeah, yeah, that's. I feel pretty good about where we ended.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and we do a series called Late to the Party, as you guys know. If you've been listening to the podcast for a while, is there a movie from this year that we missed out on? We'd love to consider that for a future Late to the Party episode. Let us know. But, yeah, a great, great 2023. We've got so much more to look forward to in 2024. Us being able to, for example, now have one episode a week We've done that for a little bit now. A couple of months, like a quarter Is going to allow us to watch and consume more stuff where we're not worried about recording, editing, all of that. So it does help alleviate some of that, and we hope that you guys are down for the ride next year, because we are going to be going at it hard, starting in January. Boy, that is going to be crazy.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's been nice to get a little bit of a break, but also finish on a strong note, as we always do. Again, as I mentioned this at the top of the episode, whatever you interact with us this year whether you listen to an episode, whether we met you at a convention, whether you commented something on TikTok that wasn't so nice. You know what. We appreciate it and that means that you are somewhat paying attention, but the continued growth of this show and the continued opportunities that we are presented with is always humbling, and 2024 is going to be awesome. So we are very excited to share with you guys what we have coming up next. But, Eric, anything else you want to mention to our audience before we get out of here and wrap up 2023? I mean, we do have like one more surprise bonus episode, but you know it's just going to be a fun time and we get to bring back the wheel.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 4:

So definitely make sure, guys, that you're checking out not only the holiday special which we released the Monday prior to this episode dropping.

Speaker 4:

It's a lot of fun audio only with our other podcasters from Super Bracket Bros, your friendly neighborhood gamers and Gamer Growns, but a definitely especially if you're still in the holiday spirit definitely a great time this Friday or probably some time around this week, and I think we're aiming for Friday. But bonus episode what did I miss? We brought it back last month and we're going to bring it back as a bonus episode. It's very casual. We're going to release it when it's ready towards the end of each month and we're going to try to stick to that formula as just some bonus content. So if you're interested in that, you want to hear a little bit about the news circuit and what you might have missed, or you wanted to hear our opinions on in the month of December, be on the lookout on our feed for that. And, phil, it's up to you to let everyone know, especially if they're new, where they need to go to find all that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, guys, everything you need is in our link tree link. It's going to where you're going to find our social media pages. Instagram, tiktok are probably the most important, so keep up with us there. And also you can find a link to our entire library. So if you want to find out a little bit more about some of these movies that we mentioned, we have done longer form episodes on a lot of the films that we talked about today, as well as the shows, so make sure you go check out that.

Speaker 3:

And if you find yourself wanting to support the podcast maybe you're in a giving mood here in the holiday season One of the best ways to do that you can give us five stars, apple podcast or Spotify. Share the episodes, tag us, let us know that you're watching. We learned and we learn every year. We've got listeners all over the world, which blows our mind. Thank you for listening to our nonsense. Let us know that you're listening. We want to hear from you, we want to hear suggestions, we want to hear constructive criticisms, all of that but we just want to hear from you. So let us know, and one of the best ways to do that is tagging us on social media. But if you're feeling a little extra giving Eric, well, you know how you can support the podcast a little bit extra, yeah.

Speaker 4:

So obviously we have a lot of different things that you can engage with us free. For example, join our discord. Phil talked about how there's like 50 plus movies he's seen. He gives little mini reviews in the discords. We have a lot of fun and we're looking to grow that in 2024. But if you want to do something financially to support the podcast, you can go straight to our website through Buzzsprout, which is also in the link in the show notes, through that link tree link and support us there. Or you could take those funds and move them and become a Patreon member. We're patrons like Stefan and Briar are helping keeping, are helping to keep the show running and smooth. So for us we get to do all these little mistakes, these technical issues. You heard it at the top of the episode. We had to do this like two different days. If you want to see some of those exclusive clips behind the scenes and you want early access to episodes like this one, make sure to become a Patreon member. Asap P Pay. Asap ASAP Pay.

Speaker 4:

I am tired. We do not record on two hours normally, so thank you for sticking with us. We truly appreciate all of the support. Cannot thank you enough, but because we don't normally record episodes this long, it's time to. It's time for us to go. My name is Mr Eric Almighty. That is my co-host, phil the Filipino, and please don't forget, we release new episodes every Wednesday on the podcast, with bonus content on platforms like TikTok, and all you got to do is wait for it.

Speaker 1:

So I heard you're looking for a go to source for entertainment. Wait for it Gaming. Wait for it Anime.

Speaker 2:

Plus Ultra.

Speaker 1:

Mr Eric Almighty and Phil the Filipino. Yeah, they've got you covered, and all you got to do is wait for it. This is the wait for it podcast.

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