The Wait For It Podcast
Hosted by MrEricAlmighty and PhilTheFilipino, the guys discuss all things in Pop Culture from movies, gaming, anime and anything in between. New episodes every Wednesday, all you have to do is...WAIT FOR IT!
The Wait For It Podcast
Creator Spotlight: IvanPatch
Ever wondered how a passion for anime and comic book art can evolve into a full-fledged career? IvanPatch joins us this week, sharing the vibrant tapestry of his artistic journey and how the convention scene became his canvas for success. Feel the pulse of a thriving community as we dig into the mutual growth between creators, exchanging invaluable experiences that have colored Ivan's work with success. His story isn't just a feast for the ears; it's a masterclass in navigating the dynamic and demanding world of art conventions.
Strap in for a whirlwind tour of the anime universe where we serve up a smorgasbord of topics. Nostalgia kicks in as we reminisce on the series that have kept us glued to our screens, sometimes in frustration, other times in awe. It's a game of anime trivia that will test even the most seasoned otaku, sprinkled with controversial takes on overrated titles and the adaptations that made us sigh in disappointment.
Lastly, we don't shy away from the debates splitting the anime community. We laugh, we squabble, and sometimes, we're just plain gobsmacked over the series that have fanned the flames of fan discussions. From the pitfalls of long-running shows to the adaptation misfires that couldn't stick the landing, we're unpacking it all. So, whether you're here for the art, the anime, or the unbridled passion of three friends dissecting their favorite medium, tune in and join us for a conversation as animated as the art form we love.
Everything you need to support IvanPatch is located at this link - https://linktr.ee/ivanpatch
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Welcome to your go-to source for entertainment. Wait for it.
Speaker 2:Gaming, wait for it. Anime Plus Ultra. Mr Eric Almighty and Phil the Filipino yeah, they've got you covered, and all you gotta do is Wait for it.
Speaker 3:Hey everyone, welcome back to the Wait for it podcast. I am your co-host, phil Smith, aka Phil the Filipino, and joining me, as always, is your other co-host, mr Eric Almighty. And Eric, we are here with the very first Creator Spotlight of 2024. This is a series we introduced last year and it has been rolling, and we've had so much fun speaking with our guest. And we have a guest on here today that is returning and who has been part of the podcast for a very, very long time. But we are going to have a little bit of a different conversation here today, as opposed to the one you had with him a couple of years ago now, which is crazy that we've all known each other for so long. So super excited for this, as we are hanging out here on a Sunday afternoon, the Jaguars have been eliminated from the playoffs, so we were like, yeah, what the hell, let's hang out with some of our other friends and get this done.
Speaker 1:That's exactly what we said, and it also doesn't help that we sing the praises of our guests so much, but every time we see him he's like are you ever going to?
Speaker 3:have a podcast again Because he doesn't watch any of our show records.
Speaker 2:That is not true.
Speaker 1:Well, you know, ivan is with us, aka Ivan Patch, and we are just so overjoyed to have you on again. You know we had some clips from you from the end of year awards, which was awesome. Ivan, you are a madman right now from cons to cons, so we appreciate you making the time. How's your Sunday going so far? How are you doing so?
Speaker 2:for the hello Sunday. I woke up very early today to edit a vlog for conventions that I did At the end of last year, so I'm already behind because the schedule is not the best. But you know, things are okay. Just a little stacked, honestly. Just a little too stacked, if I'm being honest. I could understand that.
Speaker 1:I mean I would assume you'd like to have more cons than less. So now that you've moved into this full time from the last time that we spoke which is pretty awesome, and I know you had some things kind of happen at the end of last year's of challenges, so we'll kind of get into all of that but we're just so super excited to have you on board and tell us a little bit, ivan, for people that didn't listen to our episode, together we did an intro to anime episode. You gave us a little bit of your background there and we dive deep into your journey into anime, which I'm sure we'll have in the show notes of this episode as well. But just for anyone that's not going to check that out or hearing about you for the first time, can you give us a little bit of an idea of what you do as an artist and how you kind of got into the medium?
Speaker 2:Okay well, so I'm trying to keep this short. So I paint, I do art, but I mean I've always just been into anime since I was a kid my and comic books. Honestly, it was like comic books and manga mostly, and then it like deviated into anime because it was there. But no, I always like had an affinity for it and I just I went to school for animation and then never thought I would do cons. I was like, oh, I'll go animate whatever. But this is back in the day when you know it wasn't that easy to animate and there was a lot of lying and colleges back then. Oh yeah, you're good at job.
Speaker 2:But then as years went by, my friends kept telling me, oh, just like your art's good, just do conventions. So I was like, no, I'm not. But I always drew, always painted watercolors, like what little watercolor cards that I had and always chose like animes that I feel like nobody paid attention to, because we always have the same for that everybody loved and or not, that they loved, but they were the most like in your face. And then I started painting other things, like niche animes, and then got into digital and just started, then went to a con and it went pretty well and I said, oh yeah, I'll try this some more. And it just continued to get. I know better, honestly, like.
Speaker 2:And then my art just keeps growing because I keep meeting other artists and like seeing what they do and we all give each other advice and little tips like, oh, this is really cool, I tried this and it was really, it really worked, or whatever. And then you try it out and it ends up being good. So, yeah, paint digital. I'm even like trying to craft things now. It's yeah. So I just keep. I get bored if I stick to one medium only, so I keep trying to have other things. So, but yeah, I know that I answered the question well, because I have. You know, I ran a lot.
Speaker 3:So that definitely answered the question. Well, a jack of all trades. I mean it's crazy because, like you said, you know your friends were like, yeah, you should do conventions. And, eric, like there was a time where we thought like mega con was like the only thing. And then you and then all of a sudden, like this whole world opens up and you're like, oh, they're like, you know, there are smaller conventions, that you know that, where you can meet a lot of people that you wouldn't, and maybe some of those other, those bigger ones, because they're just starting out. And then that's how you kind of like, form these kind of relationships. What was the moment where you did kind of realize, oh, this is something I could make a career and it could be more of a consistent way for me to to share my art and also, you know, earn a little money.
Speaker 2:Who see, my answer is not a smart answer and I don't tell. I tell people, don't do what I did. My first con was Metro con in 2019. And on the second day, tampa is in Tampa, yes. And the second day I went oh, I can make a living out of this. And that was only my first con. That is not smart. But I didn't like, I went, I did, I did do the smart thing and didn't like quit my job immediately or anything Like I stayed at my full time job for four years, five years, four years or so, whatever, like as I was still doing cons, because, like my second day of that, first of my first con, I was like, oh, I could do this, hands out, I want to do this full time, like for sure.
Speaker 2:And you know, a couple of people like my parents were like don't you dare think after one show, you're going to go full time and you're going to be making millions or something. I'm like I didn't say make millions, like where that come from, but like, so I will say that condiment before that way. But I decided to be smart about it and then just like, try a bunch of them first to see, like, how the average would go. And then, of course, what happened was in 2020 we had our pandemic and no conventions. So I only had two under my belt before the pandemic happened and luckily I still did good for that year because I mean, I hate to say that and other people had issues and everything and I'm apologetic for that. But I had a lot of like regulars or followers already that like wanted commissions. So I did a lot of commissions that year and that's kind of what kept like the boat afloat until they're like what?
Speaker 2:Like that half at the middle of the year or near the end of the year, then when things started to open back up and so but yeah, I tell people all the time when people ask because this is happening now, people ask me like, oh, I see you icons all the time. What do you think is a good time? When I want to like, if I want to quit my job, I'm like, um, don't ask me, because I that is. I do not have a good answer for that because I felt great the first con, but I didn't quit. I held my job a little too long. I probably should have quit a little sooner than I did, but everyone's is different, you know you got to do the math yourself. But it's about feeling and yeah, I didn't really listen to my feeling. I tried to be more rational and I don't know that worked either for me.
Speaker 3:Like whenever, whenever we have one episode that hits like triple digit downloads, I tell Eric. I was like let's quit our jobs, we can do this.
Speaker 1:We were right, we're going to tick tock, that explodes.
Speaker 3:I'm like, yeah, I'm quitting my boss to fuck off right now.
Speaker 1:It's a. It's a maddening world that we live in to be able to do the things that we love and want to do the things that we love. So often I think I've been where it definitely envy is just because you get to do that and you work so hard at it and the results obviously are so great. You know we'll have a link to your shop in the show notes as well. Highly recommend you guys check Ivan out. I've done this, I think, in the pre show, but both of us have artwork from Ivan literally in our backgrounds, with Dobby and chainsaw man. I have a mob literally over here and a couple other things that I still need to put up. So highly recommend checking out his work. But, ivan, a lot of people are going to check out your work because you're at like every con. Now I looked at your schedule at.
Speaker 1:January going into February, you have like a four con in five weeks schedule. In fact, I think this is the only week in between that that you're not going to be doing it. So I just want to ask, like, how's your preparation for that much volume? How has that been going, from the cons you've already gone to this year and the cons you're going to because I mean, the next two are pretty big.
Speaker 2:So that is the most stressful part of anything. Doing the art doesn't bother me. I like this sounds egotistical and I apologize, but I don't tend to have creators block. It's only because I watch a lot of movies and I watch a lot of anime and a lot of. I mean I watch a lot of content like and I try to go for like very especially when I'm drawing or painting I try to go for something that's, I guess, a little more out there, like, maybe not like. People will say, oh, I just watch. If they watch anything when they work, they go. I watch reruns of stuff. I say I only watch reruns of stuff when I'm like the like it's the last two or three days before a con, because at that point I'm just touching things up. It's not I don't have to be as a creative thinker, I guess, but when I'm in the process of like figuring, like all the art out and stuff, I tend to put on a lot of like creative things like movies, you know, shows, anime, whatever.
Speaker 2:But is the preparing and like and like getting all the inventory and stuff is like the hardest part for me. I have a tendency to over I be a little over dramatic during those days and then my husband's like bro, you need to relax, like, but I'm like you don't get it. I get this done and this done and this done, and then there's that, and then there's this, and I didn't order the prince yet I didn't do this. Like, what am I going to do? Like, and with the cons coming up, which is mega con, which is the like, honestly, that's the no offense to the other cons or whatever, but that is the one that I'm I worry about the most. Like I, because it's the. It's the one that it's like the Super Bowl for me, honestly, before mega con, it would be four days, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:So, yeah, and for me I'm, I'm on the go for, like obviously, those four days, but then the day before is set up and all that stuff. So, like for those five days I'm like, I'm like I'm a pure adrenaline and people think, oh, you're at a con, you just sit there. No, I understand why you think that that's fine, but like there's a lot of people to coordinate with and like regular is you're going to see and then trying to get new people and then you're meeting all your friends that you haven't seen in a while or whatever. Granted, there's a lot of us that go to the same shows, but there's a lot of other ones that I haven't seen in a while. So, like you're just trying to like keep that energy up and and preparing beforehand is just hard.
Speaker 2:Like I literally just made a work just the past week for five days straight, finishing three prints that I need to have a mega con and they're not prints that I print at home, like they by 10s I print at home. But like the bigger ones, I get them made out and they have a certain deadline. Like, hey, it's going to take us this month, it's going to take us this much time to get them to you. You need to make an order by this day and the shop I use they had to close down for the closing down for a week, some family things and and the thing is that if I wait till they get back, I won't have my stuff for Meganecon. So I was like, oh my God, I was like up night after night. Like I was like go to bed is three in the morning, why are you awake? I'm like, why are you awake? You go to sleep Like I just keep working.
Speaker 2:So like that's the part that gets to me and I'm trying to be more proactive in the future with these shows coming out, because there's so many conventions back to back. Like I'm just trying to make bigger orders upfront and maybe be a little more, maybe a little less productive, because I think I am a bit too productive. I only make time for very little time for certain things, like my husband's like hey, it's watching a new episode, one piece or something. Yeah, I'm going to do that. It's one piece. I'm like I'm going to stop it, but like that. And then a couple of movies like I'll do that, like if my friends say, hey, I want to go check out this movie and I'm like you know what, I can give myself a break to go do that, but I got to get back and work, you know. So, yeah, that's the hardest part, honestly.
Speaker 3:Yeah, eric, and I don't think we really understood. And obviously we're in a different space when we work conventions, you know, you know Ivan's vending, but we're doing other things. And I don't think until we did our first one that we realized, oh, we're like ever running around everywhere, like there really is not that moment. So like we have found, I think, a little bit of a, like a comfort in that first hour of a convention where we don't really have anything to do. It's kind of quiet, you know, we can walk around, like it's like the golden hour of the convention it's, but it's in the beginning of the show where we're like all right, let's relax.
Speaker 3:And then takes the time because, like you know, even though we're prepping for different things the weeks leading up to that convention, we're making sure we have everything, we're going over the schedule, we're going over which guests, where you know what we're going to do, what Eric is going to do, what I'm going to do, and then you have that like one little bit of time where you can just like relax for a little bit before it gets crazy. So I think it's, it's good to hear that you at least do give yourself that time to go to a movie or, you know, go watch a show or something like that, because that's just good advice for anybody who is up against a deadline. Like you do have to take that time where you just have to relax and do something for yourself Super important.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I have been telling people one piece of advice that I'm being hypocritical on. I don't do as I say make sure you give yourself time to eat. I don't do that. I'm really bad about that and everyone in my life is giving me crap about it. And they're not wrong. I 100% agree. But when you're in the zone, I'm sorry you're not like I'm going to go cook something. No, okay, so yeah. So I say that to people make sure you give yourself time to eat.
Speaker 1:So love that. And you know I wasn't surprised at all. Usually Phil gives me a lot of crap, but Ivan's the first person to bring up one piece. We're only a little bit into this and one piece has gotten.
Speaker 2:Don't fill up, don't listen, don't be walking away, okay.
Speaker 1:Listen, I'm just saying it is. It is great. I don't know if you know this. You've probably heard some of the episodes. Me and my family are getting into the one piece journey, loving it, having a great time Phil, just going to hear the same, the same monologue that I usually do. But you know I do want to mention that. You know, one piece is such a influential, you know, product to what you do. Are there any other just kind of like big name anima's that you would say heavily inspired the artwork that you do, whether it's the shading of a color that you use or the type of design sets that you use that you that you favor? What is? What are those series for you that really stand out outside of just one piece?
Speaker 2:So some of these are going to be a controversial because people are going to be like really that inspired you. But honestly, besides one piece, sailor Moon was a very, very it's very influential for me because, like the backgrounds for the 90s anime had a very like watercolor gouache kind of like feeling, and I love watercolors and that's how I started doing the conventions, where there's my little watercolor cards that I used to have and I mean now I don't anymore because you know you evolve and grow out of it or whatever. I'm not going to grow out of it. I just I don't know, I don't feel my watercolor work is that strong, but um, with you know, like. So when it comes to that, like I would say, sailor Moon was super influential and, honestly, dragon Ball like Nazi I'm going to talk about Z, but Dragon Ball because my natural drawing style is like a mix of like Dragon Ball and Scott Pilgrim, like it's kind of like kind of how my character design seemed to look like my, even my little chibi avatar that I have and I think his face structure is like Goku from Dragon Ball, and then the way the colors are.
Speaker 2:To be honest, I really can't, if I was to pinpoint something about how I do my shading or coloring. I really can't figure out what is influenced for me besides just saying all anime I do the cell shading kind of thing and anime's always done that, and I think the Scott Pilgrim anime is the closest thing that goes to how I normally would do my art and that didn't come out until recently. So like I can't say like oh, I saw into the future and I just like said, oh, scott Pilgrim, when that comes out.
Speaker 1:You heard, you heard it here, guys. Ivan is the sole influencer for the animation of the new Scott Pilgrim anime Phil, a show that we still, I think, have some interest to watch, because we mentioned how much of a better medium that would be compared to our experience with the movie. Is that something that you're ever going to watch?
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, for sure it's in my queue. I've just been watching some other things other things that I've hidden from Eric, that I will reveal at a later date but I also am trying to hit 50 new movies this year, so like I'm already off to a great start, I've done three, so to varying levels of success.
Speaker 3:Some of them are good, a couple of them have been really bad. So, yeah, I definitely want to get to it for sure, and you know we talked about this with the Blue Eye Samurai episode, eric. I mean, we're paying all this money for Netflix. I might as well use it.
Speaker 2:I agree.
Speaker 1:Good argument, even though I don't pay for mine. You know, come on now, Ivan. Well, that is against the rules.
Speaker 2:Yeah, wait a minute, it's part of it. It's part of the family, because it's actually part of the household, because originally I was the second one, so it's still kind of me in the household. So which, hey, I'm going to take it.
Speaker 3:So we'll see. I pay for the Netflix and someone else has given me Hulu, so it's kind of all like you know. Any even evens out.
Speaker 1:Sounds like a loophole. That's what that sounds like, but you know we're not going to wretch out.
Speaker 1:We're not going to wretch out, but yeah, no, ivan, we really appreciate you sharing that with us. I know we're going to be seeing you in person. We have plans to go to Megacon on Sunday, you know fingers crossed, although we are waiting on hearing back about a panel. So just a little spoiler that that may or may not change, but we're going to definitely see you at Brick City Anime Festival, which is always a joy. They have a crazy lineup this year. It's insane.
Speaker 3:It is a wild like yeah, I'm excited.
Speaker 1:I think, it's there. Is there anything specifically that you're looking forward to, not only at Brick City, but just like anything on the horizon at some of these cons, like a guest or maybe an art, piece of art that you're getting ready to create or have in mind? Is there something that kind of gets the juices flowing, it gets you excited?
Speaker 2:So I mean all the above because Megacon is just there's just a lot. So I'm excited about that one, just in general, because there's a lot going on. But Brick City I forgot his name and I hate that I always forget their names. But the voice actor who did Yousuke from Yu-Yu Hakusho, who also is Kirishima from my Hero as well, he's going to be a Brick City and no offense to everyone else who's going to be there, like that's cool, whatever, but I, he doesn't get to go, he doesn't go to shows that much. So I and Yu-Yu Hakusho Yu-Suke Yurimeshi is like one of the characters that I grew up on. So I have a painting I want to do of Yu-Suke, I have some prints I want to do, so it's going to be, honestly, brick City is going to be my Yu-Yu Hakusho fiesta and kind of a thing.
Speaker 1:So I'm going to have a lot of you go. Yeah, yeah, justin Cook is the voice actor that's going to be there and they've got, like, so many different people from Chainsaw man, jujutsu, kaisen, my Hero Academia, hell's Paradise.
Speaker 2:Ivan, which you put me on.
Speaker 1:Super exciting. So they've got the lead character and then one of the side characters that are going to be there as well, so a hell of a lineup that I'm super excited for as well.
Speaker 2:I kind of forgot that the voice for Gabi Madu from Hell's Paradise is going to be there. I completely forgot who you just said it. So now I'm like trying to control myself because he was again. I forgot his name, but he was the one that when they announced a dub and I didn't see who it was yet, I said, oh, he's going to be Gabi Madu, there's no way he's not going to be. And then they announced that it was him and I was like, oh OK. So like now I got to make something like when I go see him at a show, because I didn't get to go to the last two shows that he was at.
Speaker 1:So yeah, alejandro, saab, there's two as in the arm, so I'm probably mispronouncing that, but, alejandro, I'm pretty confident he's not the spell itself. No, definitely super exciting. And yeah, just again as we do the Creator Spotlight episode. Just getting to talk to people about their loves, their passions, their crafts is always a great time and, ivan, you're one of the most passionate people that we know when it comes to that. So we just really appreciate you taking the time to talk to us about that. But, phil, we have a couple of games that we had scheduled to play. Both of us have one I've got I'm bringing back one on here, and then, phil, you're bringing one from the what Did I Miss series that we do, which I wouldn't be surprised if Ivan makes an appearance there. Our bonus episode we're doing every month that we're getting recurring guests for. So just a little spoiler and also kind of an unofficial invite, ivan, that we're probably going to ask you to come on that, I'm fine with that.
Speaker 2:I need avenues to talk, so there we go.
Speaker 3:I wish we would have time to record one at a convention, like get a room and then everybody be in there. I don't know that it would be able to. It's probably not possible just because of our schedules, but it would be fun to get people in there and record one in person. But yeah, I think we'll have a couple of games. I also found a list, eric, so if you guys want to do a list, if we do have time I might also found a top 10 list that we can do. Who do you want to do your game first? So you want me to go?
Speaker 1:Let's have you go first because you have a backup, so that way. So I'll go second and if we, if we feel like we want to throw in that list at the end, I'm, I'm, I'm. Game sounds like I've been. Yeah, I know so absolutely Awesome.
Speaker 3:Well, I mean, if you didn't see this game in our in our December episode of what Did I Miss, it is a guest. The movie based on the negative letterboxed review. So these are user reviews of movies, and then these are all anime films. So I've picked five anime films and you guys will get to guess which ones they are talking about. Eric, I think the. I think maybe there's only one on this list you haven't seen, but you will be very familiar with it. It is a. It is a very iconic movie. All right, let's start with the first one here. Let's start from the top. This movie fucking sucks. First of all, the girl is annoying and I kind of want to shove her down and laugh at her while she's on the ground. Also, there's no bad bitches at all. Why am I watching something for two hours If there's not a single bad bitch to look at? Weird ass movie and everyone rating it higher than one star. You were officially a level 10 dick writer and I do not like you.
Speaker 2:Oh my god, that was very strong. That was very intense.
Speaker 1:All right, and this is just any movie like, just in general, yeah.
Speaker 3:Yeah, an anime, that's an anime.
Speaker 2:It was in.
Speaker 3:December.
Speaker 1:In the anime.
Speaker 2:I'm sorry you said it. Wait, did they say the date of when that one was?
Speaker 3:Well, I didn't put the date in. No, dang, ok that would help me decide that would help me figure it out.
Speaker 1:That is tough, there's no, bad ass bitches.
Speaker 2:That's what stuck in my head.
Speaker 1:For some reason, that part, but there was a girl, yes, there was, and they did not like very much my gut, my guts, telling me that Phil would pick a studio ghibli film.
Speaker 2:Yes, me too. Off the bat. That's what I was thinking.
Speaker 1:But I don't. Is it spirited away you?
Speaker 3:have a guess, Ivan.
Speaker 2:Do I think of a girl that they think will be annoying? Hmm, ok, let me think, let me think real hard. Hold on, I'm trying to be quick, bro. Oh, wow See, I feel like spirited away is what I would pick, because like kind of like how Eric chose, because like she's a little girl in it and there's no bad ass bitches in it, I guess, and some people do think that Chihiro was annoying, but I mean, I guess, yeah, I'll go with spirited away as well. It is spirited away.
Speaker 3:Ok, I thought that was a little harsh and even though I didn't particularly enjoy the movie, yeah, that was Can't wait, Can't wait to use this on. These are all half star reviews, by the way. Also, this is not us. We did not leave these reviews. The love of.
Speaker 1:God, I don't know, I don't know.
Speaker 2:I think you did. I filled it in oh you know what I? Think filled it. I think those fills review.
Speaker 3:I didn't use my burner account. That wasn't me, sorry, I forgot to hide that Because that was intense.
Speaker 2:My God, like that was there.
Speaker 3:There's some intense ones on here, here we go. Next one. All right, let's see. Ok, let's go to the next one here. This movie is how I learned to stop worrying and be really bored for two hours. It is an uninspired and visually unimpressive snooze fest through a dystopic new Tokyo filled to bursting with motorcycle riding juggalos, the world's least effective army units in the world where France presumably still exists and extremely unlikeable and ugly weirdo mutant kids. There's some stupid bullshit about the Olympics and societal decay, but all in all, it's just a waste of everyone's time and, frankly, everyone involved should have given up or try harder Zero out of 10. Consider a Hardy Boys novel instead.
Speaker 2:This is already the easiest, the easiest one out of all of them. Let's go. It's a Kira, obviously.
Speaker 1:Phil, I think these are just your reviews of the film. I think, if we play the tape back, you basically said this on an episode.
Speaker 3:I'm not going to go in balls, but I'm not going to read a Hardy Boys book over, so I don't.
Speaker 2:I do feel like these reviews.
Speaker 3:I don't think so. So, yeah, like here. Well, I also. I didn't give a Kira half star, so none of these can could possibly be me.
Speaker 2:Well, we can see that they're half stars though, so you could be lying and you. I didn't get to do the.
Speaker 3:I didn't get to do the PowerPoint presentation like I did.
Speaker 1:And what did I miss?
Speaker 3:Yeah, all right, excellent here Visually flat, horrendously scored. Dialogue is badly written and exposition laden. The story is all is alt right Chemtrails, conspiracy, anti-authoritarian rubbish. The worst animation I've seen in my life. The only redeeming moment was the garbage truck driver with the implanted memories, and even that's nicked from Blade Runner. An embarrassment to culture.
Speaker 2:Truck driver.
Speaker 1:I'm trying to think, phil, is this a movie I would know about or that I've seen?
Speaker 3:You know about it.
Speaker 2:Okay, sorry, so everybody, I hit my hand.
Speaker 3:Oh, you two will see it.
Speaker 2:I'm leaving that in. That's unfortunate. Read it again. Or at least the first two sentences I remember, but after that I can't remember what it was after that.
Speaker 3:The worst animation I've seen in my life. The only redeeming moment was the garbage truck driver with the implanted memories. And even that's nicked from Blade Runner. An embarrassment to culture. This is one of the, I'll say, I'll give you guys a little hint. This is one of, like the, I would say, pillar anime films. Is it Ghost in the Shell, eric? Do you have a guess?
Speaker 1:I'm going to trust his judgment. Ghost in the Shell, it's Ghost in the Shell. I knew it.
Speaker 2:How dare they say wait? Oh my God, are they judging the anime movie?
Speaker 3:or is it all action garbage? No, these are the anime. Yeah, this is the end. He hit Addy. Okay, I can't handle this.
Speaker 2:I feel like you chose.
Speaker 3:He's a target me to hurt my heart, we've never discussed Ghost in the Shell. I have no idea. That's true. That's true, it's true. All I know is Scarlett Johansson was fantastic. That's what I heard.
Speaker 2:Okay, I'm not even going to touch that topic. Perfect guess, am I not even mad at her? I'm just mad at the direction. But either way, I'm not even going to touch that topic.
Speaker 3:Based on how some of these older anime films have gone for us. Eric, I don't even know if we should watch that for a late to the party.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I don't think you'll like it. It's not going to be honest, yeah.
Speaker 1:Oh, ivan, we'll do a quick break here. So obviously you've heard that Phil has had a hard time with Studio Ghibli films. Have you ever watched Porco Rosso? Yeah, do you think, based off of his disdain for Spirited Away and the Born in the Heron?
Speaker 3:I don't have disdain for Spirited Away. Born in the Heron. Yes, I have disdain for. I don't have disdain for Spirited Away.
Speaker 1:Based off of his unsatisfactory levels of Studio Ghibli so far and arguably two big films out of that, do you think he would like it? Because one of our patrons, briar, wants us to watch it and we will, but I don't want to break his heart, so I want to kind of prepare, I think, for the worst.
Speaker 2:I mean out of all. If out of the other ones, porco Rosso would be the one I think you would like a little better. I don't know why particularly, but there are, just like something about the tone is a little different. Like I mean, I just feel like Porco the I forgot wait, I forgot, I forgot what I was saying. That's not his name, that's not his name, jesus, either way, the pig. I forgot his name. But like he, like the character is kind of like he's cool, like he's like fun, like. So I just feel like you would like him. So where versus like I can see why people don't like to hero blah, blah, blah, and then in Born in the Heron, why the main character is kind of like like stale, but we're not going to, I'm not going to touch that any further, but um, that's right.
Speaker 1:I was like I don't want to get attacked.
Speaker 2:I don't want to get attacked. Oh yeah, because I have feelings about Born in the Heron that it's fine.
Speaker 1:The point is that We'll do that in the Patreon after show, where it's like safe, we don't touch that, I mean.
Speaker 2:I enjoy the movie.
Speaker 3:I do like what you have said I think you mentioned it in your, in the one of the clips you sent in, or maybe we were just talking about it like how the Ghibli films to you as the um, you look more of them as art pieces as opposed to film and when I look at it from that point of view, yeah, I have a much bigger appreciation for them when it's supposed to thinking about them. As you know, a movie where I want to hear structure and plot, and, yeah, act one, act two, act three, um, you know, so I did. I did enjoy that uh perspective on it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean that's like with Pogo Rosso. I feel like it is a bit more of a cohesive film. So I just feel like that would be easier to watch. It's the same thing why I tell people like I mean this is a hot take. Apparently I didn't know this until last year. But I say when people want to watch Ghibli film I say if you don't want to watch many of them, that's fine. But Prince Mononoke, I think, is a good watch for it. And most of the time I've been on point, everyone's like oh yeah, you're right, it was so good. I had like two people that did not care for it and they hated it a lot.
Speaker 1:I've definitely seen clips. It's a lot more violent.
Speaker 2:It is, I'm more violent I. I again do think it is more on a spiritual level of a type of story, but it has more of a cohesive like this is the goal and or this is the characters, like what he's trying to do, and then here we got to the end. I do say that it is one of those things that I know, like I know I think Phil mentioned before too that it is one of those things that things do just happen, and but it's kind of like this is his life and this is kind of how he has to like, like I take that as like the well, life doesn't always make sense when things happen to you. I know, god knows that, like I know, because a lot of random things happen to me and I'm like, wait, how did the, what, why does it happen to me? So, like the main character, mananoke, I kind of feel that's kind of how it is for him.
Speaker 2:But overall I think it's a more cohesive film, you know, and it is a lot more violent, which I know some people love and like you know so. But I think Pocoroso is fine for you, for you Do I think that won't be. I think that will be a little more enjoyable than some of the others, and so so, yeah All right, that was our studio.
Speaker 1:Ghibli break there we go. All right, Phil, back to it.
Speaker 3:All right, next one here. Watch to confirm my suspicions. And it was indeed ass. Some moments of where the movie is telling you hey, this is supposed to be a sad moment. You're supposed to care, but you cannot bring yourself to care about anyone in the story. Please stop the pandemic of empty, mediocre stories wrapped up in huge animation budgets.
Speaker 2:That was such a generic, vague review that I'm like hold on. What can this possibly be? But he said pandemic, so I imagine it came out during then.
Speaker 1:And again, Phil, have I seen this or would I know? You've seen it? I've seen it.
Speaker 2:Is it a silent voice?
Speaker 1:A silent voice came out, like six years ago.
Speaker 2:No, it didn't yeah A lot longer than that 2016.
Speaker 1:But when we got it, it was.
Speaker 2:Oh, I guess it wasn't during the pandemic time. I'll say this yeah, don't focus on the word pandemic.
Speaker 3:They just use the word pandemic. Oh gosh, yeah, Okay.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm trying to do chronological over here. Let's see, read it, read it one more time Watch to confirm my suspicions.
Speaker 3:And it was indeed ass. Some moments where the movie is telling you hey, this is supposed to be a sad moment, you're supposed to care, but you cannot. You just cannot bring yourself to care about anyone in the story. Please stop the pandemic of empty, mediocre stories wrapped up in huge animation budgets.
Speaker 1:I'm, if I've seen it. It's one of the, it's one of the films that I don't like More than likely, so I'm gonna. I don't think it's this, I don't think it's too recent, so I'm gonna go with weather, yeah, weather with you, yeah all right, that is your name.
Speaker 2:I knew it. That was my second guess. That was my second guess, my heart, I.
Speaker 1:Wanted to go to some a here, but I was like no, there's no, no way.
Speaker 3:Focus on was you. There's supposed to be a sad moment, You're supposed to care, but you just cannot bring yourself to care about anyone. I read that I was like there's no way this person watched this movie.
Speaker 1:That was my second.
Speaker 2:That was my second guess. Seriously, I was like it's gonna be a first of. I was like it's definitely a Makoto Shinkai movie. So I was like, hold on, which one is it?
Speaker 1:You're all the right, I know yeah.
Speaker 2:I was. I knew it was your name. I was like I think they'll chose this to attack.
Speaker 3:Well. I know for sure this is not me, so at least you can take solace, and In knowing that I would never say such blasphemous things, all right last one.
Speaker 1:No, that's a review for Susan may, unofficially.
Speaker 2:We're not gonna.
Speaker 1:Oh, okay, you know what my brother also hates both of us for that. Yeah, it is what it is. I want to go and I've been. I want to the second time I tried.
Speaker 3:I didn't get a picture of Harrison Ford with the chair at the at the Emmy, so, like you know, that'll exist in pop culture. There we go, all right. Last one here I was never a fan, a huge fan of the anime, but, oh my god, a fan filled piece of schlock. I saw this in theaters and that was one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made. There were so many fans in there and they were so inconsiderate and were screaming whenever any character popped up and was the worst Bad movie. Don't see it.
Speaker 2:I have two, have two guesses, but I'm trying to narrow it down.
Speaker 1:I definitely feel like you. You would pick a my hero movie, for sure. I feel like if you're picking anime movies, I feel like you would have picked one, see I.
Speaker 2:Thought that, but I think it's a one piece movie. Oh wait, oh no, but it's one. Did Eric see it?
Speaker 3:Yeah, you see it.
Speaker 2:Oh, that's a great question Did. I mean it wasn't okay. Okay and it was.
Speaker 1:Oh, it's probably a good pick goes to the show which I know for a fact he hasn't seen. So it could have been anything, but that's good to know. I'm gonna say it's the first my hero academia movie.
Speaker 2:I feel like it's jujitsu kaisen. Oh, that's not a bad one, the jujitsu kaisen zero or whatever zero.
Speaker 3:Yeah, it's my hero, two heroes.
Speaker 1:So, oh, the second one, okay, oh.
Speaker 2:Really. I actually like that one, if I'm being honest that second one has.
Speaker 1:Ellen, yeah, it's not, it's not great. I still personally love the first one.
Speaker 2:I think it's a little bit more compact.
Speaker 1:Yeah but yeah, no that that. Uh, that story for two heroes isn't too bad. The only one that's really been a big miss Is world heroes mission.
Speaker 3:That movie feel feel a little bit orphan honestly, I hated that movie, like I. I hated it yeah it's so bad.
Speaker 2:They only focused on three characters, really and like.
Speaker 1:And back to our my hero talk. Pre-pre episode. Literally, it's because of this movie that the animation quality dipped in the show. So literally it was a double-edged sword. I don't think my hero recovered and I complained about that.
Speaker 2:Immediately the second they announced it, I was like, oh, they're gonna take the budget from this season. Jesus Christ, don't do this. And no, it's like what it did and they did it also, by the way little little asterisk. This is super pretentious of me and I apologize. But the first movie, the reason why it's so good, the reason why is because the storyline is the exact same storyline for the hunter hunter. The second movie.
Speaker 1:I did hear that it was pretty much a ripoff. Almost exactly the same. But seeing as how I'm probably never gonna watch hunter, hunter, I'm, I'm all good for it.
Speaker 2:How dare you? That's blaspheming.
Speaker 1:I'm sorry, I've got some anime that I like I will watch. Like one piece was always kind of that one that like it was just a thousand episode count. That was stopping me. But I always looked at one piece. But like I'm never gonna watch Naruto. I mean rare rare that I would ever watch bleach, although like it's it's more in the middle. I want to watch you you hawka show, but hunter, hunters on the opposite end. Like I just don't think I'm gonna find the time to watch it.
Speaker 2:Um, then where it?
Speaker 1:stopped and all the stuff with the manga, like everything I hear about it's like I don't know that I want to pick that up.
Speaker 2:I will say, if you were to watch it, because my husband hasn't watched it yet either. He knows I love it, it's tattooed on my arm, he knows I love it and he's going to watch it. I don't care what he says, but um, like it, I will say, out of all the minutes is a shorter one, and so like, and the way it ends it's like it could be the ending, like you don't need like as much as I admit, like I've. I've said that the manga is not done and he's always, you know, having health issues when it comes to like working. But, um, if you watch the anime, like you could leave it as like you know what this is the end.
Speaker 3:I'm cool with this being the end, and so just FYI, but Eric, you don't have to watch a bleach, you can watch blue excursist Blue excursion is good, though you guys both are adamant. I don't know who actually is much shorter. Yeah, so it's only. I think it's like in its third season, second or third season, didn't it just come back I? Was watching the other day. Yeah, I need to get excited.
Speaker 2:It's good, it's a good show.
Speaker 3:Well, and then he also started watching the blue excursist of sitcom comedies in it's always sunny. I mean not the blue excursion, the uh, the, the one piece which I have also started that journey as well. I was much more open to starting it's always sunny as opposed to yeah uh, the pirate show when you guys are all just on your way to a box with nothing in it and friendship was the real one piece all along.
Speaker 2:No, he already said it's gonna be a tangible thing.
Speaker 3:So I don't hear it.
Speaker 1:He's gonna be a mirror.
Speaker 3:It's gonna be a mirror and they're gonna look at it.
Speaker 2:You are the one piece. No, I already know. They had episodes showing that it was something, so I don't hear it. They didn't tell you what it was. I don't believe you here.
Speaker 1:Here's what I'll say. I will say I don't know if you know this, but they are remaking the. It's called the one piece. I even looks upset now.
Speaker 2:Here's what I will say now. They're like reanimating him. The first, the first arc or the first side of the first arc.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and they're doing it through wit studio instead of towi animation. So towi animations, you're. You're a classic, like one piece dragon ball.
Speaker 2:Sailor moon disarmament series.
Speaker 1:Yeah, where wit, you know wit obviously for several different series, including attack on titan for the early season.
Speaker 3:So like it's supposed to be a more confined Storytelling, not as yeah, but then people are gonna be like, oh, you watch the wit version, so no. I'm not opening myself up to that. You're not gonna. Okay, all right, I honestly don't do it.
Speaker 2:I mean I'm talking crap because I know I'm gonna watch it, but I'm watching it with like Like disdain Because like I want to know what they're gonna do, because they already admitted they're gonna use a art, and I'm already oh, no, no, no, no no. I'm already annoyed by that.
Speaker 3:Um no yeah, it sounds like just like the corporate version of. What is it when people do, when they do stuff on youtube where they, they voice, act for everybody in a series so you can just like catch up on an anime. What's that called? Oh the bridge, yeah, bridge. Like voice actors, yeah, that's that just sounds like a A corporate version of yeah, I know not, they have.
Speaker 2:And netflix is only doing it because they, since they have the live action one piece, they want to own more rights for one piece. So they're like, oh well, we'll just do this, and to me it's like spitting in the animators face back in the day. So I'm just yeah. I'm not a fan, I'm not the most excited about it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I will just say that watching one piece that I'm okay with the story. I actually love east blue. Um, I don't know why people say it takes so long to get into it. I think you can get into the show right away personally. But the pacing, especially around fights.
Speaker 2:I agree it's a little drag in the beginning for sure, because they had to spread that, those chapters out.
Speaker 1:I get it, but I would like to see a more refined no.
Speaker 2:I mean I agree, I mean like I, I the further it gets, the there are moments where it gets less um, draggy or whatever. Then it's time where it does it again. But you know, like I think some people are a little too harsh. I'm like it's not Dragon Mosey here, okay, calm down, like we're not taking 20 years to do a spear bomb.
Speaker 1:Oh, you're gonna stuff.
Speaker 2:I know I'm like yo.
Speaker 3:You have to explain every card after you explain it to him as a kid, because I watched the first season of you as it was coming out and the Pegasus duel taking Two and a half months, and I was like, oh my god, what is happening? And of course I, you know, the only other anime I watched was Pokemon and so this took. So so long I was like, oh yeah, we finally got to the vitals, we finally got to Pegasus. Yeah, I'm like, yeah, I can't rewatch them because it's, it's tough, it's yeah, everybody knows that's been my experience with Dragon Ball Super.
Speaker 1:I was like, oh, I'm gonna kind of give this a shot. And I was like, oh, this is just like how z was and this is taking too long, I'm not gonna do this. Yeah, uh, really, really tough. But, phil, was that all your letterbox movies?
Speaker 3:I had five, I just picked five.
Speaker 1:I had five, all right. So we'll jump into my game, uh, and we will stick on the anime, uh, tv side of things and we will talk about several series. Now I purposely picked series that you both may not have watched, to keep it kind of open. So you would know these animes, uh, but one or both of you may not have watched them. I think Ivan probably has seen them all, but, phil, there may be a couple you have not.
Speaker 1:So the way the IMD parents guide works is I'm gonna go through the categories of each film. These are parents that filled this out in categories of sex, in nudity, violence and gore, profanity, alcohol, drugs and smoking, frightening and intense scenes, and they have rated this From mild all the way to extreme. So, with that being said, if at any point you have a guess, shout it out. But we're gonna get started. Our first unknown anime here in the sex and nudity category, one of our characters is captured and video calls the men. She's scantily Cladding, uh, she's got her scantily clad breasts that are practically practically visible. Hmm, violence and gore. After a massacre, we see a man's rib cage sticking out of his side. Prophanity, but there's mild profanity, less uses of hell and damn. Hmm, alcohol, drugs and smoking very little. There is cigarette smoking throughout.
Speaker 3:It no. Well is this, oh man he said she was captured.
Speaker 1:He said the girl was captured, girl was captured, yep.
Speaker 2:Someone's rib cage? What the hell.
Speaker 3:Okay, this is heavenly delusion.
Speaker 2:It is not. No, no, I remember beginning that way. Oh, that's how it's frightening, oh okay, okay, frightening and intense scenes.
Speaker 1:This is a fairly dark and melancholy, melancholy neo noir animation. I'm struggling war.
Speaker 2:I'm so struggling, I'm struggling hard.
Speaker 1:That's okay, we're gonna go back around. So sex and nudity overall is moderate, and there are One of our characters that is naked, taking a shower, but talks are visible.
Speaker 2:I know, I just wanted to say but Really, do we emphasize that?
Speaker 1:Violence in Gore overall is moderate. A Villain kills several men by sword. We see blood spurting shortly.
Speaker 3:The thing that's getting me is the kidnapped character. Yeah, that's what I'm trying to focus on, so I'm thinking I might be on the right track and I'm like I don't ball. So this could be a show I've never seen.
Speaker 1:Yep that's why I wanted to throw some of those in there. It's just just to keep you guessing. Profanity overall is moderate. Some of the words they use our shit son of a bitch and god damn it.
Speaker 3:Alcohol, drugs in smoking is overall moderate that show with the guy who has a gun for a head.
Speaker 2:Oh no, I don't remember that beginning that way either.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I was thinking you know are, I don't know are, yeah, three characters each unknowingly eat a hallucinogenic mushroom and experience a different hallucination. Is this, is this cyberpunk? No, but your guesses, guys, are not bad. These are not bad guesses. I don't think cuz.
Speaker 2:I remember the beginning of cyberpunk, the guy oh wait, no one's cannot. In the beginning, though, god thing.
Speaker 1:In frightening and intense scenes Animals, specifically a dog, are seen in peril may be difficult or upsetting for some viewers.
Speaker 2:Oh no, yes, I can't handle when animals are. I'm like no, Yo, I do.
Speaker 3:I have no are. You know are is throwing me off too.
Speaker 2:Yes, that's who I'm trying to think of all my neo nor animes that I know and I'm like Hold on like what. What am I forgetting?
Speaker 1:Before we go through the next round, I will give you guys a hint. This show is very heavily Known for and inspired with the music attached to it, so music is a big thing when it comes to this particular anime classic anime.
Speaker 2:He says someone's rib was out. That's what one of the parents said here. I'm trying to think of all the openings that I remember Huh oh the muse, oh muse a bochi, yeah bochi.
Speaker 1:Now bochi the rock.
Speaker 2:I'm like bochi starts like that.
Speaker 1:Let's go like absolutely not, ah, yeah, all right back to sex and nudity but ox. Let me fuck but ox. Two of our characters are held up by the main character in his ship. One of them is handcuffed to a pole and positioned upright in minimal clothing, while the other is restrained, implying a sexual nature Ship in a shape. I said ship the main character has a ship.
Speaker 3:What the hell yo I don't know and when you say it what this?
Speaker 2:I know when you say what it is. I swear to God if there's something I know and I'm gonna be so angry.
Speaker 1:Probably it's a very well-known anime violence and gore. A man is experiment, experimented on in a dream. His eyes are about to be slashed. Cybernetic organs and jars are briefly seen in the background.
Speaker 3:I have no clue. Dude, I'm lost.
Speaker 1:Phil, not having a clue makes sense. Ivan, I do think you should know this one. Yeah, I'm so mad. Alcohol, drugs and smoking. A dealer sprays a mis-like drug into his eyes a few times in the first episode. Is it good, cowboy the bloodshot?
Speaker 2:But that's why threw me off. No one's rib is out in the first, first episode of first scene, or first episode.
Speaker 1:Oh, rib cage was at some point in the season, not necessarily.
Speaker 2:I thought it was like in the first scene and I'm like what, and that's why I they didn't watch the first episode. They watched the first. They was a trailer, because the person pinned up in the ship remember, these are parents, so I know that's it threw me off because Faye is not in the first episode and the scene they're talking about it's a trailer.
Speaker 3:Okay, wait, cowboy bebov has ships in it like not, I was like. Pirate ships.
Speaker 2:I knew it was bebop man from a long time off, like but wait, no one's rib cages out and no girls captured in the beginning. So this is wrong. So that's why I didn't think it was.
Speaker 3:You know noir. Okay, that makes sense now.
Speaker 1:All right, now we got an idea of how the game is played. We're gonna move on. Our next anime unknown anime, is Going to start off with sex and nudity in the parents guide of IMDB. It is mild. There are some quick passing sexual references that are under detailed in nature but are usually comedic. Violence in gore is mild. The main protagonist rips off a chunk of his thumb, somewhat bloody but brief. Profanity is mild in this episode. In the episode where a character is introduced, another character rapidly swears in amazement. Alcohol, drugs and smoking. Two main characters make wine and drink it. One of them says it's underage drinking. The other one says they're actually 3700 years old, so it isn't what.
Speaker 3:Dr Stone.
Speaker 1:It is Dr.
Speaker 3:Stone, is it really?
Speaker 1:a good job, very good job, yes.
Speaker 3:I remember that wine scene, for some reason.
Speaker 2:I do remember the wine scene. For some reason, I thought of something so like okay, I mean, I believe it, it's not a human and it makes sense and he rips off.
Speaker 1:He rips off some of his skin. He can do the mark on his, on his clothes.
Speaker 2:I took it to the crazy.
Speaker 3:I got that, having only watched like 10.
Speaker 1:I know the fact that you don't like that show.
Speaker 2:I'm very mad. You know that show, oh my god, okay, I like it.
Speaker 3:It was back when Eric gave me like a list of five anime to watch, and that was one of them.
Speaker 1:To be fair.
Speaker 3:I think four out of the five were hits, but I just know.
Speaker 1:No, you had me. Watch. Promise, that's an Asia cloud, you had me watch promise Neverland and I did not enjoy it yeah, promise in the first season, really Okay.
Speaker 2:Oh, no, first season is great. I don't know what season two is garbage. One is the only one that's actually good.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I've never. I never personally had gone through the disrespect that a lot of people did Back in the day when they fucked up your like second or third season of anime. So I watched promise Neverland blind. Yeah after reading the manga, I went in blind, not knowing that they were gonna change the story. So when the first character that was supposed to be there didn't show up, I was like, well, that's an interesting change. Yeah, getting worse.
Speaker 2:Yeah, never, but he gave me a classic in classrooms.
Speaker 3:So like I don't really I don't think about the negatives, I want to buy the the manga collection. Have you seen it worth? Because they're all different faces? Oh man, it's yeah so it's expensive, but I want it so bad.
Speaker 2:It's worth it, though, because I bought before the box that came out. I bought them individually, and if you buy the set, it's way more cost-effective than if you buy them.
Speaker 3:Yeah, so now I'm mad, which I wish I could have done with the chainsaw man, because now they have a whole set.
Speaker 2:Yeah, now I'm buying. I stopped buying manga unless I know it's not gonna be in a set and so this time when you can kind of tell now, but you know. Yeah that's all right.
Speaker 3:Yeah, it's a beautiful set. That's so cool.
Speaker 1:All right, let's get into our next one. We've got a couple more left, so let's jump into the next anime unknown anime on the IMDb parents guide. We're gonna start off with sex annuity. There's none. There are a few mild references to sex, but nothing really dramatic pass. But Uh, violence in gore is severe. One of the seasons get even more intense and disturbing than the preceding seasons in term of graphic violence.
Speaker 3:But there's no nudity so increases as you, as you go, okay.
Speaker 1:Profanity is moderate. There are some instances of R rated curse words, but it's more like PG 13 language. So in there are some fucks but more like ass, shit, etc. That's what they said here.
Speaker 2:Oh, I thought you added that in yourself.
Speaker 1:Alright. Oh, alcohol, drugs and smoking is mild. One character is considered an alcoholic drinking whiskey for several times that he's on screen hmm, whiskey is a is a specific. Yeah, and then frightening and intense scenes. The fact that many of the people dying are young teenagers is very upsetting, so you could say under 18.
Speaker 3:There's no. There's no like intense cussing in black clover. Is there? It's not black.
Speaker 1:No no, it's not black, okay, okay, we'll go back up to sex and nudity again. It's listed as none the. I'm really excited about this opportunity. The only nudity that is displayed in this show is buttocks, and it is only seen from one types of the characters that are fully naked but do not have genitalia. Attack on Titan.
Speaker 2:I was about to say it has to be that yeah, just really excited, even though buttocks was in there. The second, you said there was no genitalia. I was like, oh, what's it like on Titan? But I I keep forgetting that. We can just say it while you're like Describing it. I was waiting for you to finish the sentence so polite.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it feels like no, no.
Speaker 3:I've done this.
Speaker 1:All right, let's get to our final two. The next anime, unknown anime. On the IMDB parents guide. We're gonna figure it out through the first category, sex and nudity, which is mild. A man makes a comical reference to porn site, saying that another man got a sprain in his shoulder from clicking on them too much. Interestingly enough, I don't remember that. Huh, violence and gore is moderate. Someone put here the violence is no worse than stuff like my hero, academia.
Speaker 3:It's an actual comment. Interesting. Is it odd taxi it?
Speaker 1:is not Profanity, a couple of uses of the word shit. So it's mild. Alcohol, drugs and smoking. There's none. Occasionally there are some scenes of cigarette smoking, but nothing more than that hmm, Frighting and frightening and intense scenes is moderate, but there's really no comments here, other than one of the characters gets run over by a car. It's not shown but it is implied Is it you, you Haka show. No it's not, not you you Haka show.
Speaker 3:Sure, it's not odd taxi.
Speaker 1:All right, we're gonna go back up and we're gonna go back to sex and nudity again, which is mild, and there is a character who is falsely accused of stealing several girls recorders, and Several other boys are also falsely accused of stealing girls, gyms, gym clothes, violence and gore. In a few episodes people get kidnapped and tortured by having their face put in water, though it's very comedic and not serious.
Speaker 2:I feel like I should know these is an assassination classroom.
Speaker 1:Not assassination classroom, but in anime. I know you both have yo what I'm so bad at this right now. Pro-fantasy is mild. There is usage of the word dipshit in one of the episodes.
Speaker 3:You dipshit.
Speaker 1:Alcohol, drugs and smoking. Again they have it listed as none, but they do have an example in one episode where a character vomits on screen after drinking in a bar, though According to the mom's I mean change some. Look at the dead Zom 100 you guys mentioned you name like three anime there was on 100, zom 100 no.
Speaker 3:It's not but yeah, oh yeah, that's way more violent, not alcohol, oh yeah, she's a man's way more violent to my hero, to.
Speaker 1:On par with my hero, okay, you for we'll go back to sex and nudity here Very excited for this opportunity once again. In several episodes, male characters buttocks are seen, Usually under comedic circumstances of accidentally losing their clothes. The show's art style is rather cartoony, though, so it isn't as offensive as it could have been.
Speaker 2:See, my mind keeps going to Mob Psycho, but I know that's not right.
Speaker 1:It is Mob Psycho 100.
Speaker 2:I knew it. I knew it. I knew it, I knew it.
Speaker 1:That's what it is Mob Psycho 100. I think we all know what buttocks they're talking about Buttocks, Buttocks.
Speaker 2:Huh.
Speaker 1:All right, we're gonna go ahead and jump into our last IMDB parents guide selection, so let me pull that up, all right. The next unknown anime on IMD parents guide IMDB parents guide. We're gonna start off with sex and nudity as the category. Parents found this mild. In one episode, in the women's bath while being watched by men, a character removes their towel showing her body, expecting money in return. This is played for comedy. Violence and gore is listed as moderate. There are versions of this show that removes all instances of violence and edits out the blood, while editing weapons like guns to make the show less violent.
Speaker 3:What Interesting Okay.
Speaker 1:I'm so excited to see how this is gonna turn out. Profanity is mild. Specifically, the dub version has a lot of let me see here. No, the sub version has a lot of profanity. The dub version has a little bit less swearing.
Speaker 3:And they really slashed us up, yeah.
Speaker 2:There's a few that I know that did that, but I don't think it's any of the ones I'm thinking of.
Speaker 1:So alcohol, drugs and smoking is moderate. One of the characters is a chain smoker and is always seen with a cigarette in them. One piece, it is one piece, oh my.
Speaker 2:God. Congratulations, tyvid, because that dub was terrible it is.
Speaker 1:I'm very glad that you got it because I knew Phil hadn't seen it, but there were gonna be enough guesses where he could have gotten it before you and that would have hurt my heart.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I would have been real devastated if I didn't get the one piece one, if I took it too long. Honestly, the that was good. Once you said the dub thing, I was like it's gotta be one piece, it has to be. It was one of the most torn up dub. Wait, what's that what it's talking about Back in the day, or the more recent one?
Speaker 1:I think back in the day.
Speaker 2:What I'd say, because I don't always oof.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I've heard it's gotten better.
Speaker 2:Well, no, it is better. Yes, but back in the day we've gotten it, Okay yeah.
Speaker 1:All right, Phil, if you have that top 10 list, that'll be a nice way for us to finish this episode out. Yeah, we can. A lot of fun so far.
Speaker 3:Yeah, we can do that. It is a sports key to article from last year, I believe. Let me double check and this one will be pretty quick. Yeah, it came out July of, or it's been modified since July of 2023. So this will be a quick, fun way to wrap this up. The top 10 most overrated anime of all time.
Speaker 2:You are choosing to attack me. You're doing it on purpose and most of these lists, they will just pick the popular things just to make people get like irate. I agree.
Speaker 1:So just tell us where one piece is on the top 10 list.
Speaker 3:Oh, my God, stop Number three, oh oh.
Speaker 2:That disrespect. I think I know what the first one is.
Speaker 3:It is rank third here. Yeah, so what do you want to?
Speaker 2:guess, Simon? I think the first one is probably Demon Slayer.
Speaker 3:Demon Slayer is on here. I think it's number five. Yeah, it's number five.
Speaker 1:Okay, not bad, naruto's gotta be up there.
Speaker 3:Naruto is number two. Oh yeah, okay.
Speaker 1:I wonder if the my hero academia is one my hero academia is number 10. What.
Speaker 2:Wow, let's go. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Not bad, it's pretty good. Maybe Chainsaw Man's the first one. No, chainsaw Man's not on here, really.
Speaker 1:Juju the Kaisen. No, these are probably a little bit more of the classics.
Speaker 2:Oh, it's not like a re. Oh, I can see that, updated it.
Speaker 1:But it's a more recent list but, like Chainsaw man had one season, Juju the Kaisen had two.
Speaker 2:That's true.
Speaker 1:I'm thinking it's probably series that have multiple seasons, so Bleach has gotta be up there.
Speaker 3:Bleach is number one. What?
Speaker 2:That is the Kinda makes sense? No, it is not, I'm not even. It's not, but it's so unloved, it's so unloved, and that is.
Speaker 3:I think I've watched like two seasons of Bleach. I like it. The problem is I had to go find it to Stream To watch it. At the time I couldn't. Where is it at? Where can you stream it? Oh, now it's on Hulu only. Okay, yeah, back when I started it, I had to scour the internet to find some website to watch, so I stopped watching it.
Speaker 2:How is Bleach number one, number one.
Speaker 3:So you guys have the top three you have one, two and three, you have five and you have 10.
Speaker 1:Interesting Yo I'm shocked.
Speaker 2:Okay Hunter.
Speaker 1:Hunter no.
Speaker 3:That's why I fell back on an attack.
Speaker 2:Absolutely Exactly.
Speaker 1:Wow, eric, wow, sorry, Is Cowboy Bebop on there?
Speaker 2:No, that's right. It is there's not to be, but I know how you guys feel.
Speaker 1:Whatever, it's okay, it's okay, I tried, I watched it. I mean, I can tell you that much. It was a show.
Speaker 2:It was a show you did watch it for Super Bracker Bros.
Speaker 1:I did, yeah, and it was a time.
Speaker 2:Okay, let's see, I'm gonna say Hmm, hmm, I had it in my head a second ago Jesus, oh God.
Speaker 3:Most of these I haven't seen, so I don't know how I can't really like give you guys like a clue.
Speaker 1:Is Neon Genesis on there?
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:That's right.
Speaker 2:That's right.
Speaker 1:I mean, I've watched two episodes of it.
Speaker 2:I couldn't get in Two is nothing, I'm not even gonna start with this.
Speaker 1:I heard I got to get past the first six.
Speaker 2:I would say six yeah, it's okay.
Speaker 3:Four. Generally speaking, the series is regarded as very mediocre, despite garnering incredible hype from its devoted fan base.
Speaker 2:This different what number is?
Speaker 3:that Number four Four. It's also worth noting that the author and illustrator are held in high regard. This difference in reception stems from how different the anime story is relative to the original manga.
Speaker 1:I don't know if it lines up with that, but Dragon Ball on there.
Speaker 3:A Dragon Ball is on here Z Nope, Is it super no.
Speaker 2:If they're talking about Virgo or Dragon Ball. This list was chosen to make me cry.
Speaker 3:Unless this has an alternate name. I don't know if you guys have to tell me. I'll just tell you it's GT.
Speaker 2:Oh, that's the third one, that one's.
Speaker 3:GT is number seven. How is that overrated?
Speaker 2:How is that overrated? No one even likes that one.
Speaker 1:I don't think enough people have seen that one.
Speaker 2:That's why I don't get how it's overrated. Yeah, that's weird.
Speaker 1:Interesting Okay.
Speaker 2:Is Sailor Moon on there?
Speaker 3:It lacks the canonicity of other franchise series, the fact that it prevents it from being truly appreciated for what it is. Although full of great ideas, this sole fact prevents it from being truly appreciated, especially the younger fans without a nostalgic connection. Yeah, someone put out a guess Is Sailor Moon on there?
Speaker 2:No, no, no, no Okay.
Speaker 1:You said no Attack on Titan wouldn't be on here, right? No?
Speaker 2:That's why I didn't say it. I didn't think it was gonna be on there, even though I feel like people do think it's overrated.
Speaker 1:The one you read the description for. You have not seen.
Speaker 3:No, but you know of it. Oh yeah, you mentioned it earlier today. Oh.
Speaker 2:Uh-oh, hmm.
Speaker 1:I mentioned it earlier.
Speaker 3:Mm-hmm, let me see if I can find it. It's Bochi, no, no.
Speaker 2:Leave her alone. No, actually I haven't watched too much of it yet. I've only seen it a very small amount. I like it as far as cool, it's cool, it's a fun time.
Speaker 3:I don't know that it was a top 10 anime in 2022, but no, that's what a lot of people say it was a lot of fun Including my brother. It's very fun and it's very cute. It's very cute, very wholesome. Hmm, let me see if I can read something from the plot of this and not give it away.
Speaker 1:Is Full Metal Alchemist on there? No, it better not be. I mean I get it. I'm just assuming it's a hot take list. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
Speaker 2:It should be Code Geass. It better not be code. Okay, it's tough.
Speaker 1:It's a tough crowd.
Speaker 3:Let me see here. I'll read the. We'll go in opposite order. I'll read the. What it says for number nine this shows biggest issue stems from how high of a filler anime canon percentage it has in terms of its overall episode count. Like the original series, this is yet again a symptom of the series being a weekly Studio Perio series. Whereas the source material is only there you go. Four or two is number nine.
Speaker 2:That 100% makes sense.
Speaker 3:Number eight While this is generally viewed by the larger anime community for what it truly is, there are some who, truly who try to argue in support of its existence, since any adaptation is better than none. However, this stands as an indisputable proof that again, that proof against this claim being both a poor adaptation and a poor television series in general. From breaking the most basic rules of perspective and framing to poorly adapting character expressions and the foundational mood of a scene, the series misfires on all fronts. Although generally viewed in the light it deserves to be seen in, any arguments for this series are simply wrong.
Speaker 2:Whoa my gosh.
Speaker 3:I don't know that. Let me see if I can pull up another. Yeah, let's see. Based on among the series of the same name and an acting sequel to the Golden Age arc.
Speaker 2:Oh, it's Berserk, yeah, berserk 2016. That makes sense. It doesn't have any real good adaptations.
Speaker 3:It's crazy. All right, there you go. Number six. For as much praise it garnered after the first season, this series saw as much criticism and hate thrown its way after its second season, in nearly every regard fans of the series.
Speaker 3:No, in nearly every regard. Fans of the series generally viewed the second season as wholly inferior to the first, especially as it relates to the series' production and adaptation choices. This does sound like a game, probably the pacing in the series. Second season a slow tool, molasses like pace, culminating in a final episode which mostly served as an anime. Original season recap scene. The overall animation was critiqued as well, suffering from the aforementioned symptoms of being generally inconsistent and seemingly reaching a high quality during climactic moments exclusively.
Speaker 1:Tokyo Ghoul oh.
Speaker 2:Now I'm trying to think of shows that had like terrible second seasons I have no, is it a show that we've both watched?
Speaker 3:I have not watched it. You have watched it, I'm sure. I think you've talked to Ivan about it, but I'm not sure. But the anime adaptation was announced in 2017, came out in 2019.
Speaker 1:Anime came out in 2019.
Speaker 2:Are you looking up anime that came out in 2019? Maybe, Wait, we can do that. I got Teeter, I'm using my brain.
Speaker 1:I mean, I'm trying to use my brain, but at this point, yeah, I'm trying again let's see. But even then, it's not Fire Force, is it?
Speaker 3:No Character is magically summoned into a parallel universe where he is chosen as one of four heroes destined to save the world from its proper size.
Speaker 2:Oh, that makes so much sense now, absolutely.
Speaker 1:I didn't really think it was that highly rated.
Speaker 2:Season one overrated. No season one was so praised.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean, I loved it. I didn't watch season two because I heard how that went See.
Speaker 3:I never finished season one. Season one was great. We'll get back to number four. This is the last one. I'm trying to think of a good hint here rather than just reading the synopsis like I did for that last year, I don't know anything about them. So I don't want to like, let's see. So it's not my family is what you're saying that's a 24 episode I can't
Speaker 1:return to it. I think I got three episodes in and I'm like I'm just gonna yeah.
Speaker 3:I got other things like yeah, I mean, liz haven't watched it yet, I'm only watched the first two of season two.
Speaker 2:I don't know what it is. I Like the manga more.
Speaker 1:the same thing, yeah the same thing, it's another episode. It's like, yeah, we're not progressing at all.
Speaker 2:I mean like I don't mind the like comedic episodes and things, but like there has to be some progression and there just doesn't feel like there's any. Yeah, at all Because they're like oh, we're gonna stop this guy from doing a war. Well, how long does it take? Because I feel like it's been at least a year and he hasn't started a war yet. It takes that long, like I just feel, like some of it. I'm like come on, so I don't know. I enjoy it I guess, but I don't know, I'm disappointed.
Speaker 1:It's like if you, if you have nothing better to watch, like you can watch it, but like you're not, you're not watching that. It'd be like riveted, like oh my god, what's gonna happen next? Well, like the manga.
Speaker 2:Had me riveted, like I read the first seven books and was so in it Like, and some of the episodes have happened there, you know from the chapters of manga that are good yeah. Yeah, I don't know what it is, something like the anime, just making it kind of stale. I guess I don't know it's so odd.
Speaker 3:I think it's also like how long can you Repeat the shtick that made it so popular, but eventually you have to like, evolve the show and that's just TV in general, like, yes, do you, we have really funny and cute characters, but eventually you have to give me a reason to stick around like I.
Speaker 2:So that's like I expected them to go on a couple more missions or something, and like to reveal, I don't know, to reveal something, I guess. I don't know. I just it's uh all right.
Speaker 3:Well, I'm just gonna really read the synopsis of this, cuz I can't find anything that would. A Character sets out in a journey to the capital to make a name for themselves and met a seemingly dangerous group of assassins known as night raid their journey.
Speaker 2:Oh, um, um.
Speaker 1:That's crazy.
Speaker 3:Number four. That makes sense.
Speaker 1:You did, you did say I mentioned it. We mentioned it early.
Speaker 2:I'm sure it makes 100% make sense yeah that's even number one.
Speaker 3:One bleach to Naruto 31p, disrespectful, kill a lot of times.
Speaker 1:Why I haven't seen any like a Kamei art from you. That makes so much sense now.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm sorry it's not gonna happen crazy. I'm like I tried, I really did. I have some friends that love it and I I Respect it and I think some of the fights were cool, but overall I just I Don't think I'm going to be making stuff for it.
Speaker 1:I Mean you would do so good, but I get it, I get it, but, to be honest, I mean more people who don't like it.
Speaker 2:So that's what I'm not I mean.
Speaker 1:I'm here for as death all the way.
Speaker 2:How about I have I got.
Speaker 1:I got an idea. I got an idea.
Speaker 2:I'll paint her. Okay, I got you, I'll paint her, but she'll be stabbed on the ground. Oh wow, from one of my favorite females from bleach. There you go.
Speaker 3:I have a to to sway away from the anime conversation. Here I have a suggestion. Have you thought of doing our thick boy 2014 Godzilla with like his spikes Getting blue?
Speaker 2:I actually want to do. I actually want to do Godzilla. The problem I have with it is that, like, so it's. Since Godzilla is always, you know, in live action, I have a hard time trying to like draw him in an appealing way, like in my style because mine's more anime. Yeah, yeah, like illustration, comic illustration, manga illustration. So like ends up looking goofy.
Speaker 3:Isn't there an anime with the 2014? There is an anime I haven't watched it, but it's not bad, it's fine.
Speaker 2:I mean it's a little bit of a different, yeah.
Speaker 3:I think all those like I tried to watch Skull Island.
Speaker 2:I couldn't get it actually, so I didn't know if it was good.
Speaker 3:It's got like the legend of Jackie Chan style. Yeah, so I was like, oh, this would be, this would be interesting, but I couldn't get into it.
Speaker 2:So, like the Godzilla, one is fine. It's just that they made two different versions, though they have one where it's like a movie and both versions, the TV series, and then the, the trilogy anime movie, one Godzilla CG the whole time.
Speaker 1:So, like.
Speaker 2:The thing is that I still don't have a good enough reference to make him look more like severe and like Syria versus being more my Scott Pilgrimmy kind of style sure I had to just do it myself. So it's like I need like a solid reference and everything.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I'm gonna do some, so like yeah, yeah. I'm in my. I'm in my Godzilla renaissance era.
Speaker 2:Listen, I get it, that movie was oh.
Speaker 3:I would totally wear like a I'm in my Godzilla era t-shirt with like.
Speaker 2:Oh, my god someone.
Speaker 3:Someone needs to make that, please. I'll buy it, I'll pay.
Speaker 2:Yes, I totally get it. Yeah this one was so good.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and like I told you, last night, monarch ended so incredibly. It was fantastic.
Speaker 2:I'm actually hoping to start that. Well, see that. And severance, I was gonna start this week because I found out. Because I found out, I was gonna start it. I was going to start severance I think last week or the week before and my Apple TV plus wasn't working and I was like what's going on? I was like I'm gonna watch this and now it's not working. So if I tell him this, he's like you lying.
Speaker 3:Apparently, you can also use my login. Just don't log into your phone. If you have an iPhone, oh, and I call of our apps merged together, oh my god, yeah, she works at, she works at a church. So I was like, why do I have the Bible? Oh my god, just don't know like I, if you log into like a smart device, you can use my login.
Speaker 2:Well, the thing is that we we were paying for it and I guess the card that we were using is the one as a one is a car. We got rid of it, just we never updated it.
Speaker 3:So I didn't know best. Listen, I'm gonna be the game pass of street. Yes, the best deal. It's amazing, it's the best, yeah, there have been some great things on there.
Speaker 2:Like I love drinking, I loved a capulco. Is that the one? Which one is that? It's like they're like in, they're like a hotel, like a resort. Okay. Yeah, I haven't seen that one, now one. I mean it's been a lot of good things.
Speaker 3:I just they really don't put out that much bad content, it's just they don't market it. They don't really market anything outside of Ted Lasso in the morning show. You don't hear about anything else.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they like silently put it on. Yeah, I'm like, why did you, don't you want this to succeed? Right money like.
Speaker 3:I don't get it.
Speaker 2:It's weird.
Speaker 3:Anyway, I got my Apple TV. You guys gonna talk about one piece I could talk about.
Speaker 2:I wasn't even trying to really bring up one piece.
Speaker 3:I just have to say that we watch it up.
Speaker 2:No, because I was saying that I make I'll take a break to watch one piece, that's it, that's all I said. And then Eric went oh yeah, let's, let's go further in one piece. I was like no, I didn't say we had to do that. I.
Speaker 1:Definitely have a one piece related question at the end of this, but I think we have. We have gone on as long as we can and I even I want to thank you so much for joining us on this episode. A whole bunch of fun. As I kind of alluded to, we've got a lot more stuff that we're working on this year some bonus episodes and content so we'll definitely you'll definitely, if you're watching this, you'll be seeing Ivan again, I'm sure. But, ivan, if you could just remind everyone one more time what you've got coming up where they can find you or support you Again, we'll have a lot of that in the show notes and then we will wrap this up. So give us a, give us your time to plug anything you'd like.
Speaker 2:Well, I mean the next things I'll be at up until March at least. I have Savannah and, amazing, in Georgia, I have a megacon here in Florida, in Orlando.
Speaker 2:The big one and then I have a brick city anime fest in Ocala and then collective con in Jacksonville in the beginning of March. But, um, on, on socials and stuff you find me on like it's Ivan patch underscore artists on Instagram and same with tiktok. I do have my patreon, which I mean you guys are on, you know. So Patreoncom slash Ivan patch. I feel like I give out a lot of stuff. I will be honest and say that when a lot of cons are piled up, I do get a little behind, but I'm very vocal and very honest about that with all my patrons. So, yeah, I mean I have my YouTube also. I mean Ivan patch as well. I mean I don't actually know the URL for that, so I'm just gonna say Ivan patch and look for this little cartoony dude and so because the vlogs I'm getting into more. So you know, but yeah, there's a place to find me honestly.
Speaker 1:There we go, phil. If you want to tell everyone again, we're gonna have all that in the show notes. If you want to tell everyone where they can find more episodes of ours, we'll close this up and and wrap it up a great conversation so far.
Speaker 3:Yeah, so much fun. I haven't always good to see and we'll we'll see you very, very soon as we get into our con season, as we will. We will start to meet up a whole lot more. Can't wait for that. But yeah, guys, if you want to find literally anything, it's in the link tree link of the show notes of this episode. You can find archived episodes to previous editions of the creator spotlight. We've been doing this every month since probably like March of last year, and it's been a whole lot of fun, and you can also find all of our you know other episodes.
Speaker 3:Social media, the most important ones to keep up with being Instagram, a tick tock, as well as our discord page. Those are all ways to talk to us Directly. I, as I mentioned I think I mentioned this maybe before we even started I'm trying to hit 50 movies that I've watched here in 2024 and I've already started doing reviews in the discord page. Some of it's bit off to a little bit of a rocky start, so hopefully the rest of the year evens out a little bit again. We're gonna be at brick city anime festival here very, very shortly, as Eric teas, maybe Megacon, where we got our fingers crossed on that.
Speaker 3:But you know the best way to keep up with that again, social media is make sure you check that out. If you want to support the show, you can do that a couple of ways. Leave us five star reviews wherever you are listening, wherever it is possible, and share. Share the episodes Instagram, facebook, twitter, tick, tock whatever it is and tag us. Let us know that you're out there. All those things help quite a bit, but if you find yourself being maybe a little bit more generous and you want to join our community Now I'm Eric will let you know how you can do that.
Speaker 1:Yes, there's a couple ways you can do that. All of that is great, but if you want to go the extra mile, you could subscribe directly to our buzz sprout page or you could take those funds and move them over to patreon, where we also have some exclusive perks on our patreon patrons like Stefan and Briar Helping to keep the show going. It'll get you behind the scenes access and early access to episodes like this one, and we're really working to figure out some creative ideas to have some bonus content and additional perks as we get into our second year of Doing patreon. So your support's fully appreciated. But a like, a comment, a share, like Phil mentioned all the free things you can do.
Speaker 1:We truly appreciate if you can do that for us. Keep the show going and going strong. With all that being said, my name is mr Eric almighty. That is my co-host, fill the Filipino and our guest, ivan patch. And just remember, all you have to do Is wait for it, because I skipped the entire section of my Something's off. We released the episodes every Wednesday, including on platforms like tick tock for bonus content, and now all you got to do is wait for it.
Speaker 2:So I heard you're looking for a go-to source for entertainment. Wait for it gaming, wait for it. Anime, ultra, mr Eric almighty, and fill the Filipino. Yeah, they've got you covered and all you got to do is wait for it.
Speaker 1:This is the wait for it podcast.