The Wait For It Podcast

2024 Letterboxd Recap: A Year in Film

How many movies did you see in 2024? On this bonus episode, with your favorite co-hosts and our guest Philline, there is a good chance we saw them too! We went live on our Twitch channel to discuss 100+ movies that we collectively watched in 2024 and go over our Letterboxd rankings from worst to best! On this episode, we'll recap our movie-watching experiences in 2024, discuss the films we watched, and compare our favorites against the disappointments. We explore the diversity of our ranking choices, share insights on our scores, and engage in a lively discussion about franchise films and sequels. The conversation also highlights personal reflections that sets the stage for future film goals.

For the duration of this engaging dialogue from three different perspectives, we discuss the impact of character development, directorial choices, and the emotional resonance of films, while also highlighting the importance of representation in storytelling. The conversation flows through personal anecdotes and critical analysis, providing listeners with a comprehensive overview of the cinematic landscape of the year. We also explore the significance of storytelling in cinema, the impact of performances, and the generational impact of movies from last year. The conversation culminates in a countdown of our top five movies, highlighting the diversity of genres and themes that resonated with us throughout the year.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to your go-to source for entertainment. Wait for it Gaming.

Speaker 2:

Wait for it Anime.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Mr Eric Almighty and Phil the Filipino yeah, they've got you covered.

Speaker 2:

And all you gotta do is wait for it. This is the Wait For it Podcast. Hello Twitch audience. I am your co-host, phil Barrera, aka Phil the Filipino.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that's going to be an interesting way to start the episode for the podcast when it goes on the feed and not Twitch audience. I'm also your co-host, Mr Eric.

Speaker 1:

Almighty and this is our 2024 Letterboxd Recap bonus episode. We are live streaming and we'll be releasing on our feeds on Monday, january 6th, so for those of you that are joining us live, we're excited to have you and Phil. I'm excited to recap in depth all of the movies we've watched. Between the three of us, we have each watched at least 50 movies and I think that's pretty amazing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I set this goal for 50 in the beginning of the year and then you guys came along for the ride. One of you actually surpassed me in terms of films that we watched, so why don't we go ahead and introduce that guest, as you guys can see here on your screen, I believe? Okay, there, it is Okay for a second. I got concerned because I couldn't see the stream, but we're good now. But, yeah, fill in. Thank you so much for joining us here tonight as you embarked on your own film journey here in 2024. And I think that's what's going to be really interesting about this is because we all had very wildly different experiences when it comes to film. So are you excited about this episode and your first visual appearance on Twitch? You hung out. What did we? Oh, yeah, we played Overcooked on Twitch in 2024, but first time on screen and for a really fun, I think. What?

Speaker 3:

will be a really fun episode. Yeah, I am excited to be here. Thank you for having me. I didn't think I would get to over 50 movies this year, but I got there and I am excited. I am happy that you guys had me on.

Speaker 2:

So thank you. Yeah, it's gonna be a lot of fun. We'll have a lot of films that you know that weren't on each other's lists. Uh, right before the stream started, we also got a new follower. So, dm greer, I don't know if you're still in here. Uh, thank you so much for the follow. Um. There, we're not doing this in obs, so all my bells and whistles for twitch are not here. It's going to be pretty straightforward hello, joanne. Um, and also there is a little bit of a delay between, because we're doing this in riverside, which is our podcast studio, and then it's linked to twitch, so if you put stuff in the chat, there may be a little bit of a delay.

Speaker 2:

Um, hello and uh hi don and we'll uh, oh, okay, you know who. That is okay, gotcha. So there may be a little bit of a delay in us getting to like your responses or questions. Just know that we're not ignoring you. It's just taking a little while to get back to us. But hello, windy p, and uh, yeah, very excited to talk about all this here, eric. So, um, phil and I watched a few more movies than you did this year, so are we ready to kick it off? Do we want to have any like overarching, just kind of thoughts about our year in film in 2024?

Speaker 1:

yeah, so, uh, first and foremost, I did test it on uh live stream. Uh speaker layout has. So now we've got speaker big, other people tiny on the side, which is a cool.

Speaker 2:

look, I think I like that so exciting stuff.

Speaker 1:

We want to do more of this, which is really cool Big, big, big screen. Little, we are off the rails, so Did we see the Groots in 2024?

Speaker 1:

Bonus episode is going to be a different vibe, but, um, you know, we had our end of year awards and we talked a lot about movies, shows, games, etc. But we really spent a lot of our time this year going to movies. For comparison, uh, phil, I don't remember exactly what your account was, but I finished at like 25 movies. So the fact that I was able to double that is crazy, and I'll be honest with you, I thought I was going to get to 40, maybe, and that would be the max, but once I got to about 43, in the past couple of days I've been cranking out movies. I watched six in the past two days just to get to that number. Anything over 50, I think, is insane. So kudos to both of y'all.

Speaker 1:

There are also several movies that I did not get to that I'll probably bring up throughout the episode, which is a bummer, but one in particular you can't find anywhere without pirating it, so we'll talk about that one, which was probably the biggest hit to my list. I think it doesn't feel complete until I've seen that film. So, overall, though, I'm really happy with my list and also the films that I saw A lot of really great movies. Also some stinkers, though.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I definitely saw some bad movies in 2024, which I know Eric will have commentary on, and we did go over that bottom five also in our end of year awards. So that has not changed as I expected, because when we did record that episode there were still a few days left in 2024, but that bottom five has stayed the same. But I do know there is one movie that Eric really wants to talk about that he saw recently. That is in both of our bottom fives and, yeah, that's going to be a fun conversation as well. Phyllis, did you foresee that you would see more than 50 movies in 2024?

Speaker 3:

No, like last year, like Eric said, I had only watched 23, I think. But doing things like signing up for Shudder, which, as we all know I'm the horror fan here and that really opened a lot of doors and there was a lot of horror films this year that I was really excited to watch. A lot of bad ones, you'll see that a lot on my list, but still good. Still a good year for horror.

Speaker 2:

Okay, peter, just Windy P just put the boy in the herring in the chat, which is not the name of the movie either. It's the boy in the herring. Also not this year. Also didn't come out this year, it's in 2024.

Speaker 1:

We will not be talking about Studio Ghibli films today At all.

Speaker 2:

Oh no, nor should we ever. And also overall, overall, not including 2024 movies that released in 2024. I watched 81, so I watched even more, altogether crazy. Um, last year I hit 30 that came out in 2023 and overall I did 56, so I had a pretty large uptick. Uh there, uh in, uh in 2024. So, um, yeah, same thing, the best movie. Yeah, we're gonna talk about borderlands, unfortunately here in a moment, peter, but if y'all are ready, we can get to our list. Philin, you're, we're gonna do, uh, we're gonna have philin go first, because she saw a little bit more than me, and then I will go and we're going to go pretty much in segments of 10 to kind of rattle off these lower tier films and then, when we get to our top 25, we're going to talk about them a little bit more individually. So, eric, if you want to get to Phyllin's list, we'll go with her.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'll pull it up. So Phyllin's going to go from 58. She saw 58 films today. Going to go from 58.

Speaker 3:

Today, yeah, today, just today.

Speaker 2:

Just today, a long day.

Speaker 1:

A long, long day, but yeah, no. So you saw 58 movies. We're going to go from 58 to 51 for Flynn and I am going to use the share screen function effectively. Don't know, we'll find out, but yeah, we ball, let's put it up. Look at that, look at that. Okay, there we go.

Speaker 3:

I'm killing the game. Look at that.

Speaker 1:

I didn't know that would work, so I'm going to try my best here to keep up this energy. Flynn, take it away. These are, I'm assuming, bad movies, so tell us all about it, because I have not seen any of these and Phil, I think he's only seen like two.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so I am just going to go off really quick. I'm going to read just one sentence reviews I found on Letterboxd on how I feel about these movies. 58, madam Web Movies are amazing. They can be anything, even this. So that is Madam Web. 57 was the Deliverance. Only thing I can say is Glenn Close says I can smell your nappy pussy. That sums up the movie. Next, tyler Perry's Divorce in the Black Megan Good will always be bad. I mean that in a loving way. And Tyler Perry movies will always be bad. I mean that in the way that it is. Next, house of Spoils. A lot of things here don't make sense at all. Sums up that movie. Next is Argyle. What did I read here? Did I find one here?

Speaker 1:

An argument can be made. You've already spent too much time talking about.

Speaker 3:

Argyle. There you go. Thank you, Eric. That is all I need to say.

Speaker 1:

For the record, the trailer came out and Phil said I want to watch this and I immediately said, this is going to be one of the worst films of the year.

Speaker 3:

That is what I was going to say. I'm very glad that I saw that movie only because I'm glad the trailers can stop playing in the movie theater. So there you go. Don't Move a horror movie, it is just a Netflix time pass. I don't know anything that happened in that movie. Very bad Subservience. The Meguen sequel is a lot hornier than I expected. And then the Strangers. That was extremely underwhelming, and that is my 58 through 51.

Speaker 2:

I saw Subservience. It's like a 25-minute YouTube movie.

Speaker 1:

Gotta stop doing that. At least you didn't put it on your list. I do appreciate that.

Speaker 2:

No, none of those are on my list. They should be, because I've seen them.

Speaker 3:

No, I haven't, it's not the same.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think, even outside of the two that I've seen, I've only heard of like three of these other ones Subservience, the Strangers and then the Deliverance. I haven't even heard of the other two or the other three.

Speaker 1:

Have you, eric? I've heard of all of these films, except for House of Spoils and Divorce in the Black Tyler Perry's. That would be why Did not know about those two. Everything else I was aware of, movies that I had no intention of watching I Heard the Strangers is absolutely awful. I enjoyed, and I don't know if this is the original one, but the one I remember quite a few years back. I enjoyed that movie very much but never kept up with the franchise, I guess. Don't Move. I heard interesting things about, but it's like another movie on Flynn's list that we've talked about that'll come up here towards the bottom. That, I heard, was just underwhelming. And then do I really need to say much about Argyle, the Deliverance, madam Web? These are all just going to be at the bottom of every list, I think. Subservience I saw a little bit about, but I didn't know if it was good or not. Not surprised to hear it's not good.

Speaker 3:

I will say for the deliverance. I was talking to Eric about watching this movie, thinking that he wasn't going to take me seriously, but then he started taking me seriously, that he was going to watch it. I was like, oh my God, please do not watch this seriously. That he was going to watch it. I was like, oh my god, please do not watch this movie, it's so bad. And then I would like to argue that afraid, which is an ai movie, would be the last on my list because I didn't finish it, because it is absolutely terrible. So also.

Speaker 2:

Hello, briar, welcome to the stream. Good to hear from you, buddy. Are you going to be at um brick city next weekend? Are we going to see you there, please? Uh, let us know um. But yeah, eric, if we were ready, we can get to my bottom five. So, uh, briar actually just brought up a little precursor there. I feel like the borderlands is worse than madam webb. Well, let's see, look at that, my bottom five. And this changed pretty recently, I would say within the last month, where I swapped borderlands and madam webb. Neither are good.

Speaker 2:

By the way, I'm not making a case for madam webb it's still number 54 but the borderlands movie, totally lifeless. Nobody in that film knew what they were doing, including the directors and everybody that was involved should be pretty ashamed. Madam Web, like Flynn said, terrible, terrible film. And now that the Sony Marvel Universe is dead, we can all forget that this ever happened. Atlas, which was a Netflix film, j-lo Sterling K Brown, simu Liu basically, if Titanfall 2 made a movie and it was just devoid of any heart and soul, lift, kevin Hart needs to. Oh, look at that. Kevin Hart needs to stop trying to be an action hero. You are not an action hero.

Speaker 2:

And then Argyle. Listen, I've paid for Argyle. I understand what I did, trusted matthew vaughn I shouldn't have done that about. But with that cast should have at least bare minimum been a two and a half and it was not. I'm pretty sure I gave it a one and a half. All these are one and a half or lower, I think. I think borderlands I gave a half a star, which is the very so like the lowest grade that I can possibly give on letterboxd. But yeah, yeah, sadly not too much going on year and have so much to to catch up on. Yeah, no worries, hopefully we'll catch you at a, you know, collective or bold, this year. You know where we will be. So but yeah, that's my bottom five.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. I mean, is there really anything to say? It's kind of startling to look at. So again, when you say you watched more movies than me, I think we need to be careful with that, because did you really, did you, did you really? I just chose not to watch these five for obvious reasons. I feel like we both watch 50, if you think about it.

Speaker 2:

Listen, decisions were made and am I going to learn from this?

Speaker 1:

No, Flynn any thoughts on any of these films other than Argyle and Madam Web?

Speaker 3:

I would like to argue that Borderlands is both Peter and Phil's favorite movie. I bought them all the merch for it, so I don't know what they're talking about.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no no.

Speaker 3:

They're hiding it all.

Speaker 1:

Yep, yep, best movie ever Borderlands by Peter. That is where we're at. Okay, enough of that, let's actually now pick up, and I guess I'll start, which means then I'll be the first to go to wrap up my list. Phil, we'll do, maybe you next, and then we'll leave Phil in for last. Sounds good. Guest of honor.

Speaker 1:

Alright, so we are going to jump into my list and now we are going to go by tens. I'm going to start discussing these films. We're going to go very slowly, if we didn't make this clear at the beginning. We're going to go very quickly at the beginning of this, in our bottom tier, once we hit 25, so once we hit 30, we're going to go by five until we get to 25. And then we're going to just movie by movie, pretty much at that point, really, to give those top films a little bit more discussion. These bottom ones, there's really not much more than a couple sentences to really say, and I think that speaks to all three of our list. So, without further ado, my bottom films of the year, starting with my worst film, eric did you say ado?

Speaker 1:

What was the other word? I said that you made fun of me.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, I meant your number 50, did you say? Oh, I do fully oh my god um man.

Speaker 1:

So I know we said we're only gonna say like a sentence I think I'm gonna spend most of my time, um, on the joker. I watched this and, for context, I watched this after, um, watching a real pain, so I watched a really good movie that's gonna be much higher. Watch this and, for context, I watched this after watching A Real Pain, so I watched a really good movie that's going to be much higher on my list beforehand.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I walked into this one saying you know what? I know it's going to probably be in my bottom half. But is it really as bad as people say? Yes, yes, it is A hundred percent, no hesitation.

Speaker 1:

This movie is very dead, it's very lifeless, it's dull, it's boring and I think the biggest crime is that it is a musical. Um, if you're gonna bring lady gaga on, let her belt some songs. I'm not saying it has to be fun, but let her actually sing. If you saw the trailer and you kind of heard their little whispering singing to each other that they were doing in the trailer, they do that. The whole fucking movie. Joaquin Phoenix awful Again. They both only really have one song in the whole film. That even resembles anything that you would expect when hearing that something's a musical and the movie's just not fun to watch at all. There's nothing interesting going on. There's nothing intriguing that got you into the first one. It's pretty much a big fuck you to everyone who enjoyed the first Joker and that seems to be the running gag is that I think they actually made this movie with hate, that they had to do it because the studio made them and the first film was so successful. It really does feel like a vendetta and I felt offended, honestly, watching this film. The rest of these are going to be very, very quick. Trap Josh Hartnett's the only saving grace here, it should be noted. Joker, I gave a one and a half, my lowest score. I don't typically go under two Trap got a two for Josh Hartnett and Josh Hartnett possibly alone.

Speaker 1:

M Night Shyamalan not my cup of tea. Already this movie. Uh, mid shamalan not my cup of tea. Already this movie. Extremely obnoxious. Uh, so many reasons to discuss that. I'm sure it's going to come up on list a little bit later. I'll leave it for that.

Speaker 1:

Despicable me 4. This franchise really has lost all of its luster. It seemed like it kind of came back a little bit with the minions movie the year or two prior. Uh, no, this franchise is dead. It has nothing to offer other than to children. Ghostbusters. Frozen Empire completely went in the reverse direction of Ghostbusters Afterlife prior to it. I never enjoyed Ghostbusters like a hardcore fan, but I've always appreciated it. This movie not much to offer. Same thing with Beetlejuice, beetlejuice. If you are a fan of either of those two franchises, there's probably more here to chew on than there was for me.

Speaker 1:

A Quiet Place day one. I have not actually seen fully. The other two A Quiet Place movies. I thought it'd be like an interesting place to start.

Speaker 1:

Didn't really enjoy this one. I thought there'd be more action. Uh no, I was very quiet. I saw the TV glow. I want to be very careful with this. Uh, I really went out of my way to see this cause I heard so many good things and if this movie speaks to you, I get it. It was not for me at all.

Speaker 1:

Monkey man Also a hot take here, not a movie for me either. Uh, the return I watched this solely because I'm into epic the musical, and it had ray fines in it as odysseus, specifically when he makes it home to ithaca and there's like this revenge or like uh violence that happens in him trying to take over his kingdom again. Uh, all of the things the trailer kind of promised didn't really come into fruition here. This movie ultimately was just something that's probably going to be put on in schools when you want to talk about the Odyssey or the end of the Odyssey. Otherwise I don't know why it's really in theaters. And finally, 10 movies a long time when you spend 20 minutes talking about Joker, gladiator 2.

Speaker 1:

I went into this hopeful that I'd have a good time, and was I somewhat entertained? Sure, sure I was, but not enough. There really isn't a need for this particular sequel and I really struggled with this film and its existence. So, with that being said, said those are my films, and I just thought about the fact that going over scores is going to be a chore. All of these movies scored a two and a half, other than trap, who I get, I gave a two, two and joker, which I gave a one and a half. So there you go. There there's my spiel. Fill or fill in, take it away.

Speaker 2:

First, let's welcome in Jay from Super Bracker Bros to the chat. Thank you so much for hanging out with us for a little bit here this evening. You can actually hear Jay on Super Bracker Bros here on the 2025 Foresight and Predictions episode, which Eric as I was editing, we didn't really make any predictions. It was mostly, uh, foresight, just things that we were anticipating. So that's why we covered it on the thursday thought that came out here today if you guys want to go check that out. But um, yeah, I uh wasn't gonna see despicable me for a beetlejuice beetles, like I thought about. But between that and ghostbusters two franchises I don't really care about and I have made the decision. As we talk about some movies that are in the lower half of my list In 2025, one thing I am going to do is not spend time watching movies from franchises that I don't really care about. Your Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, your Transformers, your Sonics, to give you a little precursor I'm done with that. That. Or your Sonics, to give you a little precursor I'm done with that. That is not something that I am going to do in 2025. I could have sworn.

Speaker 2:

You've seen the original Quiet Place, but yeah, day one is an interesting place to start. Phyllis and I told this to Eric Trap is a great time with friends. Me, phyllis, my daughter and Peter and my brother-in-law saw it in theaters and we were laughing our ass off. It is not a good movie, but it is fun. It's a fun time watching it with friends, and that's what I'll say about that. Monkey man. Eric and I also saw in theaters together, and we're just really baffled by the response to it as it will show up again here very shortly. Uh, didn't get to see gladiator 2 and I had never heard of the return, so but that's what I got for you, for your bottom 10, philin. What do you think?

Speaker 3:

um, I only saw one, two, three of those movies on his on his bottom um hot take beetlejuice, beetlejuice. I actually have never seen the original, so that's on me. Um, so I didn't pick it up. Um trap, just like he said. You'll see it later on my list. Um great movie to watch with the with a great group. Um I you also see quiet place, a bit higher on my list than eric's because I had seen the other one. So I thought that, um, because of the pacing of the other two, that this one was a perfect way to start. Um, and I do. I did think about watching the Joker too, only because I just wanted to add another movie to the bottom, but I didn't want to succumb myself to that.

Speaker 1:

I wanted to form my own opinion Good call. I say again, if it's under a two, it's pretty much. Stay away from these films. A two I really am going to actively dislike and I do agree that being with friends probably would have bumped it up from an entertainment standpoint. I did watch it by myself. But the two and a half here I could understand if there's some appeal. Monkey man is the big one. I saw the TV Glow, another one that people are. It's in their top list, which is, I think, crazy. For many reasons we're not going to get into. But Monkey man specifically we'll talk when Phil goes over it. Monkey man was a movie that just disoriented me, and I know that it was a first time directorial movie as well. But there was a lot of things from the cinematics and the filmography that I just didn't vibe with. And this movie also is falsely advertised as like John Wick esque Uh, and it's very much not that.

Speaker 2:

No, not at all, Not at all. But uh, Eric, if you want to bring up my bottom 10 or my next 10, we can start there.

Speaker 1:

We'll see some repeat appearances here yeah, and I'll try to do a little extra zoom. No, that's too much zoom, okay, so?

Speaker 2:

no worries, joker. So here's what I'll also say to tag on to what Erica said about the Joker part 2 the Joker, other than the Borderlands, is the only movie in the bottom that I hated. So these other movies are just like yeah, this was stupid. Atlas was like Atlas. Rift, argyle, madam Web, borderlands those all go, it's whatever. They're bad movies.

Speaker 2:

But the Joker too, like you said, eric, it's like Todd Phillips just wanted to kick us in the dick and be like oh, you like this character, you like the DC universe? Well, I don't give a shit. You like the DC universe? Well, I don't give a shit. Uh, here's, here's what I want to make, and you know the studio made me use the Joker and Harley Quinn in order for this film to come out. So, um, just really, really bad overall. Um, I would, if I could. Um, I did kind of move this around a little bit. So I know that, eric, this is a screenshot, but, um, self-reliance is a is a. It was a.

Speaker 2:

It was a festival movie that came out in 2023. It released on Hulu in 2024. And you know, with this cast, like between Anna Kendrick and Jake Johnson, I was like very much intrigued by the premise of this movie and I got to it and got through it and I was like that. I felt nothing. It's got a really bad ending. Yeah, yeah, I agree, jay wanted it to be better than it was and it's just kind of a baffling film. If you were to ask me to like explain what happens in the movie, I would not be able to do it.

Speaker 2:

Ricky Stinicki, I'm gonna pair these two together. If in 2024, or heading into 2024, you told me there would be two straight to Amazon movies that came out where John Cena carried and everybody else was terrible, I would have and you gave me a nickel for each time, I would have two nickels, which isn't a lot of nickels, but it's crazy that it happened twice. John Cena is great in Jackpot and Ricky's to Nikki. Everything else around those films is terrible. Awkwafina, obviously in jackpot, no good. Simu Liu is also in jackpot, so he's in the bottom quite a bit here. I need him to make better decisions for this career, please. And Ricky Stinicki is just one of those dumb bro comedies. Whatever. If is awful, it has a really good cast in terms of voicing all these imaginary friends, but no fun at all. The Beekeeper, I think Jason Statham says like maybe five sentences, the entire movie and then beats up everybody for two hours, which normally is a working premise, but here it just does not.

Speaker 2:

Moana 2, maybe this is my first controversial one. Moana 2 did everything in its power to destroy the legacy of the original moana. I'm going as far as to just acknowledge that it doesn't exist or to not acknowledge its existence whatsoever. The story is bad, the new characters are stupid, that's got one of the worst disney songs ever made in it and, uh, they should have just kept it a tv show where you could decide whether or not you want to watch eight episodes of a waste of time or waste your time. Watching eight episodes Upgraded is a rom-com.

Speaker 2:

I'm a big fan of Camila Mendes and I think there are really big things in her future in terms of her performances. I think she's really solid in this and I think the message for this movie was good, but as far as a rom-com, it falls very short. Monkey man here is where Monkey man pops up on my list and, like Eric mentioned, you know, in terms of like the shaky cam, it is disorienting and this is a film that I want to go back and possibly watch again a little bit later. I keep telling myself that, but I just haven't done it because I didn't enjoy myself, which is crazy because this movie is very high on other people's lists. But you know, I'm sure we'll get some.

Speaker 2:

Well, we did get some feedback on that in terms of other people that really enjoyed that movie. I mean, this is where Trap shows up. Listen, is Trap a good movie? Absolutely not. Is it a good time? Fuck, yeah, it is. So Trap is still in my bottom, you know, third of films that I watch, but obviously higher than where Eric ranked it. I believe these are all two and a half between no Trap, monkey man and upgraded two and a half. I wanted to jackpot the beekeeper self-reliance if Ricky's to Nikki all twos and I gave Joker a one and a half.

Speaker 1:

Yeah that, that makes a ton of sense. I gave Joker a one and a half. Yeah, that makes a ton of sense. This is a. This is again an interesting part of your list of movies, because many of these I wouldn't have watched.

Speaker 1:

Self-reliance is interesting, wasn't one that was on my radar a lot, but I did hear of it. I didn't know if it was good or not. Ricky Stenicki if I wanted to waste time and put it on and maybe get a couple laughs, I'd put it on and maybe get a couple laughs I'd put it on. But again, I wouldn't have made it to 50 movies if I was making those type of decisions, or maybe it would be easier to. I don't know really. If I Heard is dreadful. It's very unoriginal. And the Beekeeper not much to say there. Same thing with Jackpot.

Speaker 1:

What I will say about Moana 2, it's a little bit higher on my list will say about Moana 2, it's a little bit higher on my list. Peter, boycott the live action of Moana. I kind of agree with that. I was in a good mood when I walked into it and I didn't expect very much of it, but I 100% agree. Whatever the scores of between the three of us are. I think we all walked away knowing, wow, that was a disappointment, especially compared to the first one, and I think the fact that again it'll come, come up multiple times, I'm sure the fact that it was originally going to be a tv series and then it got morphed into a movie, you can very much feel that. But disney is clearly with its movie sequels for their animated, their beloved animated films. They are going a specific direction and I think it's time with films like moana 2 that we accept that. And yeah, that's really. It Upgraded, not my Vibe and Monkey man and Trap. I kind of said enough about Phyllin. What are you feeling here about this group of films?

Speaker 3:

It's interesting to see a lot of movies that we all haven't seen and movies that we have, just because it just jumbles up the list. Um, a couple of these movies I hadn't even heard, like I'd never heard of Ricky Stinicki or self-reliance, so that's that's interesting.

Speaker 2:

There was a not to not to cut you off, but there was a image floating around on social media of John Cena in this outfit that you see in the poster. He's in a schoolgirl outfit and everyone was like what the fuck is this from? And it turned out to be from this movie. So that's why I checked that out. And that's also Zac Efron in the poster, if you can't tell. But he is also wasted in this too, because I like Zac Efron.

Speaker 1:

Again, it's at the worst a really bad film, but at best it's at least, I guess, a fun time, A good time yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and then it's interesting that you have two movies on here with Awkwafina on it, which is way more movies that you should be watching with Awkwafina in it she and If. Yeah, oh yeah, I forgot about that, yeah.

Speaker 2:

We should also leave that behind in 2025.

Speaker 3:

Let that go. It's time Close behind in 2025. Yeah, let that go. It's time Close that chapter. Yeah, so I'm excited to see how Because a couple of those movies do fall into this list of 10 that we have coming up for me as well Well, let's do it.

Speaker 2:

Let's see what we got.

Speaker 1:

Alright, tell us about it, that bums me out.

Speaker 3:

So number 50, I have a movie called outside that is a netflix movie but it's actually a filipino movie so it is fully in tagalog. Um, I watched it solely because it was a tagalog movie and it was zombies. So horror movie, filipino side me up, very trauma-centric of Filipino culture, which was good but just not good at the same time, so was not excited about that film. Babes, I think I'm in the minority, honestly, with this film. I was reading a lot of the reviews on Letterboxd and a lot of the reviews on Letterboxd and a lot of people really do love this film. I don't think the humor was for me. I feel like a bad woman because a lot of women love this film and I absolutely hated it. I thought it was very Amy Schumer-esque humor and that's not my type of humor at all, so unfortunately it did not work for me. Watchers, another M Night Shyamalan movie. I think between the two M Night Shyamalan movies I watched, this was the worst of the two. I knew how it was going to end. I watched it anyway and it was as disappointing as I thought it was going to be Upgraded. Along with Phil, I really liked the main actress. I thought that it was trying to go in the direction of Devil Wears Prada but did not have the love and just the charm of Devil Wears Prada. It wasn anywhere. It wasn't anywhere close.

Speaker 3:

Um Moana 2. I did not enjoy this film, unfortunately. I was excited for this. I didn't watch any of the trailers and I just wish I had, because I probably wouldn't have watched it and the music was bad. The music, the movie experience was also bad. We had terrible kids sitting in our section so that probably made that review even worse for me. Violent Nature at 45. I was so excited about this film, guys like this film is in the POV of the killer, so I was like man, a new horror take. I'm gonna see something different. I don't know what I expected, but this man walks so slow, he walks like like a snail.

Speaker 3:

It had rivals character it had awesome kills like the best kill was someone literally turning into like a human pretzel and it was awesome. I love the kills in this film but he moved so slow and I I don't know what I was expecting, because that makes sense for a film in the perspective of a killer. I've watched Halloween many times and Michael Myers moves so freaking slow so I was not impressed by that. If same thing as Phil. He warned me not to watch it, I watched it anyway. Bad Cattle Lake Everybody loves this anyway. Bad Caddo Lake Everybody loves this film. Another hot take for me. Everyone did love this film. I think I was too dumb to understand. I had to look up the ending because I did not understand it. It's a really cool concept but if you look away for a second in this film you are completely lost and I could not get behind that and again I had to look it up on how it ended.

Speaker 3:

Sonic 3 sorry Briar, I was not a fan of this film. Um, also terrible movie experience. We got popcorn thrown on us, so probably lowered by score by a lot. But also I love tails and knuckles and they just were not there enough for me. They are the heart of why I loved the second film and they just were not represented enough. The two Jim Carrey's creeped me out. I didn't like it. I'm sorry, he's phenomenal, but creep me out, I couldn't do it. So that is why it's so low on my list.

Speaker 1:

Briar, there's no way you were in an IMAX theater for Sonic 3. There's honestly. I just wanted to interrupt. There's no way, but.

Speaker 2:

I mean honestly, like if it was the one here that we went to. I mean, those seats are falling apart.

Speaker 3:

That's true, it's the best experience ever For that space movie.

Speaker 1:

No, it's Interstellar. It's one of the best films ever made. Stop doing that, stop doing that, and before you get to your last one, we've been far enough from the popcorn incident that I guess I could ask now, because it's come up every time that we bring up Sonic 3. Was it an accident or was it intentional?

Speaker 2:

Oh no, it was 100% intentional, definitely intentional. Candy first. Oh, okay, that's unfortunate I hope those kids had a terrible Christmas.

Speaker 1:

I can't say whatever I want to say, that's fair. Oh, george's version of IMAX for context, so all right, yeah, and then you have one other film, so I'll let you get back to it, sorry.

Speaker 3:

Last one is Sweethearts. It was a Max original. It was very cute. It was a rom-com, very just original rom-com. Rom-coms make me feel good. This movie made me feel good that was it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, babes, being Low bums me out. It is something I wanted to see in theaters. I'll probably check it out on streaming Um, I'm not going to like pay to rent it, but once it's like free on Hulu or something, I'll probably check it out. It might already be actually now, um, but yeah, as far as the trailer and the premise of the movie, it looked good. I'm a big fan of the two main actresses, alana and Michelle. But yeah, when you came back and saw it, did you see this in theaters? You went to go to a theater to see this, didn't you?

Speaker 3:

No, it was on streaming. Okay, so it was on streaming.

Speaker 2:

Okay. So yeah, I'll have to go check that out eventually. Watchers, another film I saw in 2024. It's like 25 minutes. Yeah, it didn't look very good. And then, yeah, also like the amount of hype around the Violent Nature. It's a bummer that that turned out to be not so great. But yeah, and then the other ones I've either seen.

Speaker 3:

To be fair, Eric did warn me. He did warn me that movie was not going to be good.

Speaker 2:

It's a good premise, but it just sounds like it didn't execute. And then, yeah, I've never heard of the other ones on here Sweethearts, Caddo Lake, Outside I don't know what those are.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's a lot of films. Again, I think towards the bottom of our list, because when I was looking at the list, um, I have seen 44% of full ins list and I've seen 57% of yours, so I figured towards the bottom based off of the how the top half of our lifts uh list shaped out. I think the bottom half here is going to have a lot of movies that uh, all of us uh have had a much different experience with and that'll lead to some interesting rankings, different experience with, and that'll lead to some interesting rankings. Like I have moana 2 higher again, I'm not I'm not a moana defender, I just have it a little bit higher. Uh, sonic 3 I will defend my rating for it because it's definitely higher than this, but what I will say is I have, since recording my review for it, lowered my score. So I have, as I've walked away from the film, really recognized that I had a good time. But did I really have a great time? Not really. And the further removed from that movie I get and that franchise, they're just okay movies. They're very it's popcorn flick and I think you gotta take that for what it is. I think I prefer the first Sonic and definitely two.

Speaker 1:

Now that I've left the theater, I thought Sonic 3 was the best, but upon reflection, I don't know that that's the case. Honestly, I think there was a lot of lacking from the characters you mentioned, uh, and I also really just enjoyed Jim Carrey, uh, in particular. But yeah, no, definitely he was unhinged. He was unhinged, uh, for sure. So he was unhinged for sure. So, yeah, with that being said, I think that brings it now back to me. Unless I missed anything, nope, so let me go ahead.

Speaker 2:

40 to 31, I mean.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so a couple films. Now this is where you guys aren't going to be happy with me and I just have to speak my truth. And I just want to actually provide context, because I told Phil this. I don't think philin knows. Um, I saw real pain and then I saw joker. Uh, real pain spoiler alert in my top third of movies that I saw this year, really enjoyed it. Uh, joker, the worst movie I saw this year, and I know a two to a one and a half doesn't seem like a big difference. It is to me so it wasn't even close.

Speaker 1:

Between that and trap, all I needed the next movie to do was entertain me and I thought it was a lock. You guys, where it is on your list and what people have said, thought it was a lock. However, however, uh, the fall guy was not a good time and I got to speak my truth. I have to speak my truth. I was I've never had. So. Corey was watching it with me. My wife was watching it. There we go, jay, there we go. My wife was watching it with me and she typically doesn't ask my opinion, because I don't like being asked my opinion mid movie. I like to form one, but she had to ask me because she then followed up the ask with. You'll look miserable.

Speaker 1:

I didn't think this movie was charming. I didn't think it was funny. I think it's grossly miscast. From Ryan Gosling to Emily Blunt to Aaron Taylor Johnson I think they have absolutely no chemistry in this movie. Somewhat hinges on it. It's not an homage to stunt people, in my opinion. I thought that's the movie I was getting. It's not even that. I really just did not enjoy the fall guy. I cannot express it enough. I don't know what movie you guys saw, but I will also mention that I think comedies and I guess you would put this as a comedy, because I don't know what else it would be it feels like it wanted to have the benefits of being a parody film about stump people, but it didn't want to be a parody movie and that's what I watched. I tend to grade those a little bit harder and that's my last two and a half on my list, so I don't personally recommend it. The.

Speaker 1:

The next movie is, uh, my hero, academia. I'm not going to talk much about that. I love my hero. I eat that shit up. It's a three. It's a very average movie and compared to world heroes mission, which Phil really hated. I think you would at least enjoy this. But again, totally understand you're not going to theaters for it, but if you watch some of those shithole movies that you just watched, you can. You could have found time for this. Orion in the dark was one I saw earlier on in the year. I gave it a three out of five because I really think that this particular movie has not only really good animation but at the beginning has a really good like story base. Also, the humor is working. But this movie makes a change about halfway through. That was really odd and the way they unfolded the ending I didn't really like it.

Speaker 1:

Moana 2 I've already defended my point of it being a little bit higher than you guys. I was in a really good mood that day. It didn't really do much for me from the music standpoint. I thought the music was fairly weak, other than the big hitter beyond. Everything else was pretty much a miss. Can I get a Chi-Hoo man? I've said that a couple of times in the last couple of days. I don't feel good about it personally. But Moana 2. What else is there to say? That hasn't been a massive disappointment. The man in the White Van Me and Phil got a pre-screener to see.

Speaker 1:

This was really cool, gave this a three out of five, thought it was a nice kind of b horror film that I wouldn't have normally watched, so it got us out of our comfort zone. We both watched it and thought, uh, positively of it by the end. We also had this shadow strays. I watched this recently. Everybody was making a comparison. It's an Indonesian film. I believe that people were comparing to the raid. Phil, you and me really enjoyed the raid. This movie three out of five has a lot of vibes but it doesn't really execute very well beyond just the gore and the violence. So I think there's a story here they wanted to tell that I just didn't resonate with and this movie just became a little too over the top with the kills and if that's all your movie is gonna really offer, I don't know that there's much more to say.

Speaker 1:

Godzilla X Kong, new Empire. You know what Monsters kaijus fighting. That's the movie. Three out of five. Long legs. I walked in a long length. Yeah, I know it's a little bit higher. Phil, you can talk. You can have your time to talk about godzilla in your top 10. I don't want to do this now. Long legs, uh, was a movie that I don't normally watch. I do not normally watch it. Nicholas cage was getting a lot of hype for his performance. I do not normally watch it. Nicolas Cage was getting a lot of hype for his performance.

Speaker 1:

Watching the trailer, I kind of thought it would vibe with me. Potentially A three out of five, not a bad film. I get the appeal. This movie really, I think, gets weirder by the second. It doesn't really fully execute the things that it's promising and I think it's juggling a little bit too much. Also, I think this movie lives and dies by Nick Cage's performance, and his performance was a little too eccentric for me.

Speaker 1:

Uh, for what this movie was trying to accomplish Transformers one fairly low compared to many other people. Uh, three out of five. I didn't hate this movie. I see why people like it and I think this is a great introduction to transformers and what can be done in animated film don't like the character designs. From the trailer to when I saw the film, I think the animation is average. I didn't see anything that blew me away and, honestly, the voice acting kind of carried this movie down. There's a lot of celebrities in this and other than brian tyree, henry for megatron. Everyone, everyone else, average okay.

Speaker 1:

And finally Sonic 3, which I have reduced down to a 3 from my original 3.5 rating. I probably went a little bit too high in my initial thoughts as I was kind of reworking my list and really reflecting. I don't think they executed Shadow as much as they could have. As far as the story, if you're really going to make that the center point, I think two Dr Robotniks muddied the runtime a little bit and I think maybe one too many gags were being done Tails, knuckles again, characters that we love. We don't really get to see a lot of Sonic. I didn't really buy into his arc on this and I'm really just tired of seeing humans in this film. So this is still fairly low, but a positive score and a three out of five, uh yeah. So let's uh run it back and have you guys roast me about the fall guy, because I know it's coming and I again I wanted to enjoy it. I did the fall.

Speaker 2:

Just so you know, joanne, you should still watch the fall guy because it's a, it's a lot of fun 100 it is a lot of fun.

Speaker 2:

Gosling is really good in it and Emily Blunt is really good in it. So it's crazy that that you thought that it wasn't a good time, because I, I really loved those characters. Um, it was fun to see in theaters and, uh, I, I very much enjoyed it. We'll talk about a little bit more later. So it's crazy that it's this low on your list. Um, I remember when you talked about orion, uh, in the dark, um, we were talking about, you know, obviously, how, uh, you know, other studios are kind of like, you know, lapping disney and and also other films are going to be nominated, you know, for best picture. It's not just going to be all disney anymore. But, yeah, when you came back with a kind of like a lackluster feedback, I was like, yeah, it's probably one that I will skip.

Speaker 2:

In terms of that and in terms of animated films, I'll talk more about the man in the White Van here in a little bit Shadow Strays I don't think that's one that I am familiar with, and then Long Legs is one that I had circled, where I was like, okay, maybe I'll sit down and finally watch this, and it just didn't happen in 2025. You guys know how I am with certain horror tropes that I am and I can and cannot tolerate, so I just decided against it. And you know what, like Eric said, I will save what I have to say about the new Empire for later, much later in the episode. Transform is one I agree with what eric said. It's a little bit higher on my list, but, um, again, like I mentioned in the beginning, like these are just franchises that I'm I didn't really have a lot of affinity for when I was growing up. So, going forward, I'm just gonna skip them all together to avoid upsetting people. So and I'll talk about sonic here in a moment- yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And one thing I'll mention here as well, fulin, before you jump in, is Shadow Strays. I had a decision to make, talking about movies I didn't get to watch this year. Between that, because it was on Netflix and it was easily accessible or renting a movie called Kill, which I believe is an Indian film Correct me if it's, you know. I know there's a couple different differences between Bali and Tollywood type stuff and, as an example, I wish I saw that movie instead, because I'm hearing really great things and it was a movie earlier on my radar that I didn't get to, so that was a bummer for me. Feline, yeah, I've got 10 movies here. What are your thoughts?

Speaker 3:

Fall Guy crazy. I watched that movie at home, home, and I watched it again the next day because I I thoroughly enjoyed it. Um, and you'll see it pretty high up in my list actually, um, long legs. We've had talks about the different ways that me and you view horror, so that will also be very high up on my list. That I'll talk about later. When you did say you were going to watch it, I was like, oh, I don't know how that's going to go, so I'm not surprised that it is where it is on your list. Yeah, transformers For context.

Speaker 1:

I watched that alone too.

Speaker 3:

You did Early in the morning.

Speaker 1:

It was like 10 am Between this and Nosferatu, which I've come around on. We're going to talk about that, Not as high as you, but I don't know what I'm doing Watching horror movies at 10 am by myself or on Christmas.

Speaker 2:

Day. Is it you and another guy?

Speaker 3:

I have no business making these type of decisions and I'm pretty sure you watched it before me, which is even crazier.

Speaker 1:

I understand Both of them.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I get it. But yeah, you'll see Transformers 1, kind of in the same feel as you were feeling. I actually haven't heard of, I don't watch my Hero anymore. Sorry, I hope you wear your pajamas to the theater though.

Speaker 1:

It's canon now Stop telling people that I don't have them.

Speaker 2:

Joanne Spam. Joanne's our moderator. If you could let everybody know in the chat that Eric has my Hero Pajamas.

Speaker 3:

Thank you so much Deku, specifically Deku's pajamas With the hood and the feeties. But that is all I have to say on those.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, that's fair, all right, well, let's go ahead and move on to our next list. And where I had Fall, guy phil had a uh similar film that uh pretty much the whole world like that. He uh didn't like as much. So, yeah, let's, uh, let's let him get to that point and uh take it away thanks so much.

Speaker 2:

Uh, there, joanne, once again letting everybody know. But yes, here is where sonic is on my list and I know, I know I get it. But philin has already spoken about a lot about why this was disappointing. Um, phil, where does spy family go? What you know? It was only a matter of time where before spy family uh was mentioned. Thank you so much, briar. Maybe we'll talk about a little bit later. No, I didn't see the spy family, uh was mentioned. Thank you so much, briar. Maybe we'll talk about a little bit later.

Speaker 2:

No, I didn't see the spy family movie, but sonic 3, um, and just like what you guys said, like I am just so happy to have jim carrey in our space and have him around and it is uh, it is just a bummer that I did not enjoy this. Um keanu reeves's Shadow to me was also underwhelming. He didn't have a gun enough in the movie either. Like I wanted to see him, like, just like, toting a pistol the whole time. They took that away from us and it just isn't a franchise that I'm gonna pay attention to anymore. Going forward Sophie Supna Chahaf, you see this. Sorry because I know it was your movie of the year, uh, but it is just not. Did not do it for me. Suncoast is a film that I had circled Um. Another, um, uh, another festival darling. Uh, nico Parker you guys might recognize her from, uh, the Last of Us. Also a bunch of other projects, uh, laura Linney, woody Harrelson pretty, pretty solid movie. This is when we're getting to like the three range, like with, like what Eric had just mentioned. So it is a pretty good movie in terms of coming of age stories. But there were so many good coming of age stories that came out this year. This one just kind of got lost in the shuffle.

Speaker 2:

Musica, which is another place where Camila Mendes will show up. This is Rudy Manasco's or Mancuso. This is his directorial debut. You guys might remember him from, like the Vine days and it's a very interesting premise. It's another rom-com, but it does a lot in term with, like well, music, as the name of the movie is called, but a lot of things like rhythm and that type of storytelling which I thought was pretty interesting as a rom-com and a movie. Overall it was okay. Those two are dating in real life, so I thought they would have a little bit more chemistry. That jumped off the page. But this is where the man in the White Van pops up for me Once again, really cool opportunity to interview Warren Skeels, who is a Jacksonville native. So that was really really cool opportunity to interview Warren Skeels, who is a Jacksonville native. So that was really really cool and excited to see more from him.

Speaker 2:

There were a lot of really good decisions made in terms of the cinematography in this and I think maybe with a few story tweaks, eric, we agree that it probably could have been, you know, three and a half or higher. This is where Mean Girls pops up on my list. I was very underwhelmed with the film adaptation of this musical that I love. Um did not like who they cast as katie, who you know. The katie in the musical is a powerhouse and the girl I think her name is andrewi andrewi rice. I think that's her name. Um just did not do it for me. However, renee rap and ali iqbalo are fantastic in this movie, but outside of that, it was just. It was tough for me to separate my love for the musical and then watching this adaptation.

Speaker 2:

This is where Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes shows up for me. Now, if Liz were in this my daughter she would probably have this movie as number one. This movie changed her life. She absolutely loves it and she is excited to watch the rest of the films as well. The original movies, uh, that came out in, uh, over the last you know, 15, 20 years, so, um, but for me, I didn't really like the main character. We'll see how it goes going forward, because they can, even though it is my greatest fear that this is going to actually happen to us. The movies are still very solid. Uh, furiosa.

Speaker 2:

This is another movie I'm sure a lot of people have quite a bit higher on their list, but I love this is. This is a movie, a series that I just got introduced to in 2024 in terms of Fury Road, and that movie rocks. It rules. I also have a list of all the all the movies I watched in 2024, not just new ones, and that's pretty high up there in terms of what I saw. But, but this one just kind of underwhelmed me, and you know it was again, just OK, we live in time. This is one that I was like sure was going to knock it out of the park and it ended up being just OK and very predictable, even though, like knowing what kind of story it is. I'm sure a lot of us could figure out what was going to happen in terms of this type of story. Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh I would love to see them in another project in the future because their chemistry is off the charts and I think they're just really good together, not only on on screen but also off.

Speaker 2:

So, but in terms of a again another rom com esque movie, it just kind of fell short. Carry on this movie is full of plot holes, doesn't make any sense, but, goddammit, it was a fun time. I like Terry Eggerton and give me more of um, give me more evil. Jason Bateman, I am, I am all about it. Uh, this was a uh. I think it is now trending as like one of Netflix's most successful films ever, like a top 10. And it's worth your time, I think, with family and friends, because it was just a whole lot of fun, even though once again, it is just full of terrible, terrible plot holes and, much to the chagrin of my co-hosts here for this. This is where Wicked shows up. It's too long, it is color graded as if someone took a picture right into the sun and you can barely see what is happening. But it's still a good time. I still gave it a three, I will say.

Speaker 2:

Getting farther away from it more and more, I wish I had just seen the stage play first and then watched the movie. Am I going to see the second one day? One, yeah, absolutely I am. But my but I just cannot get over. In terms of their Hollywood personalities, I think. Well, ariana Grande maybe not so much as a person I've heard really great stories about Cynthia Erivo but in terms of Ariana Grande and them, those two together, doing press to two of the most kind of insufferable people, in terms of just watching them talk to media in any in press tour history, I'm not looking forward to having to do it again, all over again in a year. But in terms of a movie like, it was still fine.

Speaker 2:

I don't think Michelle Yeoh is very good in this either. Jeff Goldblum is kind of just reading his lines. I don't think Michelle Yeoh is very good in this either. Jeff Goldblum is kind of just reading his lines. And Jonathan Bailey, though, has me full confidence in the Jurassic World film, which is a rebirth film. Hopefully they put in some sort of musical number, but in terms of like where it sits in pop culture. I totally get it.

Speaker 1:

But it just wasn't for me. Yeah, no. So a three out of five for Wicked's crazy, in my opinion. I think philin will jump on that. It's gonna be a while till we talk about wicked, so I'll just tackle uh. Before we talk about wicked again, I'll talk. I'll just tackle that.

Speaker 1:

Um, I don't know, wicked was a powerhouse of a film. I think it surprised a lot of people with how good it is, uh to not see it in the top 20. And that's being gracious, like, because I think top 15 minimum. Uh, wild, wild, wild, way wilder of a take than me putting the fall guy this low. Honestly, the fall guy went straight to dvd release like two weeks after, I know why. Now, uh, wicked, one of the biggest movies of the year, uh, sonic 3 we kind of already touched on that. Uh, no, no arguments there.

Speaker 1:

I'll say the only films I didn't see here are carry on, sun coast, musica and mean girls. Um, these are all movies that I assumed are going to be in that three to three and a half range and unless I'm really interested in, like, the potential of the film, I'm just not going to check it out. That's where I think we make different decisions on movies as far as breaking down time, because a lot of my threes are movies that I see the appeal and I like them. I don't know if I'll really revisit them very often, but I at least like them. So when I see movies like this that I feel like their top hit or their top potential is going to be a three and a three and a half Uh, that's the reason I didn't really jump on those. What I will touch on is kingdom of the planet of the apes is much higher for me. I really didn't think it would ever touch anywhere near the heights of the previous trilogy. It doesn't, but I enjoyed it and I'm excited to see what comes next. So that says a lot.

Speaker 1:

Furiosa, I think, does deserve criticism. It's much higher as well for me. I did enjoy it, though it's a blast of a time the way that George Miller makes that movie. I think this movie is at least five years too late. We live in time. I will talk about that a little bit as well. Chemistry, off the charts story and the decisions made in this story are why it falters a little bit for me. So just a couple of opinions across the board. Phyllin, if you want to just jump back on the wicked bashing. Now would be a great time. And what else did you think about his 10?

Speaker 3:

I also wanted to say whoever's watching the video I did not choose this eyeshadow for no reason. It is pink and green If that tells anybody where Wicked will fall on my list of movies. So this wasn't just. I was blind and doing my makeup. So I can't wait to talk about that later.

Speaker 1:

You waited an hour to clarify that, that's I did stretch um for definitely wanted to see uh musica.

Speaker 3:

I wish I was able to watch that. I I did hear it was just okay, but I did. I was interested in watching that. Uh, we live in time. You know, it's funny, when you guys were talking about this movie I actually had never heard of it. I'd never seen any of the trailers, so I was so confused on what you guys were talking about when you guys first discussed this movie. But when you guys discussed it just was okay, I wasn't interested in watching it. I've never seen the Fury Road movies so wasn't really interested in Furiosa at all. But do have similar feelings of Mean Girls and Planet of the Apes, so you'll see that shortly.

Speaker 1:

All right, that's going to bring us back to me, so let's jump into it uh, this is where we're gonna wait. I didn't go oh no, sorry, she just stopped talking. I was like, oh, is it my go? Uh, it is philin's go. I was thinking we moved too fast too. I was like it feels like there's a lot of movies we missed uh so great transition. Uh, you felt very similar Mean Girls, plane of the Apes, which is where your list starts.

Speaker 3:

So, yeah, take it away so I will give a disclaimer that these movies were all pretty much a three all the way up to 32. So I don't know if this is really how I feel about it or if I'm just kind of stacking my threes all together. They were were just okay. They were good movies, not bad, not great, but they're just lying in this middle gray area. So I did have Mean Girls when I did first watch this movie. If you go back in the Discord I think I had this a four or a four and a half. But after some reflection, um, other than renee rap, um, it just did not do justice for the broadway, especially after seeing wicked and seeing how these movies can be done and still be done perfectly to the broadway musical. The changes that they made to this movie just did not work for me. Again, I hope liz is not watching this because I do have planet kingdom of the planet of apes at 39. Um, just same thing as phil. I wasn't a big fan of the main character. Um, the orangutans are always my favorite and he wasn't in it enough for me. So, um, this is where transformers one falls. I was totally against watching this movie, um, but phil and peter both told me it was very good. So I watched it and I enjoyed it. Uh, the idea of you uh, rom-com, uh, harry styles fanfic, if nobody. If anybody's interested in seeing that type of movie, very cute. Anne hathaway, as charming as ever. Love her um music in the movie. Good, cute, uh, a little weird, but cute uh. I saw the tv glow um, just like Eric.

Speaker 3:

I agree this movie is definitely not made for me. I understand the imagery. The horror imagery of it is beautiful. A lot of the films where they fall on my list is because of the imagery and the story and I definitely get it. But it wasn't meant for me, so that is why I have it where it is um hot take. I just thought Deadpool and Wolverine was okay. I like the kills, I like the gore, but just, I don't know.

Speaker 3:

I don't think I realize a lot this year that action movies are not my thing, so that is why it falls where it is um Trap much higher than everybody else in this room. But again, uh, I love and sorry, love is a very strong word. I do not love M Night Shyamalan, but I realize I like more of his films than I thought I did um and I just love this movie. Uh, book of Clarence, love the the topic of this movie. I love the message of this movie. Um, it just compared to all the other movies, that's just where it fell. Uh, am I okay? Is everything that I wanted babes to be? And it starred dakota. Uh, dakota johnson, which is crazy.

Speaker 3:

I watched the worst movie ever, which was madame webb, and one of my highest movies is dakota johnson as part of the lgbtq community, and that is the best Dakota Johnson in my opinion, and she was very cute in this movie. It's very good friendship story and I I liked it. Lisa Frankenstein cute horror movie, just just cute. Uh, I think it's I don't know which Sprouse twin is it, is it cool? Uh, cole Sprouse was very cute in this. Um, catherine Newton I loved her this year. She was in two of my favorite movies this year and she was very cute in this. I loved it. This was a three and a half for me and it was just. It was a silly movie and I enjoyed it. And any opinions on what this 10 brings?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. So Mean Girls again back to that point. Didn't see it. Kingdom, I liked it a little bit more. Transformers 1, we kind of touched on.

Speaker 1:

Idea of you was a film that I figured is going to again be that mid-tier movie. Didn't check it out, but I was interested. Love Anne Hathaway and from the clips I saw there seemed to be some type of chemistry. Whether it was weird or not, a whole nother thing. It reminds me of like a much tamer version of whatever. That Nicole Kidman movie that just came out was Baby Girl, which which not for me. I saw the TV Glow again I want to mention Not only was it not my cup of tea, but Phil's brought this up ever since.

Speaker 1:

I've said it, I don't think Justice Smith is good in anything. So anytime I see him in anything, I've never walked away from a movie and been like man. Justice Smith, what an actor. Never this movie included. He plays like a teenager. He's clearly well over his thirties.

Speaker 1:

Deadpool and Wolverine I also. It's not a hot take in this room but as Briar has mentioned so many bad takes, tonight I get it. Deadpool and Wolverine You're going to hear us have it at different points in our list. I think all three of us will it. Deadpool, wolverine you're going to hear us have it at different points in our list. I think all three of us will agree it's not great, but I think it's just great by current MCU standards and that's why people have it so high. The Book of Clarence I didn't get to check out. I wasn't familiar with, am I Okay, and Lisa Frankenstein seems like a movie purely off vibes that I would want to just check out. But that was when I never got to. But Phil Book of Clearance is a film just to kind of let you take back over that you have much higher and you actually enjoyed as well. So I'm surprised I didn't get to it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I did Really quick. Did you like him? Did you like Justice Smith in Dungeons and Dragons? No, no, I mean not bad. Like I don't think he's awful at everything, but I've never walked away, been like in that same kind of like casting bubble and we just like jordan fisher is just much more talented like we'd like to see I'd like to see jordan fisher in jurassic world instead of uh yeah, they're like.

Speaker 1:

They're like the exact same person, except one is way more talented at their craft than the other.

Speaker 2:

Like I mean, I don't I don't know how to explain it, but anyway, look at Clarence. Yeah, that's much higher on my list. Well, not much higher. We'll talk about that again here in just a moment. It's another movie that came out in the kind of like film wasteland of like January February, so I'm very much removed from seeing it, and since then we've seen much better films. But I mean, anytime you get to see the Keith Stanfield um do his thing, it's outstanding and it's a really good cast overall. Um, very interesting uh topic in terms, especially for me, somebody who has, uh, who very much had their um their turn with like organized religion not so much anymore, of course, but like going back and revisiting those stories is very interesting. The idea of you is something I thought about checking out at one point. But man, just as much as I love I'll, I'll watch Anne Hathaway like make a sandwich, but there was just like this. This was not something that I was interested in.

Speaker 1:

Would you watch her in that space movie we saw once?

Speaker 3:

She was good in the space movie.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the space movie. She was great in that space movie. Uncomfortable quote unquote IMAX seat.

Speaker 3:

AMC Now on Netflix check it out the space movie yeah just search space movie and it will come up it might.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it is like the space movie, so we'll talk about Deadpool Wolverine more here in a moment. Briar will be even more upset. Yeah, he's in the peck. Yeah, justice smith in defect in detective pikachu. Uh, nine out of ten for deadpool wolverine's wild briar. Um, am I okay? I heard good things about dakota johnson's performance, so, yeah, it is crazy. She has these like two polar opposite performances in 2024 and lisa frankenstein, I think. Is that a franchise fill in or no?

Speaker 2:

no, I don't think so I can't remember if there was a kill count or not, but I haven't watched it. So but yeah, not familiar with that. And yeah, both of you, I saw the TV. Glow was a movie I circled and I just never got to it. So, yeah, I'm kind of glad I didn't.

Speaker 1:

But we'll see yeah, no, and again, that movie definitely appeals to somebody, just not, not, not us. I'll head over to my list and now we will be going by five to get to the top 25. And from that point you will see what's ahead. Or maybe what I'll do is Phil, because we kind of were talking about what it would look like. We'll just start talking about our individual movies and then we'll recap them with the screen share.

Speaker 1:

So, that being said, I will show mine updated list, and this is where several films come up Phyllyn going to be shocked at another one. We have to talk, we have to have a conversation. You already know. You already know we're going to have a conversation here in a minute. Abigail Now this is where my updates are happening.

Speaker 1:

When I left Nosferatu on Christmas Day, I said I'm going to have to come on this damn episode and say Abigail was the best vampire movie I saw this year. Upon reflection upon reflection, because I really dislike Abigail's third act. I think Abigail is fun for about two thirds and then it's just. It just is what it is Like. It's just okay. Um, I like Abigail, but Nosferatu, uh, was originally below it. We live in time is a film Uh again, these are still threes right now that I just thought would be better, based off the caliber of actors and actresses, that to grow, and at that point I didn't really feel it at its height until closer to the middle of the film, and then it started making choices I didn't agree with. We're going to come back to the substance, flynn, because I really need to have a conversation with you.

Speaker 1:

Flow is an animated film that I enjoyed three out of five. But this particular film and Phil, I'm curious Cause I believe you also finally saw it it almost feels like just kind of Oscar bait a little bit, because there's no dialogue in the movie. You get from a point A to point B story. There's nothing I took away from this movie that like really made me want to watch more of it or to put it on again. I don't know if you walked away with any of those feelings enjoyed it, but again didn't love it. And then finally, before we get to our main talking point, deadpool and Wolverine. Three out of five, I think painfully average, the longer away I am from it. It's funny, sure, I am from it, it's funny, sure, um gory. I guess they did use that R rating, but I thought in kind of some cheesy ways, some of the CGI is really spotty and ultimately this film is carried by a lot of cameo fests. I think my biggest problem is for Hugh Jackman still giving his all as Wolverine. They didn't really give this Wolverine a much interesting backstory to be this type of Wolverine, if that makes sense. If you've seen the film, I hope that clicks. That being said, the substance I watched this today, today, and I'm telling you I was vibing with this movie.

Speaker 1:

This isn't a ton of top tens lists, including one here today this movie for the first hour, vibing, vibing. I was sure this was going to be a four out of five. I'm thinking like a three and a half, I'm thinking like a three and a half, and then this fucking balls to the wall ending Three, three. The first half of this movie very interesting. I think this is a movie that gets lost in its messaging An important message, a message that at points it executes really effectively, and I understand I'm not the target audience for that message. I could appreciate it. Though. But very curious, phyllis and I know you could talk more on the positive side when it gets to your list, because I'm in the minority A lot of people love this film.

Speaker 1:

Wild, wild, second half to this film, specifically what they do at the end here. That, I think, almost ruins it for me, but this is also not my genre typically. So I feel like again, just like I talked about with comedy, I'm a little more harsh on horror, because I don't have comedy and horror films in like my top tiers of movies all the time. You two, obviously you for horror, phil for comedy, do so. That's where I'll pause for dialogue. But, flynn, I have to get your input on the Substance because I knew you'd get mad second time. The Fall Guy and the Substance I was like Flynn's going to say I hate all her movies. What are your thoughts? Walk me through the trauma shock that you're going through.

Speaker 3:

Well, I'm also not very surprised when I did watch the film and I thought about the final act. When you asked me if I liked it, that was a thought of my mind that you would not like the final act. It is very campy. It is horror through and through. It is campy horror and I don't think the messaging got lost at the final act. Be horror and I don't think the messaging got lost at the final act. I actually think the messaging in the final act was actually very important. Um, which is what I will discuss later um, I do think it is very important. It is actually probably one of the most important parts that I saw directly through and through. But it's okay, that's fine. Again, I'm not surprised. I watched it again the other day, which is fine.

Speaker 1:

Which is fine, it's fine.

Speaker 1:

For the record, since you guys have called me out on that, I watch you guys do it constantly and I stay quiet. But I am not the only person that does the if it's fine shit and I'm tired of being alienated and isolated because you guys do it all the time and there's video evidence. You guys do it all the time. But I will clarify what I mean it's it loses itself in its messaging. It feels like it's doing, it's focusing too much on that, like I don't think and again, I'm not the type of person that that can give you the most expertise, uh, opinion on it. But by the time we get to that and you add the campiness and you basically change what the movie is, at that point, to that point, it's at least somewhat in the realm of realism.

Speaker 1:

Um, when you make that turn to enhance that message, I just don't think it was worth like, I think this it did a lot, and then I think we got from here to like a little bit further and I think that little bit wasn't worth it for what they did. But again, also not my genre. So totally makes sense. Um, was there any other movies here that you had an opinion on, or did you get to all of them?

Speaker 3:

Abigail, I have much higher on my list.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I did really enjoy this film. Same thing the final act for this film. Loved it. I actually really enjoyed the final act of this film. Also, very campy Was thoroughly surprised. I think I benefited from this film because also very campy um was thoroughly surprised. I think I benefited from this film because I actually did not see the trailer, so, um, I, I, I did not know what the twist was, so I was thoroughly surprised. Um, another reason why I am pushing 2025 do not watch trailers, guys. This is how this affects films. But, flo, I'm disappointed that that was just what you say is Oscar bait. It seems really cute, but I could see it. And again, we live in time. I do want to touch on that film, but I'm not jumping at the thought of it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and Phil Brear says he's apparently loves bad movies. He's sorry, uh. So after porco rosso and now this, I don't believe he will be returning to the show. Uh, and maybe start with deadpool and wolverine again. Uh, maybe lighten it up. I don't know, because I don't think you're gonna say much different than we did here.

Speaker 2:

No, um no, it will come up here again very shortly when I go and it was just the ultimate fan service film, which is a good thing, like for people. People had a really great time in this movie again. It is funny and the cameos were, for the most part, pretty solid and it is basically given Channing Tatum who I think is a good person and a good actor kind of a second shot at this character that he really, really loves and I think that is great and I'm excited to see him return. But other than that, like we are past the point and listen, I, I am a person I get it.

Speaker 2:

I have Godzilla X Kong really high on my list. I understand that. But I also expect more out of my superhero films now, because some of the best stories that I've ever seen in cinema are from the MCU. So I think it's okay for us to expect, as big fans of Logan as much as we were, like that's the perfect ending ending. I think it's okay for us to expect to bring this character back, for us to want more. So I understand people are pissed off that we thought it was okay, but we just expect more out of these and that's that's how we feel.

Speaker 1:

So and the one thing I'll say uh, as you go, any other films here. These are. I believe we're all in three territories now.

Speaker 2:

I think I gave that three yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I believe, comfortably, we're in three territories, three out of five, just speaking for me, again, positive, I believe it's over a half. So yeah, it's a positive, but it is in the bottom half of our films for this year. So we feel like there's 25 more films that we enjoyed much more, and curious if we feel the same way once we get to one. If you've seen those films, if you agree with its placement. But, phil, what about flow? Any thoughts about that? Again, it was. It was good. I enjoyed it. I would recommend people watch it. I just do think there's not much to revisit.

Speaker 2:

No, I'll say this If flow wins best animated over what I know all three of us have very high, it's absurd. There is absolutely no way, no place, no world in which Flo is better than the best animated film that came out in 2024. So it does very much feel like that, felinda, it is very cute. It is a very cute movie. You'll love the other animals that are in it. But with no dialogue, um, it's just a hard sell to casual audiences. Um, but in terms of what people are looking for, uh, for again, for really beautiful animation and uh, along those lines, I think it was a fine movie, um, and honestly, even a even a really good one. Uh, as you'll see here in a moment on my list when we get to mine. But, yeah, there is no way that this is the best animated film of 2024.

Speaker 2:

So if that happens, yeah, hello, we also got a new follower. Let's see Hobo Poppy. Thanks so much for for following following. I also do want to I don't know if she's in here still. I do want to shout out jordan, uh, because we missed her message earlier. She talked about how bad the trap soundtrack is. That I will agree with, uh, from beginning to end. So uh, with m night Shyamalan's uh making her, uh, uh her daughter his daughter.

Speaker 3:

I will painfully say one of those songs is on my liked playlist. I don't remember which one but I do have one.

Speaker 2:

That's upsetting. So yeah, but, Eric, we have some repeats here if we want to get to my next five.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I think that's a good thing, because we're about to hit about an hour and a half. Thanks for sticking around with us. The top 25 here we're going to start seeing some overlaps. This is where I think again, we've seen a lot of the same films, which should tell you something. I mean, there's at least three similar opinions from this point on, other than Phil's take with Wicked. So let's go ahead and jump into your next five films, three of which four of which no, three of which four of which we've talked about.

Speaker 2:

You okay.

Speaker 1:

I think I just had a light seizure, I think. So it's okay You're doing a great job.

Speaker 2:

Claps in the chat. Give Eric a pop Nemo for Eric for doing a great job with the screen share. This is where Challengers shows up on my list. I know Challengers is very high on a lot of people's lists for 2024. And it was a movie that I definitely circled in terms of being like okay, this definitely looks like a winner Zendaya you know we, she's Zendaya, but it was just like it was okay.

Speaker 2:

This is where I think Rite of Deadpool and Wolverine is where my three stop and then up the next movie, movies from 28 and above, or three and a half or more. So Challengers is something that, like, I don't really ever want to revisit, but I'm glad that I watched. I think it's her as a character. I can't remember that character's name off the top of my head now, eric, but, like I think for a lot of people they'll remember Tosche. I think a lot of people will remember Tosche as, like a pretty iconic, powerful character in terms of a movie and its plot and the story and the other characters outside of her. I thought it was fine. I thought it was fine, but I know people have that a lot, a lot higher than than I do. Deadpool, wolverine we already spoke our piece on that. The only other thing I'll add on about that is, like I said, I expect more out of my Marvel movies, my superhero movies. I routinely go back and watch Black Panther, shang-chi, the Infinity War and Endgame, captain America, winter Soldier. I go back and watch those movies routinely as like background noise. I have never once thought about watching Deadpool and Wolverine again, and that's where that stands.

Speaker 2:

Uh, flow, and transformers one I did update a little bit earlier in the day, eric, but um, they're, they're kind of like interchangeable, like you said. Transformers one is fine, um, ryan Tyree Henry, outstanding. This is probably the only one in terms of like sonic, um, uh, what was the oh, um, uh, teenage mutant turtles that we saw last year that we didn't enjoy? Transformers is the one, no pun intended, that I might go back and watch. Uh, when there's like a sequel, like I might keep up with that franchise. Uh, because brian tyree henry was so good, but scarlett johansson, really, if for a voice acting, and then chris hemsworth was okay, I guess. And, yeah, this is where Book of Clarence lands for me, right outside of my top 25. So we've already spoken a lot about all of these, except for Challengers. So, phyllind, did you see Challengers? You did, yeah, you saw Challengers in 2024, right, I did, yeah, yeah yeah, are you surprised?

Speaker 2:

it's right outside of the top 25 for me, or you know, what do you have?

Speaker 3:

no, not at all. Um, I actually did update my list right before this, with the challengers on it, so I don't know if that reflects on.

Speaker 1:

I'm about to refresh these tabs. Okay, phil updated it like 30 minutes ago I'm not yeah I'm not gonna stand for this.

Speaker 3:

It's fine, I'll update in a minute uh, yeah, so it actually did fall a little bit differently because of just re-evaluating my films this year, so it's interesting seeing where it shifted in my opinion.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Erica, you saw Challengers way before I did as well. I think you saw it in theaters, right?

Speaker 1:

I did. I did A movie. I saw by myself A couple of movies that went out of my way. I'm doing more things by myself now. Okay, you guys tell me to go out and do stuff, I go out and do stuff. I love it, and then you laugh at me. No, no, no.

Speaker 2:

It's not the fact that you go to movies by yourself. It is the choice of movie that you go to see by yourself. That is, do not watch Long Legs in the front row at 10 am.

Speaker 3:

in the morning, at 10 am.

Speaker 1:

Okay, well, let's just go out.

Speaker 3:

I'm pretty sure it was like a Sunday. Go get yourself God's day.

Speaker 2:

Get yourself a nice dinner. Go to Sushi X, have yourself a nice meal and then go to Tinseltown at like 6.30. Don't go see Long Legs at 10 am in 2025, please.

Speaker 1:

525, please Well listen, I'll tell you the type of decisions that I make. I had a hot pot right before this, so hot pot and barbecue Stirring right now.

Speaker 1:

This is a long recording and we don't have the Be Right Back here in Riverside Probably should not have done that as my meal choice prior to recording. I will talk about challengers again a little bit higher. Did enjoy it Zendaya Powerhouse she's on my list. Twice we talked about Deadpool and Wolverine at length. Flo, transformers 1, yeah, and Book of Clarence Again a movie that I thought I definitely wanted to try to check out for sure.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but other than that, like I said, we covered all these Flynn. You want to get to your 30 to 26 before we get to the top 25 meat and potatoes of our lists this year.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it does feel like she's doing this to hurt us, but it's okay with one of these choices Multiple choices on her list, so let's go ahead and get to your list and if you want to walk us through these five films, two of these have already come up. What, oh, that's not all we're going to get there.

Speaker 3:

Okay, carry on. We've already talked about I enjoyed this film. It was a good Netflix Christmas movie. I enjoyed it. Um, taron Egerton, I've always loved him, um, so it was nice to see him back again. Uh, quiet Place, day one I same thing. I high.

Speaker 3:

I rated this pretty high when I first came out of the movie, but then, looking back at all of the horror that I've seen this year, which is a lot, it did fall short of the other two films, but it was okay. Lupita was a good add. The Cat five stars. Ten stars, loved it. Ten toe beans.

Speaker 3:

Civil War Enjoyed. Enjoyed this movie. It was good. Um, this is when I reached the three and a half signed for me. So civil war was good. I re-watched it and you know it's just very slow pacing for me, so that's why I put it here. Uh, juror number two good last minute movie for me. Uh, I love the ending flat, but other than that was, it was pretty good. I love true crime movies. I, I'm so sorry, hit me. It was good. I didn't I. I didn't hate it, it was good. Three and a half is not bad. Why are you booing? It was cute. Um, I don't. I, I don't get the glenn powell's. He, I don't know he, he's a guy, he's the guy you didn't write up a defense for Glenn Powell?

Speaker 1:

huh, no, I didn't, we got you. You shouldn't have known better. Renaissance.

Speaker 3:

He's just a guy. I don't get it, I'm sorry, Glenn, he's not.

Speaker 2:

If you're watching, you're the guy, buddy. We love you man.

Speaker 1:

Glenn Powell, you're the opposite of Justice Smith, the complete opposite of a human being Okay.

Speaker 2:

I never thought those two would be compared, but okay.

Speaker 1:

That's going to be our new shining and RR.

Speaker 3:

That is a crazy we're going to do it for people. Yeah, see. Thank you, joanne, she doesn't get it either.

Speaker 1:

Well, Joanne has a specific type.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's true. It's more Justice Smith actually than it is.

Speaker 1:

It might be you might like Challengers, like, really like it. Stop it.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to pass out Anyways, but it was okay. It was a good movie. I thought it was funny. I'm kind of just Never mind. I was going to say inside, thought outside, so never mind, it was just okay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Phil, any thoughts? Here? Again, we're going to be pretty upset. Hitman's, I think, a lot higher on both of our lists. It's definitely a lot higher on mine. Same with Civil War. Although I can understand this placement, the longer I've been, Civil War has dropped on my list since watching it, and we'll talk as to why. But I know you saw Jura number two too, Phil, which was surprising because I heard good things, Nicholas Holt having a great year. But it's a Clint Eastwood film, so it just wasn't a film I was probably going to ever check out. Also, it seemed like the advertising for this movie went in the toilet. So what are your thoughts? I think there's a couple of movies that you probably resonate with here.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, jury no 2, I'm a little surprised to see right outside of the top 25. Again, three and a half out of five is also what I gave it. I just have it higher on my list and I enjoyed it. Clint, I'm also like with you, eric. As far as Clint Eastwood movies, like I can, I'm like give or take on them.

Speaker 2:

This is, I believe, his last film as well, and I think I saw like cinema Joe rate it pretty high, so I was going to check it out. I'm pretty sure he actually also gave it a three and a half, but I wanted to check it out. I like Nicholas Holt, it was a really interesting premise. Jk Simmons is also very good in this as well, and I, I, I, I liked it a lot.

Speaker 2:

Um, again, uh, it was um, yeah, felin is right. The. The ending very much falls flat, uh, and the character makes a lot of really stupid decisions. That would very much piss eric off, uh, but I, I enjoyed it. So it's not like a lot higher than where felin has it and um, but it is in my top 25, obviously, since we have not talked about it yet. So, um, yeah, hitman, uh, and glenn powell is fantastic, uh, briar says you mentioned advertising. I don't think I've heard of 50 of these films outside of you guys, which is fair. Um, you know we're we're very much on film talk and, uh, my ig algorithm is a lot of, um, uh, looking for a lot of movies that uh, to to kind of find that are not within like the general. You know zeitgeist, but, but, yeah, civil War. I also have a little bit higher and, but, I believe, the same grade. So like we're getting to the point now where we have a lot of movies that are the same. We just like felt differently in terms of ranking.

Speaker 1:

So it's, I'm excited for this top 25, yeah, so for that reason I I think I'm gonna ask how you guys feel. I feel like we've been moving pretty nicely on the letterboxd letterboxd list by either tens or fives, you want to keep doing that let's go by fives, yeah, from here on out, uh, because this we're already at an hour and a half and if we go individually, although yeah, individually it's gonna take forever.

Speaker 2:

This is going to be three hours. Yeah, I think five is fine.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so that's good because again there are two films on here Going back to my list it is my turn Yep, that are going to come up again. One of those is Challengers, at the 25th spot. Three out of five. I really enjoyed Challengers as much as Zendaya is a powerhouse. The real chemistry in this movie are between the two male leads. There is a scene with a churro Stiff, just absolutely stiff. So that's, listen, maybe the gayest film I saw this year. I'll take more of that?

Speaker 2:

No, that's not true. We saw Top Gun in 2024.

Speaker 1:

Oh we did, we did, I just released this year. For me, next on the list is Smile 2. Talk about banger soundtracks. That's absolutely helping here. It is a three out of five. I think it is better than the first Smile by a smidge. It's definitely a little bit more stylistic, but there are so many different elements of horror happening here. Where the first one was kind of straightforward, this one does like a lot of different things, from trying to jump, scare you to grotesque imagery, um, some body horror. It was a little much, little much for me, and I also think this ending isn't the actual ending itself, leaves the franchise in an interesting place. That third act uh, you're going to hear me bring up third acts in horror. I guess a lot. Uh, I again not not really the strongest part of the movie, so, uh, still enjoyed it, happy, I saw it. Naomi Scott absolute powerhouse talking about female leads this year and performances. You may be surprised to see this movie.

Speaker 1:

That Christmas is a film on Netflix. I put it on for my son like the day after Christmas and I didn't think I was going to watch it. This is my first three and a half of the year. It's an unforgettable Christmas for the townsfolk of Wellington-on-Sea, when the worst snowstorm in history alters everyone's plans, including Santa. This is not a movie that I thought I was going to watch. Brian Cox is Santa in here. It's also got several other cast members that you may know of. I just enjoyed this. This was like a little bit of a different take on a Christmas film and, honestly, it's going to be one we probably put in rotation. The animation also pretty decent, pretty good, I would say. Not top tier, which is why it isn't higher. But yeah, such a random movie on my list, I understand, but I enjoyed it a lot. Perfect Days is going to be a episode that we discuss in the podcast, so, at the risk of not saying too much, I will tell you this is also a three and a half. This came out in festivals in 2023, but released in the US in 2024, which is why it's on this list for me and Phil. We're excited to talk about this movie.

Speaker 1:

This is very much a day in the life of somebody. If that's your thing and you want to kind of put it on and turn your brain off and just kind of like soak in what it's like to be someone else, this is the movie for you and, honestly, there was some type of joy in seeing this guy clean toilets. There just was in seeing that life being lived. Civil War is where. 21 is where it's going to be. This was in my top 15 at one point.

Speaker 1:

Two things have happened. I've seen a lot more stronger movies that are going into the four territories. This is a three and a half still, and then two. The further away I've gotten from this movie, I haven't really wanted to rewatch it, but if it was on which is how a three and a half works for me if it's on I'll totally check it out and there's potential for a rewatch, but I just haven't wanted to revisit it and, honestly, although it's a very important movie, I think a lot of people are trying to spin this into one side or the other. At its core, this movie is about journalism in war, and I think that was a story worth telling and, for the most part, well executed, though there were some fumbles here and there that held the film back. So those are my next five movies, phil. Any thoughts on that? Picking up from Challengers, where you left on and forward.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I enjoyed Challengers and for for a few of the performances, but, um, it's not that far out of my top 25, just, I saw definitely a lot more movies that I enjoyed than that one. Smile 2 is obviously something I will never watch. Uh, I do know that, uh, what you guys have told me about it and uh, from some spoilers and I know there is stuff in there I cannot handle. Perfect Days, like you said, eric, is a film we're not going to go too far into because we will be speaking about it here very soon. Here's what I will say about Perfect Days and I'm going to echo this again for the podcast-only audience it is not a film for everybody.

Speaker 2:

This is very much a movie where you just need to sit and think about it for a while and what the characters's emotions, decisions and really kind of lack of dialogue mean to you, and I think that's where I found a lot of beauty in it. So I don't want to talk about it too much as it'll pop up here very shortly. And yeah, civil War I have it pretty similarly ranked as you. There is a lot of really good performances in that. Uh, a lot of really good performances in that, a lot of really good cinematography and I enjoyed it. Oh yeah, also I'm glad jay is still here because I saw, because I pulled this up on letterboxd and I saw that you know, I saw your ranking and then I saw that jay has given this a two on on letter of war. No, no, that Christmas.

Speaker 3:

He gave it a two. He gave it a two.

Speaker 2:

And he also left a review. It says that Christmas, more like that Christmas movie, needed more than two likable characters. But um so, Jay, if you're still in here, Crazy. He did not enjoy it.

Speaker 1:

What I will say, and again, this, this is I always think that a movie has about a half star rating to give up or down. Could this have probably been a three? Maybe I was shocked that I was interested at all. I sat down on the couch to watch like the first 15 minutes and I was like there's an interesting story here. Likable characters there's definitely a discussion about that. I would disagree. I think there's a. There's a lot of likable characters in here. But yeah, I could also see if somebody like this isn't your jam. So this is like the oddest movie on my list. Did not expect it to be here. This is around the time where I saw 50 was attainable because I started watching some movies like this Phelan. What were your thoughts? I got you.

Speaker 2:

I got you. I also gave you a like on letterboxd I got your buddy god um challengers.

Speaker 3:

Um, I actually pretty good because that's um about. We're about the same there, me and you, eric, um and uh, smile too. Um, I have, I have thoughts on that, but same thing. It's not too far between me and you on our list. That Christmas never heard of that movie. I will say I watched Klaus for the first time this year and no animated Christmas movie will ever.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I hope I didn't give off the impression that that that Christmas is like one, a top tier movie to better than Klaus Cause I don't want that out there, but I don't ever, oh, so that don't watch. Don't watch that Christmas. You'll watch If you have the option of the two. Watch Klaus five times and then maybe think about that Christmas and then watch Klaus five more times.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't want to watch another animated Christmas movie other than that one. Well, I do love Polar Express. I know that's a hot take in this trio. No, just that guy. I have to watch it every week with my family, okay, good.

Speaker 1:

Hot chocolate.

Speaker 2:

You pick the most random parts of films. No, we have to make hot chocolate.

Speaker 1:

No, we actually have to make hot chocolate in this household and drink hot chocolate when he's singing. Hot chocolate. I don't, you don't understand. He doesn't get it it's fine.

Speaker 3:

Oh god, take back control. Perfect, perfect days. I did really really want to see this. I kept on seeing trailers for it and I thought it looked so cute. I am really sad I missed it. I didn't get a chance to watch it before we did this, but that is something that I was definitely very interested in watching.

Speaker 1:

All right. So, Phil, I believe that brings us now to you.

Speaker 2:

Briar says he thinks about the Polo Express every time he picks up a hole.

Speaker 1:

punch oh my God, I mean it is hole punch art.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

All right, phil, take it away. We got some new films here.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

But yes, kicking back off with perfect days for you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, 25 perfect days. Like I said, I don't want to waste or I don't want to spoil too much in terms of this, because we are going to talk about it in depth here very, very soon. Woman of the Hour this is where this pops up Anna Kendrick's directorial debut. We need to keep an eye on her in terms of what she can do in the future. This is a really, really good start. I think I like this more than a few other people in terms of at least the letterbox average, but I very much enjoyed this. It's a very haunting um telling of this story. Um, it is based on a true, uh, true events and, um, yeah, just really really solid performances a lot. It was interesting to watch this, as well as the man in the white van in 2024, eric, because I think there were some decisions that maybe uh could have been borrowed from Woman of the Hour to make the man in the White Van higher than we even had it here this year. But yeah, anna Kendrick, I think we might be onto something here as far as her being a director.

Speaker 2:

My Old Ass is another movie. It's one of those Amazon films. Ari Plaza was the immediate draw in for me. Obviously, she's had a hell of a year with also being in Agatha all along. She's great in that too. This movie will really get to you, especially for, like, an older, millennial audience. I don't want to spoil anything is not in it enough, but the main character is played by Maisie Stella very, very good and I think it's certainly worth your time.

Speaker 2:

Um, if you're looking for a good way to pass a good um, uh, a good emotional film, another coming of age story to watch, this is where Look Back shows up for me. I watched this in the latter stages of 2024 and it's about an hour long. It's from the creator of Chainsaw man and honestly like probably going back and watching it again because it's at a three and a half, but I could be convinced that this is a four bare minimum in terms of the storytelling and what happens here in this. It is. It's devastating. It is probably the saddest in terms, in a good way, one of the saddest films I saw in 2024, um, next to a couple that we'll talk about in my top 10. Um, it is very, very good.

Speaker 2:

Um, and another kind of like another one of these coming of age movies I watched a lot of these in 2024 is Turtles All the Way Down. I talked about this a lot with you two in 2024, so I hope you do watch it. Find time to check it out in 2025. Isabella Merced she was in what's it called Madam Web earlier in the year and then, thankfully, she was in a solid movie that came out in 2024, but very, very much like this one as well as her, her co-star Just really good story. I would like to go I need to go back and watch it again to be for a little bit of a refresher, to confirm how I feel, because the score might even go up a little bit. But yeah, this is one that I've been talking your ear off about. But yeah, some fresh films here, eric, in my 25 to 21 range.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, very good, you know we'll talk. I'll talk a little bit more about Look Back here shortly. Only an hour film, but it should be. Packs a punch.

Speaker 2:

I very much want to watch some of his other. One shot, his other, not one shot. Oh yeah, like the shorter sort of shorter yeah.

Speaker 1:

And if they can execute it like this, I would love to see more of those translated to film. We talked about Perfect Days the other three here have not seen these are also movies, again mid-tier. I just couldn't make time for again watched 50 movies. You got to give me a pass somewhere. That's kind of where those movies fall. But I've heard good things about my Old Ass. I've heard it's funny. I've heard great things about woman of the hour from both of you and Phil. You have nonstop talked about turtles all the way down. I also hear there's some interesting stuff with the way they present you know some of the things in that movie and uh, I think it's interesting. Uh, will I go check these out and go out of my way? To difficult to tell, but definitely ones that I missed this year. That, uh, I wish I would have hit, uh, full in.

Speaker 3:

Where are you at with these? Um, I really wanted to see my old ass. I know you texted me to watch that movie, um, but I just never got the chance to do it. I did really want to see that. I do still plan to woman of the hour you'll find is pretty, pretty high on my list. Um, I watched a lot of badass women. In 2024, I will tell you so. I am excited to see where my 25 will fall, because there's, like, some stellar women in my top 25, so I am excited for you guys to see that yeah, and Jay put a comment here.

Speaker 1:

I gotta go back to another one, though I missed these earlier as we brought up his review. I didn't know he felt that badly about the Christmas movie and I don't appreciate that this is gonna be on the next Christmas special. But quick plug If you missed that the holiday special and audio only episode we do every year with the super bracket bro cinematic universe Check that out, where we discuss the best Santa.

Speaker 2:

If you haven't listened to that yet, Briar, we talk about Klaus a lot.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so that that Christmas I did not watch it? Yep, so that Christmas I did not watch it in time for that episode, but I guess apparently it will return. But yeah, so, phyllyn, I believe we are now back up to you Top 25, exciting stuff.

Speaker 3:

You are starting off as well with challengers, so take it away so I did have Challengers below my top 25, but again, I just watched a lot of like, really just like awesome women this year, so I put it a little bit higher, just because Zendaya's performance was definitely a standout. If these reviews seem a little weird, and not the way that I've been talking this whole night, it's because I typed out, so I'm going to be reading them, so just bear with me. So I wrote that Zendaya's performance is a standout and this movie puts on a wild ride. It's sexy. It made me care somewhat about tennis. I wasn't sure where the story was going to lead me throughout and the ending really actually left me speechless and it was unforgettable, in my opinion. I don't have it as high as everybody else, but I did really enjoy Zendaya and just how she just controlled every single scene regarding the two men. I loved it.

Speaker 3:

The next movie I have is Maxine. This is probably my biggest letdown of 2024, guys, I cannot tell you how much I love X and Pearl. Mia Goth has been my number one final girl for the past like couple years now, and this is the worst of the series. I was really hoping it would be amazing. The third act was rushed and the ending was completely obvious, the twist that they thought that they had. I saw it from a mile away. The only reason why I have it as so high is because I can't deny that Mia Goth just steals every single scene that she is in. I love her. I will continue to keep following her career.

Speaker 3:

And the 80s feel was cool and it was just a stunning movie. But I just wasn't very upset. I thought that this was going to be in my top five and, as you can see, it's 24. Yes, yes, mia, number 23 is Speak no Evil. This remake is surprisingly good. It really, really makes me want to watch the original. James McAvoy is phenomenal. He's both terrifying and captivating to watch and the story just takes a disturbing turn. The ending is dark and satisfying.

Speaker 3:

Uh, side note, here is another movie with the absolutely useless father and husband. Um, so anyways, uh, 22 is twisters. Uh, sorry, guys, just glenn powell. He's great. I love glenn and daisy together. They are are cute. It was a wild ride. I like the special effects. I do think I did a disjustice by not watching this in the theater. I probably would have had it higher, but I watched it from my home, so I don't think I got the same effect as you guys did, but it was good, I liked it. And then 21 um, crazy, I did not think I was gonna enjoy this movie. Um, this movie really shocked me. The first omen it was a prequel to the omen. I did not think it was needed at all, but the jump scares were crazy. It was disturbing, it was thrilling, great ending. I actually loved it. I did not watch Immaculate, which is kind of the same, but I think both ends for both movies. I think they were both well received. But I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and that's it.

Speaker 1:

All right. So, Phil, what are your thoughts here about her attacks on Glenn Powell today?

Speaker 2:

And that movie was. But yeah, I would. I would just love to see Glenn Powell and Daisy Edgar Jones on another press tour. We can probably kick Anthony Ramos out, but those two were like really good in terms of in terms of a throuple they were. I will give that to to challengers. Wow, ok, that is, that's not going to be accepted here. Maxine I, I guess I'm a little surprised to see it in your top 25, because you talked about how disappointed you were with the film in terms of, like the all three of them, but not. But I guess the fact that you still love that character so much was and that's that story makes sense as to why it's here. Speak no Evil is one that I definitely wanted to see and never got around to the first Omen. I definitely will never watch.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there we go. I was like Briar Twitter was 7 out of 10. I was like what an opinion on Twister? I agree, twitter is no. Twitter is much lower than that. It's Twitter was 7 out of 10.

Speaker 2:

I was like what an opinion. Twister 7 out of 10. I agree, twitter is much lower than that. It's no longer 7 out of 10.

Speaker 1:

Listen, we enjoyed Twister probably more than we should have. I'll talk a little bit about what stops it from being a perfect film, but man, it was just such a fun time. It embraced what it is. Just remember if you don't face your fears, you ride them, okay so keep that in mind.

Speaker 2:

Also, Eric, if you feel it.

Speaker 3:

It is now out of my 25, just because you guys said that it is now out.

Speaker 1:

Jordan Twitter is a solid six. Yeah, no, Well, she doesn't use Twitter.

Speaker 2:

She logs into my Twitter and then steals my algorithm, so she doesn't even have a. Twitter.

Speaker 1:

I will say the first Omen I heard a lot of good things about actually, again, not my genre, so not a movie I was going to go out of my way to see. But did I hear about the hype around it? Yeah, and apparently that was unexpected hype. Speak no Evil. I've heard good things, but I also hear people on the other side saying that the international film it's based off of was better and we talked, we talked about it. Briefly, fill in about how I think I want to watch that first. So I didn't go out of my way to see this, although James McAvoy, you know he's great. And then, maxine, I'm also surprised you had up here Challengers make sense, but Maxine, I think the census is. It's the weakest of the three and it's much weaker than anything else before it and it's much weaker than anything else before it.

Speaker 3:

I will say there's one kill in this movie with a stiletto and a man's parts that do raise it up a point.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, I saw Maxine. Actually I did see Maxine. Stop, I've seen Maxine.

Speaker 1:

No, you haven't. No, you haven't, you did not.

Speaker 3:

Oh, my God All right, there is a kill count Consensus there.

Speaker 1:

We hate men, let's let's jump into our next five. So this is where I think I'm going to surprise a little bit. I have walked away thinking about Nosferatu every single day since I've watched it on Christmas Day For reference, christmas day not very long ago. This movie was around the low twenties and is at 20 at the moment. I do think I had the most fun with this particular film. I really, really enjoyed it. And I am not really really enjoyed it. I enjoyed it for what it was, not being a fan of that genre and it not really being my vibe. I enjoyed it enough that I want to see it again, which is like really weird and again a three and a half for me. If it's a movie that is on and I would, I would like sit down and it would catch my eye and I would watch it. I put it at a three and a half. This movie originally was a three, so I bumped it up in rating and then, as I compared it to other movies like, if we look at the list below it, I'm not going to watch challengers again. Uh, though, I enjoyed it. Same thing with smile too. That Christmas total anomaly here. We're not going to talk any more about that Christmas perfect days Really enjoyed it. Three and a half civil war enjoyed it. But I'm not gonna really revisit those movies. If they're on, I definitely it catches my attention. I'd highly recommend them. Nosferatu is the start of movies where, like, I think I want to see that again. I think I want to form more of an opinion there. It's a beautifully shot movie that was never in question. Uh, it's not everybody's cup of tea. This is this is a. This is a weird movie. It goes places. We'll talk more about that, I think, when Flynn gets to it.

Speaker 1:

Heretic, a film that I really enjoyed most of. Hugh Grant fantastic. We talk about Naomi Scott with a strong female horror performance. I think Hugh Grant might've had the strongest male horror performance here. At least there's an argument for that on my side with the films that I have seen. He was really, really good. He drops a Jar Jar Binks line in here so casually and it works. That's the type of performance we're talking about and I really like the themes on religion that this movie tackles. If you guys know me, I'm not very religious, but the whole conversation around it, which is crazy for one of my top movies being in here, but it's very a crazy conversation that I think can make people uncomfortable and they use that uncomfortableness to make this more of a thriller. I think the problem is it's advertised as like a horror thriller, but it's really also a mystery film and they throw that in as the film progresses and I don't think that's natural. So this movie is held back a lot again by its third act, but it is still a movie that I recommend and I enjoyed.

Speaker 1:

Look Back was a great, great time. I really enjoyed this. It's only an hour commitment. It was on Amazon Prime, had to check it out and I think I echo what Phil said here. It just is something that makes me want to see more work like this from the creator of this Chainsaw man and a lot of other short stories that I've gotten to enjoy on Shonen Jump and manga in general. Furiosa, a Mad Max saga, is next on my list.

Speaker 1:

I did enjoy this film. I do think it has some wonky CGI that I mentioned earlier. I think it's not the most original story. There's nothing like excellent happening here, but it is still a journey of a character in this world and I think that has a lot of gravitas behind it to keep this movie fresh in people's mind and, over time, people liking it more. I know it didn't do very well at the box office, but for whatever you want to say about uh, uh, anya Taylor joy is that right? Did I say that right? Anya Taylor-Joy and Chris Hemsworth Both of them I thought, were really good in this film.

Speaker 1:

Inside Out 2 wraps up this five. I think it was a worthy sequel. Also, a three and a half here. I think it was worthy. I think it was good. The character of anxiety, very relatable to what a lot of us are dealing with on a daily basis, more now in this era than any other, and I think there are some interesting story elements. Not as good as the first one though and I don't think that's an argument that anyone is making, but I want to make it clear, it does fall short of the first one. Surprised it made a billion dollars, but also not surprised after I walked out of the film. So those are my movies uh, full in. I'll throw it to you first, because I know there's a couple of uh films on the back end here especially you have your eye on. So what are your thoughts?

Speaker 3:

um, yes, nosferatu was amazing. I I thoroughly enjoyed this film. It's funny that you did adjust it because it was about like 10 minutes in the movie. I said now I understand why this movie was not for Eric. So I am thoroughly pleased that you did move it up. But about 10 minutes in I was like I get it.

Speaker 1:

It was tough. Listen it, it was tough, listen it was tough. This movie does get some semblance of like a plot, like later on, and, like we do, we do get to a point. But yeah, no, that, that first bit, I think, shocked me a little bit. I was like, oh, what the fuck am I watching? I literally that's so funny because I know exactly what you're talking about.

Speaker 3:

No, it was later on.

Speaker 1:

Christmas Day and I will tell you, people walked out in segments. Like a quarter in couple walked out, halfway in another person walked out. Three quarters in two couples walked out. I was thinking about joining them. I'm glad I didn't, but it's crazy for me to feel like that about this movie and just to add to what you're about to say, I think that speaks to the type of movie it is, even though it might not be everyone's cup of tea, A pretty great film, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I really am glad that you turned around on it and I'm happy to see it high on your list now. Heretic, I am really sad that I missed this movie. I am really, really wanting to watch it. I just wasn't willing to pay the $19.99 to rent it, so I'll be waiting a little bit longer on that film, but I am excited to see it. And after you guys are talking about Look Back, I definitely want to see that film, seeing it on y'all's list, so that's all I have to say yeah, phil, what about you?

Speaker 2:

yeah here, take another one I I wish I had gotten to before the end of the year. I don't think I'll be seeing nosferatu. The funniest thing that's come out of that is the director acknowledging that a lot of millennials know who nosferatu is because of spongebob, because of that episode with the slashing slasher. I think that's really, really funny. Yeah, you definitely have to watch, look back, and yeah, I didn't even think about that, just wanting to go back and go in and also read more of those stories for sure. And yeah, I have Inside Out 2, actually a little bit higher than you do, and it is something that, as I've gone back and thought about it, has gotten higher on my list throughout the year Because, yeah, I think it is a really good story that I'm glad it was told, but also, like you said, if we never got another Inside Out, I'd be perfectly fine with that. So I talked about Furiosa a little bit earlier. So it's kind of a bummer that we just won't be getting any more stories in that universe because it is very interesting.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and we have now your next five, phil. So if you want to take it away, a couple of films that we've talked about so far and a couple of new ones as well that I'm sure you're dying to throw in here.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So this is where Civil War, jura, number two and Hitman pop up, so we've talked about those a little bit already. Let's go with Bad Boys Ride or Die. Let's start there, because this movie is a blast. These movies once again, this is a. Turn your brain off and just watch Will Smith and Martin Lawrence be really ridiculous and have a lot of fun together. They still got the chemistry in 2024.

Speaker 2:

I saw this with my brother in law and we had a great time. I am after seeing this and this is not an original thought. It has been all over social media. There is no possible way that Batgirl could have been that bad, because these are the directors that directed Batgirl and WB decided to sunset that film in favor of a tax write-off. So, just based on cinematography alone, I cannot be convinced that this is that. That could have been that bad, but this was a whole lot of fun. It's got some really, really cool drone shots and it's still funny humor in 2024 and worth your time for sure. Get some friends together, put it on a big screen and with a soundboard and I think you'll enjoy it. Ministry of a Gentlemanly Warfare was also just a whole lot of fun. I am such a big fan of Henry Cavill and even though it's not going to happen, I think the ship has sailed. I want Alan Richson as my Batman. I think he could be a great Bruce Wayne and Batman and he is just really great. And this Henry Golding is also in this very, very good and it was just a really fun time in the theater.

Speaker 2:

A movie that also came out earlier in the year. I haven't seen in quite a while, but all this time later, all these months later, I still remember enjoying myself and laughing quite a bit, but, yeah, also coming out of that wanting to watch that Preacher show because of Alan Richman. So Bad Boys Over Deadpool, yeah, yeah. I don't have an affinity for the Bad Boys characters like I do Wolverine or Logan, so Logan deserved a better story than the characters in in bad boys.

Speaker 2:

So in the end we talked about Hitman. We touched on that here a little bit. I thought it was a lot of fun. It also kind of convinced me that Glenn Powell could play Patrick Bateman in a in an American American psycho film that's already been cast now because of Austin Butler, but, um, it just looked like he was having a lot of fun, as well as Adrian, uh, jonah and uh the. The ending is kind of like it's all right, but in terms of how much fun like Glenn Powell was having acting within a movie, like acting in a within a movie, like it was just a really great time and, yeah, banner year for our guy Glenn.

Speaker 1:

That's right, despite what someone here may think. We talked a lot about Civil War Juror number two again, I kind of said everything I needed to say. Bad Boys Bad Boys, ride or Die is a movie that I wanted to see because I've heard they really do some cool camera stuff. And again, the directors which is just crazy to think about what's happened to that other film, the director specifically. I wanted to see their work here but I didn't watch the last Bad Boys. I'm not going to make a two film commitment.

Speaker 1:

This is something that, like again, I would put on the TV. It would probably catch my interest. So I was thinking like, at most this is probably going to be a three and a half movie anyway. And again, that's where that decision comes in. We're still in your three and a half field here. For context, phil, I believe it's a little bit longer for the two of us before we get to fours. That's why I'm surprised to see the Ministry of Unchained. I don't even want to talk about this movie. I just no, it's just not a movie I'm ever going to devote time to. And Hitman I have a little bit higher than both of you. I thought it was really, really funny, had a lot of charm. Talk about chemistry. Unlike Emily Blunt and Ryan Gosling in the Fall Guy, they're there. So, yeah, I'll talk more about Hitman in just a little bit Phyllis. Any thoughts about any of these films before we jump to?

Speaker 3:

your list. I already really talked about three of those on this list. Bad Boys I'm really glad that they enjoyed that movie. I heard really good things after they left the theater, so I'm glad it was good. I've just never seen any of the original ones, so that's just a unfortunate for me. I do want to see them at some point, and I don't even know what the other one is, so yeah, no, we don't have to talk about it, it's okay.

Speaker 1:

Okay, it's a fun movie.

Speaker 2:

You say like it was one of the worst movies of the year. It's, it's good.

Speaker 1:

No, yeah, no, I mean yeah, okay, so we're gonna. So we're going to talk about a few other movies and I think, flyn, towards the tail end here of your list going up, we're going to start hitting fours for you. Yeah so yeah, if you want to jump into Whoa Phil is very excited. Let's go, take it away. Three movies I love in here, take it away three movies I loved in here.

Speaker 3:

Um, so I have uh number 20. I have godzilla x kong. Um, just a fun movie. He, godzilla, is the epitome of fuck around and find out. Um, he told kong get the fuck away and he gives kong a suplex and I will watch that over and over again. Um, action again I realized in 2024. Action is not my thing, but this was fun and I like seeing them come together as friends. It's cute. Um, smile too.

Speaker 3:

Uh, I did really enjoy this film. Naomi Scott, like Eric said, was wonderful. The first film was just very like super jump scares, so it wasn't one of my favorite films, but this one had a genuine story to it. It really questioned my reality. At the end I thought I questioned my whole entire experience after seeing the twist. So I cannot stress enough how much I love this movie compared to the first one.

Speaker 3:

This is where Fall Guys falls for me. It's crazy. I had this movie way close to top 10, but I moved it down after reevaluating. It's fun. I actually like Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt. I've seen this movie several times. I just think it's fun. I actually like Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt.

Speaker 3:

Um, I've seen this movie several times. I just think it's fun. Uh, I do think they have great chemistry and banter. It had silly parts and there's a lot of things that don't make sense, but it's a good surprise. It was really fun. It was a perfect mix of horror and humor. Again, like I said, I think not seeing the trailer really benefited me. Melissa Barrera just it really really breaks my heart because she deserves a leading role and just not having her in the Scream franchise anymore is a big disservice and I'm just really happy to see her because just knowing that she didn't have a lot of opportunities after Scream really hurt me. So seeing her in this was Catherine Newton amazing. Seeing Angus Cloud's last film was great and just and crazy.

Speaker 3:

I love Saw and Abigail to me is just a 12 year old John Kramer as a vampire in my opinion. So I love this film. This is a hot take. Dune is where my fours. No, abigail is where my fours start. So I don't think Dune is a bad movie. I don't think these movies are for me. I am not an action person. It's visually stunning. The actors are fantastic. Action and sci-fi is it me? The main character's name is Paul. Not exciting, sorry, but it's definitely well made. That's all I gotta say. I know I'll get hate for that, but I just I don't know.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't feel like you want to have it at a four or even this high on the list. No, it's beautiful.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna question the legitimacy of your spotting Giving it a four. You're not going to get any shit from me. This is definitely a movie. I think any lower than a four is criminal activity Outside the top 15, also possibly criminal activity but I'll let it go and we'll talk about that. I definitely get. If it's not for you, though, yeah. But Abigail, again, not surprised, you enjoyed it a little more. The Fall Guy again, I really it had everything set up to just entertain me. It just did not. I cannot explain it. Smile 2, not surprised. And Godzilla X Kong, a movie that's going to be talked about a lot here as we continue on the episode. So, phil, uh, I'm guessing you're excited about, uh, that placement yeah, I watched it again the other day with Peter.

Speaker 2:

He had never seen it. Still fucking rules, man. I'll talk about it more in a little bit. Uh, smile too. Not surprised to see that up here. And um, yeah, I it. As the year went on, I stopped apologizing for how much I enjoyed abigail. So we'll talk about it here and dune too, a little bit later all right.

Speaker 1:

So let's go ahead and jump back into my list here yeah, my list and let's go ahead here and talk about getting into the top 15. Think there'll be some excitement here. Uh, I rounded up to 50 movies and some of these movies I saw earlier in the year. Two of these I saw in the last two days. Alien Romulus was a movie I saw in theaters.

Speaker 1:

Did not think this was my jam, I did not think I would like this, but I got caught in the hype. I watched it and while I can admit this is clearly a ripoff of just the first Alien and there's a lot of cheesy callbacks that don't really work. Also, the bringing back of a dead character that one is unnecessary, Two cheesy it's really just not necessary at all. I don't like what studios are doing with that whole deep fake thing that they're trying to do with these people that have passed away. I enjoyed this. This was a vibe. The third act Nuts A little overhyped, but I appreciate they didn't make a whole nother movie to get us there. It just felt a little out of place, Kind of brought the points down. It's still a three and a half and again, I really liked the vibe. It made me interested in more in alien content. It made me interested in alien content more than I ever have been, so that's a win in itself. Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is at 14, still a three and a half. We're about to get into my fours.

Speaker 1:

I enjoyed this movie Again. I personally liked not only Noah as the lead character. I like Proximus as the antagonist, I like the world building that's happening here. This is not a perfect movie. This movie drags at certain points the orangutan, who I forgot the name of Same thing. I would have loved to see more of that character or more interesting characters from the ape side, I think. Uh, then again, uh, having a focus on uninteresting humans. But uh, that is the nature of this franchise. So I enjoyed it. I'm excited to see what comes next. The two of you are probably shocked to see Didi up here at all, let alone in the top 13.

Speaker 1:

This is a movie that speaks to both a young Asian demographic and the people that grew up in, like the MySpace era. I can relate to one of those things and that thing, in addition to appreciating the other demographic side of it, which is very prevalent, and I know a little bit of that because of both of your experiences you guys have shared from time to time. Uh led into my first four of the year in DD. I watched this two day. At the time of recording it was the last movie I had watched and it made it all the way up to 13. So I know we're going to talk about DD a little more on your list.

Speaker 1:

A real pain was a real pleasure to watch Kieran Culkin, Jesse Eisenberg. I watched this a day or two ago and this is my type of comedy. This really is, but it also has a lot of deeper messaging and a lot of deeper themes that it's tackling. It's not a very long runtime and for that reason I really felt like it was just a quick road trip I took in the shoes of these two characters and I really got a lot of just a quick road trip. I took in the shoes of these two characters and I really got a lot of value out of some of the conversations that they had.

Speaker 1:

One of the lines in this movie that really resonated with me was that you bright up a room but then you shitting everything in it and I don't know why. I felt like that described me a little bit. It kind of like was some self-reflection. I felt like that described me a little bit. It kind of like was some self-reflection. Don't know what that says about me as a person, but there were lines like that where I really kind of resonated with either people I know or myself, and I thought this movie was just again a real joy to watch, although there's definitely some deeper topics at hand.

Speaker 1:

Enough about that. Twisters was a blast. Oh my God, Glenn Powell, you saw it at theaters. The only thing holding back this movie. It's a four out of five just because it's purely invested in. It's a Glenn Powell led movie. It's country, it's Twisters. It just embraced all of that. I just really wished we traded some of the special effects for more of that realistic prop work that the original had. I think this movie could have had more appeal, honestly, and could have really leaned into it. They chose not to. I think that's a detriment, which is why it's outside of my top 10. But a movie I enjoy and I highly recommend. If you could have caught it in a theater, I would have recommended that you do so. So, with that being said, uh, phil, I'll throw it to you first. Uh, what are your thoughts here on some of these movies on my list?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I, I know you enjoy kingdom much more than I did, so not surprised to see it here. Alien romulus also heard really great things from you throughout the year when, once you had seen it, I'm really happy that you enjoyed Didi. And yeah, I agree with so much about what you said and I think that's why it will resonate with even if, again, you are not an Asian teenager. You will still very much resonate this because of the timeframe, if you are around our age, so in your 30s, I think you'll you'll very much enjoy that. A real pain we'll talk about here momentarily with me for sure.

Speaker 2:

And yeah, it is the once again, another type of film that I don't think is going to be for everybody, similar to in the vein of a perfect days, but I think it does have a lot of really important messaging. Um, in terms of, like you said, kind of like inner reflection, I think everybody probably has like a family member like this or a person in their life that will remind you of either character. So, yeah, and Eric, not to spoil anything, but you and I both have twisters at 11. So twisters is fantastic, a hell of a ride, and, yeah, I, that is a great point, though. If they had gotten more practical in this, I think it would have made it even better, but what we got is still good, so good solid continuation of a franchise that I didn't really think needed to return, but I'm glad that I did.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and Flynn, I know you hated Twisters and Planet of the Apes. Don't know if you saw Alien or Real Blades. So if you just want to talk about Didd here, uh, that's totally fine, I'm okay with that um, yes, I love dd.

Speaker 3:

I'm really glad that you watched it. I know we talked about it a little bit before um start doing this stream, so I'm really glad you enjoyed it. Um, I did not hate twisters. Stop saying that. I enjoy twisters. I wish I saw it in the theaters. That's all I said.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna watch twisters in my deku pjs. If you don't hate twisters, yeah my ass and no anthony ramos I did probably take off a quarter point, maybe a half point for that the challenger's thruple was way better than the twister's thruple, I would I would agree with that, I would agree with that, I would agree with that, and then also I watched.

Speaker 1:

Dee Dee specifically, I think because of the fall guy. When I saw how look, how low it is, it's so low down here I was like I think. And then I watched Dee Dee. After the Substance I was already going to watch it, but after those two movies I was like if I don't watch Dee Dee, they might not talk to me anymore. So yeah, that's where I was at.

Speaker 3:

But yeah, and then Alien Romulus, that is one horror film that you watched, that I didn't. So there you go.

Speaker 1:

Okay. Well, it's not just one. I watched Heretic too. Okay, give me some credit. Okay, I watched. Okay, that's fair.

Speaker 3:

I watched multiple but Alien Okay, it was like a staple of this year.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, that's understandable, All right. Well, Phil, you already spoiled a little bit of it and there's a couple returning movies, but one new film here. So if you want to jump into it, starting with that new film that we haven't discussed yet in Ultraman Rising at 15.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, ultraman Rising was the perfect introduction to someone who knows nothing about Ultraman. And shout out to our buddy Corey this was his animated film of the year. It's the only animated film he watched, I think in 2024. But still, he is our go-to Ultraman guy and, yeah, this was a really really fun watch. It's got really solid animation. It's on Netflix so it's easy to look into, look into and find, and I am excited to see more from this.

Speaker 2:

It was a pretty straightforward story in terms of the main character again coming of age, stuff, uh, but really really fun and does make me want to look more into this character. I think the whole thing about ultraman is, even though, like I love the power rangers, with the power rangers it's always been like they jump into a zord, you know they jump into some sort of machine, and with Ultraman, like it just always seemed a little silly to me because you know he just gets big and in this it works very, very well. So who knows if I'll react the same way to like a live-action Ultraman, but for American audiences I think that's what Corey said like this is and it was a whole lot of fun and it's got a little cute kaiju Look at that little guy on his back. People like that, kids will like it. This is where Fall Guy shows up for me We've already talked about that and how wrong Eric is.

Speaker 2:

Inside Out 2 is where. 13 is where Inside Out 2 falls for me, twisters, like I said, we both have at 11. And then, yeah, this is where I, like I said, unapologetic about where, how much I loved Abigail. That movie was an absolute blast and you can kind of tell like Melissa Barrera was very excited about it. We met her at Spookala earlier in the year, earlier in 2024. And she was just giddy about people getting to see this movie and I see why. So, really, really fun, sammy, those are fucking onions. What a great movie. So, yep, this is my 15 through 11.

Speaker 1:

I was going to say if you don't quote Dan Stevens.

Speaker 2:

I got him Something's wrong. Sammy, those are fucking onions.

Speaker 1:

Again, I don't know, I enjoyed it. Kevin Durand, melissa Barrera Again, all great performances in this movie. I don't really disagree with anything here, except for the fall guy, which, again, we're not going to continue to go back and forth on. I liked Ultraman Rising a lot more than you did, but again, this is where your fours or no, no we're not at your fours yet, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So these are your highest three and a half as we get to your fours in the next stage. But yeah, again high three and a half. Maybe some of these you could argue 3.75. For sure, totally makes sense. Flyn. Anything you want to add commentary on for these films, except for twisters. I know that you're. You're again seeing it again here.

Speaker 3:

You're probably infuriated, but anything else um, I'm just really glad you loved abigail as much as you did. That's just the movie.

Speaker 2:

That's really dear.

Speaker 3:

It is a yeah so yeah, I will say when, uh, katherine newton is in the pool. That scene just every single time.

Speaker 2:

I just want to barf. That's all practical too.

Speaker 3:

It's gross, but that's all I had to say All right.

Speaker 1:

Well, flynn, you're coming back in here with several new films to the list, but starting off with one that was on phil's in woman of the hour, so take it away yes, um.

Speaker 3:

So woman of the hour for me. Um, I don't know if you guys have seen that trend on tiktok this year on whether or not you would pick a man in the woods or the bear. This movie perfectly depicts why I will always choose the bear 100% of the time. It was truly powerful. Anna Kendrick directed this movie with the utmost respect of the families and those who could be severely triggered by its content. Honestly, out of all the horror films this year, this has by far the scariest just because of the content of its film. Um, I can relate as a woman, as just certain things in it, and it's just really beautifully told and I can't wait to see what else she has to offer moving forward. Um, and then number 14 I have blinked twice, which I know I don't think is on anybody's list.

Speaker 3:

The reviews for this movie aren't the greatest but, along with Woman of the Hour, it was directed by Zoe Kravitz, which is also her directorial debut, and it I didn't know what this movie was about, except for the fact that people were saying it was like very similar to what was going on in regards to like having islands and like the parties, if you know what I'm referring to um. There is a trigger warning in this movie at the very beginning and it was definitely needed. I wasn't prepared for all the terrifying things that was going to happen. Um Zoe Kravitz is a brilliant director. She has Channing Tatum in this movie who is really really terrifying. Uh, this movie is really dark. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I just was crazy. It was a crazy twist at the end and again it's a kind of like get out in my opinion, but it just has like a really badass woman in it. So I love it.

Speaker 3:

And next is terrifying three. I love art the clown. He is a horror icon. I love him so much. This movie was a a blast. I love the kills. The shower scene lives right free in my brain. It is the best out of the three in my opinion. These movies keep adding on to the story and I just can't wait to see what is coming with Art the Clown. Next is I know it's a movie that is not on any of y'all's list this is a french extremist horror movie. It is called mads um.

Speaker 3:

I went into this film completely blind. I was just seeing a lot of reviews on it on tiktok, and this film was actually shot in five takes. It is a one shot movie, so it is filmed in one shot the whole entire time. They did it and, like I said, five takes. It was amazing. The cast was phenomenal and it was.

Speaker 3:

This movie is scary and it is like the best description I could have for it is it was like 28 days later, but just a smaller budget. I thought that they ran out of like ideas for zombie movies and this movie just took it to a whole nother level. I thoroughly enjoyed this. I am so happy that I picked up shutter just to watch this movie because it was absolutely phenomenal. Um, number 11 is where I put inside out 2 again. Anxiety was just an amazing character. It was fun, it was funny and I cried all throughout. This movie, especially with just 2024, was a rough year, so it was just really cute just to really see a great adventure. Just wasn't as good as the first one, but I did still thoroughly enjoy it yeah, definitely some interesting uh films that are here.

Speaker 1:

Uh, we haven't made anybody mad in a minute, so that's uh, that's good in the chat. Uh, although joanne is is looking out, uh, in case anyone has any outbursts. Uh, again, woman of the hour. Uh, not surprised. Also, blink twice to see that on your list, a movie that you definitely, uh, I would expect to have checked out.

Speaker 1:

Uh, when I heard mixed things about, um, but mostly positive, uh, terrifier three I'll talk about here shortly. Uh, which is very interesting that I have it a little higher than you, as I've been introduced to terrifier this year. Uh, when I saw Mads, and the poster is fucking creepy, so I did check out the description looked interesting. I didn't know it was kind of a one shot film, uh, and that it's. It's got that new take on the zombie zombie genre. So, uh, I might, I might, who knows. Uh, I don't want to watch another horror movie that you don't like, that I don't like, that you love. And then, lastly, inside Out 2. Again, I'm definitely not surprised to see you both have it higher, but, again, definitely deserves to be in the top 20, 15 of this year. A good film overall, phil. Anything you want to add here?

Speaker 2:

Not too much. I've already talked about the uh, the two films that I saw. Blink twice is one that I was like thinking about towards the end of the year. Um, but then upon reading, like some of the uh synopsis and parents guide stuff, I thought it best to maybe stay away from me terrify or something I will never watch.

Speaker 2:

So you guys can have that glad that art the clown lives somewhere within this, this friend group, uh, uh, yeah, no, I don't, I don't want any part of that and yeah, I do remember you talking about Mads. Um, I don't think I'll ever see it, but, um, it's good that again, that you're that there are some solid films out there on terms of Shudder on Shudder, um, and not just like really really bad campy horror films over there like really really bad campy horror films over there.

Speaker 1:

All right, so as Phil dies, I will go ahead and transition into my top 10. And this is where we are still sitting at fours for my list, and we are going to be starting off with a film that Flynn just talked about in Terrifier 3. So I watched the Terrifier films, the first one, important to watch for the story, but probably the one that's most skippable outside of just the kill scenes. Terrifier 2, I think, from start to finish although the endings of these movies there's a lot to digest, I think is the best story and it doesn't really fully deliver on the kills. They're gruesome. There's one in particular that's really brutal but doesn't really deliver on what the Terrifier-like aura has been. Terrifier 3 said alright, right, we heard you and we're going to go fucking balls to the walls. Terrifier 3 is uncomfortable, absolutely uncomfortable to watch. I don't know why I like it, Uh, but it's so uncomfortably like gross and funny and horrific and hilarious that I just enjoy it. Uh, spoiler, every time Art the clown pulls out a gun, it's my favorite kill. It's my favorite kill. He doesn't even look like he's enjoying it. It's the first time I've ever seen a horror icon, Uh, and he is a horror icon, Undoubtedly. Uh, use a fucking pistol. So funny, so funny.

Speaker 1:

Rebel Ridge, a movie I know I'm the only one that's seen here. Uh, the guy from Mufasa, as full in would say, is the lead here and he is fantastic. Uh, it's again very much a modern day, walking tall. But the way I kind of put the spin on it was like there's like literal, like legit military movement and thought process in in when you say he's a military character or has that background and those like elements really worked here for me. The performances worked here. The tone there's obviously a lot of stuff with the police. Uh, wink, wink 2025. I think we get it. Uh, that's intertwined here into the story. That work for the protagonist. I do think this movie does falter in regards to what it's trying to do, maybe leading up to the third act. But once we get to the third act, I think it does give you a good viewing experience and is a four for me.

Speaker 1:

Hitman is a movie I have much higher than you guys. Uh, this is my favorite Glenn Powell movie of the year and it's my type of comedy. Uh, the romance yeah, it was. It was good. The chemistry was good. It's not really a romance film as much as it is a comedy film for me and that's why I think I really resonated, because the different characters that he plays, the premise itself, all of those things were really good and I think the performances elevated it. The vibe was totally my vibe and I just really enjoyed hitman and it's a good watch.

Speaker 1:

Anora, this is a film just like nosferatu. I originally gave this a three and a half when I watched it. I do still think this is very much this year's uncut, but that's not a bad thing and I kind of said it as a bad thing, like it was a lesser Uncut Gems. But it's very much a similar movie and honestly, now that I've sat with it, it has bumped up to a four and it jumped from my top 15 movies of the year to my top 10 here at number seven. I think Mikey Madison's performance is spectacular.

Speaker 1:

Igor, my favorite character, maybe of the year, We'll talk a little bit about that. Just a really good film deserves the accolades and I just couldn't deny it any longer. It's what's Inside is my number six film of the year and I absolutely think that this is a movie that Phil will talk about. No one is paying attention to, not enough people are paying attention to, and it's a shame that it didn't get advertised on Netflix the way that some other films are. I was pleasantly surprised. Is it Inception level good, like Phil kind of hyped it up to be no, but somehow it still met pretty close expectations. It was a vibe, for sure, and it was unexpected twists and turns that I wasn't ready for and I like that out of a film like this, your psychological thriller. So, Phil, jumping into this, I know Terrifier, not your jam, but anything else here. A couple other movies we're going to see here shortly, from you I believe.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'll save that for for those two hit man. Yeah, I didn't even like put together that this was going to be in your top 10. But that is yeah, it is so much fun. As far as what Glenn Powell and is up to their Rebel Ridge probably not something that I'm going to check out and honestly, I hadn't really heard too much about until we had started to get prepped for this episode. And yeah, never going to see Terrifier. So you know it is funny that we got a lot of Art the Clown with a gun and like barely any Shadow the Hedgehog with a gun. So that's pretty frustrating.

Speaker 1:

That is. It is frustrating, flynn, I know there's a couple of movies here that we're probably going to talk about for you as well. You hate Glenn Powell and Hitman, and you're never going to watch Rebel Ridge, so really do you want to talk about Terrorfire?

Speaker 3:

3? Okay, that's not true. I did start watching Rebel Ridge this morning at work and then I felt a little emotional while I was at work watching it and the first scene made me very emotional. So I was like I can't watch this movie here at work, so I had to stop it. I was not able to pick it back up, but I was very interested. I just got very heated while I was at work.

Speaker 1:

So I had to stop it.

Speaker 3:

That makes sense, I'm very excited to see the man from Mufasa in this movie.

Speaker 1:

Okay, whatever, all right, that's fine.

Speaker 3:

God blessed him. I can't fucking believe it.

Speaker 2:

We haven't gotten to Mufasa on Phil Lynn's list yet, so I assume it's showing up here pretty soon. Yeah, I'm assuming it's a top 10.

Speaker 1:

You're kind of crazy, all right. Well, we'll get to that momentarily, phil. Talk about my brother, my brother, we're in your top ten. This is where your fours start, I believe. And let's go ahead and jump into a movie that's not for Flynn in Dune.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, here's Dune, part two at a four. I mentioned this, I believe, on the end of year awards, where it just as an incomplete film. That's why it's a little bit lower, but still in my top 10. As I've gotten farther away from it Once again, like because of the length of the film and and it being essentially you know, just a middle part, I haven't gone back and wanted to rewatch it. But I also cannot deny that it's one of the best movies of 2024. Um, absolutely enthralled by this universe and cannot wait to see more.

Speaker 2:

A real pain, like eric had talked about a little bit earlier, in terms of the story that it is telling. I think it's very, very important and two characters that you're not really sure who you're rooting for. Both of them will you will love and also will both piss you off at the same time His Three Daughters. This is where this shows up. For me, it is a film that is essentially feels like it is a stage play. It all takes place basically in one area in a New York City apartment, and the performances here are fantastic. I've talked to you about this film with both of you pretty in-depth. Elizabeth Olsen is outstanding. They're all great, actually. So I will say this is definitely a trigger warning for those of you that have lost a family member, but it is very, very good if you feel like you can push through.

Speaker 2:

Seven is where Dee Dee shows up. For a lot of those reasons that Eric mentioned earlier, in terms of just growing up as a really awkward Asian teenager, not really sure where I fit in terms of a friend group, this really really spoke to me and shout out to Eric for putting me on Conclave, which is a film that I wasn't really familiar with, heading into 2024. He said he went and saw it in theaters and it was very much a highly rated film for him and also as someone who was originally baptized Catholic. Seeing the ins and outs of the politics behind the Catholic Church and obviously we know the Catholic Church in general is just a mess right now. But Ralph Fiennes, stanley Tucciucci, john lithgow, like come on man, incredible performances, one of the best movies of the year yeah, conclave will be coming up here a little bit more.

Speaker 1:

Uh, in general, uh, some more dd talk at the top here. Uh, never a bad thing, a real pain. Uh, I didn't see his three daughters. This is a movie you saw, phil, that it's like. It's like you're out there movie. It's not you're that Christmas, but it is. It is kind of out there in your, in your, top half of movies compared to the ones that we've had in common.

Speaker 1:

And Doom Part Two, listen, I have it much, much, much, much, much higher than both of you. But I do understand, I do appreciate the love that's being given to the film as a whole from your scores and it being top 10. I mean, I will not complain. Are there nine better movies? I don't think so, but I do think that there definitely are at least five that you could prefer more, nine that you could perform more I'm open to that conversation. 16, though crazy. Uh, just to just to go back, philin. Any thoughts on any of the movies? Here again, I know we don't want to spoil too much of our top five, but uh, yeah, take it away uh, yeah, you'll see a couple of these movies coming up shortly.

Speaker 3:

Um his three daughters. I do really want to watch that. I just, like he said, um, I think, just the premise of the movie I think think would hit me pretty hard. So I have to be in a good headspace and I'll tell you when that is.

Speaker 1:

All right. Well, let's go ahead here and jump into your next list, and then we're going to be at our top five. Which is crazy. We're still going to hit the three hour mark.

Speaker 2:

So think about how much longer it would have been if we went individually, though Individually Again.

Speaker 1:

I think we all felt pretty good about an hour in and I don't know what happened, but a lot of great dialogue here and Longlegs and Nosferatu back to back. All right, valid, you're in your bag, take it away.

Speaker 3:

So, all right, philid, you're in your bag, take it away. Uh, uh, so long legs. Um, this is when my four and a half starts. I have nosferatu out of four, but it should be a four and a half. This is where they start for me. Um, long legs for me was a wonderful film.

Speaker 3:

Um, two of my favorite horror films is silence of the lambs and seven, and this was a perfect mix of both of those movies. Once I saw people comparing it to those two movies, I was all in. I thought it was really scary. I didn't follow a lot of the trailers and everything and the hype around it, so I think that's why it also benefited me some, because I know it was qualifying as one of the scariest movies of the year, which it was not, but I thought the story overall was very, very good. I loved um makia munro I think that's how you pronounce it, if that's correct. I loved her and I loved nicholas cage. They delivered a great performance and it just really left a mark on me. So I truly, truly enjoyed this film.

Speaker 3:

Um Nosferatu, like I've said, I saw this review on Letterboxd and I just have to repeat it. It is probably the most relatable film, number one you're drawn to this really weird, creepy guy, even though everyone will warn you against it. Number two um, tricking your husband to save the day, just to get him out of the way. So you can do it. Number three you've been at my house for far too long. Get the fuck out. So those three points is why it makes it so relatable. Um, lilyose Depp is phenomenal in this film. Willem Dafoe, favorite character in this film. He is so funny. I loved how. I was surprised by how thoroughly funny this movie was and it was just beautiful to watch the got the. Um, just the period piece. I just chills. I'm so glad I watched this in theater and I I really truly loved it. Uh, didi, we talked about it a lot during this, but it is a sweet and sometimes sad movie about an asian american teenager figuring out who he is. I really love the coming of age story. It's probably one of my favorite coming of age stories, just showing the ups and downs of growing up and dealing with an Asian American family, and I texted this to Phil. I don't know how many people know we just me and Phil didn't grow up together and this perfectly depicts on how we would be if we grew up together. So it was just really good to see that and I love this film, conclave. That made it in my top 10. I thought it was funny. I thought it was sad.

Speaker 3:

I was really surprised that this movie made it in my top 10. I thought it was going to be triggering for me, being as I grew up in the catholic church, but it just took a new take on it and I just was totally surprised by the ending. I loved it and it's really smart on how they chose to make that final act and how they really blew our minds and just the uno reverse card on the catholic church. I phenomenal, loved it. Um, it's what's inside.

Speaker 3:

I think a lot of us had it around this mark. Um, it was, uh, super chaotic. If everyone, if anyone's ever seen bodies, bodies, bodies, this is what this movie reminds me of. I love that movie and it was a perfect mix of bodies, bodies, bodies and talk Me two of my favorite horror films. So I thoroughly enjoyed this. The group of friends offer the perfect balance of hilarious moments and escalating tension, and the editing is brilliant. That is what absolutely made this movie, and I wish this movie came out in theaters, because it probably would be in my top five if we saw this movie in theaters.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I definitely, especially from it's what's Inside the DD, like those are nice to see as movies that all three of us have had pretty much in our top 15 or top five or top tens. And not surprised Nosferatu, longatu, long legs, that they're this high. I definitely get Nosferatu and I think it's going to only get higher upon a rewatch a little bit more understanding. Just, long legs just not for me, and I think that's to your point, though, about getting caught up in the trailers and the hype. But that is how I go out of my comfort zone sometimes to see some of these films. Uh, I think, where nosferatu had that hype in a different way, uh, that kind of worked for me. Long legs just, uh, did not, did not, but I'm glad to see you both. Love conclave. Um, I'm gonna get into that a little bit here we essentially traded.

Speaker 2:

You traded us conclave for dd yeah yeah, that's fair. And then when shout out, i't know if she's still in here, but shout out to Jordan, for it's what's inside.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, yeah, absolutely Phil. Anything you want to add to to the list here?

Speaker 2:

Not too much. Just as far as long legs, just to talk about that and marketing like probably one of the best marketing campaigns in a long time. But it's not enough again for me to take that jump, but just glad to hear that at least. I guess with Long Legs because of the mixed opinions on it, it was just crazy because the amount of hype around the film and then it came out and people were kind of like all over the place. But as far as marketing, they need to be commended. They did a great job.

Speaker 1:

Alright, let's do it. Well now, now we're here, here we go, we're here.

Speaker 2:

Join us in two weeks on Twitch.

Speaker 1:

Man, what an episode. If you are still sticking around, this episode is going to drop again the full episode. I know we've had a couple people drop out, so that's the reason we wanted to put this on the feed, uh, as well as this live stream, because we totally get it. Um, now, what I will say about my top five is that the fifth movie is a movie I just really like, enjoyed the shit out of and I could totally get. Probably doesn't belong here, realistically, uh, but my top four, I would argue, are extremely important movies from this year, and all for different reasons that I'll get into. So let's jump into five, which, for me, is Ultraman Rising. This was a movie that took me by complete surprise. We are still in four territory here, which should tell you I am not typically given giving movies four and a half and fives. I'm very, uh, maybe a little bit more of a stickler than the two of you when it comes to some of those higher ratings, and for me, though, uh, four still a very, very strong score, and I just was taken aback by this movie, the fact that it's a Kaiju movie, it's a found family, parental, single parent movie, like. It's got so many different elements that work. I watched this movie twice and I think the one thing I'd like to mention maybe too late, but if you've followed me on the podcast, you know this is kind of my my like speech is I do think you have to watch a film at least twice to really form an opinion. That's why these, these scores really are adjustable until you've seen it at least twice. Uh, I have seen ultraman rising twice and I just couldn't get away from the fact that it was one of my favorite movies of the year, would be my favorite animated film, if not for the one that's coming up.

Speaker 1:

Wicked, absolute powerhouse of a movie. We're going to talk about generational movies. For my number one, I do think wicked is close this. This is close to being a very generational movie and it will be to some. I did not go into this movie thinking it'd be my first four and a half I'm giving, but it is. It is a great movie. Don't know what Phil's talking about. It is not too long, it just isn't. I thought they made it work. I absolutely thought it was effective. We could talk about the color scaling and the color grading. I personally wasn't bugged by it until I started hearing it was a problem. It's a valid point, I believe, if it bothers you, but not enough to make a real dent into the score. The music, absolutely powerful, intoxicating. The set pieces are two lead actresses, both deserving an Oscar nomination. Whether or not they're good people, great performances. So Wicked may be the surprise of the year If it wasn't for Conclave, which is a movie I went to go see purely on hype and where Conclave I don't think is a generational movie.

Speaker 1:

I do believe Conclave has a real shot at best picture and it is a movie, I think, that should be seen more of and it should be talked about more because it's just a fantastic film, very House of Cards-esque, with the way it handles its politics and again Flynn kind of touched on it, I believe, about that third act, I think they tastefully included a topic that many people say they want talked about in film and they do it in a way that kind of does the Uno reverse card on the actual topic of the film or the target audience of the film. The Wild Robot is my favorite animated film of the year. I believe it's all three of ours. There's no debating. At a four and a half as well, this movie is absolutely fantastic. Upon a rewatch maybe it hits that five Absolutely possible for any of these top four films but I really enjoyed it. I think DreamWorks is in its bag. That's Phil's saying I'm gonna steal and yeah, it's a fantastic movie. Performances out the wazoo. You guys are both gonna add a lot of commentary so I won't take too much.

Speaker 1:

My movie of the year this is a generational film for me is Dune Part 2. If you told me at the beginning of the year that I would have Dune Part 2 anywhere in the top 10 of my film, let alone 15, you might have even told me you're gonna watch this film and I would have Doom Part 2 anywhere in the top 10 of my film, let alone 15. You might have even told me you're going to watch this film and I would have said I won't believe you because I didn't really like the first one. Doom Part 2 is absolutely it. And then we did a watch party with a bunch of people to watch Doom Part 1. So you guys could watch Doom Part 2.

Speaker 1:

And I've seen this film twice. I started it at a four and a half and I walked out of the second showing saying why am I not giving it a five. I cannot find a reason not to give it a five. Sci-fi has always been an early love of mine as a Star Wars fan and this just again, absolutely a modern day masterpiece. And I've got to say, although it is a middle film in the sense of the story, obviously Dune Messiah is eventually going to come. I do think Dune part two as a film alone is extremely excellent. It's a wonderful, wonderful movie and it's a generational movie, I think, a movie that is definitely cracking my top 10 all time as time goes on, and how high it goes in that top 10. We will see. But yeah, that is my top 10 all time as time goes on, and how high it goes in that top 10, uh, we will see. But uh, yeah, that is my top five guys. Any commentary, philin?

Speaker 3:

uh, maybe you want to jump into uh, here um, I'll speak a little bit more about wicked, obviously in a little bit, and the wild robot. Um, it makes sense definitely for duneune to be your number one movie. I totally get it. I'm not going to continue to tell my feelings and just upset you even more. Yeah, that's probably a good point.

Speaker 1:

Signing off now. Phil, what about you? How are you feeling about the top five? And you can also plead the fifth on Wicked. Nobody wants to hear it.

Speaker 2:

No, because the fucking musical is two hours and 45 minutes and this movie is two hours and 45 minutes, so it is too long, because it should not be the same length as the actual musical Ultraman Rising at five is. I know you enjoyed it more, but I think that's probably what you mean in terms of like it being a you know, having a little feedback in terms of it being actually a top five movie of the year.

Speaker 1:

But again, it is still really really good and yeah, don't have any problems with any other ones, except for Wicked. Again, maybe you not watching the original I don't think you can have that take without seeing it. To make that comparison, I think, knowing first of all to say that to not see the musical, it can't really be a criticism because you didn't see the musical. But for those of us that have seen it, I don't think it was too long. I thought the music was enhanced in many ways. The set pieces, especially everything with the animals and that whole storyline. They really made a focus on that and I think that worked and that made this movie a little bit more relatable in its themes. So there are a lot of things that come into play.

Speaker 1:

Again, I think there's about a point scale difference from my rating to others. Before I start to question it, anything lower than a three and a half for me is blasphemous. But again, it's okay. We can all be wrong. I can be wrong about the Fall Guy, which, like two people watched, and you could be wrong about Wicked, one of the biggest movies of the year. But, phil, this is your chance now to take over God. You can take over my time. Baby, let's go. Don't spend too much time on the first one, but yeah, you've got five movies here and I guess it's it's time it's here we go here we go.

Speaker 2:

Godzilla x kong the new empire is it the best film in the Monsterverse? No, certainly not, but it was probably the most fun I had in theaters all year. As far as just a fun, stupid action movie Again. As far as Monsterverse storytelling, I don't need anything crazy. I will say, you know Flynn and I very much enjoy the Apple TV show, which Eric did not. That's where I will go for really good storytelling. That's where I will go for really good storytelling. But the new Empire, I mean, come on there's. You know, obviously I'm a Godzilla guy, but I mean, come on, Kong picks up a little tiny Kong and hits other uglier Kongs with tiny Kong. That's fucking cinema man. That's why you go to the movies, that's why Nicole Kidman dresses up in her gown and tells us that we go see films in the theaters. And it was just a really, really fun time. I know that only myself. And listen, I was a big MonsterVerse detractor early on until I sat back, rewatched the films and really understood what they were doing here, and it was just a really, really fun time. So this is my I know I'm alone here pick in my top five, but it just made me feel good and I had a lot of fun. When we get to the more serious side of things, when it comes to film, this is where it's what's Inside pops up for me. At number four and Eric, two movies on here totally messed up my end of the year awards because I watched them after that episode came out, as you can see. But it's what's Inside, as we have already echoed. If it had come out in theaters I think it would be even more of a phenomenon. Yes, in terms of the Inception comparisons that's a bit much, but in terms of just me coming out of that film and being like holy shit, what the fuck just happened, that's why I brought up Inception.

Speaker 2:

Onora is again another really, really tragic film. It is a movie that I'll admit I told this to Flynn. In the beginning I was a little bored, and then we get to the middle part where new characters are introduced and it just goes fucking nuts and I was like I'm enjoying the hell out of this. And it's also again a very devastating story. When it comes to Anora, and I think some of the criticisms are, that I've seen is like we don't really know too much about her. What's the criticisms that I've seen is we don't really know too much about her. What's the word that I'm looking for? We don't really know much about what she wants out of life and what her desires are, and I think that's false. We do know what they are and those play out here in front of us in this movie, and I definitely think it's worth a lot of people's time, and I understand why it's in a lot of people's time and I understand why it's in a lot of people's top ten.

Speaker 2:

This is where the Wild Robot pops up, for me, number two best animated film of the year. Once again, if Flo wins best animated picture over this, I will riot in the street. This is my first of two fives that I gave in 2024. Can't wait to see the remainder of Of the books be put to film and even has me wanting to read the books In general, Just to get a better idea of this world.

Speaker 2:

And then Eric Sing Sing Is my number one man. It's just so frustrating that it was so difficult To find this movie and the fact that it was not in theaters for very long. It is going to re-release, I heard in january uh, in theaters, and I will go out of my way I will. Colman domingo is, um, I don't even know generational in this film. And then when you get to the credits and you see some of those credits roll and you learn what you learn um, man, you will, you will. So fantastic movie. Those were the two fives that I gave out in 2024. Um, and then you know three, uh three, three films that I also liked for very different reasons, Round out my top five.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know. Uh, godzilla Kong, this is your ultra man rising. Uh, I think, still going to be uh no spoiler, but a film that we've already talked about that I did not enjoy as much as you did. That had no business being in the top five.

Speaker 2:

That was Eric's shitty movie experience of 2024.

Speaker 1:

So that's us here in a nutshell. That is all I really have to say about Godzilla Kong. It's what's inside. We've talked about it length, Anora. A couple letterbox reviews that will help you really understand this movie. A terrifying tale of dating a mama's boy Very valid. And then also, Sean Baker has a history of doing some movies like this. So Sean Baker does for sex workers what Martin Scorsese did for gangsters. I thought that was also very, very funny. To give you an idea of what you can expect to walk into If you have a Nora higher or lower, I can definitely see that being a little bit of a divisive film.

Speaker 1:

The Wild Robot yeah, no doubt. And Sing Sing, I just don't want to watch pirated. I just I'm not interested in doing it in general and I don't think a movie should be like that. So, A24, what the fuck is your problem? I don't know what smear campaign is against this movie. This movie is not even being pushed for the Oscars. I mentioned it at the top of the episode fucking three hours ago. I feel like my list is incomplete because I haven't seen this. So I'm very excited to see its re-rereleased in January. I did not know that. Keep me posted. I will be there and yeah, stick around with the podcast to find out if my rankings changed. I do not see anything surpassing Dune because I don't give out fives every day, but again, I do know that this was likely a contender for top movie from what I've heard. Phyllyn. Without spoiling too too much anything you want to talk about here before we round it out with your list, Not too much.

Speaker 1:

You'll see a lot of these films in mine, so no, okay, so you don't want to talk about Godzilla Kong anymore. Okay, that's a good call.

Speaker 2:

January 17th, based on this Variety article, although it does not say how many screens it's going to be released in, yeah, or tickets are not on sale yet.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, that is a disappointing All right Fall in a man. If you're here still with us, a round of applause for you. Congratulations, thank you. But yeah, no, just a lot to recap the year. So much to discuss, and it's a long overdue for the three of us to really get in touch about what films we loved and see. More than just the list, get a little bit of context. So why don't you provide that context with your top five films? We have all seen but are in much different orders for you. So, yeah, hit it off with Anora.

Speaker 3:

Yes. Number five is Anora. This was a heartbreaking film for me and it was a powerful performance by Mikey Madison. I saw her in Scream and she's actually not a loved character in Scream, so to see her in this main character role is really great. I'm excited to see where her career is going to go from here.

Speaker 3:

It offered a dual narrative, in my opinion. I had no idea what was going to happen at any point. It changed completely for me. Um, I totally agree. Eric igor is phenomenal. Love him, love him so much. Um, and this movie I told phil I was watching it yesterday. I told him I was gonna end, I was gonna finish it in an hour. I sat for about 30 minutes afterwards just speechless because the ending truly broke my heart. So nothing else I can say about that. Number four for me is the Wild Robot. Same thing favorite animated film of the year, totally great to watch. I loved all of the voice acting. It was very heartfelt. Same thing left me in tears. Number three the Substance.

Speaker 3:

Sorry, eric, I know you did not like this film. I'll just read my blurb for this. This movie is intentionally made to make you uncomfortable. It brilliantly captures the absurd and harmful beauty standards women face. The film's depiction of female body dysmorphia fueled by societal pressure is both unsettling and really powerful. It is challenging to watch but for me it just is an impactful and campy way to just kind of like show what women have to go through, especially women in Hollywood, what they have to go through. I've had my own issues with, you know, with society and body standards for women and this movie literally takes that in a very explosive way. You'll get that if you saw the movie. So I just thoroughly enjoyed this film. I'm excited to see what Margaret Cawley has to come after this. She was stunning and amazing in this film and just to see Demi Moore again was was really great. So I love this movie.

Speaker 3:

On to Wicked, as a lot of people know, I watched this movie four times in theaters. I love this film. Um, cynthia rivo and ariana grande butera I'll add her, sir, her other last name, into this as well um, they have a magnetic and amazing chemistry. I I actually really love the press tour. I think just how much this film means to them. It just really moved me and it just made different times of this movie just really make sense. The part where they're dancing in the Osdus ballroom. There's a lot of backstory things that you learn in the press tour that just add just another level to this film.

Speaker 3:

I I'm getting emotional just talking about this movie because I love this film so much. Um I, the only reason why I do not think that it's too long is because if you see the Broadway as much as it is my favorite Broadway I think there is a pacing issue in the original Broadway and this movie helps that. It really really does. It is too fast. The Broadway is phenomenal, but there is a pacing issue and this completely fixes that for me and I'm just excited to see where this is gonna go because this movie forever changed me for good. So I'm excited to see what is gonna happen next.

Speaker 3:

Um, my number one is just like phil. It is sing sing. I love the powerful message and it's just the amazing message that the power of art can do, especially in this broken system that is just designed to oppress and like, just break individuals down and just this whole entire like conversation that we're having is about movies and just the art of everything and just how it can lift people up and just this movie just really changed that and to bring into perspective. My husband is an added like movie talker. He is completely quiet in this film and I like tried to talk to him throughout it and like he just completely ignored me, and that's how I knew how much he loved this film, because he was just completely quiet and just left speechless. So I'm happy we were able to share that together.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't really believe you on the Peter thing, but for everything else, everything really tracks. Here Again, nora, we've talked a lot about it on the Wild Robot. The substance, yeah, we're just not going to go there. It's fine, but Dennis Quaid, who I believe is Jordan's favorite actor, or one of them, the rookie Really slimy Dennis Quaid from the.

Speaker 1:

Rookie. He did a really good job. Both female leads also fantastic that you referenced the performances, for like three quarters of this movie were not the problem for me. It's a very, very this movie's got style. How much a lot of substance.

Speaker 3:

And then it just goes off the rails.

Speaker 1:

Wicked, being a two makes a ton of sense. Shocked, it's not even your one, uh, which again tells me I really want to see sing, sing uh, so that hype has definitely been implanted in my brain, uh, but yeah, no, that's kind of where I sit on, uh, my thoughts about your top five. Uh, phil, uh, wrapping it up, how are you feeling about, about Flynn's top five?

Speaker 2:

No surprises here whatsoever. She's echoed it the entire time. Three, and you can actually make four In other cases. Four, really, really great, incredible female performances here in this. If you also include well, five, because if you also want to include Lupita Nyong'o as the wild robot, who just did a great job. The wild robot is, I think, what? And for, the voice acting cast is like what? Transformers one like people think that it is like everybody is great in the wild robot and transformers one they're just like okay, you know, so uh, but no, no surprises there. So, um, but yeah, I'll definitely. You can watch the substance, Phil. I don't think so, Just based on the premise of the film. I know you're lying.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there's totally made for you. Crazy, crazy statement no Again. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Philin, we'll talk more, probably on Monday when we watch Raw. We'll talk more about the substance and really get into an open debate. For context, I did watch it with a woman and the woman in the house also. We started talking in that third act Like alright, I think we've lost sense of the plot, not the theme. Again, they made that clear, the plot Not so much. But yeah, with that being said, our end of year awards Jesus, three hours.

Speaker 2:

Letterboxd, not end of year awards.

Speaker 1:

Our Letterboxd recap. Alright, let's go ahead and start with all of my movies With number 81.

Speaker 2:

Still Borderlands.

Speaker 1:

No stop If you want to check out the end of year awards for a little bit more uh long episode as well. Not as long as this one, but this one again covered uh between the three of us. Obviously full in had. Um, I could probably do the quick math here Full in had the most amount of movies.

Speaker 2:

But if I watched I watched 28 of your 58 movies. This math is about to be totally wrong. I don't know. I don't trust. I don't trust you.

Speaker 1:

Why don't?

Speaker 2:

you trust me.

Speaker 1:

Math is not your thing. I did not see 30 of the movies that you watched and I did not see 24 of the movies that Phil watched. That's 54. And I watched 50. We covered over 100 movies on this episode. We covered 104 movies.

Speaker 2:

And here comes some more Number Stop. My number two movie overall was Top Gun Maverick.

Speaker 1:

Well, I guess it's a good time to plug. Follow all three of us on Letterboxd. I guess, If you need those handles, we'll give them to you. My handles are always there.

Speaker 3:

Is there anything you guys are very much anticipating in 2025?

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, we did a 2025 foresight episode.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's right, you have to go listen to that. We cannot extend this.

Speaker 3:

I don't think so Okay, I'll go with mine. No more Wicked Part 2.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Wicked for Good Surprise.

Speaker 2:

Shocker. I don't know what that is.

Speaker 3:

We're going to do double feature right Juror number three which is going to come out.

Speaker 2:

That's the next Clint Eastwood movie.

Speaker 1:

All right, Phil, take us home.

Speaker 2:

Take us home, please, oh man Twitch for those of y'all that hung out. Also, let's give a shout out to Joanne, our moderator, for the entire time. Thank you so much, joanne, for dropping those links in there and keeping everybody honest. We appreciate you, and Jordan and I will be back here on Twitch in a couple of weeks. What we're going to play, that's kind of up for grabs. Everybody has a gaming PC, so we are going to be throwing out some new games, some new multiplayer games. Eric, stefan and Jordan and I have been just a disaster on Ready or Not, so we'll play that on stream. It has been a whole lot of fun, but we've also jumped into like Pico Park and Marvel Rivals is still going very well. That's been a lot of fun. So you'll see us here in a couple of weeks on Twitch.

Speaker 2:

Everything you need is in the Linktree link that Joanne has been sharing for the video audience, for your audio audience. It will be in the show notes of this episode, where you can find everything you need. The other social media pages to keep up with Instagram, tiktok, our growing Discord page, the Twitch channel and then, of course, youtube. If you want to help out the podcast, one of the great things you can do share the content, tag us. Let not only us know that you're listening, but also let your friends and family know that you are listening as well. But if you want to get some behind the scenes stuff, some extra exclusives which are going to be abundant in 2025 in terms of not only extra episodes but also early episodes eric will let you know how you can get all of that.

Speaker 1:

Before wrapping it up, yeah, so we're going to keep it, uh, very, very short. If you are still listening, um, you should probably subscribe to our patreon. Uh, three hours is crazy to listen to anybody, and the fact that you listen to us we really appreciate it. We hope we entertained you along the way and we hope to do more of that over on Patreon. So if you want to join us there, along with our supporters like Briar T3Kato, stefan Corey and Vintage Macaroni, definitely do so. I genuinely you really should be asking yourself why you haven't already, to be completely honest, but that is it for this episode of the Wait For it podcast that we live streamed successfully on Twitch through what we usually use just to do the podcast 76, lego Ninjago, 75, porco Rosso.

Speaker 2:

73, knock at the. Cabin Phil 67 was Bell.

Speaker 1:

Phil, I will use mute powers on you. Thank you, guys, so much for joining us. My name is Mr Eric Almighty. That is my co-host for the Filipino and friend of the show Flynn, and if you like this content, make sure to check us out. We release new episodes every Wednesday With bonus content on platforms like TikTok and Twitch, and all you gotta do Is wait for it.

Speaker 3:

And we'll see you at Brit 64,. What happened to Monday?

Speaker 2:

Stop you got to do is wait for it and we'll see you at Brit 64,. What happened to Monday?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

All right. So I heard you're looking for a go-to source for entertainment Wait for it. Gaming Wait for it.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Plus Ultra. Mr Eric Almighty and Phil the Filipino yeah, they've got you covered.

Speaker 2:

And all you gotta do is wait for it. This is the Wait For it Podcast.

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