The Wait For It Podcast
Hosted by MrEricAlmighty and PhilTheFilipino, the guys discuss all things in Pop Culture from movies, gaming, anime and anything in between. New episodes every Wednesday, all you have to do is...WAIT FOR IT!
The Wait For It Podcast
Creator Spotlight: Retro AV Rewind
Nostalgia can bridge generations, blending old-fashioned anime with modern sensibilities. Bridget and Vintage from Retro AV Rewind explore their journey through the anime fandom while sharing insights about the significance of cultural perspectives, immersive storytelling, and community engagement within the anime universe.
• Understanding the evolution of anime and its impact on viewers
• Importance of cultural perspectives in anime
• The role of nostalgia in storytelling
• Advice for newcomers to retro anime
• The intricacies of planning podcast content
• Building community through shared interests
• The ever-changing landscape of anime and audiences
• Encouragement to revisit and appreciate retro favorites
Find Retro AV Rewind here!
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Welcome to your go-to source for entertainment. Wait for it.
Speaker 2:Gaming Wait for it.
Speaker 3:Anime PLUS ULTRA.
Speaker 1:Mr Eric Almighty and Phil the Filipino.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they've got you covered, and all you gotta do is wait for it.
Speaker 4:This is the Wait For it Podcast.
Speaker 2:Hey everyone, Welcome back to the Wait For it Podcast. I'm your co-host, Phil Barrera, aka Phil the Filipino.
Speaker 1:And I'm your other co-host.
Speaker 3:Mr.
Speaker 1:Eric Almighty, and we are bringing back one of our favorite series on the show where we spotlight creators locally and beyond that we've gotten to know and, for this episode, very excited to be bringing on our guest from Retro AV Rewind, phil. I think this is going to be a great kickoff to bringing this series back at the beginning of the year.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we had a little bit of a hiatus there just because it was the end of the year. It's hard to get guests in for the holidays, but we are back and we are starting off the year on a very, very high note, as we bring in a couple of guests who we've gotten to meet just kind of like through the process of podcasting, which is always fun, and also to people that share a lot of our interest and a lot of our passion. So, please, we're our guests today. Please introduce themselves to our audience.
Speaker 4:I'm Bridget Rules, Hi, and I'm Vintage Macaroni and we're with Retro AV Rewind. Thanks for having us.
Speaker 1:This is exciting stuff, Phil. This is great. There's no other way this episode could have started.
Speaker 2:No, not, not at at all, not at all. So, uh, as we bring in retro av, we rewind and talk about, of course, your podcast kind of how everything materialized, how your journey has been. Also, you just recently went to pod fest, which is like one of the first things that eric and I did many, many years ago when we really kind of like turned, or like made a turn, into taking this podcast thing seriously. So really excited to hear about y'all's experience with that. So, vintage, bridget, either one of you, if you want to just go ahead and talk about RetroAV, rewind and kind of how that came to be and okay, it looks like it's going to be vintage, so how all that came to be and what kind of the vision is for the show.
Speaker 4:Yeah, so it started off, Bridget and I met by taking a Japanese class here in town and we just got to chatting about passions and you know things that we were interested in doing. And somehow the conversation came up about about you know anime and how, like retro anime is becoming popular and that we really I mean, I knew things from when I was a teenager. I began watching anime when I was like young. Of course, my first anime I ever watched was Sailor Moon, but then when I in my teens, like I was part of my local anime club. I came from a really small town, so it was a good way to meet people. We had a small community where we traded anime and I got to thinking about is there a way that we could put that in modern times? And we got into a conversation of oh my gosh, there's so much out there that we haven't even seen. So then it just kind of materialized.
Speaker 4:One of the visions or things that I'm interested in doing is connecting with some of our Japanese teachers, because I'm interested in watching something and then getting their perspective, maybe like how they watched it growing up. And then you know, is there a difference between Japanese viewpoints, like in their perspective versus, you know, Americans. So that is something that's on our radar and is coming up, that we're trying to do. But I mean, ultimately we just want to build a community and you know, Bridget, feel free to add anything, but yeah, that's. I think that covers it. What do you think?
Speaker 3:I was muted, it's okay. Yeah, I agree with that. Yeah, I, when you asked me to do this, I was. The only reason I did it was to meet other people, like new people, and introduce things that I'm interested in to people that have never seen or heard of them before, because there's a lot of really interesting anime out there.
Speaker 2:So, yeah, and I think we're also like in an age right now, eric, tell me if you agree. We're like people are more open to trying out anime than they ever have been, where, you know, we talk about a lot of conventions where it was very, it was a very niche topic, it was a very niche fandom, but now, with it becoming more and more mainstream, people are finding themselves wanting to get out of their comfort zone and find something that works for them of their comfort zone and find something that works for them.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I mean, when we talk about like nostalgia and we talk about a lot of the retro fandoms, obviously that's a huge inspiration for your show. I'm very curious, like for those that are interested in getting into your show, what are some of those initial inspirations, and maybe even that could be like whether it's retro, whether it's modern day, like what are some of the biggest ones that people should look out for that are like extreme inspirations for other things you're going to watch and kind of consume? And, bridget, I'll throw it to you first.
Speaker 3:Definitely Revolutionary Girl Utena. It's a wild ride, but it has influenced a lot of anime. You'll even see it like in Steven Universe. A lot of anime. You'll even see it in Steven Universe, parts of it and just any really of the magical girl, like the older stuff, is really referenced a lot, and Ursa Yatsura I mean it's great yeah.
Speaker 1:And Vintage. What about you?
Speaker 4:Yeah, that was going to be. My answer was Urusei Yatsura, because I'm surprised like I'd never really heard much about it growing up. One of the animes that was really popular at the time was Inuasha, when I was growing up, and that's the same artist, rumiko Takahashi, and so it got me down this rabbit hole of you know, trying to consume you know older retro anime and I kept seeing her like picture everywhere, like you would see her image, but I didn't remember like knowing much about the. You know the premise, so that's kind of what kicked it off. That was our very first episode, was we watched the very first movie and it just became like, you know, watching it you see a lot of things that are in modern anime and you know that I think maybe began in Urusei Yatsura.
Speaker 4:So I find you know, that's a really good one to start off with if you've never watched any type of retro anime. And of course, I'm a huge cyberpunk fan. I don't know if you could see my Akira in the background, but I love cyberpunk as a genre. So Bubblegum Crisis is one of my faves. Anything related to that, like Ghost in the Shell, I just love that atmosphere and the animation style is just gorgeous, but those definitely. If you're into science fiction, I have to recommend those.
Speaker 1:If you're into science fiction, I have to recommend those no-transcript and I think that's just really, really cool and a nice contrast to what we do here.
Speaker 2:Yeah, because it's always really important to look into kind of the inspiration and the history of, like, the things that you really love and granted, for me specifically, and both of us at times, a lot of those look backs have not gone very well, but we've never come away from, I don't think, any of the shows or movies or anything that we watch and been like.
Speaker 2:Well, that doesn't make sense. I don't know why that's so inspirational or like. I don't know why people look back so fondly on that. So I am interested if you have found yourself in a space here in the kind of early days of your show, have you come across something that either didn't resonate with you, that the way that you thought it would like maybe on a first time watch and you're like what is that? What is your shining? So ours are, our thing is that. What is your shining? So ours are our thing is that we didn't like the shining and we hold everything as we. Nothing that we have watched has ever been as poorly received as the shining, although Eric did just watch a movie that we're covering.
Speaker 1:I watched Amelia Perez.
Speaker 4:I watched Amelia.
Speaker 1:Perez and that might take the cake. We're gonna see. Uh yeah, the previous look awful. Really, really bad, really bad. 13 oscar nominations crazy. Can't wait to tear that movie apart. But yeah, the shining we. We know it's beloved and we tried to watch. I think me and phil both almost fell asleep on it.
Speaker 1:It's extremely boring and I think their saving grace that we gave it was Jack Nicholson's performance and I get the nostalgia of the I guess you could say the aura of the hotel and all of that. But that can only carry a movie so far and it's infamously one of our absolutely terrible takes apparently.
Speaker 4:Yes, that's interesting because I mean overall, I mean not to go too far off, but a lot of people have strong opinions about the Shining. But I do know several people that are huge fans of the books that absolutely hate the movie.
Speaker 2:So I don't disagree with Stephen King.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I mean, he disowns it. He really hates the interpretation of how they presented it. But, yeah, interesting To answer your question, I don't think we've gotten too far into that as of yet. You know also, like what started this? We listened to a podcast called Newcomers and it's about these two women that listen, they watch movies for the very first time that are like beloved, like Star Wars and you know big pop culture things, where you know they go in with fresh eyes, they don't have the nostalgia factor. So you know what is it like presenting it to someone with, you know, a fresh perspective and I don't think we've gotten too far into that yet. I do think like re-watching Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust when we did.
Speaker 4:I remember really liking this movie as a teenager, but I found it maybe not as entertaining as I remembered. I still like the animation, I think it's gorgeous, but I just like it was hard for us to talk about, I think because we like to dive in, we like to analyze and, you know, go into. Maybe this is the interpretation, but that's not really a movie you can do that with. It's like a good, it's a good popcorn flick, but I think that's the only thing I can think of as of right now, but you know that's a good question for later. I mean, bridget, what do you, what do you think?
Speaker 3:Yeah, definitely Vampire Hunter D. I watched it and I was like this seems so familiar. And then after we recorded, my husband informed me we'd watched it like two weeks before but didn't want to hurt my feelings or something and wasn't. Didn't tell me and, like I know, a lot of people are gonna disagree with this, but the dragon ball z episode was very hard for me you mean the first seems? Like, yeah, it seems like something for like you had to grow up with, you know. Yeah, that's fair.
Speaker 2:Yeah, like I'm never gonna go back and watch yeah, dragon ball z, that's just not something that's gonna no I think the only, I think the only way that can happen it's like one piece yeah, all right, that's actually perfect, that's actually
Speaker 1:a great transition into my point so I actually think the only way that can be effective 10 minutes in is if there is a remake of the the show, because pacing is an issue with a lot of those older shows, especially in anime.
Speaker 1:It's like infamous. And while I am watching one piece now, I'm really excited to recommend the one piece when it comes out with the vision. They have some updated animation. I think there are things that could get people into it, which I think is really smart, for a large ip like that dragon ball will never do that because they're already a cash cow and that nostalgia bait is there. But I really do like what one piece is doing and I wish I wish older series like that, like I've never watched naruto, and it's for that exact reason I've seen enough of the beginning to know yeah, I don't know that I'm going to really enjoy this when, with One Piece at least for me, I was hooked episode one and I just started to love the series despite its pacing issues. So that's definitely been a big break for me. But, phil, see, that wasn't that bad.
Speaker 3:It was like a quick, little one piece transition. We're done, I have a lot of feelings about it.
Speaker 2:I disassociated for like three minutes?
Speaker 3:I have no idea.
Speaker 4:I will say one of the series that because there's Ranma and a half, that just you know, they have the new episodes. I went back and started because I never watched the original growing up and the original to me still holds. They have the new episodes. I went back and started because I never watched the original growing up and the original to me still holds up, but the new series is pretty good. So I thought that was a pretty good example of being true to the source material but trying to modernize it where you could honestly watch both. I don't know if you could say that for a lot of animes out there.
Speaker 3:I will say the reboot Ranma does not have any boobs in it. That is but the old one does so.
Speaker 1:If that's what you're looking for, change it's yeah, depending on who you are, it's either a good thing or a bad thing. That is a show I've been wanting to check out because it is one of those older shows that people like really love, and I've heard the.
Speaker 2:The adaptation of the rory brought that up right really good.
Speaker 1:Cory ivan's also a big ronma, yeah, fan uh, done some art for that ivan patch. So I know, with fruits basket there was that first season and then it stopped and people have always recommended that one. But then when the the you would say remake, but not really, because it did the whole story when the new version came out, um, it's one of my favorite animes in general.
Speaker 1:So that is. Those are really really great points. I think you know this is obviously interesting to start a podcast on, to talk about, to reminisce, to really dive into your passions for these fandoms. I'm curious back into the podcasting game you guys have been starting. I think you started in September. Correct me if I'm wrong, but your first episode dropping in September. You guys are a few months into this. Let us know a little bit about how that journey has gone, because I think people that have been with us for a long time have seen the external growth and for people like on Patreon, they get to hear a little bit of the behind the scenes, of like this is working. We should change that, we should fine tune that. So what is the first couple months of podcasting look like for you? And that might also be a good transition into your recent experience in PodFest. If you want to summarize any like key things that you've learned during this time and we could give it to either of you, but I'd love to hear from both of you on that question.
Speaker 3:I will this time and and we could give it to either of you, uh, but I'd love to hear from both of you on that question. I will say we recorded our first episode two times. The first one was it was so bad, like the like. I listen to it now and it's like fine. But the first one was so, so bad. I. I think it's just kind of we're trying to find our groove, still like a good formula, like chapters. We're trying different stuff. Yeah, pod fest. Uh, we got fancy new microphones. I went through like six microphones, returned them all, yeah yeah, and these are sure right the they are sure, yes, we paid.
Speaker 3:We had to leave a day early because we spent all of our money. Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I think one thing that may be taking into perspective is there's so much planning that goes into formulating a podcast or content creation that you think that it's going to be easy. You just record it and then boom, it's done. But really it's everything behind the scenes of okay, you know, bridget and I we make time to meet at least once a week to talk about concepts and you know, create. You have to create a schedule. You, you know you need to have your, your cover art. You need to have, you know, your taglines, your themes, like what are we going to cover? Who are we going to connect with?
Speaker 4:I mean, it's a lot of the planning that I don't think that we initially thought of, but actually we enjoy. So it's not that it's a negative for us, but I think for anyone going into content creation, you have to have a structure for yourself and that you have content creation, you have to have a structure for yourself and that you have. You know you really do have to schedule time. It's not just, okay, I'm going to do this and then it's done.
Speaker 4:No, well, there's so much work that goes behind the scenes that you have to just be prepared and organized for it, and I think that's what we're still learning, you know, as we're going on our podcasting journey and we're talking about foraying into other things like streaming, and we're just trying to feel out what is the right formula for us and, you know, to be a little bit more confident with the things that we're doing. So a lot of it is trial and error. You know we're gonna, we're gonna put out some bad episodes, but you know not being scared. And you know, connecting with other mentors like you guys have offered some great advice, you know, to us along the way and other people in the community as well. So I think two is just connecting with other people and you know, just learning as you go, but being open to it.
Speaker 2:Did you guys at ever any point, share a microphone and talk into one?
Speaker 3:no, I feel like maybe you know somebody who did once and one of them might have coughed a lot and the other one might have done more ums than the other and also did no editing, so we just sent them bitches out into the universe.
Speaker 2:Wow, they will never be heard again because they've been scrubbed, unless somebody like saved them.
Speaker 1:Yeah, here is the rundown. Uh, we currently have 420 episodes published. That is maybe two-thirds of what we actually have done since before 2019. So episode our oldest episodes that are published are 2019. Anything prior to that has been scrubbed off the the internet, so the none of our first episodes free, absolutely free. Now is it still out there probably?
Speaker 2:no so probably somewhere some but as far as they're in like remember we got a lot of random listeners in Europe one time yeah, they're listening to like the first 10 episodes of the podcast over and over again.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we, we really take pride in being a podcast that you could just kind of dive in anywhere, which is really nice.
Speaker 1:That was part of our approach. Phil will say it all the time that we started like covering and we cover quite a bit now but we covered like everything. We're really big wrestling fans, we're really big sports fans. We were throwing that in for the longest time, even after we got rid of that. Phil's really big into like paranormal and a lot of those type of things and jumping into that, and we just really shrunk it down to a couple of episode types that we really like.
Speaker 1:But that took years for us to really get comfortable and do and then to not take this as just a hobby but something that could be more. You know, you guys have seen us at some of the local conventions and stuff, which has been really awesome. Those opportunities came through word of mouth but also through the hard work that we started to adjust word of mouth but also through the hard work that we started to adjust. So it's really nice to see you guys say things like yeah, scheduling is not only really important, but we like to do it, because that was not our thing. We were like maybe we'll do two episodes a month, maybe we won't, and then maybe we'll put out three this week, who knows.
Speaker 1:Then we completely flipped and we said yeah, we'll do two episodes a week. And we did that for too many years.
Speaker 2:Too many years. Bare minimum two years, that's a lot.
Speaker 1:Yeah, which was crazy. It's a lot, that's why, we have 420 episodes.
Speaker 2:And I remember because at one point there was an iteration of our bonus episode called what Did I Miss, and we did that every week where we would cover all pop culture news from the week and then we switched it to every month and then I remember Eric coming to me one time we were about to record and he goes are you excited to record this episode?
Speaker 2:I said absolutely not. I hate it, I don't want to do it at all, and that's just kind of like how the progression has gone to really like trim down the content and focus on like what we really really think is our strongest and most enjoyable content. That's also a really big key is like we were doing a lot of stuff we just didn't enjoy, even though it would do like relatively decent download numbers. That's the other thing is like for any people thinking about people that are thinking about starting a podcast, like do not look at those download numbers, like do not obsess over them. They're just like she's going to drive you crazy. So yeah, figuring all that out is a process for sure.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think one of those things we've heard at Podfest specifically or some type of speaker event like that probably a JPU event which shout out to the Jaxx podcasters, unite all four of us. A part of that here locally. But I think one of the things somebody said was like if you had a room full of that many people, you might feel a little bit differently. So if you kind of adjust your perspective on it, there's a lot of a lot of good that can come from it, and it's really exciting when people come up and say that they have listened to an episode or that they enjoy the show or enjoy what we do. I think those are the highs.
Speaker 1:Talking about the lows, I'm kind of curious with both of you. Is there like a major pain point with podcasting that you haven't overcome yet? I know you guys talked about you wanna get into some videos, you wanna get into some streaming downloads. Monetization is obviously a big one, but just from doing this all the time, every time you press record, what are some of those big pain points that you guys are still trying to learn from as you go?
Speaker 4:I'll go first. I think it's becoming comfortable with ourselves. Bridget and I probably put way too much pressure on ourselves to like. We really think hard about what we're going to do and if people are going to like it and if it sounds good or if it doesn't sound good. I think we're trying to break that line of thinking away, like to focus more on, I guess, having that structure as opposed to like, only thinking about if people are going to like it or what if everyone booze us off the stage. You know, like. I think that is something that we think about too much and that's part of the pain point. So we're trying to break free of that mindset of, you know, feeling like we're not good enough. It's that imposter syndrome Like even though we're in it, we still like. We still talk about like if it sounded good or if it, if this isn't working or if this is working, and I think we we think too much about that. What do you? What do you think?
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, we think I think we think too much about a lot of things. I would say, like marketing ourselves definitely is a huge pain point, but we're trying to be better. I think about like taking every single opportunity that we get. Like this we're like we're so grateful anytime someone like asks us to do something, but putting ourselves out there for people to ask us to do things is hard, so that's something I would like to be better at.
Speaker 1:Yeah no, that that makes a lot of sense. And that's exactly, phil, I think, where we definitely were when we first started the show was not really knowing what it was gonna be. But again, we had so much that we were passionate to lean on. And I think, kind of going back to that fandom discussion, that's something that's always driven us is, we're passionate about the things we're talking about and and we're really excited to talk about them. I mean, me and Phil would do this, and I'm sure the two of you would do this in a living room with nobody here. So how do you translate that to a podcast? Absolutely a challenge, but once you figure that out, definitely a plus for sure. So, phil, I think that's kind of my take on it Did you guys use your in-studio session credit yet.
Speaker 2:Have you guys done it? No, no.
Speaker 4:So one of our plans is to reach out to our Japanese teachers and have them come in the studio because yeah, that'd be cool. Yeah, it'd be kind of cool.
Speaker 2:But this is our setup all the time. Yeah, ask to decorate the room.
Speaker 4:Yeah, yeah, ask to decorate the room. Yeah, yeah, you know we also know other people in the community too, so we would like to do like some type of collaborative session. You know, just have fun with it, like. This should be fun, this should be a hobby, like. So it should show in the things that we're doing that you know, if we enjoy it, then it should translate to our listeners. Like you were saying, eric, that that's how we get our content out there. If we connect with our audience, they can tell we enjoy what we're talking about and they enjoy what we're talking about, or they're, you know, wanting to learn more about what we're talking about.
Speaker 1:Yeah, 100%.
Speaker 2:I wanted to ask, just out of curiosity how did y'all find us?
Speaker 4:Rita Rita, we took a podcast in class, that's right.
Speaker 2:Rita, rita, rita Okay that's right, I knew there was some sort of central being that tied everybody together. I forgot it's Rita. It's usually Rita or the JPU.
Speaker 4:Yeah, Because we told her, you know, we were like going through our concept of what we wanted to do and she said oh my gosh, you need to talk to the wait for it. Guys, you know, that would be like the best collaboration out there and I'm like who's the wait for it? Who are they? Who the fuck is that?
Speaker 2:Well, wait, wait for what?
Speaker 4:So then I looked you guys up and then you know, just like, chatted with you guys and we're, you know, lucky to partner with you at the comic-con, and you know that that's how the origin story happened we tried twice to like collab with rita and like both times there were just one time, no, one time.
Speaker 2:The first time er it was there was a bad storm, there was a really bad storm, and then the second time I had to go to the emergency room.
Speaker 1:Oh God. And then we like just never broached the topic.
Speaker 3:She's really busy. She's a big lady, she's all over the place.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you got to take your shots while you can, seriously, it is it. Yeah, yeah, you got to take your shots while you can, seriously it is. It is very difficult, especially when you add the guest thing to the mix, which I know is, I think, also something you guys just had. You had like your first guest on recently we did.
Speaker 4:It is something that we want to do, so part of our like you know, we're kind of we. I don't want to say we're copying you, but we really like how you do the communities. How dare you? Hopefully we have guests, nobody else, we did it first, but we really like how you do the communities.
Speaker 1:How dare you? Only we have guests, nobody else.
Speaker 4:We did it first but we really like that idea. So we, we want to partner with people and hopefully, uh, you know, it's something that they want to talk about, because I'd hate to have somebody come on and they're like, what's anime? Like we don't even watch that, I don't want to watch that, I mean. So we, and then we're thinking like, eventually, do we want to talk about other topics too? So we kind of put that V in there for, like, video games, like if there are people that are interested in, like retro video games. So I think that's something we're talking about doing too, just to like change up the content, because I mean, it might get old, I don't know. Like, I just think that keeping our minds fresh, if we want to change it up, is something that we've talked about too don't feel bad.
Speaker 2:Literally every game we play is stolen from another podcast. So specifically your friendly neighborhood gamer shout out to you andrew and dylan that's right, we appreciate you.
Speaker 1:Yeah, every time we bring guests on and we play games, we're like or tiktok.
Speaker 2:It's just from tiktok, or it's like we want to just have fun.
Speaker 1:So yeah, and that imposter syndrome is real, but like we just don't care, we just don't care.
Speaker 1:At the end of the day it is uh, it is a tough one, phil, I think, as we're kind of jumping into the middle of our conversation, we do have those games to look forward to. I am very curious with both of our guests, vintage and Bridget what are some of the things that you guys are into now? So we've talked a lot about looking back in some of those nostalgia days, some of the things that you guys cover, but, like in the last couple of years, like what are some of those big obsessive things that you have gotten into and that can also include some of those vintage things? Like I just jumped into one piece, a few, like a year or two ago, but I've also gotten obsessed with like last year, my film of the year was Dune part two, and now I'm like a huge Dune fan as far as the film franchise. So anything at all that you guys have jumped into recently that wasn't initially an obsession, that now is and that can be in film, games, anime, books, can be whatever.
Speaker 4:For me it's Baldur's Gate. That was my life of 2023. That's the only game. If you look at my Steam history, it's the only game that I played. That's the only game. If you look at my Steam history, it's the only game that I played. But I do like D&D and tabletop role-playing games as well, and so I just became immersed with Baldur's Gate and obsessed over every choice. So that was something. And then I cosplayed as one of the characters at DragonCon this past year or 2024. So that was my obsession of the last two years, I think I've, as far as like television shows or movies, I've really been focusing more on video games as of late. But gosh, I have to think I just watched the very first episode of Free Run. I don't watch a lot of newer anime and I was blown away of how good it is, and I don't want to spoil it if you've never seen it, but I'm genuinely excited to watch more of that show.
Speaker 1:Yeah, free Run's great. That's a great one. I hear I did watch the first episode. I haven't kept up with it, but it is one I plan to, because it was on everybody's top anime last year, so that's a good one, bridget what about you?
Speaker 3:So games? I just got back into World of Warcraft again because I had a problem and it took over my life for five years and I took a break, so back into that always. Animal Crossing Super excited for Hello Kitty Island Adventure coming out next week. My TV that I'm obsessed with is actually kind of embarrassing. It's Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.
Speaker 2:But I never watch anything like that. We all have something like that. It started with.
Speaker 3:Vanderpump Rules. I got COVID, I watched that And'm that's the only one I watch is beverly hills new season just came out and the new squid game like obsessed yeah yeah, yeah, I love squid game.
Speaker 1:Haven't watched season two yet, though it's really good, I got, I got a jump on it, I know yeah I super.
Speaker 2:I do quickly want to say that while we've been doing this, eric, we've never met anybody that plays WoW. That started off with saying I had a super healthy boundaries with World of Warcraft and I continue to play to this day and it's really good for me.
Speaker 1:Between that and League of Legends it's always the same thing.
Speaker 2:Everyone's always like don't play WoW or League.
Speaker 1:They never start with the time they played it.
Speaker 2:They start with the time they had to stop playing it. No, that never happens.
Speaker 1:That is so funny, Phil what is your real housewife's show, the one that you were saying. Everyone has one Fast and the Furious franchise, that's embarrassing.
Speaker 2:Listen, I go in there to watch Dominic Toretto perform Superman stunts and now watch Jason Momoa ham it up and have a great time.
Speaker 1:It's between that and your Jason Statham obsession. Because we saw that poster for a working man, he got so excited.
Speaker 2:And what did it say? The tagline is human traffickers beware. That's what it says. I watched the Beekeeper last year and I think Jason Statham said five lines. I think the rest were grunts and him just fucking people up and he's having a great time and he's making good money and he's a good dude. So I've had it, man.
Speaker 1:That's funny. Vintage do you have? Do you have like an embarrassing obsession or something like that, whether it's reality tv or a particular series you don't like to talk about?
Speaker 4:oh, gosh, I I genuinely don't know. Um, I don't want. I mean, I don't watch a lot of reality tv shows. I actually just watch a lot of YouTube stuff. I like watching long form content videos. To go to sleep at night, I'll just go onto YouTube and see somebody do an analysis. It sounds so boring. But yeah, I guess, hold on, let me tell you the video that I watched literally earlier today.
Speaker 2:This has no impact on my life whatsoever. I watched a video on first. I watched a video on um skid row in LA just because I was curious yeah, I would love, I love stuff like that.
Speaker 4:Yeah, it was a shorter video.
Speaker 2:It's like 15 minutes, and then I watched how Virginia is currently undergoing a $4 billion underwater highway rebuild and how it's going to completely change the flow of traffic in that area.
Speaker 4:I find stuff like that fascinating, I'm never going to drive the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel.
Speaker 1:And this is where I think, like me and Phil are starting to stray further as, like, just people, because, like I, again I'm watching, I like architecture and he's watching. Uh like, uh, I went to every rainforest cafe, dude, that video was fantastic, that video that was incredible video every single rainforest cafe in the country he went to and it was.
Speaker 2:And by the end of it, like in the beginning, he's so full of hope, like he has sunshine in his eyes. And by the end of it, like in the beginning, he's so full of hope, like he has sunshine in his eyes, and by the end of the journey he is a broken man and I don't know that he's put out a video since then.
Speaker 3:He might, he might, be dead too much rasta pasta after you hear that, let's keep that elephant go off for the 50th time.
Speaker 2:You're just just like I'm going to end it here in this bathroom, surrounded by rainforest animals.
Speaker 1:And then Phil, infamously, will watch because he's not a big horror fan and there's a lot of reasons behind that, but he doesn't watch a lot of horror movies. But he will watch the kill counts for those movies and then say he watched said movie. Shout out to Dead Meat.
Speaker 4:So say he watched said movie. Shout out to dead meat, right. So can I ask what?
Speaker 2:fascinates you about the kill count, like because because so the channel is called dead meat and they're a horror channel and they do a kill count where they count every single kill in a movie, in a horror film. And they also do a lot of like behind the scenes analysis, because I it might be like horror does so much with prosthetics and like actual visual, like the visual style, they just go above and beyond and I'm so fascinated by that. But, like I, there's a certain amount of gore that I can't handle, uh, specifically breaking bones, that like I just I can't do it, so like I don't think I'm gonna be able to watch the new daredevil show like I saw the trailer and I was like, oh my, my God, I can't watch.
Speaker 2:They did it so many times so I can. I can handle like other stuff, but if it's a film that I know I'm not going to watch, I'll put on the kill count because I'm very interested about those specific movies and also they're just a great channel in general. We met them at Spookala last year and they're so sweet, but yeah, it's just really interesting. The other channel that I watch, eric, you brought up what's that blake, lively movie that came.
Speaker 1:It ends with us.
Speaker 2:It ends with us and I told you I was like oh yeah, I've seen that it's like a 20-25 minute movie because I watch on you. There's another channel that I watch. Her name is amanda the jedi and she also recaps films. So any movie that I'm not gonna watch, I'll just watch that.
Speaker 1:And I'm like oh yeah, that's there are so many movies. Last year you could have done that too. Instead you watched them, watched them all. That was crazy, yeah, but I did not watch. It Ends With Us she did cover. Argyle, I'm sure Because nobody wants to see it. In recent time she also covered Madam Web. Yeah, and you watched Madam Web, that's right.
Speaker 2:Those were choices. Cinematic experience maybe.
Speaker 4:That is an experience, though, Madam Web. You have to see it for your own eyes. No, you don't though. That's the thing.
Speaker 1:That's the thing. There's so many other movies you can watch, because I will not watch those. If I know a movie is going to be objectively bad, I can't watch it. The only exceptions are, like we mentioned, amelia Perez earlier. I just had to watch a movie that had tied for second for most Oscar nominations, that everyone hates every single person other than Ron Perlman, apparently. So it just again.
Speaker 2:I can't wait to talk to Ron Perlman at collective about. Amelia Perez. Yeah, not, not sons of anarchy, not hell boy. Amelia Perez is what I want to ask him about.
Speaker 1:Be like, hey, Ron first off, I can't believe you're making me do an episode on it, which is also the crazy thing again.
Speaker 2:Like I said, I think we need to contribute to as much negative press about Amelia Perez as possible.
Speaker 1:So yeah, on the flip side, we do have. We're going to watch for the I've watched for the first time and Phil is going to for our first February episode. We're going to watch Pretty Woman.
Speaker 4:Oh interesting, You've never seen it. You've never seen it.
Speaker 1:I've seen clips. I know Julia Roberts is amazing in it. Richard Gere is kind of a creep but also kind of charming.
Speaker 2:That was just like 90s. Rom-com was like the male lead was just a stalker or any, richard. Gere film, really that was the endearing trait in the 90s was he just won't go away. I guess he won't take no yeah, that's, that was the whole aesthetic in the 90s and like early 2000s as well which is crazy because, because phil loves full-on comedy, my my form of comedy is typically rom-com, so the fact I had never seen it was crazy.
Speaker 1:But yeah, no, phil's gonna be floored with how much I loved it, he's gonna be floored. I can't wait to talk about it?
Speaker 4:how do you choose what you watch and what you discuss, like, do you? I mean, there's so much out there like, how do you narrow?
Speaker 2:it. Social media dictates a lot of it sometimes. So like, well, okay, I will say this so randomly, I'll give you the most recent example is I confuse the adventures of tintin with like rin tintin, which is a dog. I like got those things mixed up and then tintin kept popping up on my algorithm and on like twitter and like memes and stuff and I was like maybe we should watch the adventures of tintin. And then I look up like the scores and it's, it's a really pretty good, loved movie. So that's how that recently happened. But a lot of it we like we have a list, eric keeps a list and I'll throw out stuff and then if, if, something doesn't show up on our algorithm organically, we'll refer to the list. But typically it's like like one month eric will make me play a stupid crab game on xbox uh, game pass and I'll be mad about it.
Speaker 1:That's crazy. Yeah, and then you'll make. You'll make us play sea of thieves and we'll have an we thought sea of thieves was going to be fun.
Speaker 2:Every meme of sea of thieves was like this looks like a blast.
Speaker 1:We're gonna have a great time and we were like we're so sorry to tell you we hated this game, but yeah, no, that, no, that's a great question because, like it really is something we've had to. You know, you always want to be like part of the conversation at the time, but then, like, especially with social media, making clips and stuff, like you only have such a small window anyway, and that became a real challenge to do so. Like a film like Interstellar we watched at the beginning of last year. That was a movie we just wanted to badly watch, and we both aligned on it. Phil has been trying to get me to watch Severance on Apple TV for the longest time, so that was another episode. And then Top Gun. We also got into Top Gun because it was a franchise we always thought about, and we heard great things about Maverick. On the flip side, though, though, then we have movies where, like, phil will punish me with watching real steel, uh, and then I will punish.
Speaker 2:I will punish him by convincing him to see lego ninjago and I just said I enjoyed it and eric was like fine, we'll do. I was like you don't have to watch it. This existed my zeitgeist that I enjoyed Real steel. It deserves a sequel, but we did.
Speaker 1:And I guess one thing we can bring up that happens typically, naturally, but I'm going to force it. Phil, I feel like somebody here may be paying to know how much you hate Studio Ghibli, so would you like to talk about that?
Speaker 2:a little bit, oh crap.
Speaker 4:We do want to know why I'm like I don't pay, but I would love to know why I'm like.
Speaker 3:I don't pay, but I would love to know richie gets a patreon uh trial.
Speaker 1:I was. I was doing uh quote, unquote research, which is just looking at your instagram post, and I saw, I think, vintage your favorite films, like kiki's delivery service and I was like I haven't seen, I'm gonna find a way to bring this up. Mine's speared away. We have not seen that one. Well so talk about spreading away.
Speaker 2:Come on, I Okay To start off with the positives artistically, visually gorgeous, gorgeous film but as far as how it flowed in terms of the story and how everything unfolded, I just did not vibe with me. I didn't a lot of the stuff that I watched afterwards after seeing the movie. It was like, well, this ties into you know his childhood or someone's childhood or someone's backstory, and I'm like I shouldn't have to do a YouTube deep dive in order to understand a film that I didn't initially enjoy. So like, why can't I just go into this and enjoy it for what it is the first time? And then I will make that decision to look into it more. Like I will make, I will go out.
Speaker 2:We just talked about I watched a video about how Virginia is expanding their bridges. I will go to YouTube and find the content to learn more about a piece of artwork. And I was like, well, that doesn't mean anything to me now. Like I think maybe if I had watched it when I was younger, maybe it would have resonated differently, but I was just bored. It also didn't help when the tool on TikTok was like, well, you're a bad father because you should show your daughter this movie.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the TikTok comments were not kind, Damn damn.
Speaker 2:And I was like I know my daughter she wouldn't. And oh oh yeah. He asked what our favorite movies are and they got and, like my, one of mine is jurassic park and the guy was like jurassic park really, as if that's not like a cornerstone cornerstone film of the last like in history, and but that's really a lot of it.
Speaker 2:Honestly, for the most part, whenever I bring up studio ghibli, everybody is relatively understanding because they feel like there is a ghibli film for everybody and I'll get like nine of the same suggestions over and over again. And now we've watched three and I don't like, haven't liked any of them. I definitely hated Boy in the Heron the most Well, yeah, out of all of them, and it was funny because we did those episodes back to back.
Speaker 1:We watched Spirited Away before watching the Boy in the Heron because we were like Phil had never seen a Ghibli film.
Speaker 2:I was like, well, I gotta watch it. I can't make Boy in the Heron, my first Ghibli film. Yeah, you can't.
Speaker 1:Can't do it. It being his second, didn't work out. And then we broke one of our patrons hearts because he recommended Porco Rosso and we both hated that movie.
Speaker 2:So it was very sad. He is a pedophile.
Speaker 1:So it's not great. She is a child, yeah, so it's unfortunate, but yeah, and that's why vintage like I don't think he can watch like a house moving castle or kiki's delivery what's the war one? Uh, princess mononoke. Okay, that's the only one I. That's one of the big ones I haven't seen and I do want to watch it in a final attempt, if I like it, to make him watch it, but we are running out of chances there's pongo running out of cards to play, I guess eventually there's that, there's ponyo.
Speaker 3:Yeah, ponyo's a I mean, it's not my favorite, but a lot of people love it. That's the thing. And like he will.
Speaker 1:The fact that we've had him watch three is crazy. Like we are running out of time, we have to hit the next one on the.
Speaker 2:I think I'm just not a ghibli guy and I am a, uh, mamoru hasada guy. Um, who's the guy that does your name? Um, I think that's just more my vibe, uh, the type of storytelling that is going on there.
Speaker 1:Um makoto shinkai.
Speaker 2:Yes, so I think that's more of my thing than than the ghibli films so what are we going to do?
Speaker 1:We're going to talk about we watched Tokyo Godfathers, which is Satoshi.
Speaker 4:Kon Love him.
Speaker 3:And there's a lot of movies, obviously under Perfect Blue Paprika.
Speaker 4:Millennium Actress.
Speaker 1:So, those are ones that will probably come up on our list before another Ghibli film Magnetic Rose, Jacksonville Library. They forgot about us. We were supposed to. We were supposed to watch that before we like jacksonville?
Speaker 2:library reached out to us to host a discussion about magnetic rose and we're like hell. Yeah, that sounds great. I know it wasn't. It wasn't covid, was it it was. It was either covid or it was like a hurricane.
Speaker 1:Something happened it was a hurricane that came through, yeah, but it was like right around COVID they had to postpone it and we're like, okay, yeah, no problem.
Speaker 2:And then after that they were like we're shelving this for now. We'll reach back out to you if we do it again Five years later, fine.
Speaker 1:Never heard from them again.
Speaker 2:Now I know why Leslie Knope hates the library Punk ass book jockeys, but yeah, punk ass book jockeys.
Speaker 1:but yeah, no, I again a lot, of, a lot of things there I had to.
Speaker 4:I had to let phil go on his ghibli tangent because I just thought anytime, anytime I can make him bring it up, uh and clip it.
Speaker 2:That's the best part and most people that that have a face, that talk to me face to face, are very kind about it, but the people on the internet that are behind their phones are not so not, not very kind, phil.
Speaker 1:Uh, before we get to our games here, uh, do you have any final questions for our guests? Because we are going to continue on into that pulp culture zeitgeist and we're going to jump into some games two games at the end of this episode. So what do you got?
Speaker 2:I think what we always like to know is because, just like us, you guys have a lot of fandoms. How do you balance everything? Because our answer is we don't. So how do you hold? We just drown in it.
Speaker 4:You just move from obsession to obsession and then you'll bounce back to it. Yeah, I think that's just how I've gone through my journey, through my pop culture obsessions, you know, like I'll fixate on one thing for quite a bit of time and then I'll move on. But yeah, I don't have a good answer for that obsessed, like right now.
Speaker 3:I'm obsessed with wwe. Usually I'm obsessed with sumo, sumo's kind of taking a back seat right now. But I am following it. But yeah, I think you just kind of like pick one and then, uh, wear it out completely to where you are, like why do I even like this?
Speaker 2:and then you revisit it like a year later like you have like a really good meal at a place yeah, you just eat it every day and then you get the one that's like not good. I'm like oh no, yeah.
Speaker 3:And then you're like all right on to chicken sandwiches, like back to that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, because, like I, I will get very behind in anime, but that's because there'll be a week where I watch nothing but anime and I get caught up on everything.
Speaker 2:There will be shows that I there are very few shows that I keep up with on a week-to-week basis that release like right now I'm doing that with severance, but there'll be, uh, even the shows that I really love. I'll wait till all the episodes come out and then I'll binge them all. So, and then my a lot of my free time, like downtime, when I'm just like by myself is I'm playing a game, either here on my computer or in my game room, and then listening to a podcast at the same time. So that's how I like, that's how I decompress, that is how I just relax, and that's a lot of the content I take in, which is mostly true horror and true crime, which explains a lot actually about what's going on mentally. But that's what I get most of my content. That's what I listened to the most every single week is the one true crime podcast that I listened to, and then a lot of like listener true horror stories. So that's just how I spend time.
Speaker 1:So yeah, and Bridget you, you were talking about wrestling. I did see your post. You were at the same show we were at here in Jacksonville.
Speaker 4:So like is that?
Speaker 1:have you always been like, a like? Were you a fan from afar, then stopped watching it? Is this completely new to you? Because, like WWE right now is having kind of a second renaissance? It is just like really curious where you fall. Are you a completely brand new follower or did you have a little bit of uh exposure before?
Speaker 3:I'm not a completely brand new follower. I've kind of followed it like I don't know, lightly, I don't know what the word would be. Um because, like, even like when I was a kid, you know and come on after saturday morning cartoons, so you'd always be kind of like stuck watching it and then you get into it, um, but I've really become absolutely obsessed with it. Oh, look at that, she's my absolute favorite.
Speaker 1:She's right there, I have my figurine this is what happens when you take 25 pictures. Phil oh my gosh yeah, well, you could have deleted them we only know one.
Speaker 2:Some of them are different whenever. Okay, let me ask you this we're gonna divert. I'm so sorry. Yeah, well, you could have deleted them. No, some of them are different Whenever. Ok, let me ask you this we're going to divert. I'm so sorry, whenever you're out in a group setting and someone takes a picture and they take multiple. Right, how many of those photos do you want that were taken?
Speaker 3:Like two or three yeah.
Speaker 2:Two or three OK.
Speaker 1:Like the best, yeah. So if there's like six or or seven, you don't want all six or seven, right, because ideally, especially for you, there are two to three that you look best in, right so it's up to the no.
Speaker 2:But you gotta figure out which one you think looks best. You, I don't know which one you think you look best.
Speaker 1:No no, I. I look at each face and I say and I don't even do two to three, you get one. I say this is the best one, i'm'm not going to do that. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Out of the eight people in this picture, one of you have your eyes closed, but the rest aren't good for you either.
Speaker 2:I will send you the blurry one. Here you go.
Speaker 1:I just want the best one. I don't understand.
Speaker 3:But yeah, usually I'll do like I look good in this one, you look good in that one, and we both look fine in this one. You know, do you like?
Speaker 4:I'm just curious, because a few years ago I was into AEW and then I kind of like dropped off on it. Do you? Are you like only WWE, or do you like both, or you know what's your opinion on that?
Speaker 2:You're asking all three of us.
Speaker 4:Yeah, Anyone I was like me. Is anyone? We know each other.
Speaker 3:We've been big wrestling fans.
Speaker 1:We've been big wrestling fans for a while we watched, because AEW was posted here in Jacksonville when it first came out so that was probably its best years.
Speaker 1:It has fallen off so I don't keep up with it the way I keep up with WWE. But yeah, between that TNA I think the only thing Phil, you and me never really got into was like new Japan. That's just a little bit too out there for us. But yeah, a lot of those things, even a ring of honor I knew a little bit about those local, the more of those smaller companies and promotions. You hear about people coming up through the ranks and it's almost like the college football to the NFL of, like people that are starting to come up and might make it to the, to the main event, the big scene, the big ticket in town. And that's that's where Cody Rhodes story very much followed is once he left WWE came up through the ranks, eventually founded, helped found AEW, came back home. So getting invested in those are really cool. But I think the only one, phil, that we really are invested in from like a full-time perspective, paying attention week to week, is wwe yeah, and bridget will attest to this too like wrestling is.
Speaker 2:It's just like every other tv show. It has storylines, that has characters, and there's really only so much of that you can keep up with. So as much as I'm very interested in what's happening in aw, I just I don't have the time to also keep up with those storylines on top of the ones that I'm very much invested in in wwe. Aw has also made a bunch of, just a bunch of very interesting creative decisions, but also just how the company is run by tony khan. I'm not the big like the biggest fan of, I'm not a fan of the cons, really in general. So especially being here in Jacksonville, so we're the best Jaguar fans.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, we didn't. We didn't cancel our season tickets, we didn't just cancel our season tickets no. Save me $1,500 a year. Wow, but yeah, I keep. Uh, wow, but yeah, I keep like joking around because aw is here tonight in jacksonville and I'm like all right, eric, let's go. I have the tickets up right now. I'm gonna be honest, I wasn't even gonna say anything no please, please, guys, I'm gonna be honest with you.
Speaker 1:I was so upset that you even brought up aw, because he's legit been trying to manipulate me for days because, no, I'm not going to, and I will just say yes, if he buys a ticket, I'll tell you what happened in the post show.
Speaker 2:I can't have it out on public record as to why I was going to buy those tickets, so we'll talk about that.
Speaker 1:Afterwards We'll come back to it, but yeah, no, I'm pretty upset that it came back up naturally. No, no, not two tickets, but we do have two games that we're going to play. And, phil, I'll leave it up to you. I think we could do the parents guide first, and then we could do the character draft?
Speaker 2:Are you sharing the parents guide?
Speaker 1:Yes, you're going to share both.
Speaker 2:Okay, yep, let me figure this out on the first try, like always, you just put it on another monitor, you full screen it, you share.
Speaker 1:that's it's fairly fairly how it goes this is a great example, as we talked about a little in the pre-show, of still learning stuff, phil it's a journey.
Speaker 4:He'll get there, no pressure there what I?
Speaker 1:no pressure, yeah, uh, what I will tell you is, uh, what we are about to play, which is the IMDB parents guide. So, if you're not familiar with this, imdb has a you would say a feature where parents can go on and for video games, movies, tv shows, they can go on there and give things ratings on how they feel about said media. So, phil, the next one will show us what the categories are going to be. This is going to be broken up into five categories and rated one of four items. It's either going to be none, mild, moderate or severe.
Speaker 1:I'm going to give you the results for each of these categories sex and nudity, violence and gore, profanity, alcohol, drugs and smoking and frightening and intense scenes. I will give you that with a couple of additional details, and then I will have, you guys, guess, those pieces of media. We've got three video games, three movies and three television shows. So we're gonna also give hints as we go, and this is completely for bragging rights, but all three of you will be playing this one. Do you have any questions? Are you guys ready? We're ready. Did you get the?
Speaker 3:$20. I Venmo'd you so that I could win.
Speaker 1:Yes, I did, they're all ones, only you know.
Speaker 2:At Brick City Anime Festival said he would open the bribes and people started bribing him. It was pretty.
Speaker 1:Honestly, it was very overwhelming and then I picked nobody.
Speaker 2:How do major corporations handle all this, all the time?
Speaker 1:All right, let's jump into our first one, which is going to be a video game. It is rated M for mature. If at any point you know it, you can shout it out. That includes interrupting me. This is first to answer and you get as many guesses as you'd like. You'll see here right off rip. Before I start giving hints, this is a video game that is moderate in sex and nudity, severe violence and gore, moderate profanity, no alcohol, drugs and smoking, and that could be very minimal to none, and then frightening and intense scenes is very severe. Uh, any guesses off rip, otherwise I will jump into our first hand Mortal Kombat. Jesus, that was really good.
Speaker 2:That is.
Speaker 1:Mortal Kombat. Who is it? Oh my God, that was really good. I did use the content rating for the 2011 Mortal Kombat, but, yeah, any Mortal Kombat would have done sufficiently there. Okay, well, I really hope you're not very good at this game because we will not be playing very long. All right, our next game is rated M for mature. Sex and nudity is mild. Violence and gore is severe. We have profanity mild. Alcohol, drugs and smoking mild, and frightening and intense scenes are severe.
Speaker 2:Resident Evil 5. No.
Speaker 4:I have no idea. I need a hint, that's okay, that's okay, all right.
Speaker 1:So when it comes to things like sex and nudity, on the parents guide, it says that there is an empty strip club. Involved in part of the story the Last of Us.
Speaker 2:No, good guess.
Speaker 4:I'm thinking of some type of post-apocalypse game or something.
Speaker 2:Is it Duke Nukem?
Speaker 1:No, it is not Duke Nukem.
Speaker 2:Okay, oh, that would be Sex and Duty.
Speaker 1:It would not be mild. Yeah, that would not be mild. Violence and gore. Players fight different monsters with melee weapons and guns and there's some blood spurt when attacking enemies. One of the characters gets blood on his outfit when taking damage.
Speaker 2:Fallout Did you hear Bridget?
Speaker 1:No, not Fallout. These are all good guesses. You guys are definitely in the realm.
Speaker 4:It's like a horror game, not Resident Evil of some kind.
Speaker 1:Another hint for alcohol, drugs and smoking. There is a scene in that same strip club with alcohol and cigarettes, and alcohol are scattered throughout the game.
Speaker 4:It's not Silent Hill 2, is it? It is, it is.
Speaker 1:Silent Hill 2. Oh my. God, that was very good Okay.
Speaker 4:You can't see it, but I have the strip club sign right in the back. That's actually what. That is Heaven's Night. I'll turn the light off, but yeah.
Speaker 1:This is crazy. All right, let's go ahead here and jump into our next one Game for Dorks Cool. Let's see what this is.
Speaker 3:Is this not Noah's Ark game? Is that what this is?
Speaker 1:All right For this one. It's rated E for everyone. There is no sex and nudity. It is mild violence and gore. Profanity, none Alcohol, drugs and smoking. Mild Frightening and intense scenes mild.
Speaker 4:Animal Crossing.
Speaker 1:There's no smoking. No, not Animal Crossing.
Speaker 2:Are there alcohol?
Speaker 3:Tom Nook. What's the real game?
Speaker 2:It'd be a way cooler game.
Speaker 1:Okay, our first hint In Sex and Nudity. There's really not much to this one, because there is none. However, there is a character who is hit, and then his pants fall down, his body turns red and literally dies of embarrassment.
Speaker 2:Oh, my God.
Speaker 4:I'm drawing a blank.
Speaker 1:I don't know, that's okay, this one might be the toughest, but I don't know. At this point my confidence has been shaken. Violence and gore the main character can get hit by enemies and cause him to lose the baby that he's carrying like.
Speaker 3:I know what this is, but I can't think of the name of it is this super?
Speaker 4:oh, it's not like super. Mario 2, is it like? No, I'm thinking yoshi, like with the baby.
Speaker 1:No, it is super mario. 2 oh my god did you go back. I was like yeah, where's their smoking like? That is crazy um, yeah it says that alcohol, drugs and smoking yoshi gets high when he touches a fuzzy oh, he kind of, he kind of does okay listen, these are the parents that decided to.
Speaker 1:A lot of these ratings will happen, but then they will add comments, which are our hints. Yeah, that is. Uh, that is crazy. Wow, we are vintage going on a run here now. Now we're gonna run into films. So for films, this movie is rated r. Sex and nudity is none. Violence and gore is severe profanity, severe alcohol, drugs and smoking. Mild and frightening and intense scenes are moderate. Any thoughts need a hint? You know? Okay, all right, it could literally be anything. For sex and nudity, it is none. However, there are club scenes with women in bikinis.
Speaker 2:For violence and gore pass and furious nope, no, there's no rated R pass, and furious, yet for violence and gore.
Speaker 1:The main character shoots a man in the eye and blood splatters on the ground. For profanity, oh you gotta guess. Is it John Wick? No, that's crazy, is it?
Speaker 2:I'm so mad because I was about to say that and I was like, let me wait for the next clue.
Speaker 1:It is john wick no you're gonna.
Speaker 2:It's like that, uh that geico.
Speaker 1:Um, you're gonna be faster than that. All right, all right, guys. Yeah, we are. This is starting to become a blowout, but there's still plenty of game left for a comeback. Uh, this movie is PG and it is mild across the board. Very mild movie, according to parents. Any initial thoughts before our first hint Charlotte's.
Speaker 3:Web.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 3:Is Charlotte's Web mild, is it? It's been a while since I've seen charlotte's web.
Speaker 2:I mean that spider was smoking cigarettes okay, she was like three or four packs a day.
Speaker 1:All right, uh, for sex and nude, uh, nudity. We have, uh, a man shown in a tank top at some point and women's, uh woman's, cleavage is shown. Sweet, nice. Violence at gore is mild. There are creepy looking monsters who have the head of a dog with big fans and horns, and tall skeletal bodies with long pointed claws. I'm stumped. That's okay. All right For profanity. One of the characters says whoop ass, is this holes? No, not holes. This is for alcohol, drugs and smoking. One of the characters gets drunk from a tiki drink. There are several references to marijuana, is it?
Speaker 3:Pineapple Express.
Speaker 2:Nope, not PG, pg.
Speaker 1:Also been a while since I've seen that movie, but I'm pretty confident.
Speaker 2:The one with the cross blunt Right in PG.
Speaker 4:For frightening and intense scenes.
Speaker 1:There are several dog demons and ghosts throughout the film.
Speaker 4:Is this Ghostbusters?
Speaker 1:No, not a bad guess I'm trying to think of demons and skeletons.
Speaker 4:That's not a bad guess. So it's 80s. Is it something 80s related?
Speaker 2:The Goonies, not the Goonies no.
Speaker 4:Gremlins no oh no.
Speaker 1:Another hint. Here we could go back to violence and gore. There's a lot of comments about this one. A haunted castle becomes animated, with armored suits, moving and swinging bladed weapons. Food flies off the table mansion, nope, food flies off the table covers a man and a dog up and pins them to the wall it's not monster house, it is not.
Speaker 2:is it frankenweenie up and pins them to the wall? It's not Monster House, it is not.
Speaker 3:Is it Frankenweenie? I was going to think Casper but I don't think so.
Speaker 1:It is not. I will give you a bigger hint. It is not an animated film, but it is based off of one.
Speaker 2:Scooby-Doo.
Speaker 1:It is Scooby-Doo.
Speaker 3:I never saw those. Oh, this is the I know I was like dog demons.
Speaker 2:This is the what's it called James Gunn one.
Speaker 1:Yep, did James Gunn do this?
Speaker 3:one Really I didn't know that.
Speaker 1:Oh, he did. Oh, he wrote it. Yeah, okay, he wrote on it. All right, Our next one fills on the board. This game is wide open. We both got one point Batman movies are big. This is a Batman movie that is PG-13. Sex and nudity, violence, gore, profanity, alcohol, drugs and smoking. Frightening and intense scenes are all mild. For this one, you've gotten a big hint. I need to know what Batman film. This is Our first hint. One of our characters kisses Batman several times. Batman Returns.
Speaker 3:Not Batman Returns. Batman Returns.
Speaker 4:I'm just guessing, I don't know the sub names.
Speaker 1:That's okay. One of the villains kills his henchman at the beginning by shooting him multiple times.
Speaker 3:Batman Forever.
Speaker 1:It is Batman Forever.
Speaker 3:Dang.
Speaker 1:Good.
Speaker 3:There we go, batman movies.
Speaker 1:All right, there we go. Those are our movies. Now we are going to end it with three television shows, starting with our first one, this one here Sex and Nudity. It's TV PG. Sex and Nudity is none. Violence and Gore is mild Profanity. None. Alcohol, drugs and smoking. None. Frightening and intense scenes is moderate. Any guesses right off the bat. Okay For sex and nudity. Parents said none, but one parent wrote there are some kissing between parents. In one scene A married couple discusses going out during the night as they kiss, but nothing is sexual about it.
Speaker 3:Why I'm glad they covered that.
Speaker 2:Why even put that?
Speaker 1:That's the whole reason I read it. Some of these are so unnecessary.
Speaker 3:Like they sound a little jealous, a little bit.
Speaker 2:Gives them a kiss, like my husband stopped doing five years ago.
Speaker 1:For violence and gore, uh, mild. Again there is mentions of blood or drinking blood. There's also mentions of organs being extracted with hooks and placed in egyptian jars. A human heart is seen falling into a garbage disposal at one point.
Speaker 4:This is a PG show.
Speaker 2:It is Goosebumps. Like one of the goosebumps, it is goosebumps.
Speaker 4:Oh dang, I should have caught that Okay. Like a human heart in a garbage disposal.
Speaker 1:All right, we've got two more left. I think we are starting to catch up to vintage, so this is wide open.
Speaker 3:We're two. I think we both have two right, Phil yeah.
Speaker 1:Both of you guys have two. All right, our next one here. This show is rated mature and sex and nudity is moderate. Violence and gore, severe Profanity moderate. Alcohol, drugs and smoking is mild and frightening and intense scenes is severe. Any thoughts off, rip Game of. Thrones.
Speaker 3:Oh no, I'm like sex and nudity is severe.
Speaker 2:That would be a crazy point that is true.
Speaker 1:Yes, game of Thrones, definitely severe Sex and nudity and profanity, All of it, all of it, all of it, true. Okay, our first guess in sex and nudity, um, there is buttocks nudity briefly shown. Gotta love, gotta love the buttocks.
Speaker 4:Pull here can we technical?
Speaker 1:violence at gore again rated severe. There's a guy that tries to run away from a game but get shot and dies. Squid game. Yeah, it is like a squid game and that does go to vintage. Yes, with, like, I heard it first that we'll we'll go to the playback if we need to. But yeah, I like I heard it first. We'll go to the playback if we need to. But yeah, I heard vintage first. All right, very good, let's go ahead and jump into our next one, and this is the last one. Again, would be a crazy pull Show is PG, but you'll see here, unlike most PG shows, it's all mild except for violence and gore, which is considered moderate among parents. Any thoughts here?
Speaker 2:Nothing.
Speaker 3:Friends, not friends.
Speaker 1:Friends has gotta be TV 13, right, what episode did you see moderate violence and gore, the one with the fight Gore, the one with the fight club, the one with the knife.
Speaker 4:I think we were watching a different show.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I think so that's gotta be the name of an episode I would put like $20 on that being the name of an episode.
Speaker 1:Our first hint for Sex and Nudity the main character's outfit shows cleavage. The main character, you shows cleavage the main character. You could argue multiple characters, but the comment is specifically about the main character. Violence and gore again is moderate. There are swordplay, battles and brawls. Creatures and monsters get killed and those same creatures and monsters attack people.
Speaker 4:Is it Buffy the Vampire Slayer?
Speaker 1:It is not Dang Profanity. It's rated TV 14 in some areas because of violence, adult language and adult content. So it is rated PG, but in some areas they have bumped it up to TV 14. Alcohol, drugs and smoking. Characters are shown smoking hookah, which is crazy to me. What I don't know why that makes me laugh. If you focus on that, you are in trouble.
Speaker 4:Taking me back to college.
Speaker 1:Frightening and intense scenes. There are several disturbing images of monsters, so again a reference to the monsters in the show monsters monsters cleavage and hook those all come together yeah, tvpg, another hint under sex and nudity. As this is not a uh, a r-rated or mature show, a lot of the nudity are cleverly censored with alternate camera angles and other methods, is it? Xena it is it is xena warrior princess.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I love xena, yeah I thought it would have been more than PG, though. She hacks off limbs and goes to town on people I know.
Speaker 1:It says in some areas it's rated TV 14. I don't know where the hoopa came from.
Speaker 2:Also, the PG 13 rating didn't exist until what year? Oh yeah.
Speaker 1:Some episodes have been bumped up to TV 14 in the US and then in other places, like in Australia. I think it's rated mature in New. Zealand. Yeah, some episodes are even bumped up that high. All right, well, that is our first game. So congratulations, vintage, you get bragging rights among the three of you.
Speaker 1:But, it is not over. We now have a chance for you and Bridget to duel it out in a pop culture draft battle which, if you are fans of the show, you've already seen us do this one a couple times. Just like the IMDb show For the two of you, we will be drafting from a pool of pop culture characters and from that pool you will need to assign them a role, and these roles are going to include captain, vice captain, your tank, so your powerhouse character, your healer, and then three support characters to go along, and we're going to see at the end of this draft which one of you have the stronger team, and that'll be for me and phil, I guess, to decide. So, phil, whenever you are ready, if you want to show our wheel.
Speaker 2:So and we got a lot- there was initially supposed to be just 64, and then I, in order to avoid, we always run into eric where there's like none of these would make a good healer I asked for 16 characters that would make good healers. So there are a few healers in here.
Speaker 2:OK just not as many as the other characters, just characters across all pop culture. So there are some anime characters, there's some just regular animated pop culture characters Marvel, DC, a bunch of bunch of different stuff in here. So let's see how it goes. Eric, do you know whose team is picking first? I think it's fair, vintage just won the game, the first game I feel like we have to give her the advantage of first pull.
Speaker 1:Are we allowing skips? Is the question. I think one.
Speaker 2:One skip.
Speaker 1:You will get one skip if it's a character you don't know, or a character you don't have a placement for or you don't like, and we can also use the power of chat gbt to describe characters that none of us are familiar with. So that is also possible so, uh, vintage, we'll have you go first, and, phil, it's time to spin that wheel.
Speaker 2:Okay, you were just doing it. I didn't know if you were telling me to do a countdown but you just kind of did it. No, I was just like let's just do it All right.
Speaker 3:First character.
Speaker 2:Okay, oh all right, speaking of the man himself, the dog legend himself, the dog Scooby-Doo. What are my categories? Again, yep.
Speaker 1:So you have the categories of captain, vice captain, tank healer, and then you have three support spots.
Speaker 4:I mean Scooby-Doo has to go in support, like I don't, you know, I don't see him up front. I don't know what he would contribute to other than like scared, I don't like maybe a distraction as a leader.
Speaker 2:He's just like ro-ro and everyone's like what? Because?
Speaker 3:only the gang understands what he wants.
Speaker 2:Yeah, really, only shaggy actually understands. Yeah, so you would have to get shaggy in the vice president role, and I don't think he's on here to be honest no, no, no no. Yeah he's gone. All right, support. Okay, all right, bridget, let's see who your first character is. All right, oh gosh, there's a lot of characters on here. There really are. Okay, oh, oh, oh, oh, okay.
Speaker 3:Well, we got luigi, luigi, okay, I'm gonna say vice captain, okay, okay yeah, always player two, never player one. So that's never player one, it's okay, you can't handle the pressure, actually pretty buckles.
Speaker 1:And uh, phil, are we going snake here or just back and forth? We'll do back and forth, okay, yeah, all right, so now, uh, vintage, okay.
Speaker 2:Yeah, all right. So now, uh, vintage, I forgot how much time.
Speaker 3:Is there something? Why do I have the worst team? This is awful. It's all underdogs You're going to win.
Speaker 1:Now, I'll remind you, you do have, you do have a skip, however, again, it's only one, skip Um, I guess.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I have two more supports. He's going in support.
Speaker 1:Okay, go in support, alright so you got one support slot left.
Speaker 2:Oh gosh. The wheel is not on your side. Not kind today.
Speaker 3:No way, no way, there's no way Okay.
Speaker 2:It almost went to Hulk and I was just like we should just stop the game.
Speaker 3:Oh my God. Okay, I'm going to say Spider-Man. Oh gosh, it's hard.
Speaker 2:I think you can put Spider-Man in a position of power here.
Speaker 3:I know He'll be the captain. I don't feel like he's tank worthy though.
Speaker 1:No, I like it I like it, captain.
Speaker 2:All right, captain Peter.
Speaker 3:We got Spider-Man and Luigi. Third time's the charm.
Speaker 1:Third time's the charm.
Speaker 4:We're going to see.
Speaker 2:Let's see Uh-oh, oh, oh, oh, oh man, I thought it was wendy marvel I don't even know who that is um, I think I remember her she got purple hair, a little bit of hair, yeah, oh, yeah, uh healer yeah, I guess she can be healer.
Speaker 1:Okay, she got some magic she got some magic, all right magic and abilities.
Speaker 2:Here we go. Okay, I'll look at that in a second. Oh, healing, healing magic there you go.
Speaker 1:Oh my god, oh my god, there is no way the odds this is one of I've never seen this most this more just remember she almost just got home.
Speaker 2:Ever like that's yeah crazy, it's gonna be your captain yeah, no it's gonna be your tank, it's gotta be.
Speaker 3:Yeah, what if I was like no support, I'm holding out for something better.
Speaker 2:Wendy, yeah, hero type of healing magic which is powerful and believed to be long-lasting, where the user manipulates the air.
Speaker 4:Yes, I mean that's a good healer pick yeah.
Speaker 2:Oh, you know, what we should add to this Eric, to this wheel, is a location. Again stealing from other podcasts.
Speaker 1:Wow, okay, there you go. Look at that.
Speaker 4:He's going to be captain Support right.
Speaker 2:Yeah, support, good support character.
Speaker 4:No, he's our captain.
Speaker 2:Put him in the back line.
Speaker 4:Superman, all right, there you go there you go.
Speaker 2:All right, let's see. Oh, is it going to even out?
Speaker 1:Oh, Okay, oh, he was here oh man, I changed out my tank.
Speaker 3:I'm just kidding um shaggy versus scooby, oh my gosh yeah, the betrayal I know it's crazy all right, see gets next.
Speaker 2:Follow up with Superman. Finally got a solid one. Okay, oh, oh, that was close.
Speaker 3:Okay, edward.
Speaker 4:He's Vice Captain, second in command, that's a good.
Speaker 1:Honestly, you're making a comeback here yeah.
Speaker 2:Good, solid, alright. Looking solid, all right.
Speaker 3:Let's see what we get next. Daffy Duck, I swear to God.
Speaker 2:One time Eric got all birds Glinda.
Speaker 3:Glinda, she's my healer, yep.
Speaker 2:She was one of those that got added in as a healer. Nice, all right, all right, let's go next. How many? We'll do a recap of spots here.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'll have an updated image for us, oh all right.
Speaker 4:Wow, that would have been an amazing captain. Right.
Speaker 1:Eric, yeah, stop Phil.
Speaker 4:I think all I have left are one support and tank.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yes, I mean, I feel like you think he could be? Tank when he gets, when he gets to like a specific year, Like yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, this battle is going to last years. Yeah.
Speaker 4:We'll make him more. It's not bad, let's do that.
Speaker 2:All right, you want to do a quick recap, eric.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so as of right now we have Vintage with Superman at Captain Edward. Elric from Full Metal at Vice. Captain Luffy at Tank Wendy at Healer. Scooby-doo as Support, magic Star as Support Bridget has Spider-Man at Captain Luigi at Vice All Might and Tank Glinda and Healer.
Speaker 2:Shaggy has support. That's a crazy four.
Speaker 1:These next two might decide the game, and you both do still have skips available, so keep those in mind.
Speaker 2:Alright, we get Ichigo from Bleach.
Speaker 1:That's kind of crazy.
Speaker 2:This is support.
Speaker 3:Yeah, he's got some more. That's all I got left.
Speaker 2:Not bad, all right. Okay, is this Vintage's last spot?
Speaker 1:This is Okay, yeah.
Speaker 4:You got your skip too.
Speaker 2:Ooh.
Speaker 4:Oh.
Speaker 2:Ooh, oh, oh, no, that, oh no that's so close okay but yeah she can be a support, that's fine you want to do support or you want to use your skip?
Speaker 4:um, okay, we'll keep the game going skip it.
Speaker 1:Remove that character if it's worse, I'm gonna feel oh, okay all right, okay, okay, that's good, that's all I don't know much about the other character but link's a good one, all right.
Speaker 2:Here we go last spin, although again there is a skip and okay angry boy feels like you're good that is crazy. That is unfortunate okay all right am I sharing this or are you taking over from me?
Speaker 1:Either way, it's updated so if you want to share it? Yeah, that is crazy. We are now going to go to the voting of our draft battle and we're going to see who has the stronger team Vintage. It started off rough, but some amazing pulls.
Speaker 2:The images make it worse.
Speaker 3:I'm not going to lie the back, one is my favorite one, I mean this is pretty interesting, Like the picture of Patrick is so good, I really Eric, the clip for this episode has to be us, revealing this image right here please for the love
Speaker 2:of god please make it this, with no context whatsoever oh, boy, listen um again. This is a solid Captain Vice Captain Tank Keeler.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 3:And one good supporting character, yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's our vintage. How are you feeling about your team?
Speaker 4:You know, I feel like this team could come together with the right leadership, right Like you know the supporting characters they might be good in. You know, I think superman can like guide them to be their best selves I don't know.
Speaker 2:I feel like a good anchor.
Speaker 1:So yeah, good anchor, all right.
Speaker 2:All right, I like that eagle, this photo is of link that he chose and then compare that.
Speaker 1:That's amazing I had a patrick I had like no time and then the picture of patrick he's like you.
Speaker 2:I thought immediately.
Speaker 1:I was like that's gotta be it Could have picked the one where he has the nail in his head. No, I couldn't do specifics. I'm sorry, bridget, your team looks a little different I got Ariana Grande, I mean it's pretty dope. I mean we could argue your only two characters are Luigi and Shaggy, and even then Luigi can at least hold his own, I think. But not that picture, why do?
Speaker 2:you choose this scared Luigi's mansion picture.
Speaker 1:I pick Luigi's mansion. Luigi, yeah. So, bridget, how are you feeling about your team?
Speaker 3:I feel okay about it. I don't know.
Speaker 1:Team that meets up. I love your being humble there.
Speaker 2:Phil, I think we now.
Speaker 1:Phil, we're now going to have to make a decision. Are you going vintage or Bridget?
Speaker 2:Well, after you know, let me go back to the tape Just take a look. And really examine these two teams. I just have, like this, the Avengers Civil War, where they're walking towards each other. It's just Patrick with his net. These are the kinds of things AI can create that we would like to see.
Speaker 1:Hold on one second. You probably have to go with what. Are you sure you don't want to go with vintage? I have made an update. Is it already in there An update.
Speaker 2:Do I have to go with what? Are you sure you don't?
Speaker 3:want to go with vintage I have made an update.
Speaker 1:Is it already in there? An update? I'll have to back out. No, you'll just go. I'm guessing it's Patrick, okay.
Speaker 2:We'll see Now. Yeah, he's got it. That changes things. Yeah, I think I got to go with Bridget. That's my vote.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you know what. This is actually like a pawn reflection a little bit closer than I thought it was.
Speaker 2:It's really the supports. If we took the supports out, then it's a pretty even matchup and I would argue that, like, Luigi is obviously the weak link out of both of the top four.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the top four, yeah, but what I'll say? What gives it to Bridget for the win? I would have loved to see Luffy and Superman switch here and go Superman tank, luffy captain, so. But you know very close. But, bridget, congratulations, you won the second game. So both of you winners on the show, congratulations. And yeah, that is our character draft. I hope you guys had a good time with it and uh, same with the parents guide.
Speaker 1:You'll never look at imdb the same. I recommend very much. Just explore your favorite movies on there, see what parents have to say. But, phil, yeah, any, uh, any last things before we, uh, we give an opportunity for our guests to plug their show and we start to wrap up here no, just thanks.
Speaker 2:So much for your time and uh, it was. It was a blast. I knew this was going to be a really fun episode and excited to like collab with you guys more in the future. We definitely want to have you on for for what did I miss in the future? It's very similar to this, except there's it's much. It is a. It's just chaos when we do. What did I miss?
Speaker 1:So even more casual and chaos than this, more than this, this is a pretty tame version.
Speaker 2:So, and then we play jeopardy and Eric keeps winning. So I would like someone to come on and and have Eric and to throw an Eric from jeopardy. So that would be nice, but no, thank you all so much for coming on and again, like I said, we can't wait to see you all throughout the whole year and beyond as we continue to collab and do fun stuff in the community.
Speaker 1:Yep and Bridget Vintage. This is a great opportunity to let everybody know where they can find your show. If there's any episodes you want to highlight previous or upcoming and any other projects or anything that you're working on this is your time to shine and just let our audience know where they can find you if they want to jump to an episode from here so you can find us anywhere.
Speaker 3:You listen to podcasts uh, spotify, itunes, youtube. You can check out our buzzsprout page. We also have a website uh, retroavrewindcom. I would say one of my favorite episodes and I think vintage is also is the Millennium Actress episode. We really enjoyed that. Our next season is going to start next month, I believe, and we've picked a theme and it's going to be magical girls. So we're going to talk about magical girl movies and TV and possibly some video games. You can follow us on Instagram. Anything else you can think of vintage.
Speaker 4:Sorry, I guess I have to unmute myself. No, that covers it. We have some things in the works. We are trying some different mediums, so just stay tuned to our socials. We're just excited to get our content out there and we're grateful for the opportunity to be on your show. We really do admire you both and we are also fans of your show, so this has been so awesome. We've been so excited to be on here. We're a little nervous, but our nerves got better as we went along.
Speaker 1:So thank you for having us. Yeah, absolutely. It was a pleasure having you both, uh, knowing both of you guys. I know you're going to look back at this episode and be like we should have done this differently. We should have done this differently, but I got to say you guys were both amazing. It was a ton of fun, uh, and everything we could have hoped for. Phil, this is a great opportunity now for us to close the episode. If you want to let listeners know if it's their first time or returning where they can find us, we will go ahead and wrap this show up.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so everything you need for both the way for a podcast and retro AV rewind will be in the show notes of this episode. You can do a couple of things to support us. You can head on over to social media, follow us everywhere that Bridget had mentioned, you know, the most important ones for us being our growing Discord page, instagram. Tiktok, tiktok's here, baby. We weren't sure a couple weeks ago, but TikTok is around for now.
Speaker 2:We also stream every other week on Twitch on Thursday nights. Typically Head on over to Apple Podcasts and Spotify, leave both shows a five-star review. It is a huge help and helps with all the wib five-star review. It is a huge help and helps with all the wibbly-wobbly algorithm stuff. That is honestly not that interesting, but it helps out a ton, and then you can also share content, let us know that you're listening, let everybody else know that you're listening, and all that goes a very, very long way. But if you find yourself wanting some insight into what goes on as far as the chaos behind the scenes and get some extra tidbits and content and all that other stuff, eric will let you know a little bit about that before closing us out.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so 2025 is going to be a big year for us, but no bigger than in Patreon, where we're really looking at doing a couple of new things, including a Patreon month coming very, very soon, where patrons of the show are going to recommend some of their shows, movies and games their favorite ones to us, and we're going to play and watch them. In addition to that, you can get behind the scenes access and early access to episodes like this one and shout out to all of our patrons. Stefan Briar Corey. We also have T3Kato and Vintage Macaroni herself right here supporting the show. We truly appreciate each and every one of you and we hope to continue to grow that community as the year moves along With that.
Speaker 1:All being said, my name is Mr Eric Almighty. That is my co-host, phil the Filipino and please don't forget that looks so good. You showed the Momo, yes, you showed it. Oh, you need to actually put it up. That's so good, but shout out to both of our guests Bridget Rules, vintage Macaroni from Retro AV Rewind. If you want to check out the Wait For it podcast, we release new episodes every Wednesday, including bonus content on platforms like TikTok and Twitch, and all you gotta do is wait for it.
Speaker 2:So I heard you're looking for a go-to source for entertainment Wait for it. Gaming. Wait for it Anime.
Speaker 3:Plus Ultra.
Speaker 1:Mr Eric Almighty and Phil the Filipino. Yeah, they've got you covered and all you got to do is wait for it this is the wait for it podcast.